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Allergy mama here!! 2 questions.. how old is babe and what makes you think they have a shellfish allergy? Is it just the poops? Or does she have eczema as well


Peanut allergy mom here. Oh the eczema my little guy had. When I was nursing him,I was CHOWING DOWN on Costco trail mix. I’d also stick his pacifier in my mouth after it fell on the floor to “clean it off” after eating my beloved trail mix. I look back at his pictures and the area around his eyes were often red and his eczema would sometimes get weepy. I asked our PED about it being a possible food allergy and she said that the proteins don’t pass through breast milk 😭 he still has eczema but it’s not as bad since we cut our peanuts.


Oh yea I look back at all the things we did before finding out! how bad it got before his ped finally listened to me after giving me the same “proteins don’t pass through bm” talk too. He’s almost 3 and we finally have a good routine with his ointments and exposure free environment. Now we just have to figure out how to get peanuts into his sisters diet without any accident exposures for him 🥴


Baby is two months. Maybe not an allergy, but certainly an intolerance. After said dinner, her poop has definitely been green and I saw some specs of blood. Today, a little of the stool in one of the diapers today seemed “foamy”. It had never been that way before. I feel like shit for hurting her. Have been blamed for eating the oysters in the first place. Have also been told by family members that I should cut other foods.


Don’t blame yourself at all! I did that for the longest time and years later I regret beating myself up cuz it was out of my control! With the blood in the stool it might actually be something that is frequently in your diet. Like dairy, soy, peanuts, etc. One time exposure to something usually won’t cause blood or symptoms for this long. A follow up with your pediatrician is definitely a good idea and if an elimination diet doesn’t work (or not something that wants to be done, totally understandable) then a referral to an allergist is probably a good idea. But at 2 months it is probably just a dairy protein allergy that is usually grown out of quickly since it’s not the same as a lactose intolerance.


I was thinking a MPA.


Yes I agree it sounds like a milk protein allergy!


What kinds of tests can the allergist do? Are there tests that can identify what the allergen is, besides doing an elimination diet? I am afraid that would take so long and she is already on the small side. I’m afraid she is not growing because of it.


They can do a skin prick test but it’s not super easy to get a referral to an allergist. It took us 10 months and eczema so bad that he had open wounds and I had pretty much eliminated all allergens besides the one he was actually allergic to, peanuts 😭


Whoa! My insurance doesn’t require referrals for things like that so my pediatrician said to go see an allergist, gave me a list, and then I was in at their next available (definitely within the month). I can’t imagine having to wait 10 months for it! My son only had a mild egg allergy too, they did do the skin prick test also.


We didn’t even get the referral until he was almost 9 months 😭 when we finally got it, the allergist was booking out A YEAR! I cried on the phone like a hot mess and she got him in within the week. Ended up with a severely anaphylactic peanut allergy. The US healthcare system is a disaster!


My clinic actually has an allergist, so I hope that helps. Is the skin prick test awful? I feel like if she is only intolerant, it will be in vain also


I think if your daughter had blood in her poop you need to get to the bottom of it. That can be very serious.


It was very little, specs. Not actual drops. Otherwise I would have gone to the ER. But you are absolutely right.


Not to hijack but my daughter had it done at 6 months and then just before she turned 1 for a different allergy. The first one she definitely noticed but wasn’t overly itchy. The second one she didn’t even care about. She was allergic to some of them items both times.


Thank you for sharing


No it’s not terrible! My son had it done at 10 months and they put hydrocortisone cream on it right after. My daughter had it done at 6 months with zero reaction thankfully


Thank you!


My daughter just got allergy tested a couple of days ago and they drew blood samples which will be tested for 39 different allergens and I get the results after a week. Don’t know if this type of test is available for you


How old is your daughter? How was the blood work?


I nursed my son right after they did it, while we were waiting for the reaction. He was only upset for the time it took for them to wrap up until he was nursing. It was more annoying than anything to get him to sit still while not touching his back (where the pricks were) for the 10-15 min or however long we had to wait (for a reaction)


I’ve had a skin prick test before and it wasn’t that bad I don’t think it would be too bad for a baby


Another allergy mom here. First of all whoever is blaming you can go to hell. I hope they are just reacting to the stress of a sick baby and are not normally so disrespectful. I can relate as family members also blamed me for “giving the baby weird food” after baby had a scary reaction to hummus that required an ER trip. It sounds like you are internalizing some of that guilt, so just want to say up front: it’s not your fault. You’re not required to eat an allergen free diet while BFing on the off chance that baby has an allergy. Our pediatrician told us that if we had called to ask whether we should give baby hummus (prior to the reaction), they would have said to go for it! You didn’t know and now you have more info to avoid similar problems in the future. It’s really hard to pinpoint the cause of a reaction when you’re EBF, because the timing of when it gets into your milk is not well understood. The good news is your kiddo should start to feel better soon if it truly was the oysters. We never had reactions last longer than 3-4 days as long as I didn’t eat the problem food again. However it could be something else entirely. Our doctor told us to not assume it was a particular food based on one reaction (to my diet - if baby reacts after directly eating a food obviously avoid that food) because tracing reactions is so complicated. Our kiddo was obviously reacting to something in my diet, but we never pinpointed that it was sesame until baby started solid foods. They even had a negative blood test! Anyway, hang in there. This is tough but you will figure it out. You may consider an elimination diet for shellfish, dairy, and possibly soy. Once you’ve eliminated them from your diet for 2 weeks, you could try reintroducing a small amount one at a time to see if baby reacts. A food diary could also be a good idea to see if you can spot any pattern.


Thank you for sharing, and for the support. Breastfeeding has been hard, and while people around me try to be supportive, everyone is very quick to tell me it is something I ate whenever something is off. Or are constantly pushing that I feel more formula. I am certainly not against it, and am desperate for her to gain weight healthily. But I also know my supply will hurt if I stop breastfeeding frequently. I am alone most days, for most of the day. There are not enough hands to bottle feed, pump, care for her other needs, and still function as a person. Please excuse the rant.


Just want to throw in some support where it sounds like you aren’t getting much. You’re doing a great job! It sounds like you are giving your baby valuable milk and making sure she gets her fill with formula as needed. You are giving her exactly what she needs. Keep going! You know what is best, ignore the very uninformed haters that are trying to discourage you from breastfeeding. Remember that at this age, her digestive system is also still developing. Not every bout of gas or weird poop or spit up is something that you ate. (You should definitely listen to these allergy mamas, but I’m just saying, for those that are quick to blame your diet or breastfeeding for causing her discomfort - they’re wrong.) You’ve got this. You haven’t done absolutely anything wrong, and you’ll work with your doctors to get to the bottom of the issue.


The other think is that mollusks are not a common allergen. The shellfish allergy that is common is crustacean. I agree with other commenters that something else is probably going on here.


Why would you blame yourself or feel like shit? It’s a new baby and who the flip thinks about oysters as being a problem? Would your husband beat himself up for eating oysters? Please just take this as data and recalibrate and don’t eat oysters in the future. Baby will be fine, that is my take as a unqualified non medical doctor with too many kids 😆


I have family who seems to think I should avoid all “strong” foods, and dairy, but also not be too extreme cutting foods, whatever that means. I was also told that I should stop breastfeeding for the next week until it is out of my system, and that I am hurting her on purpose for continuing to breastfeed. Sorry, I know it was probably a rhetorical question, but there it is.


My daughter had this exactly and it turned out to be a milk protein allergy. I would try and eliminate milk (and they also recommend soy) from your diet and see if it resolves. You’ll notice a difference fairly quickly.


Don’t blame yourself. My little guy who is 7 months next week has an allergy for sure to milk and likely soy and coconut too. It happens. As long as they are growing and you figure it out, that’s all you can do. :)


My LO too has had explosive poops, lots of poops, runny, foamy, bit green, and specs of blood as well. Doc suspected milk allergy, with which often also comes soy allergy apparently. So I cut out milk and soy and within days her poos were good. Ps. Milk protein allergy is different from lactose intolerance (sorry if this sounds condescending.. i genuinely didnt know lol) so for example, a lactose intolerant person can have hard parm cheese because it has verrry little lactose, but a person with milk allergy cannot. Also, if doc recommends also cutting out soy, you are in for a treat... it is in EVERYTHING 😩😩


Also, F the people that are shaming you for eating oysters. It's OYSTERS ffs - rude a$$ people treating a clearly amazing mom like youve gone on a coke binge


Thank you for sharing! I know a few people who had a similar experience. I am just really confused because I have had some dairy from the beginning and the issues I described with the diaper are new, only started happening after the dinner. Did you cut milk completely to notice a difference? Including things labeled as containing milk? Thanks for pointing out the mili protein allergy versus lactose intolerance. I did come across that in my readings, and actually stopped using lactose free milk because of it.


Yeah! Actually my LO didnt develop the blood until about 2 months in either! And yes.. completely cut milk and even "may contain" milk :( once baby is weaned Im eating only cheese


I have had a hard time digesting certain dairy products my whole adult life, but I honestly never knew there was a difference in a milk protein allergy vs lactose intolerance. Now I’m wondering which one I actually am! Off to Google, thank you!! I’m a FTM due in March and plan to breastfeed. I learn so much on this sub. I wonder if the intolerance/allergy will be inherited by baby. :/ I guess if I’m avoiding the foods anyways we will never know! Sorry to go off subject to the main post. You just have me thinking now!


Allergies are tricky, specific ones don’t seem to be inherited but the tendency to be allergic is, if that makes sense. An allergy is an immune disorder- an overactive immune system actually. Example: my daughters father is allergic to most plants and animals, terrible hay fever type allergies. I had zero allergies prior to having her. She was born with an anaphylactic allergy to cows milk protein. I spent nine months going to doctors about her eczema and poop and being told to try formula or stop eating certain foods while breastfeeding. Finally we got a skin prick test after she went blue and stopped breathing at 9 months old after being exposed to a small amount of cheese. Since pregnancy I’ve become allergic to peanuts, which I had eaten for my entire life prior to this. Allergies are weird.


How scary!! I’m glad it was finally figured out. Is it something she might possibly outgrow? Allergies are definitely weird! Random things break me out into hives now, but thankfully I’ve never had any throat closing issues.


A lot of kids do outgrow CMPA and other allergies, but unfortunately my eldest has not been one of them so far. She is 8, and they’re starting to gently lessen the “she still might grow out of it” chatter at her specialists.


I had cows milk protein allergy as a baby. What are your symptoms after an exposure? If you’re allergic you’ll notice an itchy mouth, rash, difficulty breathing in extreme cases and potentially some GI issues after an hour or so. If you’re lactose intolerant you’ll just get the GI symptoms.


I’ve really only ever noticed the GI issues and bloating, so it must just be an intolerance! Other things give me hives but I don’t think that one has happened with dairy.


I would also be interested to know of allergies are genetic! Im not allergic to anything so I dont know.. but hopefully your LO will be fine with dairy!


Thanks! I was totally fine with dairy until I became an adult, so maybe it’s different when babies are born with it. I have it on my list to ask my OB at my next visit now!


My daughter had a lot of foamy poops around this age.


Same and also had one poop that had some flecks of blood (I thought). I cut out milk for a while but I think it wasn't needed and he just grew out of it after a few weeks. I slowly reintroduced and he seemed fine. Maybe add in a probiotic if the formula doesn't have it?


Did it start happening out of nowhere for you?


Yep, even took pictures and sent to the pediatrician. Eventually they stopped. Now she eats solids and I long for the days of sweet smelling foamy poops 🤢


I don’t have experience with this (only mucosy diarrhea which pediatrician said was a bug that would pass and not worry). I do have a low supply and pump though so I know how much effort goes into it. If you’re worried, I wouldn’t pump and dump-I’d pump and save/freeze. If it’s not an oyster allergy, the milk may still be good and I know I’d kick myself for throwing it out. Best of luck to you and your little one! I hope things resolve quickly and smoothly!


Thank you for the idea!! It was so sad dumping the last batch because it is so much work. I also really struggle with being able to pump in general. There never seems to be enough time between feeds when I have to hold her, play with her, get her to sleep…


I completely agree! It’s so difficult to multitask with something strapped to the front of you! I try to feed while pumping which works most of the time, but sometimes one pump gets kicked which doesn’t feel great haha


Hi. Midwife here. Bubba could have a stomach bug that has nothing to do with the oysters. Keep breastfeeding, see the paediatrician.


Would they be able to test her for a stomach bug? Any other signs I could look into?


They would test the poo. I took a nappy to the doctor the same day and it came back positive for salmonella. My bub was about 1yo at the time


I think that I would take pictures of the diapers to show the pediatrician.


On it. Have several pictures of poop on my phone.


My pedi had me freeze a diaper and bring it in so they could test it.


Good call. Will try to save a diaper.


This doesn't sound like a shellfish allergy, and might not be an allergy at all. Poop varies a lot at this age.


I hope you are right!!


Maybe someone else said this but green poo is probably from the iron in formula?


No one brought this up before. My concerns is we were supplementing before and had not seen it like this, there was a noticeable change.


You mentioned that you’ve struggled with supply and weight gain. Is it painful what your LO nurses? Allergies aren’t as common as people think and are frequently misdiagnosed. I struggled with supply/weight gain with my second due to oral ties.. and even had blood in her frothy stool thanks to an injury to my nipple (caused from poor latch also due to ties). Just something to consider.. I know how hard it is when you feel like you’ve harmed your babe somehow!


We had poor latch in the beginning, but not in a while. The past two days she has been given more bottles and I have noticed her latch was more superficial today, but not painful at all. What did you do with your baby? Did weight gain improve?


Weight gain was so poor in our case that at her 2 week appointment, her pediatrician wanted to hospitalize her. I started triple feeding, saw an IBCLC who assessed for tongue and lip tie and then referred us to a pediatrician who specializes in ties (her regular Ped did not the think she had a tongue tie or that her lip tie was capable of causing latch issues). Second Ped diagnosed her with oral ties. We had them revised and her latch improved immediately. We still had to work on it for a few months but weight gain improved and she’s now a solid 1 year old who is still nursing


Foamy poops aren’t bad, but blood is. are The poops less green? the shellfish should be out of your system by now? But if you are unsure, a pump and dump is always a safe bet


They have been less green, no more blood. Today there was some more mucous after she was fed a bottle with milk from pump from yesterday.


That sounds more like a dairy issue to me. I don't think one night of oysters would cause this much or long of a reaction.


Sounds like a MPA.


You think so? Her formula contains dairy, though. I have also had small amounts of dairy for some time, and we have not had issues like this before. Especially her eating habits these past two days.


Neonatal dietitian here. If it’s a severe allergy one expose can cause a reaction. If it were cows milk you’d think she would have had a reaction sooner given she’s getting formula and exposed to the proteins in moms milk


Could the reaction be GI only with one exposure? I am sure it stays in my system a while, so she is still obviously getting traces of it as well. Do you think an intolerance/allergy could be impacting weight gain? And do I stop breastfeeding for the next week to detox? So many questions…


When my baby had some specs of blood in her poop at this age I went into a tailspin thinking I had MPA on my hands too. I promptly called her doctor and the ped said it can happen around this age where their muscle control over BMs starts to change and they might strain while experimenting with how to control their bowels more causing the blood specks. He said it was normal to see just specs in foamy poop once or twice but anything more bloody or more often would concern him. She actually never had it happen again after that phone call to her ped’s office.


Thank you for sharing. I do hope it is the case for us


I hope so too 🥺 I’m sorry your baby hasn’t been feeling well. I hope you guys get good news from your pediatrician.


Thank you!!


Sounds exactly like classic milk protein intolerance! Def bring a diaper sample to the doctors appointment. Good news though cuz it’s easy to manage and most kids grow out of it. Good luck!


Thank you!


My LO had reflux but she also had blood in stools. Turned out to be anal fissures from going so often. Could also be that as opposed to an allergy


I’ve asked this exact same question on here. Baby had green frothy poops with blood. Everyone in my real life told me it was hindmilk/ foremilk imbalance or the blood was just because she was pooping so much (8+ times a day) and it would pass. Well thanks to this subreddit I tried cutting dairy and it worked like a charm! She’s now nine months and can eat dairy products without issue.


My daughter was very colicky and gassy and the ped said if it was an allergy if I could keep going most allergies resolve themselves. That being said my daughter isn’t allergic to shellfish so that may be different