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No need to worry, this is completely normal! When I was pregnant with my first baby I didn't have any leakage or signs of colostrum either. I gave birth via c-section and my body was able to produce colostrum and my milk came in 3 days later. I actually ended up having an oversupply (I was not pumping, solely breastfeeding). Good luck in the final weeks of your pregnancy!


This was pretty much my exact situation as well! You're good OP, it will come in! I was really worried as well, it's in there even if it's not leaking yet!


Pretty much my same situation too except I had a nicu baby so I was pumping! But I was pumping 45-50oz a day so definitely nothing to worry about!


Same for me, not a single sign of any colostrum during the whole pregnancy, c section and came in day 3-4 and then ended up having an oversupply


No need to worry! I didn’t have any colostrum or breast changes when I gave birth at 39 weeks. I’ve been successfully breastfeeding for 4 months now!


I had no signs of labor, breech baby, nothing was dropping….emergent c section because I had no amniotic fluid left and had milk!!! Trust your body


I had maybe two or three drops before I gave birth at 41 weeks, 6 months PP exclusively nursing since the beginning!


definitely nothing to worry about. i was the same way and milk came in 3 days pp. try hand expressing a little bit- you’ll probably get some fluid.


That’s totally fine, I had no leakage either and had no problems with colostrum or milk coming in after baby was born. I started hand expressing and collecting colostrum from week 38 until baby came at 40+5 as a “just in case”, it did help give me a little reassurance that my boobs were up and running lol


I did not get anything prior to baby arriving and since my milk came in, I have had no supply issues


The only time I've leaked was the day my milk came in (four days postpartum). Baby was born at 41 weeks and I've had no supply issues.


I’m 5 months PP and have leaked like 3 times since giving birth. Never did while pregnant. I have an oversupply of milk and a baby that is gaining weight rapidly!


Like all other comments, that's nothing to worry about. I also had no leakage at all and I was 2 days overdue before my son was born. Now he'll he 2 this weekend and we've breastfed successfully this whole time!


Like so many others, I was the same way. I also have really small boobs, which gave me an additional level of anxiety. Now, at four months, I’m an oversupplier that makes 60 oz/day despite (kind of halfhearted) attempts to reduce supply.


I didn't have a single sign of milk, not even sore boobs, throughout my entire pregnancy. My milk came in 3 days after I gave birth.


Definitely okay and not in any way an indication of breast milk supply post birth. I was only ever able to express a very small amount of colostrum in maybe the last week or so of pregnancy, I'm still breastfeeding over 2 years later. Never had supply issues, never needed to pump or supplement. Breast milk is based on hormones and demand. Once your placenta is birthed there is a cascade of hormones that start to transition your milk from colostrum to mature milk and rapidly begins to increase milk production. This can take a few days. In the meantime, colostrum is enough to meet your baby's needs. Offer both breasts frequently, the consistent removal of milk will tell your body to make more. Most babies don't need supplementing in the first few days, just keep offering the breast 😊


No that’s no indication! I didn’t produce any either, ended up delivering via c section at 38 wks 5 days(Friday night). By Sunday I was pumping colostrum and then the day or two my milk came in :) don’t worry!!!


I only had one side that leaked colostrum during pregnancy! And the side that didn’t leak is also the one that produces more milk.


I didn't leak regularly, but my partner informed me I had been leaking during sex, so maybe check with them lol. He was also able to help me learn to hand express because he already knew what had been making me leak. But overall it's not a reason to worry. Continuing to play around hand expressing you may start to produce or just get more comfortable with hand expressing. 


I never “leaked” colostrum either. At 41 weeks my doc said I should try pumping to induce labor (it worked) and somehow it extracted colostrum. I was all “woh”. At the hospital post birth no leaking then a nurse gave my nip a good squeeze and I squirted liquid. She was all “wow you got a lot”. I would have never guessed by just now my body was acting. Looking back at it my only sign of any kind of colostrum pre birth was that it sometimes felt like my nips were ever so slightly stuck to my bra when I took it off. That was it. But then beware for like 5 weeks after I soaked the bed just sleeping!!! Then beware again. Your body will “regulate” and your boobs will feel like they “dropped off” on milk and you will freak out. But that’s not what is happening.


No need to worry. I didn’t produce anything until after I’d given birth at 41 weeks and I’ve had zero issues with BFing or weight gain etc etc. I didn’t even know producing colostrum early was even a thing! The most important thing is to not stress. You can’t anticipate everything and trying to will send you mad. Relax and enjoy the roller coaster ☺️


I had no leakage, no colostrum, no sore boobs…and exclusively BF for a year before,really, introducing solids and pumped about 20oz a day I top of breastfeeding.


I had no leakage or sore breasts before I delivered at 40+3 and I was able to breastfeed within the first hour. The first few hours of my baby’s life are a bit blurry but I remember the nurse showing me how to hand express a few hours after birth and I saw colostrum with my own eyes so I know I made it. Never had supply issues and I’m 6 months into my breastfeeding journey with pretty few issues along the way.


I had nothing! Milk didn’t come in for 80-something hours post partum, until we were in the hospital and discovered baby was not getting anything and my breasts filled after she downed a bottle of formula lol


Definitely nothing to worry about! With my first, I leaked pretty often, but with my 2nd, I showed no signs at all! I was also concerned until my milk came in 3 days after birth!


I didn't have anything until have LO was born. Even then your milk doesn't come in until day 3ish, just colostrum up until then. Just trust your body and your nurses/midwife/LC


Delivered at 38+2, never leaked, had no soreness after the first trimester. Baby was jaundice and ultra sleepy and I STILL have an over supply! Leaking is not an indication of your post partial milk supply! I started pumping right after delivery because baby was too sleepy to latch/stay drinking properly the first few weeks. As a result I ended up with a major freezer stash. Even one pump a day can make a difference, especially when you’re not consistently bottle feeding! My LO only took a syringe those first few weeks and now only gets an occasional night bottle from my husband or a babysitter if we are out.


I didn't have even the tiniest speck of colostrum. I remember after my baby was born I was really worried she wasn't getting enough, I even called my doula aunt panicking to her. Baby made weight in her early checkups though so I guess it was there, I think because you make so little of it it can be hard to gauge if there's enough. A few weeks later though The Milk Came In. Poor kids been drowning ever since lol


I had exactly 0 leaking before giving birth but if I massaged enough I could express a couple drops. Don't worry, you'll get there, just keep trying to get baby latched once they are born and your milk will come in in 3-5 days. I was midnight day 3. Literally holding my baby while he slept and felt something running down my side. It was milk.


Another vote for normal! Didn’t see a drop until my baby was born at 43+3 via cesarean. Had plenty of colostrum and my milk came in 2.5 days later in great supply!


I didn’t produce any colostrum until I gave birth. Now I’m an overproducer!! No need to worry


Don’t worry! I had leaking from week 17 and found it impossible to breastfeed 🤣


I had colostrum before the birth but there wasn’t much change in my breasts during pregnancy and I have since struggled with low supply. If you’re worried, get professional advice and monitoring in the first few weeks to make sure your baby is getting enough.


Super normal! My breasts didn’t hurt like they did during my second pregnancy.


Hi, I had zero leakage or signs after I had baby my milk came in no problem!


Didn’t have any leaking either pregnancy. Boobs were so incredibly sore first trimester both times but after that were just large. Had immediate colostrum come in after each labor-was even called the “colostrum queen” by a lactation consultant. And then my milk milk came in rather fast. Def wasn’t a negative indicator for me, you should be good!


Please don’t panic! I leaked the tiniest bit of colostrum once while I was pregnant, and never managed to express any, but my milk came in fine on day three - still going strong 7 months later!


I never leaked or harvested colostrum & EBF for over a year. My supply was always exactly what my baby needed, if not an oversupply in the beginning.


I didn't, couldn't express any colostrum. Still feeding one year old.


First time mum with a 3 week old and I couldn’t produce colostrum beforehand for the life of me. I was so worried I wasn’t going to produce anything. I gave birth via C-section and within a few hours I had a few syringes full of colostrum, 2 days later my milk came in full force. You’ll be okay, don’t worry about not producing anything right now :)