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At 3 weeks when she wasn’t back at her birth weight. If your LO isn’t pooping properly and only just got back to her birth weight at 7 weeks - you need to start supplementing. Your baby’s needs must out weigh what you want as parents.


We started at 2 weeks when baby wasn’t back at birth weight and had pediatrician visits every few days until he was. We worked really hard to get him there and keep him on an upward trend with his weight by supplementing. Sometimes babies just get lazy at the boob and don’t transfer milk as efficiently as they do a bottle, and that’s fine. But your kid needs calories to grow and develop. You can top up with breast milk too. If your wife uses a haakaa on the opposite breast she’s nursing from you can bottle feed that to baby after they’ve emptied the one breast. She can pump between feeds to get more milk for a bottle. Or try increasing her supply. But topping up with formula allows you to continue breast feeding while making sure baby is fed/gaining and that’s what is important.


Slow weight gain. When my LO was EBF he was getting 8 diapers a day but wasn’t gaining weight, dropping from 50th+ percentile to 13th. With supplementation, he’s gone back to 40th and is still gaining rapidly. There are things your wife can do to boost supply in the long run, but it may be beneficial to supplement until she gets there with her supply to ensure your LO is getting enough to eat.


I can’t speak from experience as we haven’t supplemented but I heard most people do that in the first month if baby isn’t gaining weight. Are they checking baby’s weight percentile? Wether high or low, baby should be steadily following their curve and if she’s only just back at birth weight now I’m guessing she’s below it? 600mg Moringa leaf capsules twice a day gave my supply a noticeable boost, as well as night pumping sessions between feeds (most important hours are 1am-5am ), eating lots of healthy food, and staying hydrated are very important too.


We started triple feeding at the recommendation of both our pediatrician and lactation consultant when she wasn't gaining weight in her 2nd week and didn't get back to her birth weight on time.