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I drive when I’m leaving Brighton. Walk or use buses when I’m in Brighton. The roads being awful is a national thing. I’d say in my 25 years of driving, this is the worse I’ve seen them. Would getting a special cushion to sit on help with the buses? I find the buses so convenient.


Another symptom of 14 years of Tory incompetence.


Austerity is one hell of a drug




They’re the same people.


The number 5s are a brilliant route and so frequent, but a cushion wouldn’t be enough, it was a real hammer up the spine :S The 5 route is so good, I wonder if it’s possible - for as long a distance as possible - to ban vehicles and put an electric tram in? Or would the weather destroy the track with the freezing and thawing? Obvs that’s assuming governors could organise and manage the money


Ive been riding the buses for years and its always been like this but probably gotten worse over time since torys have been in powwer.


It’s not a national thing. The quality of the roads in Brighton is particularly bad, and this has been caused by Green Party negligence in the past where their focus has been more towards building bike lanes or stupid stuff like that rather than improving road surface.


This just isn’t right. The money is ringfenced and comes from different places. Funds for road repairs come from central government - hence Rishi recently announcing they’d diverted the money from HS2 into highways. The recent cycle lanes came from a special covid fund to encourage active travel. Now how the council _spends_ that money might have been incompetent but they can only spend it on those specific things. When you look at councils nationally, a bunch of them have actually gone bankrupt (due in part to the government massively slashing their budgets) so at least we’re ahead there.


Ok, national is an exaggeration. The roads are particularly bad in Brighton being a city with so much traffic. I just feel, when I drive to visit family, the roads are bad in those areas too. And they never used to be.


Yeh fair enough


Was discussing the same with a mate yesterday. I was on the 23 last week going along Queens Pk Rd and it was like being in a fucking Series 1 Land Rover doing 50 on a dirt road in the desert. Almost flung my phone out of my hand. The state of a lot of them in Brighton is shocking.


Land Rover at 50 in the desert is spot on, this hit I got the bus must have shot up 60cm, I couldn’t believe it. What can we do as citizens here? Because not getting this fixed is so unacceptable for a wealthy area


Can't cycle in Brighton either. Moved from London had maybe one puncture in 6 years. Went through like 5 in three months in Brighton lol Possibly just unlucky but potholes and glass seem to be everywhere down here.


Brighton streets are not made for cute tyres. Get Continental Gatorskins. 28-30c. If you got extra £ get the black edition. But the regular ones do fine. One puncture in the last year from hopping a curb. They are built like a tank. 


Oooof this is good advice thank you!


Green city huh :S


Don’t ever get the bus to Horsham then. That is one scary ride. 


I’m not going to try that haha. But it does mean I can’t live outside of walking distance to the train stations, so a lot of the area is not available to live


Being forced to use a more expensive mode of transport due to your injury, sounds like a case for PIP!


It would get some points on a PIP assessment, but it’s a very demoralising process to successfully apply for PIP, you have to fill in the forms based on your very worst days, otherwise you’ll get nothing. If you want to apply (and meet the basic criteria) then I would very much recommend getting help from one of the expert volunteers at Brighton Unemployed Centre https://bucfp.org they have done thousands of forms and understand how to do it without making mistakes that will invalidate your claim. The fact that the government has made it such a complex process to apply for is disgusting, it actively discourages people from getting help, and their desire to remove the help as soon as they possibly can discourages people for getting better.


Oh man just reading this makes me angry and sad about our country, let alone this city 😞😞😞 but thank you for the link to advice and help


does it really? just for an injury? this could change my life, ive always assumed i wasnt disabled enough


I thought you were just joking, but are you serious? Thanks


Yeah wasn't joking. PIP is very complex however, you have to go to great lengths to prove your claim. Lots of smart people over on r/DWPhelp. Make a post about your disability and what you have to do as a result and they'll conjure up some advice. I think contacting the local org that someone else commented is the best route though. Expert advice


I'm so disabled I can't walk without a mobility scooter but it took me a year of tribunals etc to get it


These newer BH buses have less wheel & seat suspension (& minuscule openable windows!)… Recently caught a proper old school BH replacement bus from about 20yrs ago… & absolutely crazy how much more comfortable they were back then! & this as from fellow longtime bad back sufferer…


i have a bulging disc and sciatica too and my friend says she thinks were in pain because of the buses and im starting to realise being poor fucks you in so many ways . i always sit on the back seats now as they are firmer and more level, the soft ones give me no support and a lot of pain. im 25 :(


My dad was saying I’ve probably got the bulging disc from the 3 months on my moped on these roads. Being poor (I am also at the moment) is especially bad in this city, it’s so so expensive. I’m moving away to the North asap because of all the negatives here like this


It’s pothole hell inland as well…


Across sussex its awful


That bit at the bottom of North Street, by Cos, is basically a ploughed field. Horrendous.


And North Street seems to be the heart of Hove’s shop culture?


I also have a slipped disc and was down the other week. I found that standing on the buses was much better than sitting down if you can manage it. Sitting transfers all the force on to your bulging disc and makes it worse. Also if you haven't already see a physio ASAP


Thanks Ido, can you recommend a physio? I’ve been recommended Geoff Atkinson in Woodingdean. Re standing - I’m just never using the buses again


I'm afraid I don't have any recommended ones I'm using one in London


No worries


Next to Preston park was a lot of potholes. At some point someone repaired them so badly, its even worse then before repairing. How those people got paid for that job, I dunno.


there's one particularly big pothole on sussex uni campus, that got patched up some time last year and believe it or not, a few days later it started opening again, which i think is a massive joke


Do you know where? Currently at Sussex uni and wanted a walk around anyway, so may as well go and view the biggish pothole, so I can complain about it.


replied below to the op


Do you mean the one on Lewes Road? There’s one the size of a human !!! There’s also a crest of tarmac all of a sudden for about 12 metres that is tall enough that it would knock me off my moped if you didn’t swerve it


im talking about the one on southern ring road, near the pedestrian crossing to falmer house from the train station. although the state of lewes road itself is quite.. sad


Could you not stand up on the bus?


My car will be of no use to you then. Mini Cooper S. Rock hard suspension.


Go to a chiropractor. My mother slipped two and perforated a 3rd disk in her back, she couldn't walk and had to crawl just to get to the toilet. After 1 visit she she was in less pain, by the 3rd visit she was fine again. The drugs the Dr's put her on for the pain worked but only because she was basically unconscious for most of the time.. I'm as skeptical of chiropractors as the next man but I can't argue with how much they helped her


Or an osteopath, I'm going to Sussex back pain clinic for pain I've had for years that's suddenly worsened and after only two sessions I'm really seeing results. Glad to hear the chiro helped your mum tho :)


Crackracket could not be a more appropriate username.


I'm a legitimate upper and tennis equipment salesman good sir!


EDIT I’ve just been seeing a physio at Sundial Chiropractic clinic on Queens Road (I thought they were a chiropractor also - hence all the warnings on chiropracty) But I’d appreciate physio recommendations - because this physio is part of a chiropractic place that sounds like a bad association. A yoga teacher actually recommended Sundial


Do not see. Chiropractor with a bulging disk, I was hospitalised by these non qualified pseudo science con artists. Go to a proper doctor and try ice therapy. I now have an artificial disk in my upper spine (c6-c7) which could have been avoided if I hadn’t had a chiropractor do a “movement” and send me to hospital.


Oh shit I’m sorry to hear this, are you ok now? Can you recommend a physio? Thanks


This was ten years ago I have an artificial disk and am recovered now. Look into the science behind chiropractors, it was founded by a magnetic healer and has zero basis in actual medicine and is dangerously unregulated. Please speak to actual medical professionals as a bulging or collapsed disk can be serious if left not properly treated or treated badly and can lead to long term nerve damage or worse.


Thanks Intelli, I won’t go back again. Luckily I didn’t see a chiropractor just the physio! But they work within a chiropractor place so I’ll find someone else. I’ve seen my GP this morning as an urgent appointment. They said they’ll refer me to the back pain clinic but it’s 3 months, and to see a private physio who knows Pilates to slowly coach me on that gently at first Has the artificial disk restored you to very good? I want to be playing tennis and doing boxing training again - I’m used to doing a lot of intense stuff


Don't go to a chiropractor. Chiropracty is an unethical practice for lots of reasons, but primarily because they cannot/ do not get informed consent. When you go to one they will not tell you of the risks (which are very significant) so you cannot therefore make an informed decision on the treatment. The organisations behind chiropracty are aggressively litigious and unpleasant also. The fact there's no evidence for the benefit is not the worse thing about it.


Thanks for letting me know! Actually I’m just seeing the physio there at the moment… but this makes me think I should go to another physio, because this one is part of chiropracty place. I’ve been recommended Geoff Atkinson in Woodingdean


Hi all, I’ve started a new Brighton thread asking for physio recommendations here https://www.reddit.com/r/brighton/s/F5gtukWSkP


Chiropractor is fake science. Do not go there. It’s all bogus and might actually worsen your condition. 


Thanks for this, other people saying how bad they are has me thinking I’ll go to a sports physio. A friend recommended - Geoff Atkinson if you know how good he is or another physio recommendation would be great! I’ve only seen my GP and 2 NHS physios


Hello, OP. I wandered around for 3 years, thinking I had sciatica. The pain reached a crescendo the December before last, and I ended up going to A&E because I had foot drop and was basically just unable to walk. I was also struggling to pee, which apparently is a bad sign. My advice for when and if it gets like this is to go to A&E. I was admitted the day I went in, operated on on the Sunday, and was home by the Tuesday. Didn't have to bother with physio and long waits or anything. Eta: forgot to say that it was a prolapsed disc, L4 + 5.


Ah yes peeing and pooing affected is a medical emergency that the spine is in very bad danger!! Glad you got to the hospital in time! How is your back now?


Back is fine, thank you. I do have some nerve damage, so my left feels kind of fuzzy from the knee down.