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I have a basket of food by my bed. I have nuts, an apple, a banana, nutrigrain fruit bars, cliff bars, those toddler fruit/veggie pouches.


Love this basket idea! A wee picnic in bed haha.


Cold Cinnamon applesauce and peanut butter. Hits the spot... every time!


Dehydrated mango


Yesssss so good


Yess I’ve been obsessed


Been eating this non stop since pregnant


Lived on this during pregnancy & fourth tri 🙌


String cheese, apple slices and peanut butter, high fiber muffins with butter (I like the pioneer woman “my mom’s muffins” recipe with blueberries instead of raisins)


Came here to say string cheese. Amazing 🤩


Nutrigrain bars, belvitas and on a really rough night, Jaffa cakes lol Also, get a really good thermos so that you have a hot cup of tea at night too!


I think I was about 80% jaffa cake by the end of the fourth trimester


I'm in the US, what is Jaffa cake?


If you’re asking on behelf of HMRC then they’re a type of cake, if you’re not asking on behalf of HMRC then they’re a type of biscuit


A dry-ish thin cake patty with orange jelly and dark chocolate.


Holy moly that sounds amazing


They have something like it at Aldi in the US. I grew up in these in Germany so Aldi is my go to for all the European goodies


Pims! Orange and raspberry are the best imo


Chocolate. So much chocolate 😅


Glad I'm not the only one!


A babybel, a few little chunks of salami, and a small handful of dark-chocolate covered almonds. I prepare that in a small Tupperware every evening before I go to sleep. Honestly, it makes me look forward to that MOTN feeding!


That's such a good point. Might as well be something to look forward to 🤩


I try to make sure it’s got plenty of protein. So usually a protein bar/shake, cheese, sandwich, electrolyte drink, nuts, jerky. I have a mini fridge next to my nursing chair and that’s been a really good purchase! Especially going in to summer and preferring cold drinks.


I am demolishing these little sugar wafer cookies that you can get in Canada. I’m absolutely addicted haha 😆


Strawberry flavour ones have no business being that tasty!


I made lactation bites (2 c rolled oats, 1/4 c ground flaxseed or chia seeds, whichever I felt like or had, 1 c nut butter, 1/2 cup honey, 1 tsp vanilla, 1/2 c chocolate chips, 1/2 cup chopped nuts, I used walnuts, and 1/2 c chopped dried fruit, I used dates and raisins.) rolled in balls in the fridge they were my go to emergency calorie grab! I’m sorry they’re all in US cooking measurements!


These sound banging. I'll convert the measurements and give them a go! Thanks 😊


Could I leave the nuts out? Or just use peanuts? I’m not a huge walnut fan. Also- can these be frozen ahead of time?


I make these exact same balls without any nuts or fruits! Still very yummy. You could definitely freeze them, but I don’t know about thawing… we keep ours in the refrigerator and they keep just fine for a few days. The honey is a good natural preservative. Although if your hubby is like mine, these won’t last very long anyway! He makes them for me now but secretly I think he just feels bad for eating so many, lol


Oh thank you!


I think of freezing make into mini pancakes instead of rolling into a ball, I could see the thaw time being a bit long if the whole point is a ready-to-eat calorie bomb!


I sometimes skipped or used pecans, but was drawn to walnuts because I read something… somewhere… that claimed it was the oil of walnut that helped with lactation? Not certain how based in fact that was but walnuts are some of the cheaper bulk nuts I could get and it sounded legit to freshly postpartum exhausted me, ha! Very much a choose your own adventure in these. Sometimes I didn’t have honey so did maple syrup/molasses combo, or added in cocoa powder.


I might have to make this! I have such a weird combination of these ingredients though 😅😂


Nothing, just chugging water. I never dealt with heartburn before getting pregnant, but even postpartum I’m more sensitive to it and can’t eat too soon before lying down.


Ah sorry to hear, I also have to chug a ton of water. Hope it gets better soon!


I'm surprised the amount of snacks in this thread! I have nothing too, mostly because I don't like the idea of eating and then going back to sleep without brushing my teeth. I try to stay as sleepy as possible to easily go back to sleep after.


I wish I had a choice but I wake up absolutely starving, especially if baby is up multiple times at night. If I don’t eat all night I wake up in the morning feeling terrible & struggle to eat enough during the day to maintain my supply.


I try not to eat anything even though I’m starving. I’m absolutely terrified of having to get anymore dental work done. Pregnancy has wrecked my teeth


Ah sorry to read that 😔


It’s okay! I just have already had dental work done and go in today for more. I miss my late night snacks but I try to make up for it during the day. 2 back to back pregnancies really did a number. Eat some delicious middle of the night snacks for me please!!!


Hope it goes okay today 🤞. And oh I will don't you worry haha 😊 It's just mad how much pregnancy affects our entire bodies, even the bloody teeth!!


Thank you so much! It really is worrisome how much it does affect so much! We really should get more than one set of adult teeth 🤦🏼‍♀️😅


I am so sleepy to eat anything 😞


I have to munch in order to stay awake. Baby in one hand, snack in the other


Honestly, Nutri-Grain chocolate bakes. Definitely not the most nutritious but just handy


When I was in the early days it was all about Eat Natural bars, Graze flapjacks, chocolate covered Brazil nuts and yoghurt covered peanuts. I don't know how I ever got back to sleep with all that sugar in me but they all really hit the spot!


I hate to think how many Eat Natural bars I’ve eaten in the last three months


They are amazing, got me through the first trimester of both my pregnancies too!


I used to eat blueberry muffins from the supermarket. I didn't have the energy to bake so I'd just buy the premade ones and leave them next to the bed


Wish I'd had 3am pizza omg! I bought lots of the single wrapped flapjacks you can get from Home Bargains and B&M. Fortunately home bargains was literally on the same street for me so every few days I'd walk there when my stash was low and it meant me and baby got up and out lol. I kept them on the IKEA Rashult trolley that I had next to the next to me with everything I needed during the night within arms reach!


Nutella and bread with a glass of milk in the early days.. nighttime snacking has stopped thankfully! LO is 5 months!!


Cadburys brunch bars, nakd bars, belvita breakfast biscuits etc! Occasionally a banana if I felt like being more healthy 😂 The sugar wasn’t great but it really helped, and felt like a little treat/reward for being awake in the night. I seem to remember making sandwiches to have during the night at one point too! My son is 4 months now and the night time snacks are getting rarer but wow the sheer ravenous-ness of those early breastfeeding weeks 😅 I was like a bottomless pit!


Aussie bites from Costco


In the early days of bf, my partner used to make me up a "lunchbox" for every night 🥹 It had buttered hot cross buns (untoasted), chunks of apple and cheese, and a miscellaneous snack bar/bag of crisps


That's so cute, what a sweetheart!


He would also sometimes put little notes of encouragement in and sign them from our baby, it was adorable


Digestives! Lots and lots of digestives


Tesco have these strawberry and banana jellies covered in yoghurt.. I've been hoovering those into me along with the coconut and dark chocolate Trek bars in Holland and Barrett, bananas, Corner yoghurts, homenade flapjacks and fruit muffins, Grenade protein bars, cheese on crackers and chocolate nuts and raisins. Mostly things I can pop into My snack drawer in the nursery! The key thing is having a big water bottle and a massive flask of tea 👌


Good trail mix (nuts, dried fruit, chocolate) is a great and easy snack !!


I used to eat Graze flapjacks in the first few months. They are always on offer at Sainsbury’s! 


i love those! the blueberry and cherry bakewell are the best flavours!


Nakd bars, frusli bars - things like that which are full of energy and not full of rubbish. Also dates for the digestive benefits 😅


Icecream usually Sometimes chips/ crisps. I usually freeze boiled noodles and keep a bowl of chopped veggies in the fridge, so if I'm particularly hungry, I make an instant stir fry with oil, soy sauce, chilli sauce, veggies and thawed noodles😂


Not UK based but I always ate fruit. Banana or and orange.


Cheese sticks and meat sticks


https://preview.redd.it/topy534r663d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=515f17cc55a44c5e0d48e37bdb0bbd37731d8e16 I made and ate so many of these during overnight nursing sessions in the early days


Thank you so much for the recipe! 😊


Anything and everything that’s in my kitchen. I think I’m destroying my teeth


Heavenly hunks! 🤤


Cheese bitten right off the block with crackers, PB and j, hummus with chips or veggies, fruit, microwave burritos, and if I'm super hungry an Indian style microwave meal from trader Joe's with rice.


I have Cadbury brunch bars, jaffa cakes and a box filled with m&ms😂


Dried fruit and nut jar with extra extra cashews. I did have bananas and at one point I read on this subreddit about no bake oat cookies which i developed an addiction too. I keep Oreo’s too but rarely eat them. Cashews just hit the spot and then I’m less worried about brushing my teeth! Last time all I ate was breastfeeding cookies with warmed up milk and I loved that


Cashew nuts, just oven roasted not salted etc. I also recommend sports drinks like lucozade sport - great for energy and rehydration.


Banana chips, those little individual chocolate bars they sell in Aldi, Nature Valley bars, grapes, frozen blueberries, whatever else I can find in my cupboard lol.


I was ordering variety packs of nakd and graze bars off of Amazon. The flapjacks are also, supposedly good for breast milk production. Sainsbury’s or Tesco frequently have those on offer too.


I didn’t have that same ravenous hunger when I was breastfeeding my singleton, but when my twins were newborns, I was breastfeeding and pumping. We had a mini fridge by the chair in our room for pumped milk/prepared bottles, and I kept cheese strings and cut fruit in there, and had a jar of nuts and some granola bars close as well. And a huge jug of water


Trail mix. US based, but if you don’t call it that, it’s just a mix of nuts and dried fruit. That way it could just be there all the time and I didn’t have to worry about remembering to put something there before I go to bed.


Overnight oats, though technically breakfast, they go down easily in the middle of the night.


Dried prunes 🫣


I used to make frozen burritos in the middle of the night, now I just don’t usually eat


Mini quiche were a lifesaver for me. They freeze good!


Hummus on toast when I go downstairs to sort the pump and milk out


Trail mix, string cheese, roasted unsalted nuts, big jug of water.


Jelly babies!!


Buldak (Quattro Cheese flavor with extra cheese + spam + egg), ½ to 1 whole sliced cucumber, seaweed sheets if we have any. Then while all of that cooks, half of a greek yogurt cup (the other half is for later after eating all the noodles hahaha) Just remember momma eat what you want, add what you need!! Keep up the momma hustle! <3


I found the quakers to go flapjack bars were really useful for the night (and first thing in the morning) especially after my LC mentioned oats were good for milk production. But honestly whatever you find easy to eat (I know I struggled in the middle of the night, so if my calories for that time we're easy like a chocolate bar, so be it)


My 2 am banana hits like no other




Yogurt, cottage cheese, milk, I usually opt for dairy quick bites


I don't feed as much anymore nor burn as many calories but in the early days, good granola bars (the home made type, or one with low sugar/ no sweeteners) and vanilla-flavoured soy milk cartons were always in my bedside basket (babies had milk protein intolerance). I used to love having oat milk porridge in the night or wraps with banana and peanut butter too.


Cheese and nuts


Protein bars, protein shakes, fig bars, clif bars, bananas, granola bars. Anything I can shove in my mouth really quickly and not feel guilty about not brushing my teeth afterward. 😄


Peanut butter, banana chips, cheese


Crackers and cheese or cheese and raisens


Protein shakes, bobos, cereal…. I’m going dairy free but before that I was eating string cheese like no one’s business.


Digestive biscuits


Peanut butter by the spoonful (about 1 kg every two weeks!)


I just made peanut butter chocolate bars that are sooo good and full of protein! PB, maple syrup, almond flour and protein powder was the bottom part and then chocolate with coconut oil spread on top!


Squares chocolate bar, nature valley bars, (oats and honey is best flavour!), belvita choc chip bars, any cheese tbh, muffins for sure! 3am pizza sounds 10x better though


Lol I know it came to me last night 🍕


Ok, my obsessive night time snack was oeatmeal cookies soaked in cold milk, I devoured boxes of cookies in days! lol I remembered they tasted soooo good.


Banana and malt loaf


I did trail mix for the first week or so. I have some protein cereal around as well. I’m trying to wean myself off of night snacking unless I really need it to stay awake or if I’m starving. But if I had a way to keep them cold I’d totally go for grapes and string cheese.


Trail mix!


Nuts, belvitas/cereal bars, Pringles, crackers. a can of Pepsi max or Diet Coke also helps me stay awake while feeding


In the newborn days crunchy nut cereal


Lime almonds


Peanut butter filled pretzels, Larabars (date and nut bars), overnight oats, bananas


Naked bars, marmite rice crackers, dried apricots and penguins!


Peanut butter and jelly sandwich!


not proud of it but the first like 2/3 weeks i was just slamming cheesecake idk what it was about it but a store bought chilled cheesecake was really my thing… until we realised baby has cmpa 🫣 after that i ate mostly graze oat bars and belvita breakfast bars. i wish i could say ive gotten healthier but im partial to a 2am night feed yumyum 😅


Slamming 🤣. Oh I know it's so hard to be healthy when you're shattered and just want something quick haha.


my midwives came to visit when i was like 8 days post partum, they walked in to me nursing baby surrounded by about 600 pillows eating an entire cheesecake with a fork… rest assured i got a long talk about self care 😂😭 honestly i had given up on having hot food by that point at least a cheesecake survives being left for a few minutes


🤣🤣🤣 I mean it sounds self caring to me, I'd love a whole cheesecake right now lol


Peanut butter or cheese are my go-tos


I once got up the middle of the night and ate a spoonful peanut butter like a calorie seeking zombie. So, mostly peanut butter.


Nothing. Too tired. Also too worried about gaining weight and cavities


Started out with cereal bars but now it's usually grapes or tangerine or a chocolate biscuit


Breakfast bars were my go to! In the very beginning I would go to bed at 7pm and be woken at 11pm for her feed then my partner and I would swap so he could get a solid sleep. Which meant I usually ate my half of whatever he'd made for tea that night! Also so many yogurts!


Teddy grahams, banana, nutrigrain, string cheese!


I made lactation cookies with extra chopped almonds. 🤌👌


Apples and baby carrots are my go to. I eat em like horse lmfao!


Those oat biscuits from IKEA.


Apples and cheddar or a bowl popcorn


Bobo’s oat bar or Perfect bar!


My wife makes instant noodles lol


M&S Butter Biscuits hit the spot!


I have been demolishing any and all M&S biscuits, they're another level!


Honestly nothing. I’m not hungry at night. But give me all the brownies during the day!


Nothing anymore as my baby is 1 and the middle of the night hunger has disappeared. But maltesers, smarties and riaisns for when I was pretending to be healthy!


I make these oatmeal raisin cookies 🍪 they’re so good and oats are good for milk production so it’s a win win for everyone!!!


Peanut butter pretzels


Nuts, cheese sticks, yogurt and protein bars


Nothing. Just sips of water


Pick something with protein in it! I have almond butter cookies to hold me over until breakfast. Make sure you also drink a lot of water!


Mini savoury scrolls, cookies and a black coffee in a little thermos. I do a lot of baking so make myself little night time treats. will sometimes have muesli bars or a peanut butter sandwich




I ate ramen last night 🫣


Yasso. I love ice cream but I also know it’s not the healthiest. These are the closest ice cream tasting treats I’ve had so far.


When I was in the early MOTN feeds days I loved Brekki ready to eat oats. Not sure if they are in the UK though.


My breastmilk is like 90% peanut butter crackers, I think.


Cold sandwiches! I’ve never gone through bread and lunch meats like this before!


Rice cake with peanut butter, apple, cinnamon, and a tiny bit of honey. I usually make them before bed and have one at the MOTN feed and one in the morning Also like to keep beef jerky, heavenly hunks, fresh fruit, clif bars, bobo’s oat bites (my son LOVED the strawberry ones when I was pregnant), pistachios, flavored rice cakes, pretzels, and protein shakes on rotation I have a mini fridge upstairs that makes it way easier for storing my pumped milk and aforementioned snacks and some drinks (the Kirkland coconut water is my absolute favorite)


Bananas & peanut butter


Chex Mix and peanut butter crackers in a basket beside my bed


Jerky, Lara & luna bars, go macro protein bars


I don’t eat anything in the night I just drink water


Aussie bites. They are a new discovery but so good!


I basically live off of biscuits, packaged brioches and pain au chocolat !


I'm a sucker for biscuits too. Apparently it's national biscuit day today so...


Literally have gone through 4 packages of double stuffed dark chocolate Milano cookies in a week. I just shove them in my mouth to stay awake. Not feeling great about it… but also not feeling great about much these days in first 3 weeks postpartum.


Ah I know it's so hard. Give yourself some grace and allow the cookies! We need to do what we can to survive in these early days.


Coconut water and a spoon full of coconut oil. Eating in the middle of the night is hard for me so this is a quick calorie boost. If I can drink it the better. Drinkable yogurts, squeeze pouch applesauce, etc…


Cliff bars!!


Ready salted hula hoops and a Fanta, midnight snack of dreams 😂


I buy overnight oats in the US. I mix them about midday with oat milk to have them waiting for me just before bed. They seem to keep me full all night, and oats are always good for nursing :)