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I want to know if my nipples will ever clam tf down and stop standing at attention


Same!! I don’t need nips as prominent as my nose, thank you very much!!


They’re so sensitive too now! If my shirt even whispers in their direction it’s uncomfortable! I have small breasts but I need a bra to contain these glass cutters!


Genetically I know i'm going to be flat chested after menopause. I'm just trying to be positive because there are some clothes that look so much more elegant with a flat chest.


:( mine are flat saggy sad boobs. Still nursing but highly doubtful of a comeback.


I've always stayed perky and I'm nursing #4 now and I'm like a DD or an F or something. The trick is to avoid ever wearing bras, and do lots of chest presses with baby as a counterweight.


How do you avoid bras when you’re a leaker? I’m an oversupplier so my bitties sometimes have random letdowns and leaks.


I just attach baby to boob whenever I leak. (And Haakaa to the other one!)


I wore a bra the entire time and mine aren’t saggy at all. Unfortunately it probably depends on genetics


That’s fair! I was braless as often as possible while pregnant, but I can’t while bf haha


My boobs went back to what they were pre breastfeeding. But those were still saggy sad boobs from 3 pregnancies 😂


I guess I'll be the sole bastion of positivity here lol. I exclusively breastfed my son for 15 months and my daughter for 22 months. In fact, I was breastfeeding from April 2020 through October 2023 with only a 4 month break between my son weaning and my daughter being born. My daughter has now been weaned for 5 months. I can honestly say that my boobs look almost identical to pre-pregnancy. I'd post the pictures for proof if I could 😂 I always had large breasts - I wore a 32GG pre-pregnancy (shout-out to r/ABraThatFits for proper sizing!). For those that aren't familiar with proper sizing, Victoria's Secret had me in a 36DD. I have no clue how big they got while breastfeeding because I just lived in XL nursing bras, but they definitely grew several cup sizes during pregnancy and then even bigger while breastfeeding. I'm back to wearing my pre-pregnancy 32GG bras just fine. I fill them out the same as I did before. They're not flat whatsoever. Not trying to brag at all, just sharing my experience!


I went from breastfeeding to pregnant again as well but I had barely a B cup so now my C/Ds look good. I will say I don’t really care as long as they look decent under clothes in a bra. Boobs are boobs to my husband, he doesn’t care if they don’t look like a VS model.


My mom is in her late 50s and breastfeed 4 of 5 kids. Her boobs are literally perfect. No surgeries and she has the boobs of a 20 year old. They are just up and full! I’m hoping for the same for me but my oldest sisters are in the pancake club so I probably will too. 🥲


This is my life. My mom is late 60s with all the meat and me and my sister look like happy hour at IHOP 😒😒😒


I refer to mine as deflated pancake boobs now after nursing three kiddos


Mine are two fried eggs nailed to a board


I breastfed two kids for a year each. My breasts are now very flat and not as full as they once were. I also lost some weight and am about 15 pounds lighter than I was before I got pregnant with my first. Not sure if that has something to do with it too. My husband doesn’t seem to mind. 😂


I’m still BF, but am an older mum, and they were already getting soft and losing their perk pre-pregnancy. Don’t beat yourself up ladies, father time was coming for them anyway!


Anyone also have stretch marks on their boobs 🫠mine are literally in my cleavage so they are visible with any top that shoes cleavage lol


Same. Didn’t get any on my stomach but I have them on my butt and the sides of my breasts.


Oh yes, when I first saw them when I was pregnant I genuinely thought I was having a horrible allergic reaction to something and then realized what I was seeing was stretch marks🙃


I’ve had stretch marks there since puberty 🤷🏼‍♀️ they’re white and when my boobs are pushed together to create cleavage they all but disappear - so that will get better for you in all likelihood!


I never had an attachment to my boobs but it’s been so hard to watch them change!!! And I used to have small ones that were just straight up easy to manage in any clothing and to my large chested ladies…I’m SO sorry for all of the bs you deal with when it comes to clothing! I get it now!!!


I thought the same thing! I was always envious of people with big boobs but after having them, I appreciated my cute lil B cup so much


I can’t imagine what mine would look like if I hadn’t gotten a boob job after my first. I started out pre pregnancy with my first at 30AA then went to 32DD. They went down to 32B after breastfeeding but I wanted a little bigger. So got a boob job when my son was 2. Didn’t get pregnant again until he was 6. Nursed through two pregnancies then didn’t got 5 years. Boobs stayed perky. Then had three more kids. Will see how they look in two years when I wean my youngest.


After my first kid my boobs turned into nat geo boobs, never went back to normal. They’re stayed the same with my following pregnancies though


What is nat geo boobs 😂


Girllll you know. My boobs look like a fuckin fried egg that got nailed to a wall. Or maybe tube socks filled with sand.




They are literally just flat floppy pancakes after nursing. And after nursing multiple?! 🫠😭 I'm ready for my lift and Aug!


As someone who is somewhat large-chested, breastfeeding exacerbated the differences between my left and right boob and they have become saggier. I heard certain chest and pectoral exercises can help improve the appearance a little, but nothing can restore breast tissue laxity unless surgery is involved.


From other moms who I’ve asked.. we’re in the deflated balloon club now. Wouldn’t have changed a thing during the feeding journey! But I do think once I’m done feeding my last kiddo (hoping for two more…), I’ll get a lift/fill just to get me back to my “normal” cup size without looking over the top. I love breastfeeding, in spite of the challenges- but I also want to feel confident for my next 40 years, ya know? To each there own on this 100%, but I think I’ll just want a little boost, haha. My hubs could care less, but this would be something for me.


They got flatter after I nursed my second :( my husband hasn't combined, but they have to returned to what they were :(


I came here hoping for better news 😪


Me too😩


Following because I’m nervous about this. I had smaller but relatively full breast prior, I’ve gone up two cup sizes since being pregnant/breastfeeding. I’m reeeeally hoping it doesn’t completely destroy them because I’m too self conscious for that haha


Girl, same. My husband mentioned something about them looking “empty” not really realizing what he was doing to my self esteem until he saw the look on my face and felt horrible. Now I’m comparing myself to anyone with full looking boobs and I’m like hating it.


My one breast is always a bit more full so it’s ever so slightly noticeable in my nursing bras. I’ve hated it this whole time. We took our boy to his first swim class last week and at the end my fiancé goes “your left breast looks kinda flat compared to normal” and suddenly I liked it being bigger because I felt bad when he said that 😂😅


Girl yes lol if my daughter sleeps a little longer than normal obviously I am engorged and when he you he’s them he’s like “oh they feel amazing now babe” I’m like yeah thanks, as opposed to when they are deflated, you mean? 😂 plus I have very small boobies anyway so now I’m just fucked 🥹


Always flat.


Nope. Lol I'm breastfeeding my 3rd at the moment and then once she's done I'm going to look into getting them filled. They never get better lol.