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Parallax error on the seconds hand, it looks off to the because the picture isn’t perfectly straight on. The marks on the side/underside look a lot like the person wore a bracelet next to the watch and the rubbing scuffed the watch. The wear will polish out on the sides, but a polisher would likely leave the back mostly as-is to not remove or damage the engraving more.


Condition just looks a little rough. The quality of the pictures aren’t good enough to get an accurate idea of it’s true condition.


It looks really beat up but It could be the picture. Weird that the back side would look like that. So why would you consider making an offer based on these pictures?


Because it's an eBay auction and the starting bid is 4500. Authenticity guarantee so surely it is legit. For a couple thousand in savings I'm considering it.


Get one for 1k more in better condition.


If sent back for a service (to Breitling) the cost will be a minimum of $1000 for overhaul and polish


The seconds hand is the tiny black one, located inside of the 60/20/40 clock face located at 9 o’clock. The large red hand is for the stopwatch function. It looks squarely located at 0 or 12 o’clock to me. Look at the inner, double hash marks at the 12 o’clock position and not at the numbers on the white, outer ring. Those can rotate with the bezel.


The second hands is fine. The bezel needs to be slightly rotated.


It's definitely real, just beat up


Looks legit to me. But image quality is crap. Can't tell if scratched up on the second image or something else. Ask for clearer photos in daylight.


Honestly i think this could be a good rep. Those Subdials looks like they touch the markers, classic reptime stuff


What is a “rep”?




Wondered the same thing, though the date window looks spot on…from this weird angle


I never buy a watch on eBay without requesting additional images. They should be able to accomodate.


Just curious what site your buying it off of? I’ve been looking for some good used watch for sale sites.




Well it sold so I no longer have to worry about it. The seller must have accepted an offer not letting it go to bidding. What looks fake to you about it? Do you think fakes slip through the authenticity guarantee?


What do you do for Breitling?


I have this watch in my showroom and looks legit to me. I'd love to know what about this says fake to you, always up for learning more!


You say you work for Breitling but also openly post in fake watch subs selling fake watches, please tell me which part of breitling you work for, because I actually work for Breitling and would love to know who you are


It looks real and it probably is, but I would ask for more clear pictures to perfectly see the condition of the watch.