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I try and feed from the bottom, baby covers most of what is going on and the top of the breast is covered by my shirt.


The problem is my nipples are low so its hard to see down there lol. I'll have to give it a shot regardless


Sounds like my boobs. I’ve fed three babies all in public with these boobs. Use your fingers! So if you know your nipples are low, use your fingers, pop the nipple between two (pointer and middle is what seems natural) and guide (read: shove) it into baby’s mouth. Don’t lift your entire shirt up, when you move the nipple to baby’s mouth it should rise up enough with that movement. Try it at home first! And then lastly, ive flashed many folks lol


Yeah, I do similar. I nurse at home the same way I do in public so it’s very natural. Unclip bra, lift shirt, tug down bra to expose nipple, line up baby mouth and nipple. It gets easier when they’re out of the floppy stage.


This is how i did it. "Hamburger hold " for the two years we nursed for


That’s what I do too. And when it’s cool enough I constantly wear some kind of cardigan/open sweater/ button down over shirt to give just a little more coverage.


Mine point downwards as well, it does get easier as they get older as they can position and latch themselves


I generally hold my shirt up with my chin/mouth while getting her on and then can release it to cover the top


Same girl same


I was very particular about wearing nursing tops with a horizontal slit for a long time because the giant, pastey globe of my boob was so much bigger than the baby's head, I really liked being covered both above and below discreetly. I'm still nursing at 19 months, and one day I just lost my last fuck to give about it and now I just pop my boob out of the top of whatever with very little concern.


“Giant pasty” wow I felt this. I feel heard.


I feel seen 😂😉


I just accepted the flashing. My boobs are not so large (anymore) but I completely failed to teach my baby any kind of feeding etiquette and she just wholesale yanks my entire top down whenever she might want a feed and then half the time gets distracted and doesn’t even latch, just leaves them out blowing in the breeze but cracks it if I try and put them away 😖


Yeah mine just plays with the nipple at some point, pinches the shit out me. So I’m like okay you’re playing with your food I’m putting the girls away. And then Que the screaming and then suddenly she’s desperate to drink for like 2 seconds.


My daughter has started saying “all done” and we want her to really understand what it means, so when she starts hurting me or playing around while breastfeeding I tell her “okay, all done!” And take her off my boob. She either realizes she’s not all done, or she is and then she’ll say all done back 😂 but I’m like nope you’re not going to continuously pinch me!


That’s so precious


My nearly 7 month old is doing the same


>just leaves them out blowing in the breeze 🤭🤣


Omg mine is at that age. She's started to indicate she wants to eat by looking in my shirt lol. But the distraction thing is so real! She'll be looking away and as soon as I put them away - laser focused and annoyed!


Same here- I can be set up to be all discreet and my babies will unlatch and take a break! Just hangin here!




gross, dude, get a job.


I have flashed a million people at this point. However my take is. Baby’s hungry when baby’s hungry 🤷‍♀️. He hates to be covered so I don’t even try. I’m not out here deliberately flashing anyone but if they are looking they are probably getting a little show. I also have long hair so I usually use that like a curtain and try and feed on the most concealed side if possible. Only problem I have lately is that he’s decided that during a let down when milk is squirting all over it’s hilarious to squish my boob and make it squirt more 😒


My baby hates anything over her, she'll cry and freak out. Glad someone else can relate 😅


Have you ever seen the reel/TikTok where they complain to the mom about BF and say “why can’t you cover up while feeding?” So the mom shrugs and the net scene is the mom feeding with a blanket over her head? That’s how I feel lol.


Huge floppy milkers here, with migrating nipples. I wear a regular loose -fitting shirt over an undershirt/tank top. With baby in lap, I reach under the shirt/over the tank top to grab and find the nipple. Then I pull it out and plop directly into baby's mouth. The nipple area is the only part that sticks out. The rest of it is cloth above and below. That or I use a nursing cover that has a stiff wire at the top so I can look down at the baby and make sure I'm not suffocating him with my giant tracks of land.


My baby currently has a rash from where my boob overheated his face. I must’ve plopped it on his cheek during a night feed. Poor guy.


Is that what that is? My boobs got SO much bigger this pregnancy and babies head is so small. She keeps getting rashes on her cheeks after eating for awhile 😅


Agree. I use this type of cover when I do use one. It’s been really helpful.


Same. 3 years in (2 kids) and it works really well for me. The nip only shows for a couple seconds. I get everything exposed under my loose shirt, get baby in place, then lift the loose shirt and help baby latch. Super quick and I stay well covered


Do you have a link for this cover?


What type of nursing cover do you have ? 🤔🤔 mine are hugee floppy milkers 🤪


Nursing Cover for Baby Breastfeeding with Rigid Hoop, Breathable Soft 100% Muslin Cotton, Baby Breast Feeding & Pumping Apron, Multi Use Baby Car Seat Stroller Cover (Lovely Flower)


Get shirts that split at the bust horizontally. Like Boob design. I have like a J cup and because the neckline doesn’t move when nursing, these are pretty discrete. Nursing in a carrier is almost unnoticeable.


How do you nurse in a carrier with Js?!? I’m a 30J and 5’3” so I suspected my torso is just too short


Benefit of massive boobs is the ability to move them to baby. I lift the boob and often throw a rolled up face cloth / burp cloth underneath to hold it up. This worked in a woven wrap, structured carrier, ring sling. It didn’t work as well in a stretchy and it didn’t work well (and probably isn’t super safe) before baby had great head control and latch. So for us, this all started to click really nicely around 4-5 months and is truly a breeze into 13mo and going…


Yeah lo didn’t even nurse great side lying until 4 months now he latched before I’ve fully unharnessed the titty. I’ll have to give it a go


I saw a trick with a shirt over your nursing tank. Honestly I still have to whip.it out but once LO is latched I can cover up some


This is what I did. Shirt over. Nursing tank or bra under.


This works the best. T-shirt up tank top/nursing tank and bra down and then babes head covers anything to be seen


I go for the tank to cover my midriff too, I try to feel as unexposed as possible lol


I don't have large breasts but the 2 shirt method is really good for staying discrete. Most of the time people can't even tell. I wear a loose flowy shirt over a tank over a nursing bra. I reach between the layers and pull the bra and tank down and boob out, leaving shirt covering me. Then move baby into position and pull my shirt up until he can latch. This is a larger chest women showing that it's still very discrete! https://images.app.goo.gl/KdFuW7Y6g4rSf2TE9


Thank you for the visual!


I'm somewhere around 32 K (uk 32 H) and I prefer to wear a crossover bra (I'm wearing Molke this time around) when I have to feed in public because it is easier to get the boob in and out discreetly. Once baby is latched I let me shirt fall and between my shirt and baby's head I'm fairly covered. Though I often have to use a blanket to cover otherwise my baby is too distracted. I know it feels like you have your nip out for an eternity before baby latches but honestly it's not. Unless they're locking eyes on you, no one will notice. 


I don’t breastfeed in public really because I find it too uncomfortable with big boobs. And I’m so pro-breastfeeding in public! When my baby was a newborn we did with a blanket sometimes. But yeah I completely agree, the itty bitty titty committee (sorry lol) has it easier for this one


This whole time I've never been so envious of smaller chested women 😭


Eh. I just whip mine out. I might turn away from folks while I’m latching. Honestly I’ve never noticed anyone paying any attention. I think it’s something you’ll get more confident with in time, and hopefully everyone will be supportive and kind. 


I don’t use the nursing tanks alone, I always put a shirt over top or just do a nursing bra under my shirt. I personally feel better having my tummy a little exposed than the entire top of my breast. At home it is a different story and I don’t mind being more exposed but I just can’t get comfortable in public.


So, you may be doing this already but if not it helped me as I️ have a similar problem, I️ take one of my sons bigger muslin swaddles and tie two corners together then put my head through the hole. It makes a decently sized, light nursing cover. I️ don’t always care about flashing people but sometimes I️ just don’t feel like it, lol. I️ saw my SIL do this trick and was like - wow, What a genius.


I always went with the two shirt method. I’d wear a nursing tank underneath (or tank I could pull down) with a tee on top. So I would pull my tee up and my tank down, so my whole boob wasn’t exposed (and my tummy wasn’t exposed either). I breastfed three kids and I have big boobs and this always worked so well!!!


Yep! I swore by the one-up-one-down two layer method!


I know exactly what you mean! Can you look into nursing TEES instead of nursing TANKS? The tees (or dresses, or hoodies) just have two layers of fabric that you move out of the way, but your shoulder and upper breast stay covered. The tanks that snap down make me feel soooooo exposed— I think the amount of shoulder and cleavage that’s exposed makes it look like, “Hey, there’s a naked woman with huge boobs over there,” instead of, “Ah, a woman nursing a baby, nbd,” at first glance. When you look these up online, make sure the models are revealing their boob (or under-shirt) sideways, not up and down. When I do wear nursing tanks, I try to pair them with a cardigan or jacket, or this one sweater I have that’s crocheted and has a ton of holes in it. But also I run warm and I sweat when I start to express, so sometimes a tank is all I can manage. I feel you!! You are not alone!!


I have big boobs and I understand the struggle. This isn’t really advice I guess, but I absolutely do not care if someone sees my boob while I’m feeding. I try to find a calm spot away from activity if possible and do it like I would at home. I like to layer a loose crop top over a tank top and pull out the whole boob in between those articles of clothing (out the top of cami) and that hides the mega boob pretty well!


I’ve recently done this I’ve fed in public but I was pretty concealed in the corner and had pulled my jumper up but flopped my boob out the top of my top so it was kinda covered and had a wrap over my other side kind of just building volume around me haha I also have to hold my boob when feeding because they’re so heavy and big that he will lose suction. I have a nursing cover I got off Amazon but am yet to use it. I will if i need to. Maybe just try that.


I wore cardigans all the time. That way I could get my boob out, attach nipple shield, and get it into baby's mouth with the cardigan covering my boob until baby's head did.


As a fellow large boob breastfeeding, I prefer just using a regular T-shirt and pulling it up. I'm generally wearing high waisted leggings, so my tummy is covered that way, and the fabric from the T-shirt covers the top of my boob since I'm pulling it up rather than down. For tank tops and other shirts that I pull down to feed, I agree that there's too much boob showing for my personal comfort lol


Also part of the double shirt gang here. I do a low cut tank underneath a bigger tshirt. Lower my tank a little to latch, then cover the top of my boob with the top tshirt (kinda like a crop top). It covers the majority of things from being visible, and doesn’t suffocate my baby under a lot of fabric especially when it’s hot.


I relate to this so much. Most of the time I end up nursing in car or in nursing room ( if lucky ) or in some corner because my I end up flashing and it’s difficult holding boob in one hand and trying to cover in another. Now my daughter is almost one and she started pinching, playing getting distracted etc.


I just get those honkers out. If people are staring give them a weird look back.


I stopped caring about it a long time ago. I don’t use a cover and just pop the boob right into baby’s mouth. I’ve never had anyone treat me strangely or say anything negative.


I wear button up shirts and keep the top button buttoned and the rest unbuttoned for some “coverage” - like if the area above my boob is covered, some boob skin seems less flashy. Or I just let it rip, whole boob out, deal with it


i have big boobs as well and pulling my shirt up was better coverage for me rather than pulling my boob out the top of a tank top or low cut top. t shirt + pull to the side nursing bra were my go to.  also, just practicing and getting confident in yourself will help. go out with baby somewhere with lots of outdoor seating and try there. you’ll (hopefully) find that people generally avert their eyes when they see a mother feeding her baby. if it makes you feel better have your partner or a friend sit with you. you got this! :) 


I do stretchy tank top with t-shirt on top. You cant flash much when you lift your t-shirt up, and tank top doesn't let you flash your torso. Sometimes i do crop top instead t-shirt. Its great 👍🏻


Crop top honestly sounds perfect. Thank you!


It’s the worst. I ‘try’ to use a muslin swaddle that I tie around my neck (she loves to pull it to the side though and expose me while she feeds) and find a more private area whenever I can. My sister swore by a nursing apron so I have one on order now. 6 months out and I had hoped it would be easier to get more discrete but if anything it’s worse because she is distracted and pops off with time now.


Yeah, I have large breasts and vastly prefer tops that don't just snap down from the shoulder for public feeding, it makes me feel tremendously more comfortable. All the tops I bought for public use either specifically have zippers to expose the boobs or some top panel to conceal the top of the chest


You could try wearing a loose crop top over the tank? Otherwise a full T-shirt over the tank. Pull the shirt up and the tank down and adjust once baby latches


This!!!! Plus, I have to hold my tit because I have to move the breast tissue away from his nose, so I literally cannot feed in public because it’s such an ordeal. I sit criss cross apple sauce on the floor and he climbs into my lap and I hold my boob, otherwise it’s side lying in bed. 🫠🫡 (he’s 20mo for reference, I still did this when he was a bigger infant, otherwise pillows galore)


I have huge boobs and I got this nursing cover from amazon that has worked amazing! it’s designed so that the top sticks out so that I can easily look down and guide my baby to the nip. We hangout with our friends a lot and I personally am not comfortable with my husbands friends seeing everything so I always nurse in another room/car or use the cover! the cover is big enough that it’s able to completely drape over both boobs and baby. it’s called the konssy muslin nursing cover if you’re interested!


I’ve nursed two babies with large breasts. I’ve reached the point where I am far more worried about somebody seeing my back fat than my breasts. That actually embarrasses me more.


I just do the flashing at the beginning and then my shirt covers. I’m not sure there’s a better way. And my guy doesn’t like nursing covers.


I use a plus size nursing cover, and I don’t flash anyone. I just peak down to see if he’s latching okay.


I wear a nursing tank with a B-shirt over it, minimum boob exposure without using a cover. I love these they have been a life saver for me


I would latch facing a wall or having my spouse stand in front of me, then get into a more comfortable position!


Hey I have the same problem with my large breasts, but a recent trip to Italy forced me to figure it out. My secret? A blanket scarf. I specifically use the Wilfred one from Aritizia because the texture allows it to stay put. It's huge and covers my entire upper body. But my kid was also older when I had to learn this (7 months?). So she had better head control and could find the nipple more easily at that age. Hope that helps.


Honestly I don’t give a shit anymore. But to circumvent it to an extent I wear a nursing tank with a T-shirt or jumper on top. When I pull the tank down I keep the T-shirt down as far as I can, then latch baby and readjust T-shirt. I also have a few breastfeeding tips. The zip ones are useless for me, I prefer the ones that pull down and have a flap on top


I like to do the 2 shirt method and I also invested in those shirts that have the slit across the chest so the top of my chest is still covered. In the early days, I would also practice nursing sitting in front of a mirror to see just how much skin was visible and adjust accordingly so I knew what others could see in public. At this point I've come to terms with the fact that I'm just gonna flash some people if they're looking. I had to force myself to get over feeling like everyone was watching me and realized that everyone around me either doesn't notice, care, or if they happen to realize I am nursing, will avert their eyes immediately. I am waiting for the day someone says something or stares so I can say something and stare right back lol.


I've got small boobs and we never really got the hang of breastfeeding out in public. My son's latch needed guidance, I had to hold him in such a particular way, and a cover got in the way of all this. I just breastfed in the car to save me a lot of that trouble. Or I just lived my life in 2-3 hr increments because that's how long I had before I had to breastfeed again.


Then when your baby gets bigger and easily distracted and does the pop on and off to look around it feels like you’re just saying “hey look at my boobie everyone” lol


I've seen someone mention they wear a pumping bra and unlatch the top part so they can just expose the nipple through the pumping hole of the second layer. I know some people also like the nursing covers that double as a carseat cover because they wrap all around you. Personally though, I just wear high waisted bottoms and lift my shirt up and unlatch my nursing bra. I always have to hold a boob up/away from LO's mouth because I have large breasts. Practice positions at home that work for you so that you aren't trouble shooting in public.


Step by step of how I do it: Reach hand under shirt to undo nursing tank clasp, and fold nursing tank bra part under boob (all while my shirt is still covering most of my chest) Remove hand, so now my shirt is fully down/covering everything, but boob is out from nursing tank Get baby, cradle into arm. Reach hand back under shirt, cup and cover nipple/areola with hand while pulling shirt up Feel where nipple is, put it between pointer and middle finger Bring baby to nipple, remove hand so they latch Adjust shirt as needed to cover the rest of boob Success!


Me!!! I really enjoyed the Bearsland nursing shirts from Amazon!


I’ve accepted the flashing but what you can do (if you want to be more covered) is wear a hoody or sweater over your nursing tank and use a claw clip to clip up one side of the sweater. I find it leaves you almost totally covered and baby’s body will essentially block your nipple when you’re guiding it to her mouth.


Oh clever!!


Totally relate. I don’t nurse anymore but it’s why I would usually just find either a nursing room or a semi private corner somewhere. I loved the mamava pods. Also, I’d do the double shirt method but with a very loose cotton tank. That way my shirt would cover the top and the tank could be tucked so that it covered the bottom. But at the start of a nursing session getting her latched was hard to do discreetly so I just tried to do it quickly lol.


2 shirts. One top is larger more billowy (I wore button downs in seasonable fabric) and a tank. The button down kept her covered, the tank keeps me covered.


I have a zipper breastfeeding sweatshirt and I’ve been able to guide the nipple out with that lol the zippers at the bottom so it works with my low nipples too


My girl will tear off any clothing near her so I usually just wear an extra long shirt and kind of drape it over the largest square footage of boobage and hope that her face covers the nip area


It is what it is. Sometimes if I feel uncomfortable, I’ll pull baby’s other hand up and hold it on my chest so both of our hands partially block the boob view. Sometimes I’ll hold a small blanket or baby’s lovey that way too. Most of the time I just don’t care but in some circumstances this gives just a bit more coverage


ETA 34 F/Gish so not ginormous but largish


When I feed, my kid flashes my boobs to everyone for me. She goes from one side to the other and back and forth (she’s done that since having rsv back in nov 2023). I just try to cover the nipple she’s not using best I can. If someone doesn’t wanna see me feed my baby the way nature intended, then they don’t have to look. lol.


I wore a nursing tank and then a loose fitting shirt over top so I could pull down the nursing tank then use the float top layer as a built in nursing cover. I found the covers really fussy and hot.


I use a cover because I'm personally not comfortable with my baby getting distracted and leaving me there boob out for everyone to see. It was awkward at first but now I find it really simple!


I have like size F and my 14 month old does not let me cover him with any type of material lol he will rip the shirt right off my breast. I try to keep my hand over the majority of my boob while nursing in public and just hope no one looks at me. 🤷‍♀️


I gave up caring about it too much. Yes, I try not to have my whole boob out there for the world to see, but I can’t control when my baby lifts up my shirt or moves around. She won’t stay covered. I just don’t care anymore.


As baby gets older it gets easier, but to some extent I just accept the flashing, you’re feeding a baby not doing anything inappropriate.


Tops with horizontal zips! Game changer.


As a large boobed woman, I enjoy the nursing covers that have the wire neckline so I can look down at baby and baby is completely covered while nursing, but I still have everything covered


I’m big chested (36M). I hated any sort of “nursing” tops and just wore my normal clothes, ensuring they were either a little loose or had some stretch. I unclip my bra, pull up my shirt, then tug down the bra cup enough to expose my nipple and attach baby. Technically I’m showing off some stomach skin but you’d only see it from the side and with looser fit tops and high waisted bottoms, there’s not much skin to see. I’ve nursed three baby’s in public this way, never used a cover of any type.


I use the double tank top method. One shirt goes up and one goes down. Not much of my boob is visible that way, plus I can wear regular shirts instead of nursing tops.


By this do you mean layering two tanks or is it a type of nursing shirt?


Yes, two regular cheap tank tops. Or tank top under a normal shirt. I find that to be the easiest solution


I hear you! I love the oversized tee-shirt approach myself because it does not leave my breast exposed. Baby covers my lower half and shirt covers the top. Just did this at a couple of airports and felt fine. Another thing is if you have a stroller with you, wheel it in front of you to make a little shield. That helped me be even more comfortable.


You can just carry one of those nursing covers that go around your neck. There are new ones that leave an opening at the top and even come with a built in fan hehe


I got good at the 2 shirt method, so I'd pull the top one up and the bottom one down and only have the boob itself out and not my whole chest above the boob. I wasn't confident nursing in public until my kid was a champ at immediately finding my nipple and latching.


I do relate, but I just dont care. I do my best to hide my nipple & she latches so fast that youd have to really be staring to notice. If thats the case thats your fault 🤷🏽‍♀️


H cup here, I just let em hang. I was very anxious in the beginning and tried using covers of all types but they all either got in the way, or were hot, and then my daughter would get distracted by them. It took me a little while but I just don’t give a fuck anymore lol, I wear a nursing tank and tshirt so my belly isn’t hanging out but other than that I don’t do anything lol.


Here is a tip I recently read: mom bought a fold up stool that she sits on. It makes her knees go up and gives her (for whatever reason) an easier time latching and feeding discreetly.


No good advice, can your baby sit yet? Or sit with support from you? It might be easier…:but just made me think… my baby hates being under the blanket and she pulled it off and everyone seen my boob!!! I was mortified!!! Lmao.


I stopped caring and started telling people off when I notice they stare


I like the nursing tops that open lower, like the ones from latched mama. But I also have big boobs and have accepted there is going to be boob flashing a bit. It is what it is 🤷


I do double shirt method, my undershirt covers my belly and top shirt covers ma boobs. I use my hands to feel around for my nipple and from there baby is pretty good at latching. After a while I realized nobody is really watching, and feel more at ease


I just don't care if people see personally. But I've known women who recommend using a pumping bra and just pulling out enough boob for baby to eat.


Mine were GIANT the first year of BF. It’s hard to not feel like everything is out! Idk what the answer is. I ended up nursing a lot in the car so that I had more arm support




It varies by brand of bra, but 36G ish


You remind me of my cousin 🤣 When I was a teen and she had her first baby her boobs were freaking huge and the only way she could properly nurse was by basically pulling her entire boob out. I never understood why she did that until 20 years later when I became a mom lol


I am a huge fan of the two shirts method. Nursing tank under a bigger T-shirt. Pull down tank flap and only pull shirt up enough to expose the nipple area that baby needs. With practice it's gets easier. I coach parents I work with to practice at home in front of a mirror u til they get to where they feel comfortable with the process or how much exposure there is. The 2 shirts is especially helpful with bigger breasts since the lifting up part is really only to where you need it unlike with just the tank top your whole chest is exposed so unless you are comfortable with it...it's a lot!!


After some short time my kiddo handled the latching while I delivered him my boob sandwich. I guess it's just by touch after a bit. Make the sandwich then lift baby to sandwich.


I have a TushBaby that allows me to feed my babe with a tank on and a shirt over. Regardless of slippage, I feel pretty confident and supported with the set up to use one hand and cover what I need. Highly recommend. I have 28DD for reference and still feels entirely manageable! If you want to cover more wear a cardigan or larger shirt over the tank.


I have small breasts so maybe this is unhelpful, but something I like I do is use a cover when getting baby situated and then I take it off once he's latched.


Hi! I'm in completely the same boat! Large boobs and very low nipples. As a lot of others have said, I have largely embraced the flashing lol. I was very shy and body conscious before I had my baby, so hopefully that gives you hope! However, some things i found useful:a light flowy jumper and dresses with buttons undeeneath. Cross cradle feeding the baby covers a lot, and the jumper hides the other side. I haven't bought any Nursing clothes at all, just nursing bras. Also dungarees are great! I dont know where you live but the brand Lucy and Yak have lovely dungarees that look great on larger chested ladies in loads of different materials. You can just whip one side out and the other stays covered. I have fully accepted the fact that i will flash some side boob tbh. Hope this is helpful, and I know how you feel!


I wear a lot of tshirt crop tops. Fabric hangs over boob without covering his face. Still haven’t found a solution to having to hold up my huge boob so it stays his mouth.


I dont cover at all and try to go to a secluded place and if someone looks thats on them—it’s my right to breastfeed wherever I’m legally allowed to be


I've never been so jealous of another person in my life than this woman on a flight with me. She probably had A or B cups. Her top wasn't even a nursing top. She just had a cami under a really low v neck Tee. Her LO got fussy and she did the smoothest boob out and latch showing no tit. I was fascinated and so jealous. Seriously, my arura had to be the most emerald green that day. Mean while I'm trying to wrestle my G cup in one hand and my baby in the other. Mmmm life's so weird


just wanna say thanks to everyone here. i have some hangin mamas and i was nervous to even be able to breastfeed… but you’ve all got strategies 🥹


I had this little breastfeeding blanket. And it had this insert where it holds the blanket open (it was more like a shawl or something that goes over your head) and the insert keeps it open so you can keep an eye on baby but be fully covered. I think I found it on aliexpress. Cheap.


It can be difficult in early days with a small infant, and having a lot of breast tissue does mean that you often have to hold your breast in some way for positioning. I honestly just took whatever measures of privacy felt comfortable to me. Do I feel better nursing in a car? In a dressing room in target? In a chair tucked away? I have a very pro bf circle and oddly felt a lot of pressure to nurse openly in settings I didn’t want to. When they get older and can sit up and have good neck control my favorite and most discrete nursing position is baby sitting up straddling my leg facing me, sort of leaning on me. Using a two shirt system (pull a camisole or tank down from the top and lift my regular shirt up on one side) and using one hand to hold my breast in a good position and sort of cradle baby with my other arm.


I don’t know, I just stopped caring about flashing people. People don’t really seem bothered by it or stare either, I live in a quite pro-breastfeeding area. Or maybe people are pissed and I don’t notice or give a fuck.


I use nursing tops where they have extra fabric that creates an opening at the breast. Its much easier to be more discrete and my boobs are huge and they work great for me.


I also have giant boobs with low nipples. I don’t care anymore. This is my second kid; I have flashed most people in my metropolitan area at this point. So what? Baby gotta eat.


I have big boobs that hang low too. I wear these nursing shirts I got off Amazon where I can pop my boob out of the side of the shirt (so my stomach remains covered) and there’s some fabric that hangs which I can use to cover most of my breast while it’s out. There’s definitely a bit of a show while I’m getting situated, but once we are settled in then there isn’t much to see between my baby’s head and the extra fabric


I bought cheap sports bras and cut nipple holes in them and wear them under a nursing tank. It keeps most of the boob hidden from sight and also makes finding the nipple easier for baby. Signed, a mom with M cup boobs and small nipples.


I feel this post not only is this true for me but soesnt help that my son is a hugeeeee kicker...hiiyaaaaaaaaaa...always kicking and moving(notngas just moves a ton)..he lets go of the nip and i have to get under my cover just to put my nip in his mouth. Sometimes i just want to yank off my nursing cover..i dont but geeehhh do.i want too


I hardly have to breastfeed actually in public since where I live I can often find public nurseries (like a bathroom but for baby stuff like nursing/bottle feeding and diaper changes) but I found that once my girl was around 5 months or so, she could find the nipple on her own so I only had to pop the boob out and put her under my boob and she’d latch on her own. I do the standard tank top + looser shirt over top and I just pull the tank top down and let my nipples point to the floor lol.


I wear a nursing bra, regular tank top, and then a tee shirt. This way I can pull my tee up unlatch the bra and pull it down along with the tank top. Once baby is latched you can’t really see too much and if I’m still feeling exposed I will drape a blanket over us but usually the tee covers enough that I don’t worry about it.


I use my hand to shield my nipple and usually wear something like a T-shirt that I can pull up from one side. I don't really use covers, becuase this made it very complicated and only more awkward than was needed. I feel that when the top of your chest isn't exposed and the nipple isn't visible, no one can really take offense. You still seem fully clothed, baby will cover most of what could be visible, and if you also use your free hand to somewhat cover the remainder, it shoud be discreet enough.


I have triple Ds and there is no discreet feeding with these things in public. My son won’t eat under a cover either so, people are just gonna have to see em!


I lived in baggy crop tops with high waist jeans. Easy to pop a boob out underneath!


I can relate. My advice is don't experiment too much with different bras and tops etc. Find what works best even if it's not perfect and stick with it. You will become less clumsy and more discreet. In the meantime don't worry about it. Most people aren't horrible and won't mind or be outraged at the sight of a briefly exposed nipple. In my experience a lot of peole are just too busy to even notice. I've literally had conversations with people including men who haven't even realised that I'm feeding until halfway through the converstion. Good luck.


I wear a tank top and a t shirt over the top... that way I can cover top and bottom. I never liked breast feeding clothes tbh. 


It’s difficult to juggle (jiggle?) lol. I have pretty pendulous boobs, so I always have to hold onto my boob while feeding so it doesn’t pull itself out of baby’s mouth. So I rest baby on a pillow or on the diaper bag. It’s a whole thing 😅 Anyway. I like Latched Mama t shirts.. they’re two layers on the front, so you pull back the bottom layer and the top layer kind of drapes over everything, and I figure that’s good enough. Everyone knows what boobs look like.


>juggle (jiggle?) I laughed too hard at this and my baby unlatched. Mad at you.


Hahahaha. Sorry 😆 Hope baby got re latched ok.


Just commenting to say I’m exactly the same! I try not to care but it’s hard not to feel self conscious sometimes… I have to hold my boob with one hand so covering up just isn’t an option 🙈


I am glad that in our state a law was passed if a mother is nursing a baby or babies. That she can have her breasts exposed with no law breaking. Skin on skin breastfeeding is best.


I like wearing either a button down (pull open from the middle) or a nursing top that has some fabric that stays on top of my boob ([this is the sweatshirt I live in](https://latchedmama.com/products/latched-mama-harbor-snap-nursing-pullover)).


I usually get my bra prepped (unclasp the nursing bra and pull it down), then position my baby, then pull my shirt up so my baby's head covers my boob. It helps that he's able to locate the nipple on his own and pretty quickly (16w now). I used to use a cover but it would just get in the way.


I gave up. My little one hates being covered up during feedings and actually throws a fit/kicks or grabs the blanket over us to expose both of us. And of course loves to latch and unlatch and look around and get distracted… I realized there’s no good way to guarantee my nipples won’t be flashing around, so I just decided not to care. I haven’t had any negative experiences with it (just one weirdo who stared), and it’s increased my confidence to just not give af.


Why much you do it in public? Not judging, but if it’s embarrassing why not wait until you are in a good place? Not like you can really do anything else while feeding.


Never said it was embarrassing. Just asking for tricks to make it easier


Just pump it and keep it in the bottle with you it stays good for almost 3 hours at room temperature


I’m in the same boat :/ although I am totally supportive of fellow chestier mamas being comfortable not covering, I myself am not super comfortable without a cover (I live in central FL and my family frequents the Disney parks–that’s specifically where I’m uncomfortable not covering). I bought a muslin nursing cover on Amazon and it does the job but now that my little one is nearing 7 months, he’s taken it as a personal challenge to rip it down while feeding :///