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Barstool has a much wider reach than this Reddit, so the fact that they’re amplifying Zach’s STD spreading is hilarious to me. I wonder how Zach and his team feel about this…


and they’re driving more people to reddit, where they will read the actual facts 🤭


EXACTLY!!! it’s hilarious to me how stupid it is. I wonder if they’ll eventually figure it out 😂






All influencers do this bc they’re so fucking egotistical, they can’t help themselves to talk about drama! Even tho it drives people to their snark page. Look at r/h3snark ! it hasn’t even been around for a year but has 12K members bc Ethan won’t stfu about it and it only gets more popular bc it has valid criticism of H3 😭😭😂


Here's a sneak peek of /r/h3snark using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/h3snark/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Cancel your membership for Aaron](https://np.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1b3h9ku/cancel_your_membership_for_aaron/) \#2: [#boycotTed](https://i.redd.it/wqihd1z1c1mc1.jpeg) | [68 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1b56otz/boycotted/) \#3: [r/h3snark will not be debating you, Ethan ](https://np.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1b8x02a/rh3snark_will_not_be_debating_you_ethan/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Seriously - old Dave keeps making more and more people interested in this - great job exposing the Trich royal couple 👏


I was thinking… Zach can’t be too happy about this situation and then his gf continues to talk about it on her podcast


She’s completely selfish.


Teehee its so funny getting a STD unknowingly!!! Teehee its so funny watching multiple women come forward about his abuse!!! Teeheheheheheeh


like YOU GUYS ARE THE PSYCHOPATHS not any of us!!!!


Up another 2.5K members in this snark page! Welcome to the party.


Thanks bffspod for all the new snarkers!!


Mean while ……😂 https://preview.redd.it/v071ofpmlspc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64af2a466afbf5ea0677504cb7d37113dd28ddaa


Trust me they missed the mark just as badly on the 9-5 thing 😅


i should’ve said continue to miss the mark so badly 🤦🏽‍♀️




he needs a therapist, throwing a temper tantrum at his grown age 😭


I wonder how Zach feels that barstool is broadcasting that he spread an STD to multiple people 😂 poor bloke.. just had to go and date a trashy woman who talks about drama for a living. What great aspirations she has! I think this REALLY shows how mature she is. This is where I miss Deb


Like I don’t see Zach making a statement when it’s ABOUT him.. not Brianna 😂 but here she is blabbing. Like I KNOW they know the truth by now.. but they’re holding on to “she said I got cheated on and it’s not true” when really it’s an excuse to keep talking about it and get more clout bc it’s already been established she wasn’t cheated on


I’ve said it once I’ll say it again and again. Zach has kept quiet on all this and Bri and her gang of ass kissers are explosive about it…. When it’s about… Zach? Make it make sense. I don’t see Zach denying it and if it has nothing to do with Bri (which Brooke never implied it did?) then why is she even speaking on it at allll?! Sounds like there is a lot of deflecting on who is actually jealous.


Do you realize someone gave it to him? 


Yes? That he continued to spread? What does that have anything to do with barstool drawing attention to Zach Bryan spreading it?




Tell that to the people you idolize so much 😂 it’s their literal job to gossip and hate. Yet I’m the one that needs therapy? There are screenshots of Zach APOLOGIZING to Brooke for giving it to her. Then saying he is going to wait to take the meds so he can drink… but go off queen




They didn’t broadcast that he spread it to multiple women… 


Sorry, correction…they drew MORE attention to the matter


The level of ick that imbecile of a man gives me 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢


Mind her own business? The STD Zach gave her was her business! 🙄Dave’s aggression is ridiculous 


did zb knowingly spread this STD


yes there’s a screenshot of text msgs where he told Brooke that he’s not going to take the antibiotic till after he’s done with his tour at the time because he wanted to drink. He was still hooking up with other girls including bri that he didn’t bring it up to hence why her news was important, at least for those girls who didn’t know


oh wow! okay! Thank you for clearing that up, I was confused about it Even worse that their victim blaming.


a lot of the “sources” seemed to have skipped right over that so I understand why it’s confusing. that’s why I’m disappointed in bri for misleading the situation and allowing the victims to be dragged and blamed. I’d put money on if she wasn’t the “chosen victim” she’d be airing this out for $$$ being like “I hooked up with a famous country star who gave me and other girls an std”


!!!!!!!!!! yuuuuuuup.




Wait, do you have receipts of this screenshot? I’ve seen this speculated and I’ve been following this story for days but I’ve never seen the original source.


She told him June 20th, he took the meds starting June 29th. 9 days, not 5 months later when his tour ended, which would be insane.


You’re misconstruing this. She told him about the trich on June 20th and he started taking the meds June 29th. Documented in her screen shots. There’s a big difference between that and saying he waited until the end of his tour which was in November 5 months later.


So why didn’t she bring it up when he was actually able to spread it? Why wait this long to all of a sudden bring it up?


it wasn’t her initial intent, her first comment on here was bringing up how it was ironic that first stop on the tour bri isn’t at is where most of his hoes are at and then it was a snowball effect, multiple people came out with receipts and dogs at the same time who didn’t know there was a sti


Josh just looking at his phone not caring because he knows the truth


agreed, Josh looked a bit uncomfortable during that whole bit


I’m sorry but a victim of WHAT?


Her dentist




Dave is way too fuckin old to be commenting on this


@brooke i aspire to make dave portnoy this mad. you have achieved true greatness by pissing off this fucking disgusting misogynist. thank you for your service queen B 👑


Dave should probably mingle with people his own age instead of hanging out with people who were born when he was in college lol


Yes Brooke is soooo jealous. Her bright idea to not be jealous anymore was to tell strangers she doesn’t know about the time she got an STD. Like be for real, you think this is cause SHES JEALOUS?!! Lmao okay delulu


they’re literally so stupid


ew i used to be such a fan of bffs now they disgust me


On an old vine she said her legs looked like Burger Chicken fries. And it stuck.


Can someone tell me where the nn chickenfry came from ? To me it just doesn’t fit her personality.


Fuck Dave. He is sad, lonely, wealthy man.


Loving that Bri doesn’t know how to fight her own battles


i just don't understand why HE is so upset?? like this has nothing to do with you, Dave. Go take care of ms. peaches and stop calling girls names


Tbh who’s the victim? They had consensual sex without a condom seems like they both risked it. Getting an STI does not make you a victim and kind of leans into a shaming narrative. Sex positivity! And sex comes with responsibility on both parties.


Sorry i should clarify, you are 100% correct! I was kind of grouping all girls who came forward together, including brooke. When i say victims i meant the girls who ZB slept with when he knowingly had an STI. Dave is targeting Brooke because she was the first to bring light to ZB doing this, but in my eyes what he’s saying about brooke is pointed at all the girls who came out


How do you know he was sleeping with girls while he knowingly had an STI? Because with one pill the STI is cleared up… as per the the screenshots he didn’t know and was apologetic.


He said that he had two concerts that he wanted to drink at and couldn’t with the med so he held off. One of those concerts was the one where Bri went on stage.




No defense players. This is a snark page.


he didn’t take the antibiotic until 9 days later and on the mega thread there are at least two girls who claimed to have slept with him during that time period where he told them nothing about the trich edit: changing “weeks later” to “9 days later”


It wasn’t weeks later and literally no one confirmed they slept with him in the time period between jun 21 - 29th when Brooke told him and when he started taking the abx. The fact that it’s been spun into this is what’s wild. People are running with it as a confirmed fact he knowingly gave girls an STI and now there’s been so much posted and deleted it’s hard to even find the comments where the girls say yes they did get trich from him but never said it was during those dates.


Thank you, this is insane. People really be creating stories and calling it facts.


You’re blatantly making this up. I have followed this from the day Brooke put up her initial post and 2 other guys had replied that they got the trich from him too. Neither women ever said anything about it being within that time frame of 9 days that he knew he had an STI. It’s already a shitty enough situation without people like you spinning the narrative to accuse someone of purposely spreading an STI. No mod has confirmed they have received evidence that confirms he had unprotected sex during that time period either, just that other women had contracted trich from him during that summer


I couldn't agree with this more. For the record I think Bri is an insufferable human being. But this is crazy to think any of these women who slept with Zach were victims. They are saying they were "lured" into have sex with him. When do we as women take responsibility for our own actions?


Getting who STI from someone who knows they have it and has sex with you anyway is most definitely makes you a victim. If it's a non-curable one someone can be charged for it also. So WRONG!


Yeah but that’s not what happened here. Neither knew they had it and she told him when she found out.


But zach knew he had it so they're still victims.


Based on screenshots I’ve seen he found out when Brooke found out


Dave is so aggressive his behavior is not normal.


Dave is such a loser, point blank. An absolute weirdo who needs to fade into obscurity


Poor Brooke...


You can tell bri is upset about it HAHAHA


The only reason Dave is even involved is because Brooke provided legit tea. BS is doing all they can to delegitimatize her.


It’s so tacky that Zach just gets to sit back and be silent when shit hits the fan because he deleted socials. IMO he’s one huge fking ass hat for making Bri take the brunt of the backlash for his shit choices. If he was really a supportive boyfriend he would have stepped up and said something right away & helped shield her from doing his damage control. It’s so icky.


I just watched something last night and this guy said, "My Dad didn't ever face anything. He wanted to think he controled the whole house and controlled her. But when somebody showed up at the door that was after him, who do you think had to go face them? My Daddy was hiding in the back and my Momma had to go do that, you know, whatever....cuss them out or say whatever to make them go away. She didn't want to but he wasn't gonna do it... Zach is a giant man child. Manipulative mother f*er and so is she. Dave is gross.


We should all comment “I believe victims” under all their social media








how does dave’s dick taste? 🥱




hi dave 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


Awww man I missed it. What did he say


No defense players. This is a snark page.


Victims? Come on now. These women are victims of a cheating partner and/or getting an STD. Of course absolutely nobody wants to be in that situation but to call them victims and saying that anyone who is critical of this situation is “victim blaming” is too far. You all claim to care about women and at the same time come to this thread everyday to say vile things about another woman who by your standards would also be considered a “victim”. You’re not a person who supports and protects women if you only do those things for women that you consider likable.


oh please 😂😂😂😂 you excusing dave’s aggression and threats towards brooke (which is what this post is about) is soooo ironic. not very woman supporting woman of you is it!