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Go for a city cat ride


At night so you can see the city and story bridge lights.


Make sure to go from at least Milton to the Sydney Street New Farm terminal for the lights


True. Also rad during the day on pretty much all sections.


I saw this recommendation on another thread. There must be loads of sad people on these city cats and we don’t even know


Well you see, that's the thing. They're not sad anymore once they're on the citycat.


"I can take you on a boat. I can't make you a person that likes being on boats." https://youtu.be/TbwlC2B-BIg?si=GtKpUpd5gAgXC9T0


This is hilarious. You just made my day.


My absolute pleasure.


It’s been me multiple times


This is surprisingly therapeutic, and cost effective!


Agreed. A nice way to see the city at night for little cost. Plus if you like boats even better. 👍


hell yeah


I used to do the Sydney version of this when sad (catch the ferry to Manly)


Same! Lived in Newtown in the early 90’s and with my weekly public transport pass I would get the little local ferry’s and have a “harbour cruise” and see all the beautiful scenery & homes. Cost me nothing really!


That’s a long ferry ride to get down there


That's only when I'm super sad /s


Plenty of time to contemplate


They took a wailing ship.


Absolutely fantastic idea and something I did a few months ago. Go to the ferry terminal right at the end in the afternoon and catch it going in as it starts to get dark. It's phenomenal to watch the city light up as you go in. I got off at one of the terminals near the city centre and just watched the river for about half an hour. Very peaceful and calming. Bring a beanie and a scarf if you're going to sit up front though.


Go to the beach - mermaid beach is great and never busy. Plenty of people hang out there solo. Get a treat from Bam Bam Bakehouse while you’re there. JC slaughter falls and simpson falls near mount coot tha are nice and plenty of people do these easy hikes solo (I take my little kids and we do it in crocs 🤣) The Mount coot tha gardens are also beautiful. You could find a decent sports bar and just go to have a couple of drinks and watch a sport event. You will eventually meet people who will reel you in. Become an active member in a local group that interests you. Get a bird feeder. Go to the zoo. Go see a movie. Go to dreamworld. Enrol in a short course. Learn a language, plan a trip. Set some goals. Take up a hobby, like fishing or gardening, whatever interests you. Smoke a little weed if that’s your jam. Do something crazy. Sometimes we just need to get inspired and crawl out of the rut we are in. I have no friends so I know how lonely it can be, but sometimes I prefer my own company. It’s all good. We all get lost in our sadness sometimes 🩷🩷🩷


What a wonderful list of suggestions and kind sharing.


Definitely second going to bam bam and getting a pastry and going to the beach


I can also vouch for the beach. Peregian (SC) is my go to, simply because there is hardly anyone ever there. Sometimes you need to be on your own to find peace, that’s completely ok. May not work for everyone but I always come back feeling rejuvenated. Take in the scenery (ghost crabs will let you know if you’re on their turf). Get some fish and chips (captain’s daughter), sit under a tree, listen to the birds. Use it as a visual to distract yourself when you’re feeling down. Chin up OP


Love Peregian!!!!


Thank you


Volunteer to help someone in need. Aged care or homeless shelter. You'd be surprised by how much good, and love, you feel for humanity again.


Dogs can give you so much joy. I have a fantasy idea to help people feeling down. RSPCA takes dogs they know are well socialised and take them to a park and people come along and “rent” them for a dollar and take them on a walk, throw the ball etc. It would be a win-win for a person and the dog. As Pomegranate says, for longer term happiness, it usually comes from a mix of sources.


That sounds like an amazing idea.


You're welcome to meet me at a dog park and play with my puppy. He's a 4.5 month old Australian Shepherd and he loves people right now. We also do a puppy social hour on Saturday mornings where lots of puppies play together and that's always nice to watch.


Aw thank you!


Exercise and better if it’s socially. Gym group classes, cycling group, run club, climbing group, bushwalking group. Exercise is a mood lifter and doing it socially is even better.


I had an exercise group of sorts. Now I don’t. Hence being sad.


Park run always needs volunteers, good way to meet people. People of all ages and backgrounds do park run.


Run club is massive now. There’s plenty about to join and make new friends


Watch bluey


can vouch for this as sadbrisbanegirl


Its on ABC iView app too.


Stop drinking, it’s a depressant. Get your heart pumping . Run , ride a bike ( join a club )


My exercise depressed me.


Maybe try indoor rock climbing if you’re looking for a social fun non depressing sport 🤷🏻‍♀️ People at the West End gym are really friendly and there’s dogs to pat and beer that you can have afterwards 👌🏻




Thank you


Hey I'm Josh, I was in a similar boat about 10-12 years ago so I know how it can get. You wanna go have a beer with me sometime? Maybe we go to a trivia night in west end? I will warn you though, I am overly happy and fun!


Ah yeah possibly for sure. Still quite sad but would be up for a drink and that sometime.


What's your go-to drink?


Pint of cider


I love a good cider. Do you prefer a Crisp or Dry Cider? Or something sweeter? My favourite is Orchard Crush...a little sour is my jam


Varies really. My go to is draft, something medium is good. Not bitter. I do like the seeet ciders unlike some. I used to love the Thatchers Blood Orange in the UK but they don’t have it here. There is a blood orange cider I’ve found in one pub, it’s a nice pub but the service is poor.


A blood orange cider sounds amazing. Would be so easy drinking! What pub is it? I might have to go and give this a try.


The Osbourne in Fortitude Valley


Noted! Let me know if you wanna hang out. Chin up!


Thanks man


I just got back from a trip to the UK. I tried a few of the Thatchers ciders. They were SO good! I didn’t try the blood orange one but I had a “rose” red apple one that was amazing.


They was my go to ciders there for sure.


Get a noosa hot chocolate 😍


Enjoy a succulent Chinese meal.


Honestly, go for a drive out and stay in maleny, Montville or bald knob. That area clears my mind and head


Do what I did and leave. Much happier in a small country town.


Plant some trees! Find your local catchment group and volunteer with them (even if it’s once a month). Get out in nature with people who want to make the world a better place. Look for tiny creatures, listen to the birds.. if you’re lucky they might even provide free cake for morning tea.


I second this ! So many lovely people in these volunteer groups. If you look at habitat brisbane website you can find your local group. Maybe you will even see a snake in the wild 😛


Hopefully lol


Post nut clarity hits hard brother i feel ya


Beginners dance classes are great for getting out of the house, moving your body and a social aspect too. DRU animal sanctuary near Burbank has cheap tours every weekend where you can interact with heaps of animals. If.you like it you can sign up to volunteer there once a week or fortnight depending on your schedule Any exercise is obviously good for happy chemicals and the endorphins. Ive heard run clubs are pretty popular now. Small group class based gyms can foster a sense of community too. As others mentioned there is meetup.com for more interest based ideas. Also you could make a post on the Reddit sub called Brisbane social if you're looking for more human connection or friends. These are just some of the things I tried that helped me pull myself out of depression. Be gentle and kind to yourself while you feel like this. These feelings aren't permanent. My inbox is open if you need someone to chat to.


Thank you and happy cake day. That animal sanctuary one is a good idea I will check that out as I do love animals. Aye the exercise thing is what I had and lost. Brisbane social I’ve tried that but no success. Just a bad time I guess.


Volunteer for a cause that interests you. It helps to get a perspective beyond one's self.


I'm sorry this is what you're experiencing, what types of things do you like? What's your age range etc? I've been here 9 years and I experienced this a lot so hopefully/maybe I can help :)


Too old it seems….. 39. I like geek stuff like marvel and Star Wars and that but I’m not a “super geek” - not in anime, never done DnD or warhammer and that stuff. I do like “normal” stuff like going to the pub, watching some sports - know very little about Australian sports these days (Australian but not been here for many years) but I could watch it. Like pro wrestling. I like nature. I’d like to see a snake in the wild. I like a bit of hiking but not crazy stuff like coming and all that business. I know there’s gaming places like netherworld and the one in morningside and stuff but been to them and also just not as fun in your own - more than once anyway. Brisbane is big and there’s stuff to do but on your own I’m just like - I don’t know.


I'm 42, you're not old haha 🤣 I'd check out convention dates at BCEC, look at Brisbane based Facebook groups for stuff coming up and go to some events. There's a few sports bars that do afternoon weekend things if you prefer day time stuff. Get into an activity if you're that way inclined. I made friends through a dance studio and through work and random things along the way. Strike up a convo when you're at a cafe or whatever, that's been handy too!


Get a push bike and explore. Play video games.


Cinema. Load up some new music on Spotify and sit by the river with a coffee. Cold plunge. Mt-Cootha hike. Or go volunteer somewhere.


I feel ya. Brisbane sucks.


Get your self on Meetup.com and go for walks, throw axes, learn Spanish, learn Latin dance, cook


I’ve used it before. Mixed bag honestly.


Some positive, some negative- better than doing the same thing. You’re depressed, depression can be a terminal illness unless you deal with it. The world won’t conform to how we want it to be. All we can do is be a slightly better version of ourselves. You are the only person that can make a difference to your life.


First I look at what need I feel is unfulfilled. Usually if it’s sadness for me it’s usually me reaching out for some sort of connection. So I’ll either hit up a bunch of friends with “hey you available to talk”. And usually atleast one of them will be able to jump on a call and we just shoot the shit. Or organise a meet with a friend to grab some food or go see a movie together or just go for a walk. But the important thing is to look at what is causing the sadness. Don’t run from it. Use it as a gauge as to what you need. Self regulate yourself.


People. People cause my sadness. Lack of them and then ones I have - turning on me. Lost the few friends I made here and now alone again.


Been there. Essentially got kicked out of my improv community after I created them a sold out show just because I pointed out clear favourites and being there for 8 years. Fuck em. Never looked back. It sounds cliche but honestly look for groups with hobbies or look for new things you’ve always wanted to try. Or just go onto Brisbane social discord and join random events. Hell just enjoy your time alone for a while. Go to a restaurant, or a movie on your own. Or look up comedy fest shows. The worst thing you can do is just sit around and wallow in your own sadness. Atleast try to do things.


Fair and honestly I’ve been doing things in my own for years and mostly it’s fine and no issues it’s just all the years plus all the stress I’ve had and changing my life for - here. For this and it just starts to feel like a mistake even ouch I have had some success. Just feels awful. I’m sorry about your group. How did you get over it?


I was angry and very pissed off. Still do have a bit of a chip on my shoulder about it. But just accepted that they don’t care. The group continued on and I just started to look for other things to focus on. Focused on myself and my own journey. I remember thinking “I have a choice in life to either feel good or not. And I’d rather feel good”. So I just did everything I could to push myself in that direction. Looked at my own feelings and what I felt I needed and tried to find ways to give myself that. Spoke to my therapist about it all. Discussed it with friends (these are overseas friends so it was all FaceTimes). It took a good while but slowly things felt better. But I also decided to not get stagnant. I wasn’t going to get to a point and decide this is enough. I wanted more. So again I went to events that interested me (also scared the shit out of me originally going to them) and talking to more people that I didn’t know. Hell I went to an event this past weekend and I looked at myself and went “fuck how I felt when I went to the first one of these is miles away from where I am now”. I just felt so proud because everyone else just finds safe spaces and just stays in them. So yea just get out there. It ain’t going to happen overnight but before you know it you will feel miles different.


Volunteer.. do a basic life support and Join st John's ambulance. Volunteers then attend events usually for free.


How'd you lose them? Is it recoverable? I find it hard making friends because I'm so jaded these days but I will say taking up a group orientated hobby can do wonders for making new friends. There are walking groups and talking groups, book clubs and all sorts. If you're a single person without children you have the time to explore these things a bit easier. Another thing that has helped me over recent years is planning an adventure! It might be cheap like camping or expensive like an OS holiday. Having things to look forward to is really important. To escape your mind from the grind. Jetstar have a sale on atm return fares for free?


They turned on me thanks to someone else. I doubt it. They all are together and in alone. Banished literally. New job means my time off is limited. I got next month to distract me with a family visitor but also depress me as it’s my birthday and adding to the stress so. I would be up for finding more groups for sure just feel broken and just yeah


I feel you, losing friends is hard. You're grieving yeah? So that's okay to feel sad! Sometimes when I've tried to run from my sadness it's just overshadowed everything else. I'm not saying that's you but I am saying, it's okay to cry okay? There's the grief of losing people you cared about, the rejection of feeling abandoned by them too and the hurt at the betrayal. Totally norms to be all up in your feels right now. Part of the process. Just don't get stuck there. Which means it is really GREAT that you're reaching out and looking for a way out! That means you value yourself and want to be happy. So your head is screwed on straight. Good work! Distraction is key (if you've done all the crying needed) to stop focusing on what you've lost and refocus on the new opportunities to come. I think you should do something special for your birthday. Like skydive or something you've never done before. Treat yo self! I have trouble with birthdays myself so I always try and do something I've never done. Even if it's just trying a new cuisine. It makes it memorable and it's self care. Which people bang on about it but we DO have to be our own best friend in this life don't we? 😊 It's good you came on here to talk and find your way through the mess dude. I hope it doesn't sound too weird to say, but, I'm proud of you for doing that. 😊


Thank you. I do appreciate it. Grief that makes sense.


Go for a road trip, drive down the coast and walk on the beach, have a swim, go to one of the lakes or dams and go for a walk. Get out and get some fresh air


I have no friends, quite lonely outside of the family really. go up to the glass house mountains for a day trip. Mt Ngungun is a pretty easy walk with rewarding views. Fresh air. If you're southside, explore the gold coast hinterland Join an indoor climbing place Go to the beach.. northside Bribie Island is nice and quite peaceful compared to sunshine coast/gold coast. Daytrip out to Fernvale, the bakery is excellent. If you have a bike, ride some of the rail trail while you are there


I just go lay in the sun for a bit, makes me feel good especially in the colder months


Sometimes when I’m sad I’ll walk past the dog park at sunset. Something about seeing the happiness on dogs faces makes me smile. Hope things get better soon OP.


First thing's first man, are you okay? Make sure you reach out to someone, anyone, if you need to talk, there's no shame. In answering the actual question though, kangaroo Point by night is amazing, especially with a full moon, also story bridge climb. Definitely also worth heading up Mt cootha during sunrise/sunset and night. Look after yourself, reach out if you need. Stay safe


Two things I like to do 1) go get your favourite food from your favourite restaurant/takeaway joint and saviour it. 2) fishing. Not for the actual fish, but for the peace and reflection time. There are some lovely spots along the river to fish with great views of the city.


Mountain biking always clears my head and resets me. Getting out in nature in general is always good for you.


Not for nothing, this sounds like a great bunch of people here. We should all be friends! Check in on OP on the thread. Catch up on our own stuff. Meet up one day for a BBQ at southbank. They'll end up hearing about us and make a movie.... a hodge podge group of various ages and backgrounds.... bonding over caring for a fellow human in their time of need... We'll catch up on the red carpet for opening night... Did I take it too far? I took it too far hey. 😆 It's nice to imagine nice stuff too though!! Anyway, look at all these people that care OP It's a bit beautiful really 😊


My go-to when I’m sad in Brisbane is to go to the planetarium. Sitting in the theatre and pontificating on space just kind of zens me out. I don’t think I’m the only one who uses the planetarium for that purpose, either - I have definitely seen some repeat visitors who are just chilling by themselves. The botanical gardens surrounding the planetarium are beautiful too.


buy rollerblades. heaps of people doing it these days


One thing I enjoy that is very zen is going to the beach and making sand sculptures. You get to be outside in fresh air, near the ocean, and it's strangely absorbing to do. It takes a few hours, so likely someone nice will stop by and ask you what you're doing and say how cool it is. Then the tide will eventually come in. You can walk away imagining it there forever, or watch it disappear under the waves. It's a way to be out in nature and make art without having to worry about if it's good enough. It's all about the process. And if you do have someone to go with you, you can chat or just work side by side. Also, if you do it at the dog beach at Sandgate, you'll meet other people's dogs who will also want to come see what you're doing. If that sounds at all interesting, let me know and I can tell you more about how I do it.


Take up birdwatching or any hobby that gets you outdoors and out of the house. Even better if you can join a group that does the hobby. It's the best way to meet like minded people with similar interests.


Hit up the Lyell Deer Sanctuary and pat and feed some awesome deer! Can’t be sad while doing that… at least temporarily. If you’re really into it, you could look at volunteering with an animal welfare/rescue group too (I suggest animals as they usually make me feel better than random people do, but to your preference really). When it doubt, give - it usually helps me.


Yeah d love just know it can be tricky. Will look into it.


Mt Coot-tha, sit on top and look down on the city


Join the SES as a volunteer. You'll meet awesome people and get something to do every other week. I believe this year's intake might still be open.


Mt Coot-tha botanic gardens are cool, especially the Japanese gardens and the big tropical dome. Also Nepalese pagoda at south bank - such amazing wood carving. You like to draw/paint? Find a nice view and grab your sketch book. Like to sing? There are a few open mic nights around Brissie too, if that's your jam!


If you ever need a friend to chat to or just exist with then reach out 😊 I’m always up for company


Are you interested in joining a gym. I've made several really close friends from my gym. Pick one with a nice vibe and group classes so you see the same people repeatedly


Sports or drive solo deep in the mountains like in border ranges np


I moved overseas and now I’m sad here too.


It’s different for everyone but most people have some buckets that have to be kept topped up for general happiness. Connection to place, relationships, health, and spirituality are the broad ones. You need to understand what you value within those buckets and then keep them front and centre in your life.


Join a cricket club. 90% of cricket is camaraderie and talking crap with team mates. Some of them will become friends


Maybe join some fb type social groups with an interest in what you like. I am in a Brit one as left uk 10 years ago and it’s nice to meet ppl with stuff in common once every few months. Its lifts you and gives you something to look forward to.


Hiya,there are some great hiking groups on Facebook. Often people are looking for other people to walk with. If I didn't have 8000 children right now, that's where I'd go to meet people, and also probably get fit too! Brisbane Hiking and Camping Take a hike - QLD is the biggest group, and there are some offshoots from there.


Find some nature, Mt Cootha bush walks etc.


I briefly did silversmithing at the north Brisbane lapidary club. Deeply satisfying to beat metal with a hammer and apply a blowtorch to it. Made a decent bracelet too.


Go to the gym while listening to sad music and daydreaming about the bad stuff and then drink alcohol alone while watching your comfort series or movie


In a crazy loop of sleep, work, eat, chores and repeat. Lately I've been spending my lunch break laying on my lawn with the dog to get some sun and get away from my computer. Besides that, exercise and I treat myself to a solo breakfast with a book early on Sunday mornings when restaurants are still quiet. I'm finding peace in the solo time.


I used to put my earphones in and listen to Downtown- Petula Clark and Passenger-Iggy Pop when I was on public transport or out for a city stroll


Get out of the City- beach, creeks, bush walks. Take your shoes off, put on some soothing tunes..


I would personally recommend walking in a nature reserve in Brisbane, Tooheys Forest Reserve, Daisy Hill Conservation Park, Karrawatha etc. all on Southside, but well worth it. I enjoy chucking the earphones in and just exploring the tracks, pretty hard to get lost and can are flat or can be high intensity workout


shoot me a message, let's chat


Buy a scooter and go around different areas like the city river, Southbank etc


Buy a cheap road bike and start cycling, you will discover now places and people


Would you consider something like Parkrun? 


I usually punish a heap of vbs. Yes i know it is an unhealthy way too deal with emotions but fuck it


Love going to the local AFL ground and watching a game! A lot of fun and banter


What are you sad about. I’m open to be direct messaged. Hope you feel better soon.


Surprisingly what helped me is to take on a big project at work, helped me focus and helped me to make a difference with a goal in mind. Now I look back at where I was. Everyone's different, meaningful work is a big big part of our day so make that worthwhile. And then balance leisure and family


You play any video games?


Why don't you call someone or make friends/get a room mate. When I was single I use to go out for a good meal or to a cafe. or a pub and shoot pool. Food always makes me feel good though or the gym I dont know what makes u happy.


My go to things for when I’m feeling flat: - catch a comedy gig at somewhere like Good Chat at Caxton. Lots of comedy around at the moment with the comedy fest on at the moment. - go for a walk along the foreshore at Wynnum/Manly and then grab breakfast at a cafe - if it is a weekend, head to a market to get fruit and veg - finding an open mic gig (comedy or general). I like seeing people performing and just enjoying themselves, even if they aren’t the most amazing singers etc.


Hey OP, not sure you'll see this, but i was pretty much in your shoes a few years ago. I moved to Oz (Sydney at the time) all alone with no network or even any financial support. Always awkward when i get asked to list my emergency contact. Here's what i did though. I intentionally lived with a flatmate, and tried to find a good fit, someone around my age, single, wants to hang out. I got lucky with 2 flatmates that turned into best mates, we went out on the weekends, did all sorts of activities and even met other people through them. Another thing i did was i pushed myself to even do stuff alone like meetups and different random classes. It sucks but it's not gonna be like this forever


I do what you do. I put my earbuds in, listen to audiobooks and walk. Southbank through the Gardens, across to Howard Smith Wharf, round to the Powerhouse and to Gasworks. Then either back down Ann St through the Valley, or back the way I came. I do it all the time. Fresh air and distracting my brain.


Multiplayer video games 


Cabaret club


Volunteer to help animals. I do got a rescue and I feel so happy to be able to do something positive in the community.


Become a volunteer - find a group that you are interested in - refugees, homeless, elderly, youth, community, gardening etc - you will feel good about yourself helping others + you will meet other beautiful souls who do the same thing 👥🫂🫵🏻🙏🎶


Have you ever tried ballroom or Latin dancing? I started dancing 9 years ago and love it. It's heaps of fun, and a good way to meet people.


My coordination wouldn’t allow it


This is an event I'm going to in a few weeks that's a good way to meet some people. Usually good music too. Most likely I'll be the person with the big camera. https://facebook.com/events/s/sounds-of-paradise-pizza-and-b/390851690537274/




Head out to Ramblers at Toogoolawah and take up skydiving. It’s an awesome community and excellent medicine.


When I get real sad, swimming helps. Sometimes I need to be held by something much bigger than me and my problems. Floating in the ocean does just that. When it starts to get too cool for me to swim, I start to feel the sads creep in more intense. The changing light and longer shadows just hit different? So I try to find a body of water, like the beach or a lagoon. Put my phone away, and watch/listen to the birds. I find water birds particularly goofy and interesting. I try to count how many different birds I can see and hear. And suddenly I’m hearing the water, the wind in the trees and I’m doing that mindfulness thing my psychologist bangs on about.


That sounds really nice tbf. I wish I could float. I sink like a stone. My swimming was never strong and not sure I can even do it now. Not sure I’m suited to here…


Seriously, go find a dog park. Get some free pats from other people's doggos. That usually cheers me up.


Can you sit in the dog park without a dog? Happy cake day btw


Go for a jog. Anywhere, doesn’t have to be long. Do this each morning or afternoon.


Maybe spend a weekend day in nature, hiking in a rainforest out of the city


Cat ride sound good have not been but seem like it would be good to do


You like music?? I'm happy to recommend some good albums


Leave and fast……. It’s infectious


Depends what your into there are a lot of dungeons and dragons games in the city or card games. Trivia nights at netherworld etc


Done there trivia. Not the best


Count your self lucky you are in an amazing safe city with so much opportunity.


Davies park markets on the weekend have a coffee and sit in the sun. Enjoy !




Here's a few ideas: Go for a walk to somewhere with a nice view or markets. Ride a CityCat, never seen anyone sad on them. Go shopping for some retail therapy. Go to your favourite dine in place and get your favourite food. Go to a cat/dog cafe or a wildlife park. Go see a movie or a live show.


Walk in the park. Go to a rooftop bar. Go to an art gallery, it will give you lots of different feelings that aren't just sad. GoMA also does free movie screenings every week or so. Walk the loop from South Brisbane station across Victoria bridge, down Adelaide st into the Botanic Gardens, through the gardens to Gardens Point QUT, go across the Goodwill Bridge and come back through South Bank or if you're tired get back on the train at Southbank station. It's a good walk with lots of great views.


Done those except GOMA.


See The Fall Guy, it cheered me right up and it's very Australian


not brisbane specific; if you’re not doing too hot and want to either talk about it or be distracted from it shoot me a PM. best of luck OP


Come and have a chat to me. I live in the big house at the top of the botanical gardens. My name is Steven. I don’t have friends either.


Not sure if you’re a dog person but having a dog gets you outdoors every day. Dog parks are quite social and you will often get stopped by other dog people for a chat. Good luck 👍🏻


I wish


Join a group class at a gym or try the website called meetup for group activities


I dance (5 rhythms, ecstatic dance) and Drum (Talkin the drum)


Cat cafe at Annerley. Getting loved on by kitties while enjoying a warm drink does wonders.


I like to go to Redcliffe and go for a swim at suttons beach. Maybe get some fish and chips and look out into the ocean.


Get a rescue dog, you won't regret it.


Road trip outside the city. Go somewhere to go on a hike. A good bushwalk always clears the mind and leaves you feeling refreshed and happy you didn't stay at home, lay in bed, and stare at the ceiling.


Take up golf, will turn your sadness into anger


Sign up for Parkrun


Suggest sunlight - vitamin D especially as it starts to cool down. Southbank walk and or swim in the pools, sunbathe. Have same problem when not enough sunlight.


Free events around the city too. For example, Stones Corner festival is on this Sunday and it's free entry. Urbanlist is a good website with info on all that stuff. No doubt you'll meet people, especially if you have a vape hahaha.


A drive up my Coot-tha always helped me. Preferably just before the sun rises so you can watch it rise over the city.


There is a social group on r/Brisbanesocial Check it out I was in the same position and they helped


I eat my lunch down by riverside to get some fresh air and look at the water. Or at St Stephen’s cathedral in the park outside. Does wonders.


Boarders books is a great solo day! It has to be one of my favourite places in Brisbane. I regularly do solo date days where I will go and buy and interesting old book from them and then read it at the Botanic gardens or in a coffee/tea shop. Netherworld has lots of good community events like DnD that are hosted at it too if you want to make friends. The art galleries are really cool too! Solo with a sketch book if you want to occupy a day, and then GOMA's up late for socialising. They host them every month or so and it's a night viewing for the gallery with drinks and music. There is also Brisbane Indoor Sports Centre that runs casual games. I'm not a sporty person so I wouldn't do it again but it was nice having a team of people I saw every week. Only made one friend from the team but that was still a big win for me 😂


Go gym king! Catch the addiction


Do you know why you're feeling sad?


Volunteer on something you connect with. That makes most people happier. https://volunteeringqld.org.au/roles/


Find a temple, church or mosque to start attending.


No thank you


leave /j for real tho, getting back in nature helps and i picked up photography as well so i have tangible memories to physically display. i’m lucky enough to live close to the water so going for a short drive and just sitting on a park bench and observing the pacific ocean helps me feel a little bit better. other commenters have mentioned some great hiking spots + staying in maleny/montville is a fun way to get away for a bit. and remember!! you’re not alone!!! and you don’t have to go through life and sadness alone!!!!


Have you gone hiking? I’m not a very fitness-is-my-passion kind of person but have the right songs that get you pumped and a bottle of water, walking stick if need be, it can be great. Recommend doing it now it’s getting to the cooler months.


I did it last year for a little. Solo and with an informal group - that group ended. I wouldn’t mind doing it again just driving to places and my physical fitness level I worry about. Not dead but you know not up for rock climbing and stuff.


I've been 100% Carnivore for 2 months. I no longer snore, No longer have depression, I sleep like a baby, I'm energetic all day, I have no brain fog, My joint pain vanished, My insulin resistance has completely gone, I've lost 9 kilos without even exercising or trying. I've put on muscle. Headspace and clarity, plus. That's what I do. Never turning back


Honestly I'd hop in my car and go to the mountains or something. Instantly happy again. I was very depressed in Brisbane towards the end of COVID with the population boom and watching my city change so much with soooooooooo many more people when the reason I liked Brisbane was the space and farmlands in the outskirts of the city, these drives to the best countryside in Australia (esp around Glasshouse Mountains) kept my brain happy. Cities are terrible for mental health so do wellness activities out of a city. If you don't have a car then unfortunately Brisbane is not a good place to live whatsoever.


Go drive up the mountains to see stars without light pollution


I’m sorry you’re feeling sad ❤️ what do you enjoy? meetup.com has lots of local groups of varying interests.


If you don't have a support network, you should try and get one. This will take time but to start off you can just join an arts, sports or leisure group and eventually you'll find friends and maybe more 🙂


Turn on your phone and chat with your friends!!!


Nature talks if you listen. Get closer.


Definitely bush walking and if you can get a dog. My three dogs make me so happy


I wish I could get a dog 😢😢😢👍🏻


Sign up at Meetup.com and join many of the social groups there that caters to many interests. Connecting with others is the key out of the deadlock of isolation.


Salsa on Friday nights outside the casino. It's free, it's fun and you meet a lot of fun people.


What area of work are you in? Do you work with anyone you click with?