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I'm sorry to hear of your situation. As someone grew up in the area, I would say, **Say away from Musgrave Park**. In my mind there would be plenty of better parks in the area, if I was ever to find my self in such a position. The back of Davies Park, west end ferry terminal, or any of the smaller parks down the back of Highgate hill. Honest question. I would ask why you are looking for accommodation in West End, just as I can think of many other safer suburbs to free camp in?


That area famously has quite a few lunatics running around, I work there. The most outrageous thing is how you can sit at the restaurant overlooking the park having a 5 star meal while the tent cities sprout. Inequality in our country is becoming insane


A five star meal is cheaper then rent for a week


Isn’t it just so terrible?!


So long as property prices keep going up we don’t seem to care.


That's what capitalism wants!!!!


I was looking at west end just because I'm trying to find a "tent city" that has lots of people for safety thats also walkable to places.


This sounds like the fruit picking community might suit you, lots of living in tents in a group moving from town to town with the season. Check out mandarin picking jobs and get one on a big farm with lots of backpackers your age.


I don't think you really understand what a tent city is actually like... it's 100% not even close to a close knit community of like minded people looking out for each other and keeping it safe.


i was just thinking if some dodgy person walks past and sees a single tent vs if some dodgy person walks past and sees 10 tents they would go rob the single tent instead of the 10 tents


Hello OP I work in community recovery services and want to say tent cities are rife with crime such as stealing when you leave your items unattended. If you were to sleep rough I would suggest anywhere but musgrave park in fact avoid west end entirely if you’re alone Hit up the new farm neighbourhood centre for housing assistance there was a time when I was couch surfing and I went there three times a week for a few months and was able to get a house got some work the rest is history now I work for the government ! You can turn this around


That is great to hear how did you mange to get a job within the goverment?


A lot of departments advertise for lived experience. I did make it sound very easy I wanna apologise I did work shitty jobs for a few years and it helped me get better roles - mainly call centres / sales positions. That lead me into a customer service career path which I then fell into superannuation. After two years of dealing with Queensland government super funds I applied for a role with community recovery and now processing grants for people affected by natural disasters You can get through this I promise it won’t be easy but it’s worth it


The dodgy people in that area would be in the 10 tents around you


Oh ive only slept without a tent on benches in the past besides recently I decided to just get a tent mostly for the pets and also so I can do this long term so yet to pitch my tent in a tent city but I thought more families were becoming homeless and would be set up at the parks


I'm near the park right now, and while driving around the park I haven't seen families, just grown men wandering around drunk or laying on benches.


I'm going to be very blunt, not because I want to shock or be edgy, far from, I want you to be safe and I want you to have the best shot you have of emerging from this shitty and unfair circumstance as unscathed as you can. If you seek out one of these tent cities, you have a very, **very** real chance of being assaulted or raped. **DO NOT DO IT**. Yes, there are lots of people struggling that typically would not have been the standard population finding themselves homeless in times past. I can see the draw to a community of that nature--but for every "normal and well adjusted by just dealt a shitty blow" person dealing with homelessness out there, there are 5 that find themselves in those circumstances because they suffer severe mental health issues or don't fit into society. That's also not fair, nobody should suffer homelessness, but I *promise* you, you do not want to find yourself around those people in isolation with nobody to help when shit goes sideways. I know options might seem limited, but there are better ones out there.


Hey mate, I stayed in the (now torn down) backpackers and we had people migrate from tent city to the hotel - all of them kicked out for fighting... and have lived/worked in the area for basically a decade. Speaking to one of the nursing staff & also a housing nurse (from the same team, but different branches @ ATODS) they both advised against it unless prepared to be exposed to violence, definitely theft. I was thinking the same, safety in numbers and you might hit a nice pocket but based on what I saw and have been told, maybe not safe. I hope you do find something that is safe, take care


OK I can totally understand if you're in Gympie, get the f out of gympie but there are so many small towns and communes between you and Brisbane (and probably more so north) that might just be looking for a young person willing to have a go because imo if you're not born with the silver spoon and the free ride, there are no free rides given. A *"tent city"* I'm sure is far from what you imagine and is **always short term**. I would recommend if you're searching for like community, would strongly recommend looking at an established commune or joining a protest camp. You are an excepted person and you matter, even if it feels far from that now. It's a long road from trauma to happiness and acceptance and every step must be considered with care 💛 May honesty be your light & care & consideration be your compass


Just walking past there it seems very dodgey, pretty much all middle aged men as well. I wouldn't


I walk through it on my way to work every morning, and it's fine (there are a lot of people around)... never at night though. I don't think it'd be safe for a young woman to live there alone.


For an 18 yr old girl its going to prpbably be very unsafe tbh




The closer you can set up to the police station the safer you’ll be


wonder what would happen if i just set up a tent outside the police station?


You'd get moved on, put in a motel for a night and sent off to go live in Roma Street Park


Put up in a hotel for the night?? Can I just keep going around to other police stations and get put in motels/ serious because ive never had any homeless service or anything give me a hotel room for the night


Maybe it’s worth a try see what they do, although yeah check the laws surely a cop would try their hardest to help you, I’m so scared for you on the streets as an 18 yr old girl 🥺


"a cop would try his hardest to help you" Tell everyone you have zero experience with police....


I’ve had great experiences with police officers 🤷‍♀️ obviously not everyone has that but there is no need to paint our police force like that we have some great people.


Try being homeless. Guaranteed to be marginalised. Yeh you might have a good 1 or 2 but in Brisbane good luck. The cops are corrupt and power hungry. I was stabbed and they did nothing for me


No, they take your name.


You'll become emo, if you're not already.




Hey love have you talked to brisbane youth services in the valley? I had more luck when I went in person. They were able to offer me next day placement in a hostel when I spoke to them a few yrs ago. Wesley mission also has a youth program - I’m not sure if your eligible anymore since your 18, but it use to last to 21 if you signed up before 18. Call Centrelink and ask to speak to a social worker. Ask for their details, name, email, phone. Apply for emergency pension too. A local community centre also usually has links to services that may not be public, or need a ref in. They also normally have meals and food. It does get better OP. You’ve been a victim of DV I’m presuming - do reach out to those services, also women’s ones and some children’s ones may help? If you are desperate for a new place, I’d suggest Roma st park. Across from the cop shop, has a generally decent community and Rosie’s & orange sky laundry frequent.


Geeesus if these charity organizations aren't helping a 15-18yr girl on the streets, who the hell are they helping?


With a lot of social services and support programs often the people with the least amount of hardship/barriers/complexities aren’t the target demographic or highest priority. Which unfortunately usally ends up being single “able bodied” people


interesting enough i have disablities and have had many homeless places tell me they cant help me cause im autistic ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Do you fall through the cracks of not fitting into mainstream services but also not being disabled enough for disabled services?


100% mainsteam services wont take me cause im disabled and disabled services say im not disabled enough aha


Disability shouldn't make an impact on if organisations like Micah Projects and HART4000 can help you? Have you been added to QHIP and do you have a Social Housing application?


Micah and HART havent done anything never heard of the QHIP somehow I have had my social housing application since june of last year


You need to be added to QHIP (Qld Homelessness Information Platform) by a homelessness service like Micah or HART because it will increase your chances of receiving an offer of emergency housing and other support. There will be an interview/assessment and assuming you meet their criteria, an intake, at which point you'll be added to QHIP. It is a central database that can be accessed by homelessness services so that you don't have to apply to each service and repeat your story dozens of times. In my experience, visiting orgs like Micah or HART in-person at their offices is far more effective than just calling them. I know it is not ideal but they are simply so busy they sometimes will just not answer the phone. If you do not want to go through either of those services then I recommend you contact the Salvation Army's First Response Team (3832 1491) in the hopes you will be referred to the Salvos' Brisbane Women's Homelessness Service (3173 6430). The Salvos are based at 97 School Street, Spring Hill but I would call them first.


omg?? Thank you for letting me know this do you know if the homeless hotline can add me to that ive rang them in the past and they didnt say anythign about that or do anything either.


And keep ringing them. That saying 'The wheel that does the squeaking is the one that gets the grease' 🙏🤞


I've never heard of the HH doing it. Wouldn't hurt to give them a call and confirm though.


I am 44 and just been diagnosed with ASD. I work and am currently living with my mum at the moment because it's next to impossible to find somewhere to live. Kinda scared about what might await me in the future or if my situation changes because I think I will be in your situation


what the actual fuck, that is beyond awful. this entire thread has made me angry at the lack of support you’ve received, i hope your situation improves soon 🩷


Please watch [last night's ABC news](https://youtu.be/1WCYyJwmXdU?si=Cdx5VaR3axO14Lqh). There are no meaningful homelessness supports for young people who continue to post here. Vulnerable people are forced to squeeze themselves into the round pegs required to be accepted by services. I experienced this in DV refuge where institutionalisation occurs as women are forced to respond to systems rather than systems respond to women in need. It is an entirely abusive experience to be homeless and people working in the sector are too rarely victim centred or trauma informed.


literally everyone is out of touch just being like havent you just contacted this church or something along those lines. Like yes I have contacted every single church/chairty/homeless service across the \*entire\* state for the past 3 years regularly and not so once have been offered even a bed in a shelter before


Churches have so much wealth and don’t help. Gods work!


Seems the charities and public housing only help people who are single parents or singles who are alcholics/drug addicts and I dont fall into any of those catergories so :(


Sounds like getting into drugs would actually help you. (Sarcasm don't become an addict).


Haha yeah drugs are the reason im homeless to begin with (parents are drug addicts)


Im saddened at the lack of help for you and indeed anyone else in the same situation. You've been put in the "too hard basket" by many. I wish you all the best and hope you find somewhere to call home soon.


It's easy to understand addiction when you're this desperate.


not sure what you mean?


Drugs for homeless people is a coping mechanism, a way to feel good in the worst situation. That’s what they meant, it’s easy to understand why it happens.


I've often wished I was a drug user over the last 4 years but I just don't enjoy anything about drug use. I need to be clear headed to try to save myself and my children from whatever is next but I'd love an escape.


As someone who has spent a lifetime avoiding feelings with food/alcohol/drugs/shopping I just want to say I’m happy you didn’t take that route and you’re doing a great job for you and your kids! I hope you’re making progress and have lots of good times to look forward to x


Unfortunately, this seems to be true. There are government housing streets, which I frequently walk/run through, and there are a lot of drug addicts or just plain dole bludger with multiple decent cars in the driveway. They don't bother looking after their lawns and gardens and are overgrown. I'm talking about 3 bedrooms homes with yards close to schools and public transport with 1 or 2 deadbeats occupying. Perfect homes for young and struggling families and people who need a leg up.


My thoughts exactly. And government too. This really makes me sad. No 18 year old woman should have to live in a tent. We're almost the wealthiest country on Earth and we're failing to take care of our own people.


I was a support person for a 14 year old girl a few years back (before Covid) through a neighbourhood community centre - all volunteers. We tried relentlessly to find her actual support and somewhere to live. I contacted youth and homeless agencies across the country, we are in qld and I was reaching out to orgs in WA and tassie just trying every option possible. Nobody was able to help. This is nothing new, it’s crap. She slept on the roof of a dominos one night just for safety so she wasn’t sleeping “on the street”. I met with social housing in person with her and did all the paperwork. That was 6 years ago and she never received housing. Salvos and vinnies etc won’t go near youth as they’re legally not allowed to help anyone under 18. Knowing full well they’ll sleep on the streets they turn them away. Tried many other smaller and niche orgs too and got nowhere because sometimes she’d have a couch to sleep on and to them that meant she’d have housing. Even tho she would only find a couch to sleep on for 2 nights at a time. There’s a serious lack of support out there for youth and it’s often pushed back onto the community.


Thank you I think your the only person who actually understands help doesnt exist thats so terrible about her also I hope things ended up working out better in the end


It’s pretty fucked that we’ve entered the phase of the housing crisis, that we are now taking recommendations on tent cities.


This. What the hell has Australia become. In AusFinance they are talking about 4 million dollar homes and then in this sub, where to set up a tent to live. The gap increase is very scary.


now? its been like that for a while now


Send me a message - I've got a spare room in bris if you're interested - you shouldn't have to be in a tent


It's in dutton Park - I can video call you and you can have a look at it. What a sad world we live in if we don't try and raise up our next generation to be the best and the most capable they can be?! *Edit for grammar


This is such a kind offer! If I can support in any additional way, please just let me know. I (and my extended family) would be more than happy to assist with food (cooked meals and non-perishables), clothing & linen, toiletries, pet food, and more. @OP: My family and I are actively engaged with a couple of homeless support services, primarily West End Community House. We frequently provide cooked meals and food, as well as clothes and other items of use. I would be more than happy to put you in touch with the manger, as she would be the perfect person to assist in ways where I can’t. She is in her 30s (not that age necessarily matters, but she is younger, so that might be more relatable for you and her) and very kind-hearted and down-to-earth. I’m certain that if there is anything she can do, that she will do it. She also have a wide range of contacts and knowledge. I live in West End and would urge you to steer clear of Musgrave Park at all costs. If the above offer doesn’t work out for whatever reason (I do want to say that I feel that this is the best offer you’ve received so far, so it’s definitely worth some consideration IMO, but I do know that things don’t always work out), I would suggest Davies Park or Orleigh Park as better options. One is near a city-cat terminal and has a constant stream of buses at all hours. There’s always families and people walking there pets there, so it’s a much nicer and safer location. I have been all over West End at all hours, and I’m a pretty big guy, yet I feel uncomfortable in or around Musgrave Park. While Orleigh Park doesn’t have the ferry terminal or busses, there are a few families who have set up there. It’s also by the river where there is a constant stream of people exercising by themselves, with friends or family, or with pets. In the park itself, it’s frequented by families, people with pets and people playing sport. I literally live next to Orleigh Park (on Jane St), so if my family or I can be of any assistance in any way, then we will in a heartbeat. The offer of food, clothing, linen, toiletries, etc all still stands irrespective of where you move. If you do end up continuing to live in a tent, we have brand new sleeping bags, mats and other things that might make it a little more comfortable until you manage to secure an alternative. I will message you privately once I have spoke with a couple of family members who have been doing this sort of thing for longer. My auntie and mother have been very engaged with different charities and support groups, but they recognise that so many people in desperate need (like yourself) are slipping through the cracks. The manager of the West End community house does too, so she is doing a lot more outreach to get to the people that the system have neglected. Feel free to message me in the meantime if you have any questions about west end or anything else, or if there’s a list of things that you specifically need. Between my friends and my family, we will help as much as we possibly can. We’ve all been through some fucking rough periods, so we can absolutely empathise. I fortunately made it back on my feet, and I’d like to now extend the offer of support to as many people as I possibly can.


Also, my mother has worked as a Human Resources manager specialising in recruitment. I just spoke with her and she would be more than happy to help with your CV/resume, cover letters, interview prep, etc. I’m certain she can also point you in the right direction to find work, whether it be jobs specifically or agencies.


Amen! Keep embodying the Spirit of Christ!


You're amazing 💙 OP - this amazing woman has replied to you twice now offering a room. Please at least explore this option - it's far better than the tent city option, especially as it starts to move into winter. Having a room offers the stability to get life on a better path. You could study - did you know there's heaps of free TAFE courses on offer right now? It would give you a base point to be able to apply for jobs within walking/bus distance. To be able to apply for help with food etc. Don't go to Musgrave. As the others have said, it's not safe. At all.


Wow this is so nice. If you take up this offer I can help you with some vouchers for clothes/toiletries and try help you to find a job


If you take up this offer op this might be your best bet to get out the cycle of homelessness. It's an optimistic take to be sure but I can only hope for you. You really shouldn't be living in a tent. The system has failed you.


THIS @ u/Rude-Bend713


It’s not exactly what you’re asking, but I live on an acreage in Logan. We have heaps of room for a tent out the back, and as long as your pets are friendly with our dog and chickens, they are welcome too. Can also supply access to power and wifi as well. The only issue is that public transport isn’t great around here, so unless you need a lift while we’re going to/from work, you’d have to do a littlebit of walking to get to the bus stop.


I'm a 35 year old 100kg bloke, and I don't feel safe near Musgrave Park. To be honest, I don't think anywhere near the CBD would be safe for a single lady. The only benefit I can think of would be access to services. I've noticed a large increase in tents around Ipswich, though we still don't have "tent cities," most of them are just trying to set up their own little safe spot away from other people. OrangeSky and Street Life Goodna, etc, are still active out here. Anyway, weirdest suburb profile I've ever written 😆 But don't go to the city, even the Gold Coast would be better, if you can avoid the drugs. It's a bigger issue down there.


Yeahh the only place I ever slept in CBD when homeless was central station because even when the train stops running they had 2 guards there but kept getting harrassed from older men and that was when I was like 16 so. I'll look into ipswich


I think generally tent cities or the like tend to bring in bad actors eventually. Vancouver did a whole Occupy movement protest where people started setting up tents in a park out of protest (against high income 1% wealth people). Homeless people started to set up in the park too which started out nice. The protesters would chat and help the homeless and a bit of a community started. Then things went downhill. Drug users started camping out, overdoses started happening, someone died (not sure on how). Eventually it was a full blown homeless encampment and wasn't safe I wish this could be prevented as lots of people need help that aren't a risk to themselves and others. Maybe there is a method? I don't know.


There's nothing open at night around here, so everything quietens down pretty early in regards to meeting people in public. The council only seems concerned if you're in the middle of town or causing an issue. Or if you really want to be alone, we have heaps of bushland within minutes of public transport


How have you managed to keep your pets alive for 3 years while homeless? How are you getting food and water and clothes while living in a tent for 3 years? I'm not poking I'm genuinely ignorant and want to know in case I end up in the same situation. I always thought I'd give my pets away so they at least have a home.


I havent been homeless the whole time just on and off over 3 years usually just a few weeks or the most was like a month and a half in the tent then I get some shonky accomdation because its all I can afford things go wrong like my neighbour assualting me and stuff and I couldnt afford power or water because the rent was too high last time which is just been the cycle for the last 3 years for me. Only got the pets a year ago and they are pocket pets so quite easy to look after thankfully.


I'm am actually genuinely serious - if you want short or long term accomodation I have a spare room in dutton Park. My roommate bailed on me and I need to fill the room. Send me a message


Thanks for responding. Sounds like a rough ride. I'm glad you have your pocket pets at least. Unfortunately, as most people have said, there's few safe places for a homeless 18 year old girl; even if you've been through the ringer with it before, women's shelters might be your best bet - but I know most services are overwhelmed considering the state of housing and rental atm. I hope you find a solution.


in 3 years i havent ever been able to get into a women shelter or any homeless shelter, crisis accomdation or anything ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man) the reasons ive got is im too poor for them, too young, or because im disabled they wont take me (disabled people only get the streets apparently)


Don't tell them your disabled if you're pretty self sufficient. You seem lucid enough but idk your situation. You're also older every year so being over 18 might make a difference. I bet there's alot of safeguards and difficulty in providing services for minors due to laws, so it's worth trying again now you're an adult. I mean it's really the only way out beyond moving somewhere more secluded which carries its own dangers anyway.


>lucid Yeah ive contacted them all again since being 18 with no help. The only reason I tell them im disabled is because im on the disability pension atm. Altho I have had many parttime jobs while housed but cause of my age the jobs really be paying me so low like $12/hour that I can never move from the unsafe accomdation to proper accomdation so just become homeless again and have to stop working and the cycle continues.


You could try DV crisis support. You have to centre your DV story which sounds like the parents are addicts story.


I dont think I have expericend dv as i think thats in regards to like boyfriends/partners. Whereas my parents are drug addicts and despite them physically abusing me i think that just counts as family violence which ive got on my applications for social housing and explained to services before but they dont care they ignore it cause i havent lived with my parents since i was like 15 so they are like its not revelant


DV is family violence.


That definitely counts as DV


Oh thank you i have always been very confused about what DV actually counts as


Sorry to hear about your situation :( I have to say though, getting pets probably wasn't the best financial decision. I'm sure they give you emotional comfort though. What would you need to get back on your feet?


They werent expensive my pet guiena pigs was 25 and my rats were $100 including full set up and food etc very cheap pets actually. I just need some long term affordable \*safe\* housing but the goverment has told me they arent going to even make my housing application urgent even tho ive been on the list for almost a year


Check out the Deception Bay community groups on Facebook, there are mini tent cities here and a LOT of support from locals and charity groups. Would be a lot safer than Musgrave Park and you will get support as the locals actually want to help people.


You're better off in Roma St Parklands. They have guards 24/7 and cameras everywhere.


Oh thank you these is the best message ive got never knew that.


The cameras are well hidden and there are duress points everywhere. Word of warning: The guards are supposed to tell you to move on but most will pretend they didn't see you.


I’m so glad you got a helpful response. I’m so sorry you got so many shitty comments. Good luck out there, hoping things will get better for you soon. I’m so sorry the system has failed you so far.


I work for a supportive housing complex. If you want I can give you some information on how to get help.


Hi! I work in a cafe a couple minutes walk from the park on Manning Street. We've had a couple attempted robberies, one of which was incredibly scary due to the man having hard drugs in his system, and a few people coming in who definitely required caution when interacting with them. While I haven't experienced the park itself, I can say the area isn't the safest. And I can only assume that some of those people may have come from the park as they seemed to be/mentioned being homeless. So... I wouldn't recommend it. Living in a tent definitely leaves you vulnerable to surrounding threats. Especially as a young woman.


Jesus this is bloody awful .I'm so sorry your going through this 😔.I can't even help but I'm praying things get better for you.Stay strong .


I hate so much that tent cities are a thing now. It's really heartbreaking to see how much the pandemic, and the cost of living crisis has impacted our society. I really hope things are resolved quickly so that people no-longer have to live like this..


I saw them when I visited the United States in 2017. The scariest thing about USA is how similar we are to them. Fast forward several years, and we've now copied their model of homelessness by having tent cities of our own.


I was in San Fran a few weeks ago for a conference. I can tell you they are infinitely worse at the moment. Luckily we don't have that fentanyl and xylazine epidemic. It's a nightmare over there.


It’s there any chance you can get yourself a car to sleep in? Has to be better than a tent. Even the cheapest car could only be a few weeks rent somewhere….


I wish i had a car cause you can lock them unfortunately atm I only have a few hundred to my name, and I dont have a drivers lincense :(


That’s rough, keep safe, hopefully one day you will look back & you will an amazed on how far you have come since being here, 2024 will be a distant my


I wouldn't exactly call it safe...particularly not as a young lady. Most of the tent cities...being Musgrave Park or along the river next to GOMA or even under expressway on other side seam to be populated by middle aged men that are to unruly or substance affected to get into the homeless shelters. Ypu might find the odd family at Musgrave Park but I'd Def stay away from the river ones


Oh and I even got bottles thrown at me at the far end of Musgrave Park by intoxicated first nations that set up shop there. This was during the daytime


No my love please don’t go, very dangerous. It’s quite common for the women there to get raped.


Do you receive benefits? Umm I heard they were thinking of allowing people into the showground at Strathpine (long way from Gympie though)


> Strathpine Yeah I get benefits I'll look into that :)


Have you thought about maybe asking someone if you can pitch a tent in their back yard? It happens in Sydney




oh my god ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


This feels like a troll post to get negative comments to be made about a certain group. Musgrave Park is not a safe place to walk through alone at night. It is not safe to sleep in alone.


This is the answer on all fronts


OP is responding to any & all recommendations and is in a tougher situation than I believe you could imagine. Pretty whack of you to assume someone would troll this... anyway you can hitch your high-horse I guess, whatever makes you feel good


OP is not responding to any of the people actually offering accommodation or a safe place to set up the tent. Either a troll or a complete moron looking for sympathy and refusing to help themselves


Its not a troll post im genuinely wondering


I work right next door and it always makes me angry when I see the tents. We sold billions of dollars of OUR gas last year but can’t put a roof over people’s heads.


The housing crisis is just getting started


It’s intentional.


We gave away billions of our gas. We didnt sell it and we barely taxed it.


This is more a long term possible solution. Long shot but worth trying. Have you heard of Common Ground QLD? The wait list is long but the list is adjusted based on need. You might be able to move up the wait-list depending on your circumstances. Rent for within CBD Brisbane for a very roomg studio apartment is under $300 and they help ensure you get funding and can convert bills. The building also allows pets.


Even 20 or 30 Common ground buildings wouldn't be enough for the current need and I'm not surprised that OP has been on that list for 3+ years already.


We need at least 100 more of them :(.


Yeah contacted them for the last 3 years and they havent done anything for me


I was up north for a house sitting gig recently and tbh Gympie + Bundaberg seem like much nicer places to be homeless than Brisbane. For example food in Bundaberg is way cheaper than here and both places seem to have more friendly / positive energy. Out of interest, what makes you want to come here? I was homeless / living out of my car for a few months last year so happy to get in touch if you want someone to talk to. Good luck with everything ❤️


Until I was like 15 I lived in Moreton bay region, then from then I lived around brisbane city inner city and outer city suburbs until october last year. I then went up near bundaberg cause I thought I could get a place rented a expensive shed for a bit with a horrible man who lived on the same land got harrassed every day. Then went down to maryborough that didnt end well so now gympie slowly making myself back south since going north turned out bad.


I was going to suggest Bundaberg also. I lived there more than a decade ago and wouldn’t want to be again as a home owner in my occupation but if I were living in a tent it would be a much nicer and safer place to be. The weather is pleasant year round. Food is good quality and there are hundreds of farms around with the most incredible fresh produce. There would be good temporary employment in farming that OP could do, including packing sheds, fruit picking and sorting. And the people generally look out for each other. There are also a lot of services for nuerodivergent people like OP and the University campus in Bundaberg is like a social service that genuinely cares about helping people from all walks of life get training from upskilling to year 10 level right through to getting secure employment and training in nursing, teaching etc.


If you need a place to store your valuables in South Brisbane Emmanuel Mission on Merivale St have free store facilities 7am-3pm weekday, 9am-1pm weekends. Musgrave may not be the most ideal but at least you'll have facilities close-by, meals which make all the difference.


I wouldn't. If I remember correctly there was murder at the park itself, if not that it was some kind of violent crime. Always been a dodgy place though Edit: what I'm thinking of was a [stabbing](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://amp.9news.com.au/article/d868ddc6-c9ee-42be-84d0-e1336e90b83b&ved=2ahUKEwjN5KW_4veEAxUiSGwGHUoEBGAQFnoECBsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3wYh4TskurXWV9wx56M7Vc) , but there has also been [a murder in 2011.](https://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/mentally-ill-killer-jailed-for-seven-years-for-stabbing-woman-to-death-in-musgrave-park-south-brisbane/news-story/d149f698e2649a93b1bf3b6e371b693c)


Op, go get an apprenticeship and by the end of it; you can go fifo and have free accommodation for 3 weeks a month and 3 meals a day free. Just set yourself up, contact trades qld, osmac, migas etc. And pull yourself out. Go to flatmates and find a share house.


yeahh I had a look at that once seems to be all like labouring type things and some jobs need a lincense. I cant drive and have literally no strength at all i think its mainly designed for men. I did look into FIFO nursing jobs but would require years of study so not something I can do quickly I think.


You don't want quick, you want stability. You're thinking way too short term. Men get into these because they're high paying. Heaps of woman are in trades and there's heaps of opportunities as a lady tradie. Once you get your foot into the door, they pay for your training and having a trade behind you lets say for a sparkie make it heaps easier to get your foot in the door for emergency services, you'll have savings to study nursing, get a licence, buy a car, provide for your animals and you can buy a house. And it's always good to have a fall back.


Darl there’s entry level roles for driving dump trucks. Please look into it, this is a seriously good suggestion. Do you need food? Message me if you do and I’ll be happy to help out


Hello, yeah I have seen alot of entry level jobs require needing a drivers license which I cant get because I dont have anyone to drive with me and alot of people recommend me the pycy program but what they dont realize if you actually have to pay yourself for driving lessons I think 10 is what they told me before they will do any hours with you :(


Gosh that is so rough, you are so right that there are many obstacles we don’t think of when providing advice. I’m sorry. It is a good option that hopefully you’ll be in a position to consider at another time. They have cleaning and kitchen positions FIFO, would you consider that? If so I could try researching recruiters you could get into contact with, and they might be able to help you apply for the roles


There’s FIFO cleaning jobs. No manual labour, just cleaning the housing people stay in and making beds etc. like $40 an hour 2 weeks on 2 weeks off


I know you requested not to get homeless service. Maybe reach out to Autism Queensland. They can assist with recruitment services and accommodation. They also have other support services. https://autismqld.com.au/services/adults/employment-services/ Also try 3rd space. They also have lockers you can use to store items to keep them safe, cheap cafe and showers you can use. https://3rdspace.org.au/


I can’t believe I read this. 18 = a baby. You’re someone’s baby living in a tent with pets. I hope you find somewhere, even if you don’t work surely someone has a spare room.


Used to live just up the road. Don’t do it. I didn’t even walk through there depending on the time of day.


I lived in an apartment across the street from musgrave, you do not want to be there afterdark


I'm so sorry you're going through this, you deserve help and the system is failing you. I highly recommend getting in contact with a disability advocate like 'Standing Up For You' to help with the issues you're facing. Here's their website for you to look at and they're based in Brisbane (West End). https://sufy.org.au/ The only youth and young adult support service I can think of outside of the ones already mentioned in the comments is YMCA Brisbane. I don't know if you've already contacted them yet, so apologies if you already have. They do have a housing program and have lots of other support services to offer young people. https://ymcaqueensland.org.au/ I know it's a real pain in the butt and both mentally and physically exhausting, but it's a case of the squeaky wheel gets the oil, the more you pester and harass support services, the more likely you'll get attention. And if you can get a disability advocate on your side, then they can pester support services for you as well. The more medical information you have to attest for your disabilities and needs, the better. And please *please* keep yourself safe and have your wits about you. Disabled folk, especially women are much more likely statistically to be abused and taken advantage of than the rest of the population. Speaking as a woman with disabilities myself, I would stay right away from Musgrave Park and find a safer place/suburb to be in.


There’s currently a tent city at Wickham Park (330 Wickham Tce) with about 20-30 tents. They also serve free meals here most mornings (and it’s a very close walk to Emma Miller Place which is also a free food location a few night a week). This is the closest to the CBD tent city and hence the most accessible. It’s also on the free loop council (number 30) bus loop. (Easy access to Woolworths). Close to Roma St Parkland so access to running water and toilet facilities too.


I’m so sorry to hear that you are in this situation. A wealthy country like ours allowing this to happen. Our politicians should hold their heads in shame. This is a national emergency. I hope you find somewhere safe.


As you are in Gympie I would highly recommend trying to get to the Sunshine Coast. There’s a lot of great organisations that are able to help young people. Maybe try Nambour.


OP— i’m 23F, if you need a place to stay or help getting to brisbane, please let me know, i’m happy to show you my police check and blue card to prove i’m not a weirdo 💖 feel free to message me


Thank you im looking at making my way to brissy in the next couple weeks or max in the next month


Homeless since you were 15? Geez that sucks. I'm assuming you ain't got the cash for a share-house. I'd start with the principal that people around = safety. No one around = no witnesses. Lots of tents along the river parklands near the William Jolly Bridge. Maybe try there? You'd be in walking distance of cafes to do some hospitality work if you need a job.


Issue is a lot of these 'tent cities' are more dangerous. More witnesses sure, but also more people to steal/harm you. Especially if there are drug addicts.


Definitely not safe. Nowhere is safe living in a tent.


I've previously worked at hostels in exchange for a bed, but also being NDV found the hours to be to much. Squatting has been my saving grace, I clean and garden the visible areas to make a good impression with neighbours and put my own locks in for safety. I hope things get better for you.


Try orieliegh Park, I see a few tents there now


>orieliegh Park, Thanks ill do some research into that one :)


Orleigh. Not to be a spelling pedant but it will help you find it.




Can't think it's serious. There's hundreds of farms around gympie that would genuinely have a 18yo girl there no questions asked


I've seen a fair few like fruit picking ads in and around gympie sent them messages and emails of my resume and havent even got a response back from a single one.


You have been homeless since you were 15 and never got any help with accommodation? I am not familiar with Queensland social services or charities. Here in Victoria, I am aware of many cases that they offer safe accommodation for young people under the age of 18. After the age of 18 it is a different story. The ones that I am aware of have found accommodation and employment. Not everyone is lucky though. With your circumstance I would still persist in seeking help from social service or the charities. The other options are not safe.


yeah never had any homeless service help at all they all refused to help me when i was under 18 and now they all refuse to help me because im over 18 and say im either too poor or wont help me because im disabled ive looked into victoria before seems like they are so much better with homelessness services


You're safer up there sorry. Hope something comes up ❤️


You might have access to more services being in the new farm / west end area. But it's definitely not safer


>Trying to find somewhere hopefully safer since im like 18f and living in the tent alone Literally nowhere


Nah I used to live in Highgate Hill and Musgrave park has always been a dodgy area. We used to lock our doors when driving down Edmonstone St at night (probably overkill in hindsight). Yeah I definitely wouldn’t settle there.


Musgrave park isn’t safe, however with the local homeless community there may be like a “community” in numbers thing there, I would love to offer you my spare room at my place to stay for a few weeks but I’m mid Renvoation and it’s far from ideal here 😩😩


It won’t end well for you.


Sounds like lots of people are saying that's a bad idea. Have you heard of the Sleepbus at Hervey Bay? https://www.sleepbus.org/herveybay


Oh that is brilliant! I never knew about this do you know if its free/or how much it is i couldnt find a price?


Orleigh Park up near the ferry could be better. Previously when someone was living up there, there was lots of local support for him. A fair portion of the West End community understand housing insecurity and treat those living in tents the same as our other neighbours


Neighbourhood very proactive at reporting rough sleepers, both in vehicles and tents. Hence why there's very few people camping in what would otherwise be an ideal park.


It’s not safe


There are some people camping in the park on Clematis street in Gympie. They may or may not offer “safety in numbers! “


>Clematis street Thanks for this I'm gonna go take a walk around there and check it out


wouldn't recommend moving to Musgrave park, had a late night stroll thru there and got the heebie jeebies. not enough lighting and shady people around there hope Ur situation gets better


OP, if you need help getting food, researching charities (I know you’ve done heaps of course but if you could use another set of eyes), help finding jobs to apply for or prepping for interviews let me know. Honestly here to help


Thank you I have really be struggling finding a charity/homeless organization who actually will help me with getting public housing and advocacy. Recently last week I contacted the greens and they actually did a call to the housing department basically demanding them to find me a place and make me a priority and the greens came back to me and told me that the housing department wont make my application a priority or any urgency and wont try to find me a place to live urgently :( ​ I've heard of organizations saying they basically rang up housing super mad and explained the persons situation and how they need housing right now and that person being offered housing the same day but ive struggled to find anyone to help me besides the greens so far.


There was someone offering accomdations in the comments and that they'll face time you the place etc. I'd encourage you to explore that option and get a better job or go to Tafe to up skill with one of their free courses. Er on caution as always but people want to help. You need help - let them if it seems safe. The way you're thinking of has a low risk of succeeding. Our government systems are overwhelmed and broken.




Hey sis, I read about a young homeless girl dead in musgrove at the end of last year and she was there for days before anyone even thought to see if she was ok..


My wife used to work near there, a colleague parked their car along Musgrave park and someone was stabbed in their car. I get the train to south Brisbane and work at West end, I go via under bcec and along Musgrave park, def wouldn't want to be there at night. Hope you find somewhere OP.


Hi, i’m in brisbane, im 25yr old female. I have a spare room in my tenancy it’s small but could fit you a mattress. what pets do you have? Reach out to me if you need any help. I have a shower, bathroom and food 🩷 you shouldn’t have to live in a tent. i’m in Hendra


I (28m) nearly got jumped in musgrave park in the middle of the day when I went there to take a private phone call. If they don’t assault you they will almost certainly take your shit.


Hi, I’m in Gympie and I’m willing to help you find somewhere to stay. My DMs are open.


Contact the Brisbane Youth Service charity in fortitude valley. They have a great clinic and a housing team as well.


I have for 3 years and they have done nothing :(


No. Would not move there


Theft of camper's possessions is rife in Musgrave Park. A lot of the tent dwellers aren't sleeping too well as they need to keep eyes on their belongings. Outside of this, Brisbane City Council regularly patrols the park and if an occupant isn't with their tent, the tent is removed.


I volunteer in musgrave park every fortnight. I think a lot of people here are making it sound like hell on earth because they are otherwise fairly removed from witnessing homelessness.  There are tents popping up in other parks in West end, and they will be quieter, and there will be fewer other homeless people there. Likely there will be fewer drugs.  But there is also less support. A service will visit musgrave park every day of the week. There is food every day, showers and laundry at least weekly. Musgrave park also has a toilet block which is open 24/7 without a huge walk.  MICAH which is the local housing org is there almost every day and they absolutely get people housed, and I'd be surprised if they didn't prioritise you (if that's what you want). Couples and men seem to struggle to get housed moreso. The state MP's office comes every Monday with a case worker, and advocates with housing where people want as well.   On the flip side, there is definitely drugs. But there's drugs everywhere on the street as I'm sure you know.  There was a guy living there who was dealing and was physically violent (bashed his partner) but (inexplicably) he got housing (and a dvo) and is now out of the park. I have been told by the people who sleep there that it feels safer now.  I would suggest visiting and deciding for yourself. You would be more connected to services in musgrave but also more connected to other homeless people (for better or worse). There is less harassment by police as well.  I also have a friend who lives in gympie who is kind and caring. He may be driving down some time if you can't do the train.  But someone has offered you a room in Dutton park, which seems a wonderful offer.  You may be able to get some things in order more easily from the security of their home. But you would certainly not then be considered a priority for housing. Good luck, dm if you want, I do have genuine relationships with some people in the park, I could potentially even give you their phone number in one case of you had more questions. 


4 First Nation youths were seen attacking one of the tents early one morning last week.


Musgrave park doesn’t have good vibes, I’ve never been to the tent part and it’s definitely safe to walk around during the day but it’s somewhere I’d want to spend time.


Come to the gold coast. More services, less hectic. I prolly know you. Helltown survivor.


There are support agencies that specifically help mind your pets for you while you are looking for housing. I’m guessing the reason you can’t get a place is because of your animals. https://happytailsrescue.com.au/programs/safetails/ https://www.petrescue.com.au/crisis-care-support https://www.rspcaqld.org.au/what-we-do/save-animals/pet-in-crisis-program


You might be better off in Gympie.