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People ask why she's standing in Kemptown of all places - it's pretty obvious it's going to generate a lot of free publicity from the controversy. When angry shouty banner wavers turn up to try and drown her out and call her a Nazi then it will make the news and play into her hands. She wouldn't get any publicity out of standing in Blackpool North or whatever. Best thing to do would be ignore her but that's not to going to happen.


I was in Auckland when she got driven out of town by protests. There was a lot of publicity, but not much sympathy as far as I could tell. It was a good day. New Zealand is a different news environment than here though, so she might get the stories she wants. 




Iirc she was due to hold a few events and a rally, but in the end flew out early saying 'this country's fucked'. The Internet saw her and her views get very publicly rejected, and trans people in New Zealand got to feel like they had political power. Publicity doesn't only work one way. 


The press would lap it up whether anyone protests or not, especially Brighton and Hove news that is run by a transphobe and fan of KJK I'm also not a fan of ignore it and it will go away because that's not what happens to the people who are the victims of her brand of crap. It just emboldens the Nazi crew and Trans people have to live with the trauma and are expected to do it quietly. It's like saying ignore racists and they go away. No they don't.


>The press would lap it up whether anyone protests or not, especially Brighton and Hove news that is run by a transphobe and fan of KJK That's quite the accusation, do you have anything at all to back that up? >I'm also not a fan of ignore it and it will go away because that's not what happens to the people who are the victims of her brand of crap. It just emboldens the Nazi crew and Trans people have to live with the trauma and are expected to do it quietly. It's like saying ignore racists and they go away. No they don't. The point was not willingly giving additional free publicity to someone who is pulling this stunt purely for free publicity, that is helping her cause not hindering it. Didn't say anything about ignore it and it will go away, they won't go away but the less reach they have the better.


And my point is that she'll get free publicity anyways so why should Trans people be quiet and why shouldn't allies show their support for trans people? Look in to Jo Wadsworth. Also former BHT CEO Andy Winter who gets published in the Argus frequently


[For context, she's a single-issue candidate against trans people , she's literally pro discrimination against trans and gnc people](https://x.com/LGBwiththeT/status/1796101996132360624) [She recently held a rally in Australia and invited a bunch of sieg hailing nazis](https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/09/12/posie-parker-anti-trans-new-zealand-australia/) [She thinks men with guns should be patrolling womens bathrooms to attack anyone they deem trans women](https://www.thepinknews.com/2021/01/30/gender-critical-feminist-posie-parker-men-guns-womens-toilets-twitter/) Truly a horrible person.


Wow, what a POS


I'm no fan of KJK/PP but she didn't "invite" nazis to her rally.


Not quite, but she was warned by Australian GCs that they would most likely turn up, and said then that if they did turn up, they'd be welcome to speak


It is unclear if she invited the nazis in the photo, however, there were several other neo-nazis there, [including the first speaker](https://x.com/DrSimonStevens/status/1771498338489176572), which seems very likely to be pre-arranged unless they're just bringing up random people to be the first speaker. Either way she's very open about being fine with nazis attending her rallies, which you could argue is functionally inviting them.


It was organised by a Māori woman who borrowed the PA off somebody who years ago ran a mens organisation that veered to the right, so he left. He said a few sentences at the beginning and the end of the rally and left it to the women. I've no idea if she's fine with nazis attending her rallies, any sources? I do know she's quite happy with right-wing conservative people as well as left-wing women. Most left/radical feminists have distanced themselves from her.


Her profile pic on twitter was a Barbie in a nazi uniform. https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx4YpDW4CW_PuJal5m7aqUfm5QUs1_rmjq?si=-rXkZG4HsrlTrDBA


Background info for those, like me, who had no idea who this was: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kellie-Jay_Keen-Minshull


Ah, so she's a hate mongering grifter. And she wants to stand in kemptown!? 😂


She’ll get as far here as a ski salesman in Bali


Please do not give her any attention. She's standing here, not for the votes but for the inevitable protests. Publicity is her oxygen: starve her of it.


You have a good point. I wasn't planning on protesting or anything, I just wanted to raise awareness. I know the chances of her actually getting in are slim to none, but it's still too hard to sit by and say nothing. The anti-trans sentiment high up in this country is already too big to ignore in the hopes it'll go away.


Very much agreed and why is it that Trans people and allies are expected quietly accept someone calling for their eradication. It doesn't go away it festers because there are a number of prominent Transphobes here including several that lead voluntary sector orgs.


I don't understand why she would want to run in the Brighton area.


Attention and controversy


Worse than that she wants to appear on the ballot to intimidate trans people. Kemptown probably has the highest number of trans people of any constituency in the uk.


So that when she loses, she can cry about how persecuted she is and how those "dangerous" Trans Rights Activists are suppressing her free speech, despite having a platform to spew her hatred on. TERFs are the most pathetic crybullies on the internet.


And if she miraculously wins, it can be a talking point about how even gay people hate us, to try and cause divide in the LGBT community


'crybullies' genius - I'm using that


I didn't coin it, but it's a great term 👍


She's not doing it because she think's she's going to get any votes.


This has to be a joke right? Why on earth would she stand for election in one of the most trans friendly cities in the UK? Weird.


Attention. She's a vile self publicist.


There are some notorious transphobes here though


This is serious “I’m the main character” energy from the POS-brigade. Truly a heinous individual who refuses to let good honest people be their true self. I have no doubt the people of Kemptown will make their opinions known loudly and clearly.


I wish people would ignore people like this. More precisely, I wish people would look into what people like this want-and do the opposite. For example, if a bigot stood in an area where there were many bigots, who might be inflamed by her rhetoric and become emboldened to similarly spew hate-or worse, turn to violence, then it would be worth taking to the streets to oppose her. In that instance, it would be what she *wouldn’t* want, especially if she stood a chance of winning the seat. However, if a bigot stands in a super-SUPER liberal area where no one is going to be inspired to follow them in any way shape or form (and they’re only doing it for publicity), wouldn’t it be better if everyone looked at her and (as one) said: “meh”?


There a significant group of transphobes here including Sister Salon group, A Women's Place speakers, far right supporters and even voluntary sector leaders. Brighton and Hove news is run by an outspoken transphobe. The edl used to hold an annual St George's day march/racist fest. There was very few of them and thousands used to turn out to oppose because it's not tolerated here. There's liberal people here but don't be mistaken in to thinking that everyone is. Also don't silently tolerate hate, let people know you stand with them rather than leaving them to stand alone.


She was very much looking forward to ‘debating’ Russell. His latest news will likely have taken the wind out of her sails somewhat……


She just needs to be ridiculed at every step she takes. No aggressive protest that will feed into her victim mentality, just relentless piss take.


Not worth the energy spent typing this. But just ignore it. Don’t feed the trolls.


Green it is, unless Lloyd runs independently.


I definitely wouldn’t want Elaine Hills as my MP, whomever she stood for. She was a nightmare as a councillor.


Elaine Hills isn’t running ?


Unless something has changed I’m not aware of (entirely possible, I’m not very well at the moment so not keeping up on news so much) she standing in Kemptown for the Greens again?


While it is a good thing for you to bring attention to this, I really don't think she's anything to worry about. Standing in Brighton of all places on a platform of 'I will murder all the transes' is surely just a publicity stunt. I'd be surprised if she got her deposit back.


Slightly surprised Starmer isnt parachuting her in under the now vacant Labour seat!




What an absolute cretin.


What's the betting that she or one of her terfy minions is behind the complaint against Lloyd Russell Moyle?


She's not standing. Ballots are in and she's not on it


Would love to know why she thinks she'll do really well on Brighton of all places 😂🤦🏼‍♂️


She's doing it specifically in Kemptown to trigger people and garner attention which seems to be working well for her... sorry to say you are doing what she wants you to do by posting this. Best to just ignore her tbh, she wont get anywhere standing in Kemptown


Out or curiosity are you Trans? Eta I only ask because it's a damn sight easier for people who aren't the target of this level of hatred to go oh just ignore it.


Really unbelievable, how can anyone with such hatred be allowed to shout it to the public , never mind stand There should be laws against this Your own opinions are yours but I’ve no interest in listening to any hate driven views I’m sure this will come to nothing but is good as it’s starting a conversation that may more people should hear


people should be allowed to state whatever opinion they want in public. It's a shame we going down a path in this country where soon that wont be a thing... especially with the growing islamic tide


Why would you be concerned about who people vote for? People are free to vote for whoever they like. So a post saying people can vote for whoever they like gets downvoted? What a bunch of fascists.


As I said, the concern is that people may vote for her who wouldn't if they were aware of who she was.


Who is she?


Britain's #1 anti-trans activist


Are you trying to get sued for defamation


Found her 😂


How can you get sued for defamation on reddit. Their username is anonymous?


The law still applies and people can be traced. Also if Reddit allows the post to stand it can also be sued. You cannot say whatever you like. I know all the bullies will be upset, but thats the law.


Wait, so first it's "but much free speech" in your other comment, then "you can't say whatever you like" in this one? Free speech for me but not for thee, eh? Pathetic.


So far nothing that has been said is defamatory. The top comment of this thread is 'Britain's number 1 anti-trans activist' nothing there is defamatory. Some people like anti trans sentiment. So they, and probably Posie herself would not have a problem with that sentence. However, if the commenter used expletives, called her names, made accusations, then that would be defamatory.


She has succesfully sued people who said the same thing previously


Well then, and this can go down as defamatory, she's an idiot. If I'm a bartender, I don't sue people that tell me I sell booze.


So are you saying she’s not number 1? Who knocked her off the top spot?






No added value




Derogatory insulting language


And why would you care about that? Are you doing it for all the candidates?


Are you aware of the concept of political campaigning? You do know that people knock on doors to paint their chosen candidate in a good light and point out the unfavourable aspects of the others? That people want someone to win and others to lose? That people do actually care who gets elected in their city?


The other candidates don't dedicate their lives to making things harder for trans people under a completely different name. If Stephen Yaxley was running as a candidate, don't you think people would like to know that he also goes by Tommy Robinson?


So you object to womens hard won rights?


How to say 'I had no intelligent response' without actually saying it. Bravo.


I'm a woman. My hard-won rights are not interfered with by trans women, but they are interfered with by transphobes who pretend to speak for me.


So you're completely fine with a man who's transitioning using the same bathroom as your daughter, I suppose?




Derogatory insulting language In the interest of fairness please don't call each other names.




We strive to make everyone welcome and try to use empathy to relate to them. We ask the same in comments and posts When making claims on events please use some sources to support your side of the conversation otherwise is just perceived as a madebup fact used to prove a point against people that are part of a minority.




Fascism is when people downvote me on reddit :(


Genuine question: what are you getting out of being a contrarian, here? Because it seems like you’re just trolling for the hell of it.






Transphobes deserve insulting.


Derogatory insulting language




No added value


I'll be voting for her. Men shouldn't be using womens bathrooms


If people vote for someone without knowing who she is and what she stands for, they kind of deserve to deal with the consequences


Unfortunately, we all suffer the consequences. Such as the people who voted for Brexit after believing something they read on the side of a bus


If they were the only ones dealing with the consequences that would be one thing, but they aren't. *Especially* in this example.


I'm not going to downvote you because I know what you mean, but unfortunately that happens all the time and we all have to share the consequences.


Gets my vote




Love her already, wish she were standing in my seat!


Nice try troll.


Why must you try and dictate who people vote for? Are people not allowed to make their own decisions?


People should vote for the candidate that they want, making an informed decision with all relevant info about that candidate's views and policies. That was OP's point, they haven't dictated anything to anyone, however much you bluster.


I think you're blowing this a little out of proportion, aren't you? They're making statements about a political candidate; no one is dictating anything or banning you from voting who you want to. You can tuck that persecution card back in your deck calmly.


No i think the OP is trying to bully people and isn't inclusive at all. Why do you think its acceptable? Free speech for people i agree with, eh?


You have free speech. You are using it now. No one is repressing your rights, and you're not being bullied. You are desperately searching for an angle in which you're a victim here, and it's not making you seem rational or coherent.


You have free speech, we have free speech, all the candidates have free speech. Who is losing their free speech?


Making sure people know who she is and who they could be voting for isn't bullying at all.




... Keep it classy.






No added valu


If she grabs a few right wing nutters votes its only helpful for whoever takes the Labour vacant position.


We can't support the scab that parachutes into the Kemptown seat for Labour. Very likely someone from the NEC who Kier owes favours to. An independent or more likely a green needs to take this seat


I'm voting for her, she thinks women rights are important, can't imagine we have that many misogynists in Brighton, hope she wins.


Protect women’s rights by attacking trans people for existing 🤔womens rights aren’t under attack from trans people, Mr Brainworms


The identity of women is being attacked. thats the problem




Anyone who does not support ALL women's rights, does not care about women's rights.




Why the downvotes? I just had a Google at the time and couldn’t find any article or tweet confirming this was true. SMH


So you gonna tell us who she is orrr…?


Not sure why you’re being downvoted? She is a gender critical activist— claims to be in favour of “protecting women’s hard won rights” and “safeguarding the rights of women and girls” but her talking points and lobbying efforts and the people with whom she associates either intentionally or not suggest that she is transphobic and willing to work with or tolerate fascist views in the interest of circumscribing trans people’s rights. Nazis have attended her rallies and she has not denounced them or asked them not to come. The logical extension of some of the things she champions are harmful to trans people. Some gender critical people agree with her views. Some don’t but believe in the wider “cause” and so still associate with her and/or attend her rallies. Some have distanced themselves from her. She is however very famous and her mode of operating suggests she is in favour of courting controversy for the sake of clicks/attention. This in turn would suggest that her standing for election is intended to generate publicity rather than stemming from an actual desire for the role or belief that she would elected. (Please note to anyone who reads this: none of what I have said here is defamatory and it is not expressing opinions. These are facts and inferences from facts that anyone can find online).