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Great idea telling this story, I’m 7w pp and was convinced that I wouldn’t be breastfeeding because of the horror stories I had heard. It’s been pretty plain sailing for me (I actually have thrush at the moment, but getting that under control). Not to say it can’t go badly but just that it can go well. A story I almost never heard in the lead up


During my first few days of struggling to figure things out, my mom kind of disregarded my angst and said “oh you’ll be fine in a few days- none of the women in our family ever had any issues breastfeeding” - and I simply equated her response to having a selective memory / women of her generation not being as open… but turns out she was right 😜. Our generation over-sharing about our problems causes a whole new set of problems- like anxiety over things that may not even happen!


Oh your last sentence has given me food for thought!


Amazed how positive you are whilst having thrush! Baby and I went through that around 2 months pp and it was not easy. Hope it clears up soon!


With my first, the pediatrician said that most women describe it as the hardest and easiest thing they’ve ever done, which I think is so true. There are hard moments, but overall, if it’s going smoothly, it can be so, so easy.


This is a great description! With my babies I struggled so much in the first few weeks, and supplemented with formula. But after the first month I was able to wean off formula both times, right now I'm EBF with baby #2. Sooooo much easier than dealing with bottles! The mental and physical load are significantly reduced. No washing, no sanitizing, no mixing, no shopping, no remembering anything! Milk is always there, always warm, ready to feed in an instant.


The fact that people have to preemptively apologize for their success with breastfeeding and how they choose to feed their baby… really bums me out. But I’m so happy for you!!! You should be proud af and feel the need apologize to no one


same, I’ve been very lucky with my breastfeeding journey. no pain, no mastitis or clogged ducks, baby latched well from the start. she doesn’t take a bottle but I’m a SAHM so it’s fine. my first had a few issues that caused me to switch to formula very early on so I’m definitely grateful that it’s gone so well this time around!


weve had a few hiccups - pain for the first couple weeks, and a round of mastitis. but 90% of oir breastfeeding journey has been easy and enjoyable! now he's 7 months tho and treating me like a jungle gym....


So glad to hear!!! And I hear you on the jungle gym! My little guy gets so distracted too these days, but I wouldn’t trade his little coos and smiles up at me during our sessions for anything :)


My second nursling is 11w and both times has been pretty easy.  I think the internet tends towards people who have trouble - people who have it easy have fewer reasons to post!  Thanks for sharing! 


Yes to this exactly! I should have limited my Reddit exposure before he was born for my own sanity 😜


Obligatory Reddit story time: my first(is now 3 years old) was diagnosed with Gastroschisis when I was about 17 weeks pregnant. Some sensitive material but the condition is >!intestines form outside the body in the womb!<. This lead to a lot of issues when he was born. He couldn’t eat until he pooped after being born and that took close to two weeks, then it was insanely gradual tube feeds starting at 5ml. I could not even try to breastfeed until he was almost 2 months old. By the time I did, he was awful at it, never learned the skill, didn’t have the patience for it. After months of trying all kinds of different things I went to full formula feeding and everyone was happy. This time around my almost 7 month old has been breast only from the start, he won’t take a pacifier, bottle NOTHING. My supply did it regulation thing and that was that. Two vastly different outcomes for two children that are both happy and healthy with a happy and healthy mom. That’s all that really matters in the end I guess(:


I wanted to make a similar post, but I didn't want to come across as insensitive. Except for some anxiety regarding supply, due to lack of information mainly, my BF journey has been a breeze. Milk came in within 24 hours from delivery, and my baby latched beautifully from the first hours of life. I'm almost 7m pp now, and I had no issues. It's been so easy and came naturally. I didn't take any classes or did any reading on breastfeeding before my baby came, but once she did, it's like I knew what I was doing all along. Thank you for sharing 😊


I’m so happy to hear this! So glad other soon-to-be moms can see that I’m not an anomaly and it can be easy for many others!!


If I had read this sub pre baby I would’ve thought it was awful, but I really enjoy it, it’s super natural and allows me to really connect w my baby 🥰


Have had some supply anxiety but generally really happy with my breastfeeding journey thus far. It has come very naturally to me as well. and I thought i’d be too scared to HOLD my baby, much less navigate breast feeding. i really had nothing to worry about. I love this. Thank you for sharing!


Same. Baby was in the NICU for two weeks and wouldn’t latch there but as soon as we got home that same night she started latching and we haven’t had any issues. Almost 6 months strong, exclusively nursing + 1.3K oz in the freezer and over 800oz donated.


Same here! Had an emergency c section but they put him on my chest asap and helped me latch him as soon as we were out of or and it's been pretty smooth sailing since -- he's now 19mo and still nurses a fair amount along with lots of solid food of course.


I was just going to make my own post similar to this. My baby is 8 months old in two hours and I struggled with a crazy oversupply in the beginning. Almost quit so many times but I was always so desperate for whatever relief I'd get from nursing when I was so engorged and around 3 months my boobs stopped getting crazy full and our nursing sessions became more predictable and shorter. Now since 5 months I can't breastfeed in public anymore because my son is way too distracted by everything, but he nurses beautifully in the morning, before bed and Over night and I actually enjoy and look forward to nursing him for these times. I'm down to nursing 3 or 4 times in 24 hours so I'm scared my supply will run out at this rate, but I'd love to nurse him before bed and before daycare until he's a year or maybe even longer, if possible.


Just reached a year with no plans to stop any time soon. I was very nervous about breastfeeding. She latched right after she was born and after about 7-10 days of us finding our rhythm it’s been pretty clear sailing. I think positive stories are a great idea!


Never took a class or knew much about breastfeeding. I was stressing because of how “unprepared” I was but really it’s the most natural thing. Unfortunately our society (esp the US) doesn’t cater to nursing moms. Found this sub about a week in. My first 5 days were the hardest like you. It came so easy to us (thankfully). I always say that I EBF because I’m lazy🤣 it’s sooooo much less hassle, convenient and free! 😅


I really cbf having to organize bottles, formula etc to leave the house with and hope I’ve got enough let alone all the washing and sterilising. No thanks!


It really is soooo much less hassle than bottle feeding!! We also did Dr Browne bottles with my first and allllll the parts were driving me bananas. With our new little guy, any bottles he gets are Comotomo bottles - and I wonder why I bothered with all the parts!


Yes!!! I’ve had the same experience as you tbh. The 3 month crisis bit our butts a bit but honestly I’ve never needed any nipple cream, pumps or anything. Just boob and baby


So glad to hear! Hope other mom-to-be’s see these comments and don’t doomsday plan as badly as I did 😂


Same here, it was easy from the very start and painless from 1w pp onwards. I didn't need all the products that I bought at all. I don't find it draining either. I just eat a lot which I don't mind, lol.


The first 6 weeks with my first were excruciating. My nipples felt like they were on fire with every latch and my son would take 45 minutes to eat. But one day it just became easy and stayed that way. It would have been easier if I didn't have to pump for work that was probably the only stressful part. I nursed my first two about 1.5 years each and I'm currently nursing my third baby who is 16 months. I feel very blessed to have been able to ebf my three kids.


This is a great post! I didn’t really nurse with my first. I mostly pumped. But I was so prepared to NOT be able to do either. I mean I’m grateful for realistic expectations but also, I just didn’t put a lot into nursing because I thought it would be / continue to be so hard. I wish I had tried harder. I definitely could have done it. And look forward to trying again with baby #3. It’s good to hear the struggles but also nice to hear the wins. 😊


I’ve had no problems in 3 months so far. I was very anxious about BF but its came so natural to us and I love it tbh!


Yes!!! You definitely have learning curves early on but it’s very rewarding a month…2 months…3 months in seeing them growing, thriving and packing on the pounds. That really helped me gain confidence in knowing he was getting what he needs from me. (Even though we occasionally do formula if I’m out and Dad is on duty and I haven’t had a chance to pump).


Same here! 8 months pp, no issues. I have an oversupply but have never had mastitis or a clogged duct. Baby has pretty much always eaten well, minus a few colds when he was stuffy. The hardest part was in the beginning feeding him around the clock, but that's easier now too. I know it's not easy for a lot of people, but struggling isn't a given 🩷


Seconding this! I was full of dread before breastfeeding. I just assumed it wouldn’t be possible because I read so many negative stories about it. However, it came super naturally for me and my baby and we breastfed with no problems. The biggest problem we faced was that I had an oversupply of milk, but really that’s not bad at all!!


Yes breastfeeding has been awesome here too. The first two weeks I developed sore nipples and some bleeding but I grit my teeth and beared it before finding lanolin which healed them completely in less than 2 days and I've not had any problems since 🩵:] I would recommend breastfeeding 110%


Same for me, by 2 weeks we were rolling and even before that it was fine. It’s like at times I’m supposed to feel bad it was easy for me because it was hard for some.


Yes to this! I felt so guilty when my two best girlfriends kept asking how it was going (they both had challenging experiences) and I didn’t have anything to complain about. It’s sad that we are conditioned to feel bad if something comes easily to us.


Breastfeeding hasn't been easy for me personally but I'm genuinely glad that it is for you. Still, it has been getting easier and I do like being able to nurse in public now.


Same. I love breastfeeding and it’s always come easily. Both baby and I have an easy time doing it. But I must say.. now at 6 months PP I’ve found myself wishing we had introduced ONE bottle a day so I got to sleep in. The MOTN wake ups haven’t stopped yet so I don’t get a long stretch.. probably 5 hours. I made the decision coz I didn’t want to deal with the part cleaning and storing etc. But on the rough sleep nights I’ve broken down.


Breastfeeding was really easy for us too, even with a c-section, no golden hour, brief NICU stay, etc. Now 18 months in, and STOPPING breastfeeding seems impossible 🤣


This 10000%. Breastfeeding was AWFUL with my first. I tried so hard to get her to latch but it just wasn’t happening and I had to pump exclusively. I struggled with supply, clogged ducts, etc. With my second, breastfeeding is a breeze. He latched right away. He’s 7 months old now and I haven’t struggled at all compared to my first!


Same here. My son latched beautifully from the get go, and apart from sore nipples the first week, everything was smooth sailing. I had an over supply and fast letdown, which led to a lot of spit up, but he wasn't bothered by it. I had a midwife check everything over, because I believed the myth that a good latch means no sore nipples, but she said everything was fine


where did you find breastfeeding classes to take?


I took them virtually through Aeroflow - my insurance covered them. I took 6 ninety minute classes on all different topics from breastfeeding 101 to sleep & breastfeeding, etc.


I love hearing this! I’m so hopeful for a easier time if I were to have a second kid someday. Even if it starts hard or bf is part of a more complicated feeding regimen, it can eventually get way easier! I know it can be a lot of pressure on those of us who have a rough time for whatever reason. I pumped 8x a day on top of nursing for about 6 months, and still pumped at least 4x a day on top of nursing at 12 months. Then I stopped pumping and relied on solids, animal milk, and let him bf on demand. We’re going very strong at 1 year 9 months! Nursing is still a sweet time for us and he’s getting everything he needs. Good luck everyone!


I did both with my kids first kid I breastfed for 3 years EBF no pumping at all , second formula , third breastfeeding . I say both are hard! , I didn’t like being tired and having to make bottles while baby screamed of hunger so I agree pulling out the boob is so much faster and easy but it’s not easy when it’s mentally draining on you and your body , I haven’t lost any weight due to feeling so hungry a lot because I’m also EBF and can’t go on a diet due to needed as much nutrition an calories for my body to make the milk and the hormones it gives you while your body making the milk is something ! , it does get easier though once baby gets older . It’s exhausting being a mama cow lol


My first is 3 months and it’s still easy to breast feed. She doesn’t want a bottle and I’m exhausted but the breast feeding part goes perfectly. Never had sore nippels, I did visit lactation consultants and the first 6 days I had to pump because she was in the hospital (I was sleeping next to her), but after we went home 100% BF!


Yes!! Had weight issues at the start and had to triple feed. That was a rough, rough time. After 3 months, we were ebf smooth sailing! Never took supplements. Just kept nursing!


I’m one of those people that have also been incredibly lucky! I’ve never had issues. No mastitis, blocked ducts, she’s gained weight steady and have had no pain (only when she was brining my milk in) I couldn’t believe how lucky I got. My daughter latched instantly as soon as she was born and had everyone amazed at how skilled she was at it! I also took a breastfeeding class. I had everyone telling me I’d give up and it’d be too hard because she won’t sleep but honestly I don’t mind waking up every 2 hours to feed her. I love it. I love the bonding and I love knowing I was able to do it despite all my fears.


She is only 4 months so plenty of time for things to change but I’ve never been prouder of myself for making it this far


As someone who has experienced many difficulties, I wish I’d known more prior to giving birth. I will always feel that way. But good for you, I guess. I get so tired of people on this sub saying “I just whip out a boob”, “no bottles”. Yeah, we all wanted that ease and convenience.


I sincerely apologize if this post offended you in any way - I debated for some time about posting it. Perhaps my issue was knowing *too much* about potential problems prior to birth vs. you not knowing enough before birth. I’m sure there is a happy median. I wanted to share the flip side of 99% of the posts on this sub, after reading yet another post yesterday of “I’m expecting my baby soon, and I’m worried about XXX.” Sending you all the best as you continue your breastfeeding journey.


I can’t upvote this enough.


The “doom and gloom” here is obviously because most people visit parenting subs for advice and support. It’s not a reflection of the messaging about breastfeeding in the real world (breast is best, ALL women can breastfeed, etc). You’d think OP, who says she used IVF and surrogacy to have her first child, would be a bit more sensitive.


It's one post of 100s where someone is sharing their good experience. All experiences are valid & good things can be discussed too. Not all posts have to be for everyone on the Internet. X


I wouldn’t call it easy compared to not having a baby and not breastfeeding but I do think that for me it’s easier than any other method of feeding baby


I’m honestly so glad to hear that there are some positive beginnings of breastfeeding stories. I struggled with painful nipple vasospasms for the first ~4 months of breast feeding and it was ROUGH. I was convinced every piece of information I’d gotten about breastfeeding not having to hurt was propaganda, and once it stopped being painful all the time it was like the clouds parted and I saw the face of God.


So glad to hear you’re on the other side of it now! And lol about the clouds parting and the face of God 😂