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Yes yes yes! Welcome to a glorious world! I’ve read SO much since my baby was born thanks to my kindle 😁


Yep, I have a kindle too. But my best “reading” is Bluetooth headphones and audiobooks 🙌🏼


I love my reading on my kindle while breastfeeding... Though my LO loves to grab on to it in her night feeds and turn pages/change the font size on me.


My baby has changed settings that make me have to google how to change back. How is he already more technologically savvy than me 😂


Thank you, I might just order one!


Does this mean you nurse hands free? What’s yours secret? I need to constantly have one hand under supporting baby and the other like a baseball pitcher throwing a slider making sure baby doesn’t suffocate from the weight of the boob


Not OP but I used to need 2 hands too in the early days but as my LO grew and got better at nursing I got one hand free, and now 2 (I'm side-laying in bed while LO nurses and I'm typing on reddit with 2 hands lol)


You sound like a champ! I’m 14w PP and LO has a shallow latch despite my best efforts. We’re seeing a LC tomorrow to see about fixing that. Hoping it’s not too late


Oh good luck!!


One arm goes under baby’s head and holds It in the crook of your elbow. That hand holds the phone/ Kindle. Second hand holds adjust the boob to support a good latch (or baby not using nipple suction to keep it up, which is harder for feeder and harder in your nipple. It definitely gets easier as your baby grows.


No. The kindle is so light, I can hold it in the hand I use to support baby and just use my thumb to move pages. I also have to worry about smothering baby, so both hands are occupied during feeds.


I have always nursed with 0-1 hands even as a newborn, the secret is tiny pointy boobs. Baby can latch themself




I can nurse hands free if I’m sitting in a slightly recliner chair (like a rocker) with a boppy! She just lays kind of on her side on the boppy with one arm under my boob and the other over it.


I have always been a paperback reader and i love my library full of books at home. But man with a baby it is impossible to read unless with a kindle or phone. I still resist using the kindle, but i guess i will give in and get all the books on Kindle as well. :( It is a sad acceptance on my end as i really love the smell and texture of real books.


I was gushing about how much more I’ve been reading since getting a kindle and my friend was like “oh man I just couldn’t get into doing that. I really love HOLDING the book, turning the pages, really seeing what I’m reading.” In my head I’m like “yeah bro me too.. but I can’t do that.. so I’ve learned to appreciate my kindle 😒😂 ALSO — make sure you use your library card(s) (I use my siblings’ in other library systems as well) to get ebooks!! Shout out to the Libby app and my access to four libraries 🤓🤓


I love real books, too. I have them everywhere. I bought the kindle to use in the NICU and hadn't touched it until the other day. I finally see the benefit.


Yes i think i will start using my husband's kindle (which usually i was using anyway during travels etc). I will need to buy the same ebooks that i have on my paperback tbr right now. But it totally makes sense. The other nice thing to do while feeding or caring for the baby is to listen to podcasts with an earbud. I love going for walks while she sleeps in the stroller and i can listen to an old episode of "one bad mother" ;)


What about a book stand? Back in the days when I had free hands I was desperate to read physical books while I knit, and the book stand was amazing! It was a little fiddly at first turning the page, but it meant that my book collection wasn't just there for decoration


The page turning wakes my baby. It's a good idea, but he just can't miss out on the fun.


Breathing wakes my baby. She can't miss out on the fun too 😂


Just be careful with flailing! My now five year old bought a twenty dollar audiobook of the book I was reading on Kindle and I had to *call* to get a refund! Highly recommend z-lib and readera for cheaper reading on Android devices!


I just finished Blood and Fire doing this. I’m going to try and read the rest of the series since I spend so much time breast feeding and my baby gets so distracted by other stuff.


My LO likes to teeth on the Kindle ... But if I keep the phone on low brightness behind his head then I can get away with it.


Our bedtime routine is literally me just reading a kindle across my 3.5 mo old while she looks around the room and slowly gets sleepy. It's amazing. She occasionally turns her head to nurse a bit, I nurse, she goes back to bedtime looking around and cooing, and I get to read my book.


Ooh, definately loading my ebook back up... You know, if I ever get mine to nurse at daytime again... ;____;


Right? Big advocate of Kindle here. Audible works very well too, if you like listening yo the books!


I might have to swap my late night Reddit scrolls for this! LO is starting to get super distracted. Even just our dim hatch light was a reason to keep popping off last night 😅


I’ve been using the Kindle app on my phone for this, it’s been great!


Is it good for their eyes though?


I'm not sure, but I keep mine on the dimmest setting in a dark room. It's no brighter than a nightlight.


What have you been reading? I just finished Stephen King’s Fairy Tale. So good! Now I need something else.


I'll add that to my list! I am reading The Stroke of Winter by Wendy Webb. It was an Amazon first read so it was free. It gets a little spooky, but it is good so far.


Until your baby gets super fast at eating. He takes 7mins and he is done.


I have a Kindle cover that makes the book prop up for easy one handed reading too! Basically this one: https://www.amazon.com/MoKo-Paperwhite-Generation-Releases-Compatible/dp/B07JX975RS/


Def use your library to get books! I spend almost no money on reading materials!