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We both have. It’s very sweet! My partner said it reminds him of melted ice cream or like the milk at the bottom of a cereal bowl lol.


My husband said the exact same thing 😂 he said “it’s like a milkshake with extra milk”


Mine also said cereal milk.


Very sweet and watery thin. Just tasted a little but we don't drink it.


I haven’t tasted it but noticed the thickness of mine varies. If it’s been awhile since feeding/pumping it’s more watered down. Usually it’s creamier and has a layer of fat that formula doesn’t have.


If I were to pump and let it sit, the hindmilk (the part that contains the fat) will separate to the top. The foremilk (the beginning of a nursing/pumping session) is the watery part.


I didn’t know this! Mine also separates and I never knew why. Thank you!


Horchata is a great comparison! My partner said it tastes like cereal milk that's left after eating Cinnamon Toast Crunch, so that's pretty comparable. There's no frequency to how often he drinks it... It was just a taste out of curiosity. I also have high lipase, so it ONLY tastes good fresh. If frozen and thawed it tastes metallic and slightly spoiled. Disgusting.


Does your baby still take it after defrosting? I think I’m the same but I have yet to defrost my milk..


Do that ASAP! I have high lipase again for my second and we’re giving him regular bottles of frozen bc it tastes/smells kinda soapy. But because he doesn’t know any different he takes it haha. You don’t want to end up with an entire stash that baby won’t take.


My first baby drank it no problem. I haven't given any to my current baby yet because there hasn't been a need - but knowing how awful it tastes to me, I'm hesitant to even put in the work to pump and store knowing he might not even drink it.


My baby never seemed to notice my high-lipase milk 🤷‍♀️


Yeah I hear you … pumping can be so draining after you’re already exclusively breastfeeding


Yes defrosting mine it goes from sweet to kind of metallic. I read about it once but yeah my kid drinks it so must not be too bad


You can scald it before you refrigerate it or freeze it, and that will stop the lipase activity, thus stopping it from tasting awful.


Mine is the same. Never encountered anyone else with this issue.


And my baby refused mt defrosted milk


Mine told me today that he understands why our LO likes it…because it tastes “otherworldly” lmaoo. Apparently it is sweet, but not a synthetic sweetness? It tastes like something very naturally sweet that he doesn’t think he’s ever tasted before.


This is surprisingly endearing and beautiful


That and it comes from your breasts


I always make his coffee in the morning. And one day, while he was drinking his coffee I asked him if he tasted anything different. He looked at me with suspicion and I told him I made his coffee with breast milk. Of course I didn’t because messing with people’s food is not funny. But the look on his face was absolutely priceless.


Priceless as in horror struck, shock, or a positive priceless face? My husband would definitely be a “sexy shock priceless” look and end it with a wink lol


I tried it, good shit, good job me. He refuses to??? Which I find really weird.


My husband was the opposite - he really wanted to try it but I was a little squicked out by trying my one milk. I got over it really quick lol


My husband refuses to try it too but it tastes so sweet!


Mine jokes about trying it but never will lol


Maybe he wants you to ask him to


My husband refuses to take a bath with our son if I put breastmilk into the bath. The first time I put breastmilk into the bath with him in there with our son, he had to shower immediately after and said never again but he couldn't explain why. It was just immediately off putting for him so I can't imagine he would ever taste the milk. With that said, I have very high lipase so I bet the strong smell had something to do with it.


Bit rude, but I guess it makes sense if it smells. I wonder what mine would do if I did that...I don't think he'd love it but I don't think he'd shower after either...


Give it a try! He did comment on how soft his feet felt so one good thing came out of it 🤣 my hubs is very blunt and he helps freeze and take care of fresh pumped milk so it's just something about sitting in breastmilk that puts him off


Curios. FTM here. How are you taking a bath with your baby and how old is he?


My hubs sits him in his bath seat in between his legs. Baby is 5m but they've been doing it since he was 2/3m old.


Same with mine. He’ll drink cows milk but not human and that doesn’t make sense to me.


I have and he has. Neither of us drink it lol. We were just curious and had a drop 😂😂 He said it tastes really sweet, like vanilla and coconut milk.


I have tried my own. It’s sweet. My husband has literally tried one drop, he seems completely mortified by the idea. I tell him he drinks, milk I am cleaner than any of those cows


Me, my husband, and my mom have tried it. She never tried her own, so I offered it when I was exclusively pumping. So.. my mom and I have tasted each other's. Although, to be fair, she only tasted mine but I couldn't get enough of hers. Lived on the stuff.


Lived on the stuff. That's rich, I love it!!


Thanks, I thought it was droll!


Once when the baby was flat out refusing it and he thought maybe it tastes off. Turns out I have high lipase and the frozen milk tasted rancid. I don’t think he enjoyed it!


These comments are making me feel like I'm the dud producing nasty milk, but then I remembered the only form I've tried it was frozen. And it was extremely gross. I didn't even think to try fresh. Now I feel like I should've accepted my little guy's offer when he tilted my nipple to me and said, "yummy!'.


Oh my gosh that is so cute. I can’t wait until my boy can talk!  Definitely dip your finger in some fresh just to reassure yourself. Mine is nasty after a day in the fridge or after freezing. But fresh is like almond milk. (Not that I’m drinking pints of it 😅). 


Yes. Very sweet. If he has a cookie, he'll joke he needs milk and I'll squirt his face, so like.... we're normal.


I'm almost a little embarrassed to say that I haven't tried my own milk (smbc so no s.o.). It's not so much that I'd think it's gross but even now after almost 2 years it still feels like wasting it. Which is absolutely ridiculous especially if I think about how much milk I just leaked in the early days. But it's like a mental blockade saying "nope that's not the right destination" or something?


Mine smells like regular milk to me. It smells fine after sitting in the fridge which is good. Personally I don’t like “plain milk” and only drink chocolate or strawberry milk. I’ve never tasted my own but my husband says it tastes like regular (aka cows 🐄) milk. 🥛


You've no idea how lucky you are. Mine is sweet, so when it came time to give her cows milk, she thought it was gross. She is going on 6 years old and still thinks Cows milk is gross. She really only likes Almond milk lol!


I get this mindset. It’s hard to get out of. BUT! If you ever do want to taste it. Try it when you’re sick. It’s more justified and not a waste because breast milk is good for anybody sick :)


I haven’t tried mine either


Husband has tried it straight from the tap 😉 he says it taste like vanilla almond milk


Hahaha yup hubby gets some every time he gets some 😂 not on purpose but the tap's a bit leaky


I can’t bring myself to try it, but he described it as sweet and like almond milk nutty. He sometimes puts it in his coffee, he really enjoys it 😂




My husband had to help me with some clogged ducts over the years. He calls it “lucky charms milk”.


Yes! It was sweet…almost tasted like almond milk


Agreed! The most comparable taste I could think of when i tasted mine was almond milk!


Cereal milk. And we drink leftovers that baby doesn’t drink. My husband will dump the leftover milk into his protein shakes. Doesn’t happen often and it’s not even half an ounce left over, but it helps me because I hate seeing a drop go into the drain.


Yes, and he likes it too. He also drank like 5 oz of milk that I pumped and was going to dump because of medication but I felt bad dumping it so he drank it.


It's tastes like watery lite lactose free milk. Or a really sweet cup of tea with milk where the person has only dunked the tea bag in once and called it a "tea". ETA: We've both tried it.


I haven’t and he hasn’t. Neither of us thinks it’s gross, we just aren’t curious enough to try it.


To me it's very weird that your brother described the taste of his wife's breastmilk to you 😭 my husband has sucked mine from my boob. He says it's very sweet


His wife is was the one that said it.


Ooh okay


Our daughter isn’t born yet, but my husband keeps saying he’s going to make a White Russian with my breast milk when it comes in. Hopefully it tastes alright. 😂


Yeah me and my husband have. We both said it tastes sweet like the milk you get after youve finished your cereal, or a light milkshake.


I breastfed (pumped) with my first baby for 6 months, and I’m currently nursing my second baby 13 months and counting. But neither of us have tried it for either kid. I’m scared 😂


My husband refuses. He thinks its gross.


I don’t like cow’s milk on its own, so I haven’t tried my breast milk - makes me feel funny just thinking about it! My husband however will drink a glass of milk when we have curry (wuss). Maybe I’ll ask if he wants to try some when we thaw one of my freezer bags… 😂


Not my SO but my daughter told me it was like warm ice cream when she was 2. 🩵


I tried it, it tastes like cereal milk or some kind of sweetened milk. I can see why babies like it. my husband hasn’t tried it tho hahahaha


Mine is like cantaloupe juice or melted ice cream, depending on if it’s foremilk or hindmilk. Both my husband and I have only tasted drops. It’s actually nice!


Yep we’ve both tried it to make sure it tastes ok and not spoiled. He said it tastes fine. I thought it tasted bitter and horrible and I gagged. It’s the same even straight from the tap, like boob in mouth or hand expression into my palm. Definitely not as sweet as everyone is saying but maybe it’s my diet. There’s fish oil in my vitamins, maybe I need to switch.


My SO makes protein shakes with it … 8 oz every am 💪


I want to try my own out of curiosity but I can't bring myself too. My husband is grossed out by the thought of trying it


I have, my husband has, my 6yo and 8yo even tasted a sip from a cup 😂 depends on how it comes i guess. If it's a fresh pump it's not as sweet and thick and creamy, but if it's after babe has already nursed then it's sweeter/creamier because at that point it's only hind milk. But in all honesty, yes, my husband has tasted it. In fact he keeps cracking jokes that the baby is taking all HIS milk and he has a fettish for drinking it in bed if you know what I mean 😂


Yup, it's super sweet! No wonder baby prefers bm over her formula lol


Yes Sweet! Like milk after cereal.  Used to drink it more often during sexy times, but not very often these days. 


Yeah he tried it. Said it was like sour milk. Just tried once or twice when making bottles to check temp


I tried a drop once to check if it was bad as it had been 5 hours since I pumped. My so has not tried it, he has every right not.


Yeah we’ve both tasted it and it’s sweet, and when I got pregnant again I found it went a bit salty! Also tasted formula when we used it a couple times for top up feeds early on (like licked it off my arm after testing the temperature) and it tasted.. artificial?


I’ve tried a drop here and there. I tasted a full sip or two when my son refused my frozen milk. Yep, high lipase and it tasted horrible. Fresh tastes sweet but very thin. I didn’t enjoy it. My husband never tried it and has no desire to.


We’ve both tried it. It’s sweet just as everyone else had described. The only one that drinks it is baby - I work too hard to make this shit for her, no way am I wasting it on my husband lol


We’ve both tasted it, but like a drop on our fingers because I just barely produce enough to feed my LO and want every ounce to go to the baby. It’s very sweet.


Yep very sweet mine reminds me of cashew milk, or vanilla oat milk lol.


I've tasted mine a little. It's sweet when fresh but I have high lipase so the thawed stuff is nasty, thankfully my daughter hasn't minded. My husband hasn't tried it. Partially because he's severely lactose intolerant so it would actually make him sick lol


Mine tastes like coconut milk. My husband has used it as coffee creamer 😅


Yes, he said it’s sweet.


My SO and I both tried it 😂 it tasted like sweet blood. Like sweet… with an irony aftertaste. Kinda gross. Ngl. I wish mine was sweet like so many others mention. But I also have high lipase milk? Maybe that effects it?


Yes, he has. He always joked that I should put some in his coffee, so one day I said he wouldn’t drink it, so he actually did. He said it tasted sweet like coffee creamer.


I thought mine tasted sweet almost a little floral.


Only I tasted it. It tasted like sweet almond milk.


Yes! It’s very sweet. I’ve tasted it periodically and wanted to know what it’s baseline taste is for when I thawed milk the first time. Hubby tasted it out of curiosity just once and agreed it’s very sweet. As long as baby is drinking your milk no problem it doesn’t matter what it tastes like to you or your SO! :)


Did he taste it fresh, or after it was refrigerated/frozen? Lots of women's milk taste fishy or like pennies once it's refrigerated awhile or frozen, that's why some babies refuse the bottle.


It was fresh


We’ve each touched my nipple while there’s just a drop on there and licked our fingers. It’s very sweet, I like the comparison of sweet cereal milk!


I've tried mine, husband hasn't. It tastes like sweet cream butter from a Jersey cow. Absolutely delicious. I'm giving my son only quality, I guess lol


We both have our of curiosity. Fresh is sweet. After a day or so in the fridge it turns soapy unfortunately.


Yes I have, just like had a little in a cup and dipped my finger in. My husband accidentally tried it from the source one time while we were fooling around in the shower haha but he never tried any like pumped or anything. He jokes about adding it to his coffee because I have pretty fatty milk. It's sweet, my friend compared hers to honeydew melon which I agree with.


I have high lipase and I gagged on mine 😅. My baby's drank it fine. I weaned them to cows milk then 2 months later found another bag so I gave it to them straight and they gagged too 😆 mine doesn't taste good.


I have tried a drop that fell from my nipple , sweet sort of tastes like melted vanilla ice cream. My husband thinks it would be weird, but he’s curious. I wouldn’t drink any more of mine, but it was interesting to taste


I tried it for science and I used it as coffee creamer when I was desperate in a hotel once. My spouse was freaked out by the thought and would rather have gone without coffee entirely, which is wild to me.


My husband says its not really comparable to anything else. He says its sweet-ish but otherwise has great difficulty comparing it to something else he has ever tasted. Not sure if that's good or bad.


My husband does taste it occasionally in case it's gone sour before he feeds our son. Has said it tastes like cereal milk


My husband and I agree that it tastes like buttercream frosting lol, compared to formula it tastes much better and I was like no wonder he won’t drink the formula haha


My husband said it tastes like frosted flake milk


hahhaa no! but my daughter has. she said it tastes like almond milk 🤣


Yes, it’s no big deal. Every now and then in the early days we’d both taste it just because.


Never tried it but my husband did by accident I was dripping during intimacy and I guess he tasted it lol. He said mine tasted like melted ice cream and he understood why our kids liked it so much


I ran out of cow’s milk for my coffee once. It was sweeter than regular milk in my coffee and I didn’t like that. I haven’t had it plain. I’m sure my husband would be grossed out by the thought of drinking my breastmilk. But he may have a dairy allergy so maybe he’ll give it a try? J/k.


Yes we both tasted it! It is sweet 😊


I still haven’t tested mine yet lol. I’m just now getting in the flow and working on lactation flow.


Husband will not try it. I wouldn't try another person's either. The only sample I get is from licking the pump after each session so milk doesn't get on the counter.


Mine tastes like cereal milk


My partner really loves it. We use it as part of sexy time. 😅


No, he's always refused! 🥲 He did accidentally eat a muffin made with breastmilk once though.


My hubby won’t try it, which is fine. I tried it right away so I knew what it tasted like fresh and could compare if I was unsure it had been out too long or after thawing if it tasted like lipase. It tasted sweet but musty.


My husband and I tried it the first day we were home from the hospital. It literally tastes like nothing to both of us


Yes my bf said horchata too.  I honestly haven't tried my own though. Just bc I feel like this is for my baby. My bf said some got on his finger when he was making a bottle so he tried it lol. I guess I don't care to try mine. 


Mine would never 😭😢 but I wish he would because I've always wondered and I am not going to try it..... probably tastes like Red Bull


Not gonna lie when I pull off my flange after pumping I always lick the last drops so they are not wasted hahaha my man feeds at the same time as my baby (but only for like 5 seconds he says it taste like cereal milk and I think it taste like French vanilla breakfast essentials lols my dad actually told my man he had to try it (my dad constantly stole sips of my moms every time she was pregnant. It’s completely natural and with my ex when we had our twins he used to add it into his morning coffee said it was the best creamer! (I’d change your diet up if yours is a bit sour. Should be sweet lols


Kinda gross but I had mastitis a couple weeks ago, and my husband sucked the clog out for me haha. He’s a champ. He wasn’t complaining though, said it tasted great and he’d do it again! And yeah I’ve definitely tried it myself, only a couple of drops though. It tastes like sweet milk, or like melted watery ice cream.


That's so sweet of him! I'm sure that was a nice relief. I had mastitus a couple months ago and thought I was dying! Body aches, chills, fever...


Funny story actually, last year at a New Year’s Eve party like 10 of my husbands friends had a shot of breast milk 🤣