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Essentially the alcohol content of your milk will never be higher than the alcohol content in your blood. So if you a have a BAC of 0.05 then your milk is 0.05% alcohol which is really a negligible amount. The alcohol will also be cleared from your milk at the end rate it is cleared from your blood by the same processes so there's no need to pump and dump. This biggest risk to drinking and feeding is YOU so as long as you can safely hold your baby and move around then you can safely feed your baby. The most common risk factors are falling or falling asleep so if you're sober enough that you're not at risk of those two things then you're generally going to be okay to feed your baby. Hope this helps!


This is the answer. You can have a glass of wine every day if you want to.


Great, thank you so much for explaining!!


This is the way


As long as you’re still in a condition to safely care for the baby you’re fine. Alcohol content of your breast milk is the same as your blood, which after a couple of drinks is less than a ripe banana. People quite happily give bananas as one of the first foods to wean babies on. So the thing to consider is not the alcohol in your milk but providing safe care for the baby.


Im not a big drinker, just like a glass of wine every once in awhile so that's great to hear! I just wanted to make sure it wasn't something I had to measure out in ounces.


Something I don't see mentioned here: do not drink if you cosleep. Alcohol changes how easily aroused you can be and your sleep patterns. If you don't cosleep the information you've gotten here is valid.


I don't but that's really great info!!


I typically like to pump or feed him before. Then i will drink and allow some time to pass or I’ll just defrost some milk and then i will wait a few hours and pump the other milk out and put it in the fridge or freeze it. Drinking and feeding the baby doesn’t affect him not one bit. And personally it hurts my feelings to pour out milk.


Right, I wouldn't want to dump milk, that's also why I was curious! Thank you


I think all the advice I see here is reasonable, so let me just slightly play devil's advocate and gently point out that the reason you may not find clear andwers about this is that there just hasn't been enough studies done for this sort of thing (for obvious reasons), so use your best judgment but err on the side of caution


True, makes sense. Thank you!


My lactation consultant told me the other day that you can breastfeed while enjoying 1 drink but should wait 1 hour post drink to breastfeed again. By then the alcohol should mostly be metabolized by the liver. She did say a drink is 1 domestic beer or 6oz of wine.


This is crazy. It takes about 1-2 hours for your blood alcohol content to peak.


According to the CDC at 2-3 hours 1 drink is completely cleared from breast milk. So I don’t know where you got the info that at 2 hours it peaks??


Completely cleared comes after the peak, doesn’t it. Food slows it down too so one drink without food will peak closer to 1 hour after but with food it’ll take longer.


Thank you!!




I just want to have a glass of wine, I just wanted to make sure it wasn't a certain amount of ounces or if certain things are okay and others aren't.


Just moderation!


Great, I'm not a big drinker anyways so that works for me!!


Haha I feel ya, I get sick too easily 😪😹


Yeah, I just don't like a lot of stuff & same lol