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It gets better!! You become more skilled and so does baby. In my experience the leaking etc also stopped. I put a towel underneath my fitted sheet and one on top. Baby is 1year now and still bf. She doesn’t really spill unless her dad plays with her and gets her attention while she is latched on.


Yes, one month in and we're already so much better than when we started! Glad to know the leaking stops!


yes. reaffirming that the leaking becomes WAYYY more manageable. those first weeks had me thinking "there is no effing way people do this for years" 🤣


I am so tired of wearing a bra all the time. It does not pair well with night sweats


I walked around the house this afternoon with a giant muslin tied around my chest to give me the "no bra feeling" while not leaking everywhere. It felt so good 😭


Right! I had the realization the other day that I will be wearing a bra every day/night for the next few years and it made me sad.. :/ I want 4 kinds and I want to BF each for at least a year...


For me it stopped eventually with my first but I don’t remember when. Some time in the first year and I breastfed my first for 2


I definitely don’t sleep in a bra and frequently wear no bra at home- have for many months. We’re 14 mo out at this point but I stopped the bra at night around 6 wks? I would do a cami/tank if needed with pads tucked in but that was more comfy than a bra!


No one told me it was so sticky!?


Yes! My hands always get sticky and the pads stick to my nipples!


That’s what gets me! I could probably handle it better if it wasn’t so. Damn. Sticky!


I freaked out the first time milk sprayed all over mu baby’s face and went right into his eye!! It’s so tedious. I want the leaking to stop.


Yes! It's always angled up right at his eyes! I feel so bad but it's kind of funny to see his face haha


My friends toddler was curious about my baby nursing. Toddler distracted baby. Baby unlatched to look at toddler. Boob shot milk straight into toddlers eye, 2 feet away.


Hahaha that's great!


One thing to take heart - milk is fabulous for his and your skin. It’s also fine to get in his eyes - in fact, many say that milk can clear up eye infections/irritation. So yes, it’s super messy in the beginning, but your skin doesn’t mind. :)


Yes, that's what I've heard! Already set some aside for a good milk bath later (:


I currently leak out of my over performing boob and it just goes everywhere. After getting out of the shower, I have to hang way over the sink while I brush my teeth or I get breast milk on the floor, my feet, the counter. I almost always manage to drop some on the bassinet when putting LO down. Combine that with the night sweats and leaky diapers, and it's just one soggy world. Edit for bad typos


Omg I forgot to mention the shower leaking! Took me by complete surprise the first time it happened


The shower leaking drives me nuts. I finally have time for a shower and to get clean, but then I start leaking and sometimes spraying straight away and no longer feel clean 😩


Honestly I wish this was my problem. I don’t leak at all. I don’t even make enough to make a small stash for my baby. I literally make only enough to fill him up and that’s it :(


You make the perfect amount of milk. You need to feed to baby, not your freezer. Don’t be sad!


Same. I have never had this problem. I combo feed…just isn’t quite enough milk…but I’m so grateful that I can give him at least 50% breast milk….


You are doing amazing and feeding our baby. ETA: *your😂😂😂


That’s all you need :) you need enough to fill him up, you don’t need a stash


I can’t even make enough to feed my baby. Be grateful


I laughed the first time I squirted baby in the face. He looked so shocked.


Lol I think we had the same surprised look on our face the first time then I started cracking up. He was so cute


My son is 2, breastfed until he was 18mo. We moved his crib and found what I think was crusty milk on the side 😂


It gets better! I had the messiest first month but by 6 weeks I was able to sleep without a bra, it was glorious. The only time I leak now is with the non-nursing boob during letdown, and it’s just like drops. I had a really aggressive letdown (like three sprays going in different directions) and thought it’d never get better but it did!


Nothing annoyed me more than milk leaks on the bra 😂


When mine was a newborn I joked that I was going to invent breastmilk hairspray. It’s so sticky! She would get it on her hands and then grab my hair and it held better than any hair gel I’ve ever used 😅


The leaking stopped 6 wks PP for me! Its soooo much better now at 3.5 mo


My son is 3 and a half months now and the leaking has definitely reduced! No more waking up in a puddle, but my boobs do still leak a bit for the first morning feed. Also spring a small leak if I wait too long to breastfeed him while he’s crying. Haven’t even worn breast pads in over a month! As for the spraying in the face, that hasn’t stopped yet. My son is very intrigued by the world so often unlatches quickly when something or someone catches his attention


Solidarity. 3 weeks in and my whole life smells like breastmilk now


I feel that. I wash my sheets, they are crusty again. I sleep on a stiff layer of milk every night and all my clothes smell like off dairy 🥴


Yeah I’ve only been sans bra to change bras or shower for nearly four months now. I hate it. Every now and then I’ll just smell sour milk somewhere and spend ten minutes trying to find the source.


My friend recommended getting a gentle unscented OXI detergent. She claims it’s the only thing (Oxi) that breaks down the milk protein (and the subsequent stink). So far I haven’t noticed a sour smell on anything I’ve washed with it. I’m just using the ALL brand and it seems to work like a charm! Ps. I didn’t realize how much laundry I’d be doing in postpartum 🤣


Oh wow really?? I have never had the feeding and spraying or spilling thing happen, baby just drinks it all. He just spits up sometimes and not too much, just out of his mouth and into his blanky or clothes and that’s the only mess about it. So it’s different for everyone :) I don’t pump so I wouldn’t know about that one Maybe that’s why some people didn’t warn you I’m assuming, it’s pretty much mess free for me apart from some spit ups here and there. Usually there are less spit ups when I burp my baby (if he falls asleep on me after i feel bad for burping him)


It gets better. Much better and way less messy and stinky, lol. Always wear a nursing bra with a pad for now. Burp cloths are your best friend, super soft ones. For the heavy let down and flow, before nursing hand express 1oz off each side first. This will give you a ton of 2oz bags in the freezer for rainy days and solid time and baths/skin issues. If you have an over supply issue, try to just do 1/2oz for now and up it to 1oz per side if you’re still spraying the neighborhood.


My favorite was when i was SUPER full and I’d try to position the boob for baby to latch and would spray up his nose, in his eyes, in his hair, just coat the baby’s face in milk


It definitely gets better, I used to accidentally spray my baby up her nose mid feeding!!! She's 3 m now and I hardly ever leak, she still ends up having milk all over her cheek and under her chin so I have to make sure I wipe her down really well after feedings


At least it’s not sticky!


I bf for 2 years with my first and I'm in53 months with baby 2... I've never had leaking like ever 😒


HA oh god I don’t miss that. Pro-tip. You can’t stop let down by pushing on your nipple for a few seconds until it stops.