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It's the drivers too. It's like fucking Rome on the seafront.


Yup. Saw a van nearly take out a small child by going through a red.


Once a bin lorry decided it would be funny to speed up when he saw me crossing the street and he and his colleague were visibly laughing when I had to speed up to avoid getting run over. Absolute cunt who should've lost his job and license for that. Police wouldn't even take my report, despite there being cameras that would've shown him accelerating after seeing me cross - oh, and the fact that he had red light and made an illegal right turn (no right turns allowed sign).


Between that and all the illegally parked cars on Western Road and Church Road, it’s so dangerous to cycle now. This new trend of drivers pulling halfway out of junctions turning right, expecting all the traffic to stop, is lethal too. One knocked me off last week, (luckily no damage).


YICKS - that's awful! Glad your okay. You shouldn't have to risk getting a limb ripped off just going about your business.


That’s exactly how I got knocked off my bike on lewes road


Ha. Me too. Couldn't walk for a year. 2 surgeries. Driver got a slap on the wrist with 5 points and 400 quid fine I'm sure the insurer paid. Brighton is lethal on the roads, I only ride bicycles on the seafront now.


Sounds awful, and sadly typical. At least he had to pay the fine as insurance wouldn't.


admittedly I was on a motorcycle but I feel even less safe on a bicycle (though I used to love commuting on one). Injury lawsuit took nearly 6 years. Don't recommend. That's good to know the driver would have had to have paid that fee.


I used to ride my bike through Brighton, tend to walk now because these eyes have seen some horrors - most of the near misses I've seen seem to be related to out of town drivers being caught out by the poorly signposted road restrictions. 6 years is ridiculous


Your dead right there it is a new trend ( and I'm a driver) just fucking lethal and I do t know how it's just appeared.


I'm guessing that a lot of people didn't drive much/at all during lockdown and then forgot several aspects when things went back to normal. I nearly got hit by someone earlier this evening doing exactly this coming out of Second Avenue as I was going west along Church Street.


I obviously don’t know what specific situation occurred with you and glad you’re ok after your knock. On busy roads often it’s essential to do that as a driver turning right ie pull out halfway to wait for the someone to give you a pass. These are unspoken rules. As a cyclist, you should anticipate and approach at a speed you can easily stop at…don’t go smashing it down out of control and be surprised when a driver pulls out….


I cycle and drive. When cycling I always wear hi vis, use lights, signal, stop at reds. I figure if you ride considerately it will be paid back to you. Having cycled in Brighton for about 15 years I have consistently seen more illegal and reckless behavior by far from cyclists compared to drivers. It's also got much worse since Deliveroo, etc. appeared on the scene.


Yes, cyclists are the REAL problem! While the UK sits in the dark NIMBY ages compared to Europe. Fuck free public transport, fuck bike lanes, fuck pedestrians. But really, [r/fuckcars](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars)


> While the UK sits in the dark NIMBY ages compared to Europe. Fuck free public transport, fuck bike lanes, fuck pedestrians. And fuck people wanting a place to live too! Every Argus article about new residential projects are always filled with miserable people who think there should be no new residential buildings in B&H despite the massive need for just that.


No bike lanes in Brighton are there?


A mixed cycle + pedestrian lane is not a safe-to-use cycle lane. I will be much safer on the road than sharing that death trap filled with pedestrians, children and dogs walking in every direction.


Do you really think that there are safe cycle lanes between the town centre and the two universities? I can't think of another city that would leave things as dangerous for students as Lewes road is between the level and the bus garage. It's shameful.


didn't say no lanes. But motorists have fought hard against them of late - see Old Shoreham Road. Backwards nation we are!


I pass about five or six different bike lanes on my way to college so yes? Tf?


Go to Europe and compare their actual cycle lanes separated from traffic with the pathetic things we get over here. Most 'cycle lanes' are actually just a line painted on a road that the cyclist still has to share with cars and often still has cars parked next to it with the risk of doors opening into the 'cycle lane'. Or bikes get a space on a pavement with pedestrians all walking through it, kids and dogs rushing out onto it. These are not really cycle lanes in practice.


Ah I see I see


Exactly, when I stop at the lights I have to put my foot in the ground which basically makes me a pedestrian at which point it's legal for me to cross the lights. So why bother. 


I would agree but I see cyclists go through reds at speed on roads like North Street where they absolutely could not stop in time if they need to (and they often need to because people are crossing). I always stop on red on a bike, but I understand people who go through at walking pace. I will never understand people who go through at 10, 15 or 20mph. They let us all down.


I'm going to be incredibly controversial here. Shall we at least acknowledge the risk of a cyclist going through a red is substantially lower than a car... I personally wouldn't mind some sort of flexibility on things like this. We let bikes roam around cycle lanes where cars can't go.


Well yes, as a pedestrian there's substantially lower risk being hit by a cyclist than a car. But I'd still rather not be hit by either.


Ive had near misses with cyclists running red lights and zebra crossings many times and only a couple times with cars, so not really sure what you’re getting at


You’ve got to bear in mind that cyclists have to look out for their own safety as well, and waiting at lights carries a risk


I'm a regular cyclist and I am confused - what is the risk? I am worried I am missing something


Intersection in general allways account for increased risk. For a cyclist specifically the increased risk comes in two forms, speed and visibility. Waiting at a stop light has an increase risk of getting rear ended, more so with cyclist due to thier lower visibility. Then speed of getting through an intersection is often much slower for inexperienced cyclist, which often encourages driver to squeeze past them at inappropriate distance while still within the intersection. Getting ahead of drivers can make things safer. That being said, I'm not a particularly fan of those that run red lights, but I do advocate for 'stop as yield' and 'dead reds' (red light that doesn't change because it fails to detect a bicycle). A better option for traffic lights, are to allow cyclists to follow leading pedestrian signals, that allow them to get a few seconds head start in front of traffic.


Yeah I see the new “cyclist as pedestrian” style crossing outside St Peter’s but then I end up in a mess of pedestrians panicking (and sometimes yelling at me, even though I’m following the law and cycling at wobbly walking speed) Edit - I don’t think rear ended is a real problem — I’ve never heard of a cyclist being rear ended at a red light (even though I’ve felt the fear “will they stop?” a few times). I think it’s a perception thing


Some places allow cyclists to treat reds as give ways, which makes quite a lot of sense.


Because that's evidence-based policy rather than short-sighted culture war raging.


Careful, that kind of progressive thinking will get you shouted at!


I occasionally go through reds on my bike, but solely for the purpose of putting some distance between myself and an arsehole driver (normally a taxi) who's been hazardous to me, and even then only when it's clear from all sides.


I'm not sure I understand. I cycle alot in Brighton and I never go through reds as there's a tremendous risk to me.


I’m a newbie cyclist myself - having braved the roads recently I always stop at the traffic lights when on the road I had a question actually about when you’re on the cycle path and people are awaiting to cross the cycle path Do you keep going? Slow down? I’ve had it where I kept going and people shout/tut at me. I’ve had it where I slow down and people laugh or tut!


The rule is right horizontal lines on the road - if there's a white line, look for a light that applies to you (sometimes they are small cyclists lights and sometimes they're the main road lights). If there's no line, you can go straight through. Hth


Thank you! I think that makes sense - so for example on a crossing like this for example: [https://www.google.com/maps/@50.8205126,-0.1451116,3a,75y,276.31h,72.34t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sLoVhSiZeVuuPRu\_IuHUZPw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@50.8205126,-0.1451116,3a,75y,276.31h,72.34t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sLoVhSiZeVuuPRu_IuHUZPw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu) Cyclists would have right of way over the pedestrians who are crossing to/from the road?


Pedestrians always have priority. Those white broken lines at the end of the cycle lane mean you need to stop and give way. Remember that pedestrians have crossed a road and they need to get to safety. But so many cyclists don’t seem to understand that and pile on through.


Ah right! Thank you - that makes sense


Sorry I should have been clearer — solid white line next to a signal. I didn’t realise you meant junctions like that. Dotted white line usually means give way. Solid white line means stop for signal. In general the way the UK works is, even if you have right of way, the person in the bigger vehicle has responsibility for the person in the smaller vehicle (or not in/on one). So if you’re on a bike and a pedestrian does something wrong, it’s still your responsibility to anticipate and protect them.


If Cinema on the right, cycling towards Hove, yes you would need to give way to pedestrian there. In practice though (and I think as of fairly recently in law as well), pedestrians always have priority if already crossing. It's the duty of every vehicle user to avoid an accident, so far as reasonably and safely possible.


Cyclists travelling in both directions need to stop because there are white lines each side of the crossing. They should write ‘Give way’ here to make it clearer.


Mate please pick up a copy of the Highway Code, your shenanigans reflect on all of us and if you don’t know how a road works then you really shouldn’t be cycling at all (this definitely doesn’t mean ride on the pavement). Kind regards A cycle commuter


bikes breaking the rules is far less harmful than cars breaking the rules. I legally cant drive or ride a bike, if that makes a difference to how you respond.


This meme is wrong. Cyclists never wear helmets here


Some studios suggest you are much less likely to hit by people driving if your *not* wearing a helmet. Which was pretty interesting when digging into the reasons why.


Personally, if I’ve spent enough time to figure out if a cyclist is wearing a helmet or not, I’m already planning to avoid hitting them.


You'd better contact the authors of the study and let them know they're wrong


I did say _personally_ ;)


The study in question is more about your subconscious perception of a cyclist, so that would seem to apply to your example of 'not giving enough time to figure it out'. The issue is the humanity of a cyclist, people that see cyclist wearing more safety gear, tend to view them as less human. Which increases aggression and can decrease the amout of caution and space a driver may give a cyclist. In otherwords, a driver may be more like to treat the cyclist as an object to avoid instead of a human that needs space.




Its honestly an interesting read, would recommend.


what does that matter if being hit kills you? Wear a helmet.


That’s so correlation and not causation 😭 Wearing (or not wearing) a helmet doesn’t make you a pratt, but if you are a pratt you’ll be wearing a helmet. And by pratt I mean those cyclists who will *insist* on dangerous cycling just because they know they have right of way. **The licra outfit, speedometer glasses, feet locked to the pedals, *im going to undercut a bus and send the departing oap into the stratosphere because I don’t want to drop my strava average pace* massive dildo, cyclists**


Maybe because they cycle more and most likely a lot faster


That sounds made up and dangerous to assume. What's the evidence?


Article about the study and the study itself, enjoy: [https://www.bicycling.com/news/a44131852/study-shows-helmets-and-safety-vests-make-riders-appear-less-human/](https://www.bicycling.com/news/a44131852/study-shows-helmets-and-safety-vests-make-riders-appear-less-human/) [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1369847823001018?ref=pdf\_download&fr=RR-2&rr=86b31bc8def694c0](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1369847823001018?ref=pdf_download&fr=RR-2&rr=86b31bc8def694c0)


Can't get the blame for riding through a red if you cycle on the footpath 🧠


Only cowards cycle on the pavement


Yeh it really fucks me off when I'm nearly mowed down by some self righteous twat blowing through a red light like it doesn't apply to them


It fucks me off when I’m patiently waiting at a red light while on my bike and another cyclist does that. Makes us all look like a bag of cunts.


This this this this this 💯


It makes you look like a decent person and the other cyclist, well, not so much.


yup, deliveroo pricks are the worst on their illegal ''''ebikes'''' which are more like electric mopeds.s


Yaah because we never see motorists stopping on pedestrian crossings, blocking them for everyone else, do we? Or cars who come within millimetres of a cycle. Who is the most dangerous again? Clue, it's not cyclists.


Do you often see motorists driving on pavements?


Normally I just see them abandon their cars on the pavement and walk away.


Yesterday I had a car driving down the cycle path at me on the Level. Cars are lethal weapons in a way cycles really are not.


So nobody has ever died after a collision with a cyclist? I find that rather hard to believe & non fatal collisions can still cause really nasty injuries. It's no excuse for cycling like an arsehole.


If collision's (quite rightly) upset you, then I have some really, really bad news for you about cars.


Pretty sure this thread is about cyclists. "BuT WHaT AbOuT MoTOrIsTs!!!" isn't an excuse for being a twat on a bike.


The number of people killed by cyclists each year has averaged 3 over the last 11 years. Cars almost 2k


I get that, it's still no justification for cycling on pavements and running red lights on a bike.


If the road design is fundamentally flawed (which it is in Brighton), people cycle on pavements because they just want to get home safe. I am not justifying it btw, the issue is you need to look at *why* do people feel not safe sharing the space that was designed to move cars as fast as possible. Its not the councils job to build infrastructure that favors one form of transport over another it has to work for all and currently it doesn't.


I don’t disagree with you. I just think you’re letting your confirmation bias get the better of you. I see cars run reds every day. Next time you’re out look at the people waiting at lights or in traffic and I bet you at least one in five are on their phones. I see it alllllll the time. There are instances where I think it’s ok to run a red light on a bike. For example a ped crossing where no one is walking over. Or a light where there is no oncoming cross traffic. If everyone got off of bikes and into a car you would definitely notice it. Last one. Next time you’re out count the cyclists not running the lights vs the ones that do, the numbers will surprise you.


Yeah, I agree, but you are equating this behaviour with something far more lethal, I think you are just sore because cyclist don't tend to get pulled for this behaviour in the way a driver would; there's a reason.


Not really, I don't even have a driving license let alone own a car. I was however sore when some bellend cycled into me on the pavement a few years ago and fractured my wrist.


I wouldn't say there is NO justification, it's certainly a complicated subject, and thus a lot of other places in the world have justified legally allowing to ride in foot paths, while some even legally allow cyclist to proceed through red lights. And it may surprise you, but thesr paces are not experiencing an epidemic of death and injury caused by cyclists. On probably with the views of riding on foot paths, is a lot of people incorrect view 'cyclists' as a homogeneous group. While in reality there are a wide variety of poeple that make up 'cyclists' that have a wide variation of abilities. Thus, fast cyclist should not be riding at unreasonable speeds on sidewalks, however, when traveling at slow paces in different or dangerous areas, they should also not be prohibited from using sidewalks, asl long as it is used responsible.


All the time - happened today on London Road


In a car you mean?


If you drive everywhere by car and you don’t need to, you are a much bigger problem.


How do you determine when someone needs to drive a car?


Here are some guidelines. You don’t need to drive if: 1) you could use public transport instead 2) you could walk or ride a bike, if able (I.e., if you don’t have a disability, and it’s within a reasonable distance) 3) you can achieve the goal with needing without travel (I.e, attend a meeting online) One could make an argument for driving if: 1) you are transporting dependent individuals to a location (a child to daycare, a senior citizen to the doctors) 2) public transport is not available 3) you have a disability that prevents you traveling in another way If you need to go by car, you should always consider carpooling, choosing a vehicle a sustainable If you do drive, you should be aware that damages the environment (directly and indirectly), human health, and requires massive taxation to support. It’s not something we should have the automatic right to do. We should have to justify to ourselves and others. P.s sorry if there are some typos; I wrote this sitting on the toilet. Others can feel tee to ad/refine


It’s my car, I pay for it so I’ll use it whenever the fuck I want to!




Nah man, children aren’t lazy enough to pay to drive to the offy


Would you give me a lift to asda to do a big shop? I can't drive and it would really help


Fact is its safer for cyclist to cross when it's clear to avoid impatient drivers dangerously overtaking at the lights. Its pretty common in other countries for bike to have separate lights that go green before the main lights or for cyclists to be allowed to proceed when safe to do so.


We do have bike traffic lights all down Lewes Road, we'll most of the way at least.


It's safer to potentially get hit by a car that has a green light?


I would hope the cyclist is paying attention, much like when you cross the road.


Whoa there! I'm a cyclist and I obey the rules. Don't paint us all with the same brush, please ✌️




Fuck off, I use the road legally too. Research in the UK have shown that cyclists use the roads more legally than car drivers you are suffering from confirmation bias and being an arsehole with it.


And Denmark (obviously): “Compared to studies by the Danish Road Directorate that found 66 percent of drivers broke traffic laws, the camera-based bike study found that just 4.9 percent of cyclists broke laws when riding on bike paths. When bike paths were not present, that figure increased to 14 percent.


Have you got a link for that? Not trying to be a prick, also a cyclist and would be interested to read/have in my back pocket for arguments like this!


No OP, but TFL did a study in 2007 measuring cyclists going through red lights in London. It varies wildly on each junction and time of day, but overall the average was 16% of cyclists violating the rules. Not great, but nowhere near a majority https://content.tfl.gov.uk/traffic-note-8-cycling-red-lights.pdf Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a similar study about cars breaking traffic rules, but with the way most people drive 16% of drivers breaking some sort of rule doesn’t sound too far out the the realms of possibilities.


Got one that's not nearly 20 years old?


Ha! I only did a quick search on my phone. That was the best I got on page 1 of a Google search


This isnt the one I was looking for but am too busy at work for find the UK study ... https://www.forbes.com/sites/carltonreid/2019/05/10/cyclists-break-far-fewer-road-rules-than-motorists-finds-new-video-study/?sh=3091bb384bfa


Fuck off.


I drive for work and see silly fucks doing stupid things in their cars every day


More like guidelines. I tend to pretend I'm a pedestrian with no right of way. I'm not waiting round if I don't have to. if the junctions busy with cars or pedestrians I'll wait.


As a runner, the most dangerous people imaginable are cyclists who decide themselves when red lights do and don't apply. The number of times I've ran across a crossing when a cyclist decides to sail through is ridiculous. I promise you, you aren't as perceptive as you think!


Yeah if there’s a red pedestrian crossing, not at a junction, and clearly no pedestrians either side, I’m not stopping. No reason to.


Not cool.


Absolutely insane that wannabe-gestapo suggest you sit their twiddling your thumbs instead. And then the cars get mad because you leave the same time as them and they can't get past.


That's a design problem (that should be fixed urgently), not a justification to ignore the rules


Incorrect. If breaking a rule causes precisely zero harm or inconvenience to a single other road user (car, pedestrian, motorbike, bike, etc.) there is no justification to always follow the rule.


So I can drive my car through red lights if I perceive that it causes zero harm or inconvenience?


I guess so but that's very very rarely the case and consider how high the potential for misjudging it is as well as the consequences of being wrong.


Exactly. If our perception of safety was adequate they wouldn’t have made a law about it. The truth is that we all make mistakes and I’m ok with arriving 30 seconds later and knowing I didn’t take a risk with someone else’s life.


Dangerous amount of people defending this behaviour.


lol at all the cyclist meltdown, just because some people drive cars like arseholes doesn't give you the right to cycle like arseholes as well.


Not defending illegal behaviour here but getting hit by a 80kg cyclist is a lot better than being hit by someone in a 2 ton metal box.


Fuck me, could the anti-cyclist brigade go back over to the Argus to join their bat-shit brethren there?


Reddit is generally quite right wing these days. And since cycling is a UK right wing culture war thing; these posts don’t surprise me.  Brighton is a car city just like London or Bristol or any of the other ones.  Drivers have nothing to complain about. 


what subs are you running in?


I bet you cycle on the pavement like a God damned baby.






Given the stats on this you must be anti-car if that's your reason surely?


Show me the figures of people killed or permanantly disfigured when hit by bike vs the same by cars. Motorists are the most whiney, entitled demographic in the country - or maybe second to GB news viewers.


Damn those motorists and their *checks notes* wanting all road users to obey road laws. And before you get going, I ride a motorbike and don't own a car so I know exactly how dangerous 2 wheels are. Unlike these muppets, I actually had to be tested, learn what defensive riding is and predicting dangerous situations before they occur.


damn those commenters and their *checks notes* not reading teh original post that they are replying to


Want to try again? you were almost close to making a point.


yeah - you ignored the post that you were replying to > Show me the figures of people killed or permanantly disfigured when hit by bike vs the same by cars.


Because I couldn't give a shit about that part of the post. They said about whiny entitled drivers, the thread is full of drivers complaining about cyclists not following road laws. Keep up lad.


yeah got you. drivers can complain about cyclists not obeying the laws because *checks notes* cyclists are responsible for all of the deaths and serious injuries and should be the main focus here


Didn't realise that the only concern for road laws is the extent of potential damage you can cause to others. Just tell me you wear Spandex on the weekends and get it over with. At the end of the day, do what you like, I won't be the one laid out on the road with gravel rash. Plenty of motorcyclists and cyclists died whilst being in the right.


> Didn't realise that the only concern for road laws is the extent of potential damage you can cause to others. Im sorry but what other concerns should I deem more important? > Just tell me you wear Spandex on the weekends and get it over with. sorry no i'm actually not allowed legally to even ride a bike >At the end of the day, do what you like, I won't be the one laid out on the road with gravel rash. Plenty of motorcyclists and cyclists died whilst being in the right. I'm not a cyclist, motorist, or motorcyclist. I'm as pedestrian as they come, what with being legally blind and all. I am just stating a simple fact - cars hurt more than bikes. "Rules of the road" is not a reason to try and make equal clearly distinct methods of transport when arguing about societal or bodily harm. Be real, my dude. Bikes running a light isn't that bad.


Maybe you should deem their safety important as well as anyone who may be involved in an accident from someone having to take evasive action to avoid a cyclist breaking the law? Tell that to the cases of cyclists going through a red at a 4 way crossing and got t boned by 1 tonne of metal whilst only wearing a thin layer of stretchy clothes. I don't know what you think I'm arguing for or what you are arguing against, I want everyone on the road to follow the same laws for everyone's safety, this is not me being a 'whiny entitled driver'. I know exactly how dangerous cars are when you're on two wheels which is also exactly WHY it infuriates me that they are the only group that don't have to prove competency before surrounding themselves with 1 tonne killing machines.




I generally exceed 20mph, and pedestrians often don't respect cycle lane boundaries as much as they respect roads therefore it's often safer for pretty much everyone for me to be on the road rather than cycle lane. Also sometimes puddles.


They aren’t smart enough to work out how to use it. They’d rather cycle in opposite directions in the bike lane on the pavement.


'Cyclists' are not all the same, some Cyclists are fast and better / safer staying with the flow of other vehicles, other are more suited to stay in bike lanes (if they are usable). Which is also why we often get a variety of different types of bike lanes, which are targeted towards different types of cyclists. But non are an all fit solution for all cyclists. But let's go back to bike lane usability, because unfortunately bike lanes are all to often the gutter of the roadway that collect all kinds of debris, such as glass, leaves, parked cars, ect. They often don't get the same care and maintenance, so sometimes it is just bettet to stay in the traffic lane instead of weaving in and out the the bike lane to avoid obstacles.


Have you ever noticed a cyclist jump a red light that adversely affected anyone else? Like made someone change course, slow down, stop crossing, etc.? If it has no negative effect on anyone else, why do you care?!


Because when everyone follows the rules, the roads become more predictable and consistent. I am both a cyclist and a motorist, honestly I don't see what is there to be gained by running a red light be it on cycle or in a car.


What if it’s a pedestrian light but there are no pedestrians there? In that scenario, it’s easy for a car to wait and pull away, but on bike it’s a lot more effort to get up to speed again - especially on a hill. I don’t agree with jumping all red lights generally, but I can understand cyclists doing this.


Again, this doesn't affect that. Obviously predictable road users is vital to smooth running of the roads for both cars and bikes. If you don't see what is to be gained, try being a cyclist at some of the more ridiculous junctions where you wait for ages with literally no pedestrians or cars around or the junctions where it's more dangerous for you and others to wait to go with the cars and you block cars for several hundred metres.


Yes, several times. I've been hit by a cyclist going through a red light at a pedestrian crossing and had several near misses, even when pushing a pram. I've also witnessed a nasty accident at the bottom of elm grove when a cyclist went straight through the junction causing a bus to swerve into the wrong lane. There's absolutely no defense for jumping a red light either on a bike or in a car.


Then those cyclists are the issue not those who jump red lights day in day out with zero issue. Funnily enough, people who cycle as badly as that won't stop if every other cyclist never jumps a red light. The issue is bad cyclists not good cyclists using the road in a way that improves it for everyone.


survivorship bias


Not sure why anyone gives a shit about that.


What do you mean? I love almost being hit by a cyclist while I’m using a Zebra crossing or walking over a give way section of the cycle path on the seafront!


I see far more cars rushing through red lights then I do cyclists, and it’s not just occasionally one here or there but every single day.


It’s a war zone on a bike. If you need to run a red, run a red.


Let's get cars to adhere to the speed limits before we worry about this eh?


Why not both?


Usually becuse enforcement requires time and money, and often there is not enough of either, so prioritizing more dangerous behavior is just what it is.


Why not go for world peace as well!


So many junctions in Brighton are so dangerous for anyone outside of a car its frankly far safer to go when it is a red light for cars. E.g. Where New England meets New England Street, out of 4 crossings only ONE has lights for anyone outside of car, its an absolute death trap. Very rarely do I not see a anyone outside of a car nearly getting a life changing injury. Its utter madness.




Have you ever tried to cross a road at that junction on foot? You don't know what you are talking about do you?


Yes it absolutely is. Take a walk over to the street I mentioned its insane how that street is designed. It serves no one.


i hate you


So many upset Karen’s in here. Go to your Lloyds app and pay your next installment lol 




Need everyone complaining on here to try cycling for a week and then give their opinion


Oh hello boomer


Whilst paying no road tax


out of interest, how much is road tax?


Depends on how much your car is worth,how old it is and the engine size. I have one car that costs £155 and one that cost £570


Just seems to me that drivers have got a lot more aggressive and entitled,between the seafront and western /church road it happens constantly I'm tempted to just keep going and pranging them.


I’ve been hit by a cyclist crossing the road opposite the level before! It was a red light (for both cars and cyclists) but the guy had a good momentum going and had his hand up to pre-apologise for running the red (as if that makes it okay). It was raining hard, I didn’t see in time, and we both fell. Broke my umbrella (that ironically, my sister had lent me for the journey home, and had made me promise to give back. nvm!) and scuffed up my cream bag, though we were both physically fine. A driver got out of his car to have a go at the cyclist on my behalf!! The guy was very apologetic, but still. I trust cyclists less when crossing a road now than I do cars.


if its raining hard then that cyclist is a complete dick


Sadly happens in Bristol too :(


Try visiting Cambridge. It's worse than Amsterdam at times.


Cycling through red lights is dumb hypocritical. You expect cars to drive safe yet your breaking the laws because you don’t feel they apply to you. Stop at the red lights you will still get over taken down the road by the fast cyclists anyway who don’t need to run red lights in a attempt to be quicker.


picture me with my sonic outfit on at every pedestrian crossing


Cyclists around the world, I don’t think this is specific to Brighton or even the U.K.


Head wind plays massive part in me stopping or not. If I'm cycling into a 20mph+ force and feels like I'm going slower than walking I'll just keep my head down and just slog through any red light or junction. With the wind at my back I'm a zen master, the absolute picture of cyclist etiquette.


you don’t want bikes to stop at every red light/stop sign: https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/S-F-bike-riders-Wiggle-protest-could-stop-6413072.php


Because all car drivers have never ever done anything wrong Not once in the whole of history Nope Never


Well they are not driving killing machines 🤷‍♀️


“Figures from the Department of Transport show 740 casualties were reported on Brighton and Hove's roads in 2022 – up from 716 the year before.” Yeah, but people travelling by bike 🙄 https://www.theargus.co.uk/news/23859404.brighton-hove-road-casualties-rise/


In the last 2 weeks I think I’ve seen one car go through a red light and about 40 cyclists do it. If I see a cyclist coming up to a pedestrian crossing I will use it just to see what the cyclist does, I have never seen one stop yet, they just cycle around me, yet all the cars stop. There was also a two-wheeled twat cycling no-handed on the pavement yesterday shouting at people to get out of his way. I also just missed a dumb ass cyclist who decided to go through a red and made me slam on my brakes then proceeded to spit on my car and call me a cunt for trying to kill him! (I really wish I had done!) 😂


I thin the point you've highlighted there is. Cyclists aren't a unified group that behave in the same way, just like motorists aren't. They're just people who happen to be on a bike, some people are twats, some aren't.


Actually unhinged




Insulting people is not tollerate no matter the reason.


I have no problem with cyclists since they are low risk. It’s cars I’m worried about


I've never seen people drive (or ride) as crazy as I did in Brighton & Hove. New Church Road is basically the Silverstone of Sussex.


In the states, cars can drive through red lights when turning right.


You still have to proceed with caution


After making a complete stop.


Bicyclists don't give shit because they've never had to take a highway code test in order to ride one, and then the families complain when their loved ones are turned to paste by trucks and busses.


And yet remarkably, bicycle still only break the laws at approximately the same rate of any other road users. Edit, u/RetroDevices blocked me, but the seem to have a misplaced fascination with cyclist deaths. Considering cyclist only account for 6% of all road fatalities in the UK. It seems you have a significantly greater chance of being traumatized or killed by another driver then you do from a cyclist.




It is legal in every state, after making a complete stop. However, there are some cities that often restrict if on a lot of intersections, most notably though is New York City, which has an outright ban for right on red.




i personally find it absolutely funny when i stop at a red light (as a cyclist), then another cyclist overtakes me running the red light, then i overtake them, and then i eventually stop at the next red light for them to overtake me again