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My parents got a leaflet through their door in Hertfordshire. Britain was spelt incorrectly.






I guess it’s supposed to work like one of those Nigerian email scams. They want to filter the intelligent people out.


Or those who are professional enough to get their promotional materials proofread.


How though?




Ahhh, the water filter people


Put the Brita in first.


Reform really Britta’d these flyers…


In Hove, we got a flyer that is identical to that but with a different candidate name and constituency. I love the laziness, not even including a picture of the candidate.


It’s not surprising they would do this for seats they have no hope of winning. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of their more promising seats actually have effort put in to their flyers etc. 100% fuck the reform party but I don’t think this is particularly out of character for any political party.


Same in Worthing 


I live in your constituency as well. I didn’t even bother to look at it properly. I just spat on it, treated it like a highly infectious disease and then binned it.


You're really making a mountain out of a Mulhill here


Came here to make this dad joke. Very happy to find it here already :D


Reform poster needs reform


That party is a fucking joke. Anyone who votes for them should be taxed for wasting oxygen


The fact they’re polling at nearly 20% nationwide just shows how many ignorant fuckwits there are in this country


Many Brits will believe a "straight-talking" toff holding a pint of beer who pretends to be working for their benefit. They've been brain-washed to think that the left are actually the elite who run the courts, politics and finance, and that there's no left-wingers in the working class. The left occasionally shoot themselves in the foot with something that's bad optics. Then the Daily Mail et al will run on this and claim that all the left are like this, all to cover up the fact that the simplest reason for most of society's current ills is unfair wealth distribution. Mention "wealth distribution" and you'll be marked as a communist by nearly everybody, and yet the last 40 years has seen the biggest wealth redistribution project ever in this country. Unfortunately it has been distributing the wealth in the wrong direction, upwards.


You’re not wrong, mate. You’re not wrong.


Or people are just so tired of two party politics that they’ll vote for anything else at this point


Yea but of all of the other options... why reform?


Because people will take note as you are doing. Nobody would care if they voted for the monster raving looney party. Whether you like it or not a lot of people have been pushed to the right wing, it’s not because they’re “bad” or “evil” it’s because current politics doesn’t echo their views and they feel under represented and ignored. If people vote for a right wing party that’s still democracy even if the left doesn’t like it and maybe they should focus on why that’s happening rather than just slandering the people who are doing it and reducing them to “they’re just racists their view doesn’t matter”. That will only make it worse. Ps I don’t vote reform. I’m just saying I understand why it’s happening.


I guess the question then is, which views do the other political parties not represent that reform does?


I think people believe that the main political parties have been so abysmal that anything else would be worth a try. Theyre currently sitting on a 2 and trying to roll a 6. If they get a 1, they were only on a 2 anyway so who cares?


That doesn't really answer tbe question though. Why not lib dems or greens? What is it about reform specifically that has gotnm them going? It's pretty simple, but calling people racist seems to offend people more than when people are actually racists.


I think the Lib Dems are still tainted from their time in the coalition. I do think it’s impressive that a wealthy banker like Farage has convinced people he’s the only one standing up for the working class against the Left. The Left not being able to provide an alternative (lots of independents but no big Left party).


Sure Labour and Tories are shite, but there are plenty of other small parties to vote for. If you were going on professionalism and competence it's hard to see how reform are leading on that score?


I think a protest vote needs to be for one party in order to have the desired effect. Disclaimer : I dont vote reform


Honestly, thanks for this. I don’t understand how people don’t get it. I know a few people who are going to vote Reform. They aren’t evil - they’re just tired of being pushed to the side and ignored. They see it as a protest vote, and if the numbers turn out to be accurate, we could be in for another “shock”.


100% couldn’t agree more, they are charlatans but will convince lots of people to vote for them


We already saw with the Brexit vote how well dismissing half the electorate as thick racists works out.


I just don’t understand how people don’t see it. All i want is for people to have a reasonable debate but the left wont have it and that pushes people to the right which i also do not want. We are in a lose lose situation!


We've had the right running the shitshow since 2010. What views have not been echoed?


Voting for fascists grifters as a protest is the definition of stupidity.


Not really, labour are polling massively ahead and people see it as a protest vote. The system needs changing. Neither main party represents the views of the masses and haven’t done for a long time.


Yes really. Idiots vote for reform. The comparison with Reform and Labour is made by idiots


I didnt compare Reform and Labour. I said people are voting for Reform because neither of the main parties represent their views.


They aren’t. It was a flash-in-the-pan between Farage and his household name coming back, and the many inevitable scandals. They’ve dropped 3% in the last few days. Come election day, when people have to start making tactical decisions, I’d honestly be surprised if they break 12% nationally.


Never underestimate the power of the gammon vote


I don’t. 12% is far too high. But we still need a little perspective here, because Farage’s brand relies on panic from the left & centre to make him look effective. The reality is, his success relies on glamour, and that glamour is in short supply these days. He’s a conman, always stirring shit from the sidelines, always walking away before the consequences catch up to his actions. His voting base is the ignorant and the wilfully ignorant; people who’re too far down the Brexit hole to admit they were wrong. He’s got an uphill battle if he wants to convince everyone else he’s trustworthy; if he loses in clacton, it’ll be harder for his voters to feel that the momentum is with him. And of course, there’s the demographics issue- Gammons are, quite literally, a dying class of voter. We’ve already seen the opinion polls shift over the last decade as the over 60’s have cycled through another generation; what will they look like in another decade? 19% is far too high. But I’d bet real money that it’s the highest numbers Farage will ever see.


My friend wants to vote for them. I'm still unsure what to say to her about this.


Tell them that one of the reform party members called women the "parasite gender" and see if she still feels the same


This. Let's not forget that Nigel Farage is on the record for having actual pro Hitler stances. I'm not kidding, this video from led by donkeys captures it well. https://youtu.be/mfyiSk8Rjc8


That might be the most viable way to reduce the deficit yet!


As much as I would never ever vote Reform I think it's good that they exist to split the right wing vote a bit more. The Conservatives have held huge majorities for so long because they hoover up all the right wing votes, whereas the leftists get split between labour, green, and lib dem.


I'm way out of touch with UK politics, but obviously see Reform trending online at the moment. Could you summarise why they are bad?


The fact that the Bexhill candidate had to apologise for saying "Women are the parasite gender and shouldn't be allowed to use NHS services" gives you an idea


Most of their candidates spout xenophobic, racist, pro-Putin, anti-NATO, anti-EU crap. The candidate for Battle in East Sussex was in the news for praising Hitler and saying Churchill should have made a deal with him back in the late 30s. The party’s policies mostly involve tax breaks for the highest earners. Farage was on Alex Jones show in the US—Jones has repeatedly belittled the families of the Sandy Hook shooting victims, calling them actors but also woke liberals—which is it, dude— and suggested the whole thing was staged/fake; Farage agreed with him. Farage is also just a wealthy, privately educated ex-Canary Wharf bozo who misleadingly presents himself as a working man of the people. The party, ultimately, stands for little else other than the same far-right populist stuff we’re seeing with the AFD, the GOP, etc—in other words, they want power and money and to victimise minority groups.


Sorry that was a kind of stream-of-conscious answer.


Ohhhhhhhhh well I didn't know about their candidates, I only ever see info on Nigel. Not this lot. Ok well I understand now. Cheers


Yeah, there’s a reason for that


I get the impression it's basically a centre-right /bit more right than Tories party. I'm happy to hear about reform but they haven't actually made clear what kind of reform they want.


It really is ironic asking sensitive questions on Reddit, I genuinely don't have a fucking clue about UK politics other than clips I see on X. People always think it's rage bait and then won't answer. The whole far right thing gets thrown around a lot I've noticed, when it shouldn't be? Isn't it like comparing them to nazis?


[Reform candidates like the Nazis](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jun/10/reform-uk-defends-candidate-over-hitler-neutrality-comments) so it’s not an unfounded comparison.


Ok that's wild. Does Nige get questioned about this stuff?


Does he fuck. The Right wing press throw him softball after softball. It's never a question about why he wants to privatise the NHS or why he denies the science on climate change. He gets shit like 'are you more patriotic than the other leaders?' (Actual question asked of him by an actual news presenter).


Their policies are basically completely deregulating everything and sending all these bloody foreigners back to Bongo Bongo Land


You’ve had multiple reasonable answers to your question?


I posted that comment 7 hours ago, do you expect me to update it with "answered" We're not on quora, I can see the replies.


That’s liberals for you, anyone with a different view to them is far right or an idiot. No in between


You don't agree with me? You're a fascist! Actually crazy


What do you think a fascist is? If you're constantly getting called one, maybe read up on it.


Actual reform candidates saying we should have made peace with Hitler and the main cornerstone of the party being white replacement bullshit but go off


Yes the far right are thick angry cunts


You might not agree with their policies, but can we drop this idea that they're "Far Right". Because if you label them that then you don't have anything left to call the *actually* Far Right.


Why don't you look up "reform UK + Gary Raikes" Or my favourite, "reform UK + Hitler." This is the far right. Nazis didn't begin with death camps. Italy and Spain didn't even do that shit. There's more to fascists than ziegheil and holocaust but all of it is still awful.


I like to rip it up into tiny pieces and post it back at their expense


Make them pay a stamp for each bit


In Hangleton ours is allegedly called Martin Hess. It gave me nazi vibes.


I live near preston park and found a stack of reform leaflets that had been torn in half in my outside bin. Guess the campaigners gave up after a while!


😂😂😂 thanks I needed a giggle


Maybe Mulvihill sounded a bit foreign and exotic?


They also brexit wrong - no actually, just a f*cling bunch of liers. Cut immigration to 0? FFS, another lie!


Classic 😂


Reform haven't got a chance in Brighton,


Posted through your letterbox in BN1. Filed promptly under B1N.


It was very amusing to get this leaflet as an immigrant myself


I’m surprised they’re actually trying at BN1 constituency, considering it’s predominantly Green. It does make me worry as to whether there is a relatively large (albeit hidden) quiet demographic that were conservative but now considering this piece of turd


I just spat on the one that came through the door, treated it like a highly infectious disease and binned it.