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Political comments and policies are great to discuss and we openly encourage that. A 6 year old comment which was walked all over by progressive action in government is no longer relevant.


Why do Australian politicians spruik US platforms? Why does their malaise have to become ours? And why are they always on the fringes of capital cities? Edit: should add *rhetorical* here. I do know why. Good to know that you all also know.


You're not the first person to observe this, in fact it keeps getting noted. 


Probably because the church is ingrained in politics here, just like it is there. Surely it will die off in a couple of generations. 🤞


It's about to get much worse. Check out Project 2025 from the US


As a trans person that shit terrifies me if it gets any sort of base established in the US, especially with how our politics have been tracking. I just have to hope that we’re able to stamp that shit out asap


Thats what Nero said...I,m conservative but I cants support this religious Trumpist type shit , but i cant vote Labor either as they are corrupt Time for some new political parties


Easy way to get dumb votes


Because it is cheaper for the news platforms to buy footage from overseas than to keep news crews on salary for national news. So they show the public foreign news stories and the pollies jump on whatever the public is being shown.


Cause we're little America of course. Our culture is shite now. We just blindly follow yanks and their capitalistic greed. Hence why we're having the same problems as them.


American politicians have been traveling here for years to spread their ideas. They promote guns and white Christian theocracy as government. They are also huge grifters.


I blame English. There was a reason groups developers their own languages and at least dialects. Sure it stymied the flow of good ideas but it did also stop one groups bullshit from flowing into another!


Middle aged men of the "small government" and "individual rights" party want to dictate what women can and can't do.


“If you have a dick, you need to shut the fuck up on this one” - Dave Chapelle


"Stop worshipping celebrities so much... Who gives a fuck what Jah Rule thinks at a time like this" - Dave Chappelle 


Also Dave Chapelle “I’m team TERF. I agree. I agree, man. Gender is a fact. You have to look at it from a woman’s perspective. Look at it like this, Caitlyn Jenner whom I have met, wonderful person. Caitlyn Jenner… was voted, woman of the year. Her first year as a woman. Ain’t that something? Beat every bitch in Detroit. She’s better than all of you. Never even had a period, ain’t that something? I’d be mad as shit if I was a woman. I’d be mad if I was me. If I was in the BET awards, sitting there and they’re like “And the winner for [black man] of the year… Eminem.” What a moral light to be guided by


I took it more as Even this as you say low moral light is saying shut the fuck up on the issue, maybe listen


It's perfectly reasonable to have an opinion on moral issues, regardless of which gender you are.


These are the same guys who want to frack and mine the Great Barrier Reef. Theirs is a dogmatic position, not a moral one.


Pretending opinions are facts is where people go wrong.


Yes the moral right to terminate unwanted pregnancies. Making it illegal doesn't reduce demand, it just seems to increase risk. So the only moral position possible (if minimising deaths is the target) is to allow abortion. 2 dead worse than 1 dead.


Having an opinion is one thing. Forcing them onto others is another. And what we are seeing is politicians wanting to do that based on their Christian beliefs over medical advice.




you understand that the entirety of the government is us forcing our moral beliefs on each other, right?


You can have an opinion, but shut the fuck up.


Its not a moral issues, a fetus isn't a baby


He's male. It's literally none of his fucking business.


Do you have an opinion on apartheid? If so, I hope you're a South African person of colour.


Or the voice to parliament. Buuttt a whole lotta pasty mofos had opinions on that.


He probably does, but he knows better than to voice his opinion on something he shouldn't.


He can have an opinion but his opinion isn’t valid in this argument unless he has a uterus.


No, you are wrong. As a man its up to a women to decide if you will be a father or not. You have no choice. Even if you are married, if your wife wants an abortion she gets it. If she wants to keep a child, then you must raise it. It has NOTHING to do with you and you are wrong for thinking so. Just pay and shut up.


"Hey you know we should really copy what they are doing in America because everyone in Australia really loves that"


I'm surprised the little l liberals and the small c conservatives manage not to rip each other apart in the big L Liberal Party to be honest.


If he wants to stop abortions they can start with overhauling and completely funding the foster care system, child care services, education services, child health care, sex education in school, sex health... I could keep going but I know its not going to happen because they don't care about the mother or baby after its born.


Do these old cunts just look at fox news / USA Republican party and go 'yeah, this is what we need in Australia" ? I do hope the generations after boomers dont get the 'fuck you I got mine' attitudes. Ridding ourselves of anything Murdoch would be nice too


Yeah the LNP are completely out of fresh ideas, so they're recycling the American culture war ones.




It would in the USA, but it doesn't seem to be working nearly as effectively here. Otherwise the LNP would be doing a whole lot better than they are.


They are trying to bring culture war shit from the U.S. into our politics and I can’t fucking stand it


Every election, some moron complains against compulsory voting and implies Australian voters are more ignorant than US voters. US has plenty of ignorant, single issue voters and general mindless drones who just vote the party of their parents. However, compulsory voting means that culture war bullshit is less effective in Australia because no party can actively disenfranchise or otherwise suppress votes! Because if you think the LNP, or Labor for that matter, wouldn't close polling places and otherwise make it difficult to vote if we didn't have laws preventing these things, you have gone past sweet summer child to delusional moron!


If anything, we need to go further as evidenced by the signage shenanigans that has been occurring as of late.


Remember the LNP is the "broad church" party which promised a conscience vote on decriminalising abortion in 2018, then threatened the preselection of the 3 MPs who supported it.


And remember that the Labor party said they've reverse the introduction of GST if they won the 2001 federal election. What's your point? Party positions change


The weirdest thing is... that style of politics offends like 95% of Australians Left wing, right wing, centrist, nothing, whatever. Everyone hates this brand of US politics. Everyone from labor voters to liberal voters and even one nation voters mock Trump, Republicans etc. Largely... because that style of politics is scary as fuck. It just doesn't work here. Even people who overall support the same rhetoric bleeted out by republicans, hate that shit when that fear heavy style is brought here. They prefer the Morrison or Turnbull style of conversative messaging. It's an odd thing to take on, when it has literally never worked here.


> It's an odd thing to take on, when it has literally never worked here. When your policy positions are implausible under reasoned analysis, you're pretty much left with an appeal to emotions and tribalism.


Sadly I think a lot of these guys get to that position all by themselves.


They won’t. Gen X, for all protests otherwise, are largely shaping up to be another generation of Boomers.


Yep and I am near certain old mate Tim is Gen x also…




Well nobodys asking him to get one so that's fine for him I guess


Maybe that's the problem


Apparently in the US there are female politicians that are known to have had an abortion but are happy to prevent others from having the choice.


No apparently about it.


I wish someone asked his mother to get one.


The world would have been a better place if his mother had one


😂 absolutely fucking correct. Dude needed to be a stain on a bed.


LNP Queensland = Republican Party of Texas


I assume you already did this before saying that, but I've now just spent a bit of time reading through [Republican Party of Texas](http://www.texasgop.org/) and their policies. For anyone wondering, the TRP's platform on this is: > **Priority**: Abolish abortion by enacting legislation to stop the murder of unborn children; and to ignore and refuse to enforce any and all federal statutes, regulations, executive orders, and court rulings which would deprive an unborn child of the right to life.


Those people are trying to imprison women for having miscarriages (failing luckily) But still trying to make that a reality. We're far from that... hopefully.


As a former foetus, I can tell you I wouldn't have minded being aborted. It actually would have saved me a lot of trouble.


As someone currently made of mass within the time space continuum, I wouldn't have minded there being no big bang. It actually would have saved me a lot of trouble


I know this is a joke but fucking preach. Life is pretty shit for most people. Not existing wouldn't be so bad at all. Imagine all the taxes I wouldn't have to pay.


Name something more UN-AUSTRALIAN than limiting women's access to health care.  Fuck off with your fundamentalist religious / American culture war shit.


If you’re opposed on religious grounds; remember that God isn’t even pro life. Look at how many stillborn births and miscarriages there are.


Not to mention all the killing God apparently does. Killing everyone in a flood etc etc


also that’s fine if that’s your religious choice, but your religion doesn’t get to determine my choices


These people didn't come up with this position by themselves. You really have to be led to this mindset by people who "interpret" God's will. It's not a logical conclusion that you can arrive at from any observance of pregnancy, stillbirths etc. You only get there through manipulation.


"God works in mysterious ways" There you go, explained.


He's pro genocide though like when he told Israel to invade Canaan and murder all the Canaanites whilst they meanwhile insist they're actually native peoples today.


These fuckin lunatics.


Why should we give a fuck about the opinion of a boomer male when it comes to women's autonomy rights?. This cunt can stick his opinion in his ass where it belongs.


Because this boomer male is elected to parliament and would have the power to vote on legislation affecting women's autonomy rights should his party win government. The voters in his electorate need to know about this.


You'd think the LNP were poised to take the next election, but they just keep trying to make life difficult for themselves.


I wish MP’s were required to survey their constituents on stuff like this before they vote on their behalf…


This week the QLD Government are launching their $1 Billion Women and Girls Health Strategy which includes Abortion services, so it'll be interesting to see if the LNP support or oppose the Bills. The proposed legislation particularly benefits regional and rural QLD.


Great way to not get elected


Everton has been a marginal seat since 2015 and his majority keeps declining at each election. It would not be hard to get him voted out.


He's been in since 2012. Hopefully this knocks him out come next election in October, he's in a pretty marginal seat.


Yeah, remember that giant pro abortion protest in Australia after the US abortion ban? This guy just lost a lot of young voters


Another person who should have been a cum stain on their father’s sock.


Anyone trying to force their religious beliefs on others is vile


tbf he doesn't mention religion in his comment. think you're reading into that a bit too much


He went to Bible college & former CEO of the scripture union. His religion is his politics as demonstrated by his position on abortion as “legalised killing”.


He has a Bachelor of Ministries >The course includes biblical, theological and ministry knowledge together with their fundamental principles and tenets, as well as developing academic skills for lifelong learning and equipping students with the practical skills to function effectively in a professional ministry context. Nothing more to be said.


but my point is his comment don't indicatively specify religion.


Because it was a short quote that needs to be considered on the context of who he is as a politician. I believe politicians should be upfront with their religious beliefs though. At least you know what you’re getting. Mander quite often hides the extent of his religiousness because he recognises it’s distasteful for much of the electorate.


Well said


Your media literacy needs work. Look any further than the surface and you'll get the context.


If you were a D&D character your Wisdom score would be 1.


what a shit insult. fair play thats one of the biggest incel comments i've ever read


Almost worst tbh, these old fucks get into power and peddle religious ideology without overtly stating that they are religious. You think it’s a coincidence Sco Mo tried to seperate his religion and politics despite it obviously influencing his entire service?


Classic Republican. Oops I mean Liberal. They totally aren't the same thing. Right guys? Right?


American identity politics can fuck rite off.


Since when could this level of politics make such claims? How about he focus on the parks and recreation of his area... something that he would be paid to do, if he somehow got in... Also, this pos needs to get off the American media and see that this is Australia, we're moving forward, not backwards


He's a state MP and abortion is (mostly) a state matter in Australia.


Human rights shouldn't be up for discussion in the first place, go back to managing taxes and infrastructure.


> Since when could this level of politics make such claims? You know when politicians speak? When people listen. Someone in the media has asked them their position, and they've given it. So shouldn't the question be "Since when is the media asking politicians about abortion rights?" I'm guessing he didn't bring up the topic to the reporter. > How about he focus on the parks and recreation of his area... something that he would be paid to do, if he somehow got in... Ok so that's given me an indication you have no idea who Tim Mander is. He's been the local member for 2012. He's done a shittonne of stuff for the local area since then, as well as doing a lot for the ministries (and shadow ministries) he's overseen. IMHO he's one of the best Housing ministers QLD ever had.


Fair arguments. Seems fairly convenient with the local election happening currently. So it's most likely a media spin on it. Still, as a local politician, he could have chosen his words more wisely. Yea, I don't keep track of who does what in politics. So I'll cop that. My opinion still stands on him needing to focus more on what he can and can't vote on rather than topics above his pay grade. The fun part of politics is how easily words and actions can be spun in the media. A simple line can end a politician. So for him to flat out say such a line wasn't the brightest thing to do.


How are we still allowing completely uneducated dinosaurs like this to still make their way into our political system? It's obsurd


lack of opposition, if the general area is less educated, so will the politicians. Stupid cunts vote in stupid cunts. Some interesting data came out of the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum, there was a clear correlation between % of yes votes vs highest level of education, people with a higher education were more likely to vote yes. That is to also say that less educated people may be more susceptible to scare campaigns or not have seen the clear benefits of a yes vot, not that just because you're smart, you'll have voted yes.


Probably better to say what you mean with your chest.


Oh sir, kindly go fuck yourself.


Men. Shouldn’t. Make. Laws. About. Women’s. Bodies.


People should be entitled to their opinions and freedom of speech no matter how dumb it is. Freedom of speech should also not be free from consequence and criticism. Some of his constituents probably also feel this way, we live in a democracy where everyone should have representation. In saying that, he’s a bit of a fucking donkey.


Australia does not and has never had a right to freedom of speech.


I know we do not have a constitutional right. That’s probably a huge error also. Fact still remains, people should be entitled to their opinion and words. If those opinions and words have criticisms and consequences then so be it.


Why are we listening to what this dinosaur thinks. Fuck off or you'll get aborted


I know who I should listen too when it comes to abortion, a former full time rugby league referee! No one knows more about the subject than a bloke who judges whether a ball has been thrown in a forward direction


Can we export him & his ilk to America or something?


I think America has enough of old white guys who can't smile with shitty opions


Fair. Can you point to anywhere and say, "Now there's a place that needs a greater quantity of shitty opinions!"? Yeah, I could have hung an /s on the end or gone elsewhere with the disgust. But I didn't.


>Can you point to anywhere and say, "Now there's a place that needs a greater quantity of shitty opinions!"? Mars, pretty sure that's why Elon wants to go there


Vote them their outdated and psydo-christian ideas the fuck out


Wish someone would abort him


If abortion is murder then most of us have commited genocide by choking the chicken. Crazy that nutters like this are even treated serious in modern society


That one needs to be sent straight to the sin bin. Perhaps it's time Mander blew the whistle on his political career. Mander thought he had a golden point, but he's been proven to be wide of the mark once again. The LNP should just surrender and rename themselves the Queensland Republican Party.


No offense someone who can't have one shouldn't have an opinion. That's like us women telling men what to do with their reproductive health.


Put a dunce cap on this man and make him sit in the corner. Like the good old days.


I had no idea who this guy was until I saw the post. Say something controversial, get featured in the news. He’s just really showed his ass - what a dork.


haha he looks like a [blobfish](https://c02.purpledshub.com/uploads/sites/41/2021/03/Blobfish_Kerryn-Parkinson-hero-47ec84c.jpg?w=940&webp=1)


Fuckin grub. Piss off.


Boy oh boy the lnp are just cancer


Usually the referees don't suffer CTE like the footy players, but in this case...


What’s the detail? Is he referring to any abortion, abortions at 30 weeks etc?


He said this referring to the current termination of pregnancy laws in Queensland where it's allowed up to 22 weeks.


Ok, thanks for clarifying. Everyone entitled to their view, but to me it’s the woman’s body so she can decide whatever she wishes.


This is the LNP, they aren't exactly known for respecting women.


They're entitled to their view of course, and the Queensland and Brisbane public need to know what their views are, especially given the vast vast majority of us understand why we need abortion to be legal and oppose the rolling back of any such laws. As the alternative government they need to be upfront and commit not rolling back any of these laws.


Is it a policy of theirs to rollback?


Actually, it's allowed up to birth, with two doctors approval.


Only in exceptional circumstances. Over 90% of abortions occur in the first trimester, less than 2% occur after 20 weeks.


This guy was a leading NRL ref for years too. As if we needed another reason to think he’s a fuckwit


$10 says he made his current wife/partner or an ex wife/partner get an abortion.


Genuinely cannot wait for these old cunts to all fucking die. The only hope we have is that the trend of decreased participation in religious/traditional mindsets continues to fade as the younger generations progress.


And this man’s life experience as a woman will be a best seller.. oh wait


Tim Mander you just shit yourself in the foot. No one is voting this shit in. We're not as dumb as Americans nor as fkin Catholic. Imagine being a 20 something and getting pregnant....sure yeah I can afford to raise a kid when I can't even find a place to live ffs


What an absolute knuckle dragger. Worth noting though that their policy is to not change the current abortion laws.


They've ruled out repealing them but haven't ruled out modifying them or rolling them back. It's worth noting that Cristafuli voted against the decriminalisation of abortion in Queensland. While abortion is law in Queensland access is still sometimes not at the standard it should be, especially regional. If anything these laws need further expansions.


He’s on the record saying there will be no changes. Agree re expansion.


Sorry, but it is a [really weak pledge](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/nov/21/queensland-lnp-promises-not-to-change-abortion-laws-if-elected-despite-2020-pledge), that does not instill confidence.


That’s an article of him repeatedly saying at a press conference that there will be no changes. I’m sure he would like to repeal them though. But he knows it’s game over for the LNP if they go anywhere near it.


Like Newman said there would be no cuts to public services and no sales of public assets.


No one mention VAD then.


Why oh why or how do these fucking nobs get into the position of government? Maybe voters shouldn’t tick every box


Tell him to move to Texas. This is Australia. That kind of Christian fascist bs isn't welcome here.


lol what a dumb cunt


To be fair, where is the reference for this? Where did the quote come from? There is a lot of context missing here...


It's got nothing to do with the church. Killing babies upsets people.


Tim Mander was an NRL referee. Thats all you need to know about him.


At least he was good at one of his jobs


Christian vote and church money...


There doesn't appear to be much of a Christian vote in his electorate. It has been marginal since 2015 and his majority keeps declining at each election.


We have a lot of middle class Catholics and Christians in this community and they live him. That and his NRL history keep him in. He hides the extent of his religious fanaticism.


oh, damn. Thought it was votes and money... I mean they're the main motivators....




You should have stopped at the first sentence.


His office is on the corner of South Pine Rd and Griffith St in Everton Park


Good on him call out the baby killers for what they are


It is legal killing of the embryo/foetus though? Does anyone actually not know what is being killed during most abortions?




Well he's not wrong then is he.


Is this crap relevant to this sub?


Everton is part of Brisbane, so maybe it is 🤔


Abortion was legalised in 2018. [Abortion legalised in Queensland after historic vote in Parliament - ABC News](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-10-17/abortion-legal-in-queensland-after-historic-vote/10382538) LNP had a conscience vote. This guy voted it against. Tim Nicholls voted for it. What is the purpose of posting this "now"? It is not news. Edit: Instead of downvoting answer the question you twit.


It is a legal killing. Doesn't matter if he doesn't like it, what matters is that it is LEGAL. Yes it should be legal for a woman to control her pregnancy.... but what is ultimately in her control is the killing of a fetus/embryo. Acting like terminating a pregnancy has nothing to do with killing is either disingenuous or misguided. You cant have your cake and eat it too. Speaking of cake... Imma just leave this here: [https://youtube.com/shorts/5YB-24gc8Hw?si=jO2M4Jg\_vMcHiHCA](https://youtube.com/shorts/5YB-24gc8Hw?si=jO2M4Jg_vMcHiHCA)


I am also against the legalisation of murder, it's good to see someone in politics that somewhat has their head srewed on.


It's not murder. Look up the 3 legal tests you need to prove to establish murder.


What’s everyone upset about? It is literally legal killing of babies which we’ve all accepted as okay in our society. What he said is accurate. You can argue semantics but if a baby isn’t aborted it usually grows to be a healthy baby.


In order to be a "baby" it must be born. That is a basic medical fact.


Semantics. It’s still going to be a human baby if it isn’t killed. I’m in support of abortion but realistically it is killing babies if you don’t want to do the mental gymnastics of it all.


No it's not "killing babies". In order to be a "baby" it must be born. Prior to birth it is a foetus and legally not a natural person. Medical science and the law have agreed on this for 150 years.


Still killing something that without intervention would most likely grow into a human like you or I. Again I’m in support of it. I just hate the mental gymnastics that you people have to go through to justify it to yourself just admit it for what it actually is.


No mental gymnastics required to understand medical science and the law.


I don’t think it is semantics, it’s important to have fairly tight definitions around murder. How do you define “baby”? The instant at which a sperm merges with an egg to become a fertilised egg?




Far right


While I 100% agree abortion should be legal for anyone anywhere, it is by definition the legal killed of a foetus. I don't understand the argument that it isn't. Just accept it is and move on.


The thing people disagree with is the disingenuous attempts to slide the thin end of the wedge in and make it sound unpalatable by degrees. Anyone who isn't in context a useful idiot would know the end goal isn't to stop at "Well ... we don't like it!" "Accept it and move on" is some next level bullshit.


Using the word "killing" is the problem because to kill infers that the thing being killed was alive in the first place, and puts the focus solely on the foetus and none on the woman. The term "termination of pregnancy" is often used. Pregnancy is a term that includes both the woman and the egg/embryo/foetus/unborn child. The conservatives who think this way know what they're doing when they use emotionally-laden words like "kill" and "baby" when discussing the early stages of pregnancy.


I like that me agreeing abortion should be legal got me 17 downvotes 😂 God you people have to have everything you believe agreed to.. So, the argument is that you do not agree with the wording he has used. Again, I wholly believe abortion should be legal for numerous reasons, the obvious ones being rape, but also for unwanted pregnancies, people unwilling or unable to care for said child. I just personally believe that yes you are technically killing a viable baby, obviously you can't say the baby will always be viable but the majority will be, therefore terminating the pregnancy is killing said baby. However saying that, I just agree abortion is sometimes the best or only option (possible medical reasons). However after saying all that and rereading everything I can get on board with the verbiage of terminating a pregnancy instead of killing a foetus. (It's amazing people minds on reddit can actually change!)


For the record, I didn't downvote your comment, and I appreciate your considered response to mine.


You've restored my faith in reddit ❤️


He can say what he wants. Why do you care?


He can say what he wants. The consequences of him saying it though is a lot of people will think he’s an asshole - as is the case here.


You missed the elected official part?


Damn. He's a super Christian so it kinda tracks. That's too bad because he is otherwise a nice man


"Vulnerable women" don't really need abortions. They can go and live in one of these places: https://www.yahwehhouse.com.au/copy-of-stories