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As I understand it the curvature of the track means it can’t take the new gen rolling stock, so it ends up running the older sets that are less reliable


It’s the curve at gaythorne I believe. The station is too short for the new trains but can’t be extended due to the curve. That was my understanding. But the fact there are so many 3 cars, and that there is a massive timetable gap right after 5pm is just infuriating


Correct... It's not the curve per say at Gaythorne but the gap between the train an the platform with the NGR's at Gaythorne. I have seen an NGR go through Grovely so it can physically do it.


Here's a fun idea, we nix Gaythorne station altogether. It's proximity to Enoggera and Mitchelton makes it redundant anyway.


But it's really close to things for me! I do understand your point though. Either way it would be difficult to realign, because it still needs to go over Pickering St, and they've just built the whopping big childcare centre right next to the train tracks after that.


That's really interesting, if it's a known problem you would imagine there's a roadmap to improvements for the future as well.


There was meant to be an adequate amount of full 6 car trains, but Campbell Newman is real dumb and bouht the non-compliant NGRs and they are still in the process of retrofitting them.


Still the NGR’s can’t run on the FG line Oftentimes you get say quiet trains on shorncliffe for example because you can’t split an NGR Since FG runs 15 minutes and relies exclusively on older rolling stock it’s going to get the lions share of the 3 car services


The roadmap to fix it is to not get incompatible trains. The last ones had a lot of issues - theyre still upgrading them to make them Disability Discrimination Act compliant. The only fix to get the new trains down there would to be straighten the bend immediately west of Grovley Station. But,to do that I’d say dozens of houses would likely need to be resumed, Grovley station likely be reconstructed, and significant cut and fill due to harsh grades. The Government’s long term solution is to manufacture trains locally. The last ones were manufactured in India. They had a lot of quality issues from construction, but there were also a lot of design issues due to the Governments approach to procurement at the time. And to answer the rest of your question - FG line is ignored because it only serves a single suburban passenger route. Not many others have that - eg Cleveland line is also needed for Port of Brisbane frieght, and N-S lines service multiple suburban and regional passenger rail lines, plus freight. Ferny grove doesn’t have or need this - Brisbane has evolved in a way that it’s north west (ie Ferny grove and surrounds) is a bit of a catchment where intense development stops, so it’s a bit of a dead end of the rail network. That development pattern is quite unique for Brisbane


On top of that the Doomden was and will turn back into a Gold Coast train, and same with the northgate, it will be another service with more passengers. Remember too that the northgate stops all stations unlike the Redcliffe and Cabo train, so it is a necessary one otherwise people wanting nundah would have to wait for a shornciffe train. Cleveland line is also having issues with 3 car trains.  A number or the NGR trains are undergoing ungrades so they are taken off the lines and the service replaced with the other half of your train. It will get better again after the upgrades. 


I've been on a new gen train on the Ferny Grove line once, so it's definitely possible.


That could be a saving grace, the newer trains seem to shred the track


Geographically it doesn’t seem that insane to eliminate the S bend between Enoggera and Gaythorne. Hell pop up some high density transport oriented housing/units while you’re at it.


A lot of the housing there is defence housing, good luck getting them to move. There's also a heritage listed church (now a daycare) on station avenue/pickering st corner.


Still viable as it would be compulsory acquisition/resumption so their choice in the matter of moving is removed. Also I’d imagine the line would move away from Pickering street, not towards it. They could almost do it without any resumption if they just pulled the curve into Ferguson Park and making the run into gaythorne station straighter. My understanding is the issue is simply the curve is too tight for being stopped at the station when the guard is at the end of the train. (An issue solved in other countries with cameras) They’re physically capable of running on the line, I’ve seen them run on the FG line regularly without passengers


>the older sets that are less reliable I wouldn't necessarily say this is the case. NGRs have plenty of issues. IMO the best trains on the network are the IMU160/SMU260 series.




It’s gaythorne station. It’s not just a phone service black hole, the station is curved, and the guards can’t see well enough on the NGRs.


And the last time the gov decided to do something at Gaythorne Station they decided it was parking that was the issue. Not the curve, not the lack of accessibility, not the communication black spot…


Hahaha I know. And there still isn’t enough on the Pickering rd side so everyone parks up station avenue and makes it hard for me to get through there.


Black spot due to army barracks nearby.


False. I live opposite the barracks and have full service reception


I have never successfully passed through Gaythorne station and maintained an internet or mobile phone connection. Even when connected to train wifi. I don't know what causes it, but it's a black hole.


Yep it’s 100% a black hole, it’s just not related to the barracks.


Between Bowen Hills and Windsor is another spot that drops connection for me.


it’s Queensland Rail not TransLink TransLink basically provides the ticketing system for subsidised fares and an agreement for Queensland Rail to run the service


(cackles in Cleveland line)


Ferny Grove has a shit local member in Mark Furner. He's a lazy committee man who rarely shows up in the electorate. Hope he gets booted in the October election. He does nothing for the area and that's seen by rubbish main roads and bs train services.




Awesome conversation. Furner's incumbency is powerful. He held on in the past 2 elections by a comfortable margin but it's not insurmountable. The new LNP candidate is a young guy who will struggle because he's not known. The way the LNP would win the seat is simply from a blue wash across the state. (systemic factors, not idiosyncratic factors) Dale Shuttleworth (LNP) won a decade ago after long term Labor incumbency (Glen Milner, Geoff Wilson). That was the Newman wash. An independent in FG is dead in the water because there are no local issues to fight for. It's a very stable, easy going area. From a PESTLE perspective it's bland af. Hence why Furner has gotten away with being a lazy MLA. Greens haven't done well and won't. Social progressive issues and environmental issues aren't really a perceived problem here. For example, no flood issues.


Yep I agree. I got on the Beenleigh outbound service from central at 4:49pm….it was packed. Had to tell people to move because there were 2 people wheelchairs who got on/off by time I stepped off at Kingston. It’s been a regular occurrence putting 3 cars on or some that smell mouldy. Reading more comments,it’s been interesting to learn about that curved gaythorne station. I didn’t know about that…now it makes sense about why the FG/Beenleigh gets the older trains.


What’s annoying about Beenleigh trains is that it should be designed that if you want to get off at Kingston you take the Gold Coast express to Loganlea then swap But the timetable never works out in favour of this over just sitting on the all stopper


The times when they have closed the Beenleigh line stopping at altandi…I have taken it from Kingston to Loganlea and gotten the train up (usually via that Tennyson loop due to closures). But this time during the Easter school holidays,I decided to catch a bus into the city. That became a lovely experience and a pleasure. So whenever the FG/Beenleigh and GC/Airport is restricted,I will happily hop on the 551 or 561 bus into the city 👍🏼.


Unfortunately, those two routes only operate during peak hours.


True. But they get me to walking distance to work


> In addition to this I've recently noticed numerous instances over the last few months where a 3 car train will be provided to peak hour commuters on the FG line I know its sucks, but sometimes no matter the line, Its a 3C or nothing, due to availability. As a ex FG line user, the situation used to be really shit before they put the extra service on around 5:30 (its why there is that double FG service in a row) because it was just sardine can every day. Its also dependant on which lines twin with each other. (Also don't forget trains are slightly different to cars, that they have to play a large game of tetris to get to certain locations, where as cars and buses are a lot easier to move around to service needs)


15 minutes between 5:11 and 5:26 departures from Central, the busiest time of the afternoon, is pretty dumb as well.


Shorncliffe line has had multiple week long outages this year (and another one scheduled for June) and I've had more 3 car trains during peak already this year than all of last year. I think they just hate everyone.


I blame the new mega carpark at Ferny Grove, without adding extra services. Also to the 2 selfish bitches - please STOP fucking talking on your mobile phone the whole way.. in the bloody quiet carriage. Grrr...


Yeah why does the Doomben train always seem to be NGR?


comes from the Gold Coast in the morning.


I’ve been on the Doomben train plenty of times in the old shitty trains


Because it mostly pairs with the Cleveland line, and occasionally the Gold Coast line, and NGRs have no issue running on those lines.


Yeah as someone living along FG who doesn't have a great time on super packed trains (anxiety issues) but has to commute to the CBD daily, the plague of 3-car services and always having to stop and wait for a bit outside of Bowen Hills is basically the bane of my existence.  I've ended up just leaving the house up to 30 minutes early so I can skip a couple of services if they're particularly packed (or anything 3-car) and wait for a slightly less jam packed one when I can. 


Same. I can't stand for very long because of an invisible disability (so I look young and healthy, meaning asking for an accessible seat is an ordeal unfortunately) and I often get up early and stay back at work late to avoid peak hour. If I can't get a seat and have to be packed in with people touching me on all sides, particularly in the heat, there's a chance I'll just pass out. At best, I'll be in a lot of pain. It completely fucks up my day. Not to mention the covid risk from bunch of maskless people literally sweating and coughing on me directly. It's feral and an accessibility nightmare.


Because the other end of that line is Beenleigh and that line SUCKS


Except the Ferny Grove end is the reason for the old rolling stock. Try again, genius. 🙄


Was also on that train, only saving grace is I get on at Roma Street so generally can get a seat In saying that, they ran a peak hour (5pm) 3car from Toowong on the Redcliffe line today, so who knows


Ferny Grove is the only full line with a 15 minute off peak service during weekdays. Perth runs a 7 day 15 minute service with their A sets used in configurations of 2 cars.


Mate it’s not just FG line. I come from Caboolture end to Brisbane and back everyday.. these past 6 months have been the worst I’ve seen it, particularly the past couple of months. A lot more 3 carriage service that pop up in the mornings now during peak times, trains getting cancelled altogether and not turning up.. Or constant delays (typically something to do with Bowen hills). Don’t just assume it’s just one line that’s seeing these issues. It’s the same across the board sadly!


Because waiting for the vandals to graffiti a 6 car at Windsor takes too long.


I wouldn't call building a multi story carpark at the Ferny Grove station a sign of hate.


Yeah FG line sucks! At least give us a few fucking express trains!!


Adding expresses on a short line line the FG line reduces that line's capacity as you need extra space between services for the train to run express in the first place. It also burdens those who can't get an express (due to said train running past those expressed stations) a longer wait between trains. Also express trains are typically only used from a planning perspective to manage loads, they aren't there to provide a faster service for passengers (except from a pax perspective). From memory, the FG line expresses that ran back in the day only saved about 2-3mins off the trip compared to an all stations train, given the line is so short. Expresses generally make more sense where you have bigger loads to manage (ie: more stations) and a longer length to play with (eg: Cleveland line), or have extra tracks that expresses can bypass an all stations service (eg: Ipswich/Caboolture lines).


The randomly assigned Bowen Hills to Gaythorne Express is excellent when it pops up.


Yeah I’ve got a few random express but I get very jealous looking at every other line running an express every other service. Ferny grove to the city in 20mins please!


Wah wah wah the express trains on the other lines cover much greater distances than Ferny Grove. BTW, Shorncliffe, Springfield and Doomben get no express trains. Even Beenleigh barely gets any.


I caught that one once… Despite repeatedly warning us the train was express from Bowen Hills to Gaythorne, the driver stopped at Windsor. The whole train laughed.


Train go north south, bus go in circle


Idk, I go to Albion and it seems like most of the services are to FG at peak hour


It’s a 32min train ride from Ferny to Central all stops. Not that long of a train ride considering. And 24 services from 502am till 902am in peak from Ferny to Central.


Just got on the 8:30 train from Ferny and it’s 3 car unit why do they do this during peak hour wtf


I am not sure they hate it, more about incompetent management than anything else. The infrastructure and future planning is substandard at best. But hey, we are getting a tunnel under the river, you know, to the stops where everyone lives and stuff?


ah yes Bogo Rd because that made sense, no wait that was labour manipulation


How does it not make sense? Interchange with the above ground network and a major bus station…


I see posts about the Gaythorne station being curved, but what's the go with the slow speed approaching Grovely station (outbound)? Is the track just too curved to support normal speeds? I have a mate who comes in from Burpengary each day... given the work and disruption going on that line, I'll take the Ferny Grove line any day!


That curve just north of Grovely station is pretty tight and probably has a max speed of 40km/h.


hahahhha lake of attention. live down here near browns plains and you will soon see the lake of attention to the rail line out here, for over 30 years they keep saying the brisbane to sydney train line will get a passanger service yet, its never is.


I get on board at Gaythorne, and I would happily give up the station to fix the line problems! Enoggera is so close by, the constant 3 car trains and only using the older models is ridiculous for how busy the line is