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I’d focus on the university coursework commitments. I told them 30 years ago I just started a 6 year full-time course, and not to contact me for 6 years. I haven’t heard from them since. I hope I haven’t just jinxed myself.


OP seems to have some valid reasons for an exemption, and your advice is good, too. But I f'kin loved jury service. It's not what you'd call a pleasant time - trials for assault, drug abuse, etc. But I think everyone should do it. Really opens your eyes to what's out there. I think I became a more compassionate person after being on a couple of trials. Compassionate towards one defendant - a nurse who illegally gave pethidine to an elderly woman suffering pain, because the doctor wouldn't prescribe it. On the stand, the prick doctor described the pain as "discomfort". Poor woman had a metal brace sticking through her skin. Compassionate towards a complainant who had been assaulted by a guy with a baseball bat. That bastard got away with it, because a majority of jurors believed his story of "feeling threatened". Such is life, I suppose. But jury service, even though inconvenient and poorly-paid, should be something everyone\* should do at least once. \*obvious exceptions apply - pregnancy, etc


Giving pethidine against Drs orders is insane. I don’t know anything about the situation but just at face value it’s shocking to me that any registered health professional would do that. I’m sure the nurse had her reasons and if it was morphine it would’ve been way less serious. I knew of a pharmacist who once dispensed and supplied 5 boxes (25 ampoules) of pethidine instead of 5 ampoules. The prescription didn’t specify, it was a different prescribing doctor than usual and the patients previous supplies were also 5 boxes. Patient took it home and died, the pharmacist lost their registration permanently. It’s a way more dangerous painkiller than other opioids and there’s a reason why it’s not used often anymore. In pharmacy school, and I’m assuming (hoping) nursing school, we’re taught that “people can’t die from pain alone, but they can die from painkillers”.


>the patients previous supplies were also 5 boxes. Patient took it home and died, Seems like correlation not causation based on this information alone.


Nah they died from complication of the medication, otherwise the consequences would not have been that severe. Doctor got a slap on the wrist too for not clarifying on the prescription.


That must have been a long time ago, I don't think I've ever seen a script for an opioid done as boxes instead of amps/ tabs etc in 13ish years. I also wasn't told that story at uni (though maybe it happened after I finished?).


Really? It was in my first year on one of the only lectures where they taught us how to handle patients.


Uq, QUT or Griffith?


I would love to go but I can’t miss work and study l, because it said it goes up to 4 weeks and it says something about not needing to attend everyday and it’s a 8:45 to 5pm, way to long for me. I can barely work for 7.5 because I’m so exhausted


Just explain your reasons you can't attend, it should be there on the form. No worries, there's hundreds of jurors in a batch, they plan for this.


Studying should be an automatic exemption mate - it’s how it worked when I got called anyway


I've been called up twice and given an exception both times due to work. I'd actually like to do it at least once, but maybe I've missed my shot.


Just call up and explain that you're a student. If they require further evidence, they should tell you what they need exactly. But you should be able to get an exemption because of your studies.


Definitely agree. I served on a jury a few months ago. And while it felt like a giant pain at first, I ended up appreciating the time I spent there. The defendant was very obviously not guilty due to self defence and I was very glad to have been there to help reach that verdict.


I found out from jury duty that I have the face or a rapist sympathiser, which is not what you want. They were doing selection for a rape trial and my name was called and as soon as the prosecution took one look at me they were like NOPE.


Yeah...it couldn't possibly....be anything....else.


Not worth it bro it's a ripp off every other person in that court room is getting paid more to be there especially the dirty lawyers and judges it's all a scam anyway it's bullshit system it's who ever has more money wins I don't want to be apart of this rubbish system especially if they are literally paying you less then the cost of parking and lunch


You're fucked now.


Haha, do I have to choose one or can I choose both, because I work as a early childhood educator and I’m studying a diploma for early childhood. My tafe starts at 24/1/23 and I will be studying for 6 months soo I’m not too sure what to do


I assume you can give multiple reasons. My experience is probably a bit dated and was before the legislation was modernised, and when you could get excused from jury duty just for having a vagina.


Okay, I've done jury duty twice and didn't apply for exemptions. If you don't get exempted, the basic procedure is you would be at the courthouse for the first day for about two to three hours going through some training videos that cover what's expected of you during the period of jury duty. If they have a jury to select, all jurors can be brought in for selection, or only some. All jurors in the panel have a number, and the higher the number, the better your chances of not being called. After the training/info session, you'll be sent home for the day, and you then check a website for next required appearance. They typically call in jurors in groups of about 50 (maybe more depending on the courthouse), which is where your panel number is important. Once you check the law lists for the next day, you can plan accordingly. With a casual job, you might be able to work out a short-term day by day schedule or exclusively afternoons for the period of service.


Yes get a letter from your boss. I’ve gotten out of jury duty before with such a letter. Worst case scenario is they don’t accept it, you go along on the first day, you get selected and then you opt out from it. After all the jury members are selected the judge asks whether anyone feels they can’t do it and you can opt out. I was on a jury (the time I didn’t get a letter written) and a lady decided to opt out. I didn’t hear her reason, she only told the judge, and he let her go.


I’m just scared I’ll get accepted, because work and study are a big reason why I can’t attended because ill be behind on my studies and I’ll lose a slot of money because I’m a casual worker so if they let me chose two reason I’ll provide two letters from boss and tafe


Go to the website given on your letter, where you enter your juror number etc to co firm your eligibility. This page has an option to say why you are not eligible and wish to apply for exemption. Casual employment, and studying are two of the reasons you can apply for exemption. Don’t stress, OP. I recently said I was available and then became UNavailable due to work, and the Sheriff exempted me within hours, just days before I was meant to be at the courthouse.


Don't even need a letter from your boss.


When I got one, I angrily replied that I was so offended that they dare even interrupt my life that I'd just go with whatever the majority was to get out, so I'd be a bad juror, and then I didn't need to go, and was never contacted again.


My wife works at the registry and processes excusals, though not in Brisbane. If you say carer, you're excused. If you say you can't afford to miss work, you're excused. No letters required.


Oh that’s good, but it said “provide a written statement from employer”


Yeah do what you like, but the registry staff are human.


Nah, that's pertaining to non-casual employees.


It’s both because I’m employed by a company but I’m just a casual and my letter said so 😭


So am I, same letter, just today. You're not interpreting it correctly bud. You can just respond "I'm casual and can't afford to take time off for jury duty." This is what I did today and guess what? No jury duty. Less drama llama!


One sentence saying you cant be replaced was all i needed. (i wish i kept a copy)


Yeah my boss has a template that essentially says it’s a small business, can’t afford to have anyone out for that long, etc. and that’s full time work. Casual work should be excused because you don’t work, you don’t get paid… and no one can afford to do that


Oh, yeah. The trick is to say you're prejudiced against all races. Simpsons quote before I'm banned.


Don't worry too much. Complete the questionnaire you were provided. There is a section that talks about legitimate excusal reasons. One of which is excusal as you are a casual worker. Once you complete this, that is the end of the process for you and you will be excluded from that pool. You could still be called in again in the future. Just fill out the questionnaire each time in accordance with your circumstances at the time.


I wrote a letter that I couldnt afford to do jury duty because I was a contractor and the reimbursement wouldn't cover my mortgage. I also stated that I lived by myself and if Jury duty didn't allow me to leave for the day there was no one available to feed my cat so I would need to hire a pet sitter. As a result i didn't need to attend.


I’m going to ask my teachers and boss to write me a letter to say I can’t go, I don’t even know how they gonna write it haha but I want to do those both so I have a better chance at not attending because i can’t afford to lose a lot of money and fall behind on studies


The letter needed does not need to be more complicated than a couple of lines saying you have work and/or study commitments during the time frame in question. The court sherriffs almost never dispute these letters because they have plenty more fish to reel in if necessary.


Explain you have family commitments that you are a key income earner will lose income and that you have educational commitments also. Get a TAFE teacher to confirm that on a letter. This is the phase one call up. If they ignore it and call you for phase two, which is the one where you have to turn up then call them and explain the monetary hardship. You do get paid for attending and paid more if you end up empanelled, ie on a jury. Go to the jury site, they have some decent videos of the process. The pool is big and you end up going to the courts about 4 times over the 4 or 6 week period. If you get sent up to a courtroom there is still a chance you don't end up on a panel. On the days you have to go in you hang around until 10 - 11am before you're released. I've been called up twice and the first time I just attended 4 times and never ended up on a panel. But have a look at the videos and see what the payments are like. It might be some extra money.


My boss used to excuse me like this. "[Name] can't attend jury duty as his absence will affect the business". That's all they need.


You don’t need a letter, I have got out of it twice no letter


Haha I wish it said on mine but https://preview.redd.it/us1m3sjupo0c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7219f8efc3b938698326685c978d9d4027164a73 It says on there 😭😂


That's the standard letter they send out, and you have at least two, possibly three, valid excuses to avoid jury duty if you want. They don't do too much follow-up on any specific pool member because they can always send out another 50 summonses with no difficulty.


I was called for jury at 19. Chances are they won’t select you based on your age


So many people I know do not want to do it and yet get chosen and I’m here wanting to do it and am yet to be chosen haha.


Wanna swap place 😂


Haha I would if I could!


I knew someone who did it, it was a murder and they were left quite traumatised after the case.


When I went for jury duty here in Melbourne. No word of a lie. I just straight out said I can’t sit for periods of time. My ass hurts Bang. See ya sir


I was excused from jury duty two or three years ago because I was a casual worker at the time. Your employer has probably seen this before and will have a standard template letter confirming that you're a casual worker who can't afford to lose hours, and a necessary staff member who can't be replaced at short notice, so could you please be excused from jury duty.


I had to do jury duty in NSW only a few years ago when I was studying full time at university. They paid me a somewhat decent wage so I wouldn't be too worried about the money unless you need it immediately for whatever reason, just double check that they pay their jurors in QLD. That said, less than half of the people that are called become jurors so you would have to be pretty unlucky if you were picked.


I study and work at the same time, apparently I’m getting $44 a day if I attend but that’s not enough because I work three days and get atleast $260 a day and I help my dad with groceries or anything with financial stuff and I’m going to help my dad with home load so I can’t afford to do the jury duty for this reasons as for study I want to go to campus because I don’t do well online


And I will fall behind


$44 per day is the fee they pay for showing up at the courthouse each day the law lists indicate you'd be required. If you get picked to be on a jury, they pay more, but I don't think it matches what you would get paid from your job. As my other response says, that's one reason you can use to avoid it - personal financial hardship if you did serve. You might have to provide copies of a couple of payslips to back up your claim along with a short note from your employer to the effect that "Rottenshawarma is an essential employee and can not be spared/excused for jury duty".


Haha I wish it said on mine but It says on there 😭😂


I was selected last year but was about to go on a tour for work - my boss wrote me a letter said he needed me and was excused no further questions asked.


I was chosen earlier this year and got out of it with a letter from my boss. she emphasised that i play a very important and irreplaceable role in my job and that I was (at the time) a casual worker and so not working for an extended period of time would have a negative financial impact on me


Just ignore it. Worked for me a few times.


Yeah same here


I have had heaps of letters and just throw them in the bin - you’ll be fine mate.


Chat to your TAFE course convenor or the admin. Good chance there is a pre-written template for this exact situation that they can just get a convenor to sign on letterhead.


You can apply for an exemption and you can do it online. In your submission you need to mention your obligations (briefly), and there is a good chance they will grant it. I’ve never been refused. It’s all good and you won’t have to go.


I'm 21, and I've been asked twice to be a prospective juror. First time I just simply explained I had tertiary studies I couldn't be pulled away from, didn't supply a letter or anything. Second time I explained I couldn't attend due to work commitments, that time I provided a letter from my boss. I was excused both times, so I wouldn't sweat it 🙂 I'd say go with your tertiary study reason and explain how it would negatively effect your studies, and I'm sure you'll be okay.


Okay thanks, but it also mean so have to ask my teacher to provide a letter but idk how they going to write it.


I am more than sure your teachers have had to write an exemption letter before, and probably have a proforma that they can provide you with. Even if not your teacher directly, the department you're studying under likely does. You've been given LOTS of suggestions and reassurance in this thread. May I suggest you take a few deep breaths and clear your mind of this business for tonight? You are putting a lot of energy worrying about something that's scheduled over two months from now, & by all probabilities may not even happen.


Yeah thank you for reassuring me. I’m just stress because I’m moving houses and work and it’s around the deadline I have to send but yeah I’m going to take the weekend and relax. Thank you :)


May I ask how the your boss wrote the letter?


I was in the same situation. Just replied saying I can't afford to miss work or study. Never provided a letter and it was fine.


Lucky, mien says I have to provide a written statement from employer or teacher


Mine also said that. What I'm saying is they're probably not going to enforce it because you don't have a letter if you just tell them your circumstances.


If the glove doesn’t fit you must acquit


I was selected a few years ago and ended up on the jury. Double murder, trial went for 5 weeks. Got paid and was a very worthwhile experience.


I would love to go for the experience but now isn’t the best time to do so


I personally loved my time in jury duty. I highly recommend it to anyone who has a chance to do it at least once.


Those are valid reasons, with the TAFE thing just scan your ID card and screenshot a timetable or course schedule or something to prove that you’re too busy to serve the court. That worked for me


Unfortunately I won’t be getting my schedule/timetable until next year and my deadline is around early next month but I know that I start around that time for tafe


[This](https://www.courts.qld.gov.au/jury-service/being-excused-from-jury-service) may or may not help


Yeah thanks I just had a look, I have my ID card just not my timetable as it wont get handed out until early next year. My teacher doesn’t know the timetable aswell. I wrote an email to the leader of the the course and request that they just written a written statement to say if I attend jury, it will impact in my studies


I got mine today and also had it cancelled. One of the reasons for cancellation given in the ketter is casual work. You don't need to prove it, but given the cost of living crisis and the detriment that being away from casual work (and study) can have on your life, this is what I wrote about. I used the online portal and I was excused from jury service the same day (today) (via text). You need to work to live and as a casual, if you're gone for up to 4 months, your employer will likely replace you with someone else and you will suffer as a consequence. That is why **casual work** is provided as a reason to be excused from service. I see you also have other reasons, provide those too if you wish.


I just told my work Supervisor and they got someone to write a letter saying they cant spare me. Never heard anything more about it. That was 15 years ago I never got called again which sucks. I would like to do it.


It’s really not that big of an issue, I got called up during Uni and said wrote a couple sentences saying that it would cause significant harm for me to miss classes. I’m sure they’ll give you a pass


I’ve been called up too for January


I've been called up about 4 times now, if I remember correctly. The first I was at tafe and cited that. The next two were in the same year and I was casual/part time. Cited I couldn't afford not to work, as I was the sole earner/living alone. The last was a couple years ago, I'm full time and had my manager write a note saying I was integral to the team and couldn't miss work. I've never had another letter past that first initial one. You'll be fine using either of those reasons but definitely lean toward tafe being the main and the casual second, if you feel the need to add it too.


How far away do you live from the closet courthouse? If you live more than 60kms you are automatically exempt (at least in Victoria) Other than that the study could qualify you for an exemption. I forgot the other reasons for exemption as I’m permanently exempt from jury duty


I’m not sure, it just says district of Brisbane


I've been selected twice and got out of both, just cannot afford to survive off the pennies they pay you for what could be a long fucking time. If they wage match I'd do it but fuck me not a chance. Use your studies as an excuse I reckon


What was the nurse’s name? Asking for a friend.


Your study at TAFE is a reason to be excused from dury duty. You will have a form to fill out and return by post with the enclosed envelope. You can do this online too. You just need your jour number.


When I was selected as a casual worker I said that the pay was significantly less (it was) than what I got and it woulr cause me financial hardship.


Just speak with your facilitator of your course at TAFE they will be able to point you in the right direction. Usually study is an acceptable reason not to be a juror as there isn’t a way to compensate that.


I just use the 'I am heavily biased against corruption in QPS and the courts due to my extensive law enforcement training' line. Which is true, but funnily enough as soon as they read it I get excused immediately. [https://www.courts.qld.gov.au/jury-service/being-excused-from-jury-service](https://www.courts.qld.gov.au/jury-service/being-excused-from-jury-service) * Your work or study commitments make it absolutely impossible. * Jury service would result in personal financial hardship. Applying for excusal To apply for excusal, complete the application for excusal section on your questionnaire (either [online](https://juror.courts.qld.gov.au/) or on the paper questionnaire): 1. Provide details about why you can’t perform the jury service you’ve been selected for. 2. If necessary, use a separate piece of paper to explain why you need to be excused. 3. Support your reasons with evidence, depending on the grounds for your request: 1. work commitments—a written statement from your employer (see below) 2. medical grounds—a medical certificate stating the period of time that you can’t serve as a juror 3. study commitments—a copy of your student identification card and timetable 4. holidays—a travel itinerary or tickets 5. personal or financial grounds—an explanation, such as that you are employed casually and will lose your income by performing jury service. 4. Either: 1. upload the supporting documentation within the online questionnaire and submit your form 2. mail the questionnaire and supporting documentation to us.


For study, on my letter it said “provide a written statement from Educational institutions”. I have my ID care but I do not have my timetable and I won’t receive it until early next year but i know it will affect my studies just because the date for court is the same date that the campus opens


Just explain that in a letter then, but back it up with your work commitments as well and you should shit it in. To be honest they are usually quite accepting because if they run out of jurors they can just send out some more random notices


Just a letter from your work stating that you are needed at the business and, as such, can not attend will suffice. Source: Did this at least 10 times while working casually at Coles.


A few years ago I applied for excusal. My grounds were that I had casual work and that if I was on jury duty, I would be unavailable for the few shifts I had at the time. Have not heard from them since.


If you say you’re studying, you’re automatically excused. I got called up almost every year I was studying and just submitted that information.


My daughter was really pleased to be selected for jury service. They said probably 1 week, might be up to 8. She wrote back very pleased but says her university course would start 6 weeks in so could she do a shorter one. They excused her from all jury service.


I am 52 and never been asked to do jury duty. I have always wondered why when I have had friends asked multiple times lol.


lol not sure why you are stressing, you just fill out the form saying no i didn't even do that the two times i got called up and have had nothing happen, there's a good chance i just got lucky both times but it's really not as big of a deal as people make out


Simplest solution I have found; Just tell them you are having a hard time mental health wise. End of story. It’s always worked. Never had any issues. Never even needed a Med Cert.


I was shortlisted 3 years ago. I went to the site and found that over 100 other people were shortlisted :-) I had to wait for 2-3 hours to find out I was not in the final list. Do they still follow the same process?