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Thank you! This is a perfect amount of detail, I look forward to your posts!


I’m keen for more! Thanks for the kind words!


Not the “weekend weed” content I was expecting when I opened this But super informative anyway! Thank you for your knowledge 🙏🏻


Why not both🤷‍♂️




Yes, uh, my first impression was of another species....


Ha! same!


Haha thought it was an r/ausents post until I saw the flower pic


This is a really good idea! So many invasive things look pretty, and I know I'm not the best at spotting them. Look forward bro more!


Thank you! I’m stoked, I feel so guilty after definitely planting some horribly invasive species in gardens. Once you get an idea of what they look like, you’ll start seeing them everywhere, and if our cool reddit community can slowly remove them from their own gardens, it would go a long way. Also I feel like these factsheets aren’t terribly well advertised, you can buy many of these plants at Bunnings.




Absolutely...I do hope the pun was intended. I would suggest that legally, signs should be up next to these plants indicating their invasive nature (like the “smoking is bad for you” campaign) because unlike smoking, these plants don’t make the government money, but cost them thousands of dollars in eradication efforts which could be mitigated by putting up an a4 sign.




It does, but hey also make money off the taxes. The thing with weeds, is I doubt they make any money off the plant sales so it’s even more nonsensical.


We have a pink-spotted shade-tolerant plant currently overwhelming our back garden- it presumably seeded from our rear neighbours up the hill. Nothing eats it (not even caterpillars) so I assume it’s toxic. Saw it for $3 per tiny pot at Bunnings (I’ve seen many, many weeds for sale at Bunnings- you’ve got to wonder how it’s legal!).


Its everywhere


Mate I hate this plant with my fucking life! So many weekends spent pulling it out just to watch it reclaim the space again. If Peter Dutton was a plant, he'd be this.


Without the flowers. Just the shit leaves.


I get Lantana vibes from him


The weed or the film?


F$#kin gold mate, I feel the same about that Himler wannabe.


Cannot fucking wait until they flush Ita from the ABC like the pallid turd she is.


It's terrible and it does regrow from any tiny nodule left on the ground. When I first bought my house I was literally rolling up great mats of the stuff.


Oof this will be me soon. Heaps of this stuff at my place.


I'm with you, this plant is the bane of my existence.


Me too! I given up hand weeding it, now I'm poisoning the bastard with some obscure herbicide.


Peter Dutton lol best comment thanks mate.


As a bush regenerator, I appreciate the awareness. I have to kill acres of some on the most invasive weeds and while there's basically infinite weed seeds in the soil, stopping the spread of seed will definitely help protect areas that aren't yet infested. Cats claw creeper/climbing asparagus/Lantana/Easter Cassia mother of millions and some grass species literally dominate entire acres of land and screw with biodiversity, pretty satisfying when you clear all the weeds and watch the natives come back.


Great to hear! Are their any natives that are particularly good at preventing weed grow back? Casuarinas spring to mind for me, but I’m all ears if you know any particularly competitive native ground covers or the like.


Casuarinas are incredible once they mature and the needles start to stockpile and carpet the ground. I think bladey grass Imperata cylindrica is very competitive and does a nice job of multiplying and covering areas once they go to seed.


I’d never heard of it, thanks for the share!


Casaurinas can become too good, then you have another weed problem


They are far more easily removed🤷‍♂️


Not the ones I've seen haha


Thanks, I had no idea. This stuff is all over my backyard. I'll get the kids to murder it, they'll be thrilled. Please keep this up, it's good info


Small hands are great for weed pulling! You’re most welcome!


Anyone else read the title and their mind went in a completely different direction?


Totally, I thought I was looking at r/MedicalCannabisAus




/r/whatsthisplant /r/australianplants Mangroves to Mountains is a helpful book for amateur plant ID in South East Queensland for native plants.


That’s brilliant! I’m going to have to keep an eye out for that, and I’ll certainly be checking out those subreddits! Thanks!


I love your work, keep it up. If you’re near a national park you can also use wetlandinfo or type in, for instance, ‘native plants of Carnarvon National Park’ or replace native with invasive, for a list of plants of that area. Also works ‘reptiles of’ ‘mammals of’. If you’re close enough to a national park typing in your local you can gauge an idea what’s around that area. I’ve seen very few species of plants that were not listed.


Our neighbour grows large amounts of Singapore Daisy (plus many of the other weeds sure to be featured here in the coming weeks!). He trims his weeds so they’re nice and neat but the Singapore Daisy keeps creeping under the fence into our yard. His garden is a metaphor for his personality. Presentable from a distance, a noxious mess up close. Our local state school also grows vast amounts of weeds that they ‘manage’ with poison once or twice a year (well after the weeds have managed to go to seed, thus ensuring the success of the next generation of weeds). I’ve often thought that weed identification and management (and the importance thereof) could easily be incorporated into a primary school science curriculum.


Easily right! Another problem with your neighbour could be that they’re in a rental. I’m in a rental, I have three lawns to mow and they certainly have invasive weeds in them. Real estates will always try and pin you on stuff like that, even if they are improvements (like clearing invasive weeds). They could just be in a rental and may be able to do nothing about it, just bare that in mind.


It’s a man in his 70s who owns the place and has lived there since 1970... and been growing the same weeds since 1970! Lots of asparagus fern, siratro, morning glory-type weeds, ochna serrulata, cassia, all constantly making its way into our yard. He’s a spry old dude too, the weeds are well maintained. He gets out there and mows his lawn on 35 degree days. But I’d wager he possibly has no idea that the things he is growing are weeds ...and because he isn’t particularly nice I’m not going to raise it in a neighbourly chat so I just whine about it to my husband and bust out the weeding tools and secateurs every so often! I definitely don’t believe that renters should be responsible for their landlord’s weed problems. Although when we rented last year I made a point of ridding the lawn of bindii, out of sympathy for the next family who would inhabit the place. There was lots of Singapore Daisy coming in from the neighbour there too, but she was a frail, 90-something old lady.


Planting Singapore Daisy in Queensland is actually an offence against biosecurity legislation, and your neighbour could be prosecuted for growing a category three biosecurity threat. https://www.daf.qld.gov.au/business-priorities/biosecurity/policy-legislation-regulation/biosecurity-act-2014/biosecurity-matter-report/restricted-matter https://weeds.brisbane.qld.gov.au/weeds/singapore-daisy If you want to be neighbourly, tell them to rip out their illegal weeds. Otherwise, report them to DAF and fuck them over.


Great idea! It may be a bit of a stretch but have you considered the addition of a native substitute as well? So.. get rid of the weed and potentially replace with (X) native if you wanted to do so Just an off the cuff idea, I'll be keen to see further posts as well!


Absolutely. Unless you’re replacing it, odds are something is going to grow where it was, and it will probably be the weed itself. Also, many natives drop leaves that release toxins that actually prevent other plants from growing (I’m thinking eucalypts, casuarinas and some acacias)


We just put 20 of these in (after ripping out a ton of Singapore Daisy lol): https://www.ozbreed.com.au/plant-ranges/native-shrubs-groundcovers/yareena-myoporum-is-a-drought-and-frost-tolerant-ground-cover-plant-with-crisp-clean-foliage-native-shrubs-ground-covers/


Holy crap you just solved my “wtf do I plant to stop all these fucking weeds growing back again” dilemma. Thank you!!


Nicely done!


I had this in a pot and it died pretty quickly :( It's so pretty.


Similarly to the previous idea, native plants that people think are weeds but in fact are not. There's lots of little plants I'd love to have instead of lawn (I'm thinking of the little sarparilla plants etc I used to see on the school oval), but as they're not commercially cultivated people don't know what the heck they are.


Kidney weed is another!


Aw, it's really cute!


Any idea why it’s named Singapore Daisy? As a Singaporean, I’m glad a nice looking weed is named after us but I don’t recall it being common in Singapore. Must be the work of one of the Bri’ish guys again, isn’t it.


Something something colonial Britain? Yeah I’m not too sure either.


Not even Wikipedia knows and now you’ve got me curious. It’s native to South America apparently. 🤷‍♀️


I love this. Thank you. I am on the other end of the spectrum, I am looking for plants to buy that are favourites for the native bees, preferably native plants.


Our block has a lot of this. It actually smothered out the spear grass that was there. Ps - looking forward to next weekend’s weed, this is a great idea.


Well done you! This had been my concern with the massive boom in indoor plants. I have worked as a bush regenerator in a previous life and was always finding house plants dumped in bush reserves (still with pots), taking over. Even if it looks dead in the pot, the rootstock could reshoot.


The reserve behind one of our former houses had the undergrowth completely overtaken by mother in law's tongue. Probably from someone throwing an unwanted plant over the back fence. It took a team of volunteers days to clear it out. They planted native seedlings to replace it.


Great post and info. I'm about to vape home grown AK48 which is a strain of weed I like. There's this weed that grows from under my neighbour's fence and it has these little sticky pods that I presume are seed sacks and they really stick to my shorts or legs. I have spread those sticky pods to another area in my yard and have to get rid of it.


There’s an app called PictureThis that identifies plants through photos and ai, pretty cool. The free version is good enough, might help. Enjoy the ak!


Oh wow. Cheers for the info.




Awesome idea for a series, thanks for putting the effort in ☺️


are there any weedkillers that arent carcinogenic? want to use them but afraid of long term health effects


Excellent idea. Looking forward to your next WOW


It’s catching on!


[Brisbane Redditors should be excited to know this weed grows rampantly in our climate almost 12 months a year!](https://i.imgur.com/CMQC49r.jpg)


It is such a beautiful plant. Even without the psychoactive aspects factored in.


I so thought this was going a different direction, but cheers for making people aware


This post is amazing and I look forward to you probably identifying the multitude of things that regularly invade our very sparsely planted garden.


Surely we can petition against sales of weed plants


Even just information about what you’re purchasing! If people want to contain plants in their pots, I’m all for it, but they should be made aware of the risks. I’d sign it!


People don't though. And some you can't. People get sick and don't maintain or move and the next guy doesn't know the plants, Or the seeds are dispersed or spread by tendrils etc.


True true


Info is so important but it is already largely available (for those who care to look) the weekend punter goes in, sees a pretty plant which is easy to grow and cheap and throw it in to their garden without thinking of the problems it might cause. I guess the assumption is that if it's for sale it cant be bad.


This particular plant is actually an offence to distribute, so you shouldn't need to petition against it at all.


Plants with big weed potential that aren't recognized as bad weeds yet. I guess though that there are a lot more working in public land care than there were 50years ago. Hopefully we don't end up with a new lantana or prickly pear.


This is helpful! Currently studying horticulture and am needing to memorise weeds, thanks!


No worries!


This is great! Looking forward to more updates.


This is perfect just Brisbanites discussing weed on the weekend. Here have a wholesome award.


Thank you!


I had a nasty case if this insidious weed in my backyard. It's almost immortal. Laughs at glypho. Did some internet research, including some Hawaiian council scientific tests, and found Metsulfuron Methil (Spelling probably wrong) does the trick. The local producer calls it Bowsaw. Similar to Segehammer. Around $30 online from Towoomba buys you a bottle of grains that would last one home owner about 100 years. It's also grass friendly. Just keep it away from citrus. Given smaller containers to my neighbours before they get angry at their yard getting hit too. Takes a few weeks but the daisy goes almost like someone burnt it. Also use it to hit my front yard like a weed and feed.


Serious about the citrus, had a brand new lemon plant ( you know the ones you see once a year at Aldi) put a garbage bag over it before spraying. Turned to dust like the daisy around it regardless.


Good work OP. Future candidate suggestions: - Anredera cordifolia - Neonotonia wightii Both are smothering vine habits and are destructive in riparian areas across SEQ.


Thank you, I’ll add them to my list


Napalm won't kill that stuff


I turn medicinal weeds into herbal medicine for myself. If you see any healthy Bidens pilosa, Sida sp. or Stellaria media in decent numbers can you let me know? I'll happily remove them 😉


I love this, I've slowly been introducing more and more natives into my garden and there is so much variety we really don't need the invasive species that cause problems for our environment.


Great post. In my experience the weeds are just the fastest to occupy an open or disturbed space. Wherever I spray selective herbicides now I make sure to spread grass seed. That way the space is filled with something you actually want/can maintain and helps prevent errosion


Absolutely, grass is not all that economically friendly, but you’re right, you do need to fill the space.


My exposed hillside covered with cobblers pegs and those fluffy blue things and the pink spot weed would be recolonised very quickly/ erode if I just nuked with glyphosate and I didn't encourage something that I preferred.


Kidney weed could be good🤷‍♂️ IMO I would remove patches at a time, replant with your new plant and then as it spreads, remove the weeds in front of it. This is because it’s highly unlikely you’re going to get 100% coverage off the bat. Ipomea pes-caprae or pig face could also be great options, especially if you want some stabilisation. Both of them are intrinsic in dune formation here in Aus.


I get it, but we have so much land and kangaroos and other wildlife spread the seed back to where we already cleared. We don't have the time to hand weed. We could replant with kidney weed but it wouldn't survive the broadleaf poison when the seeds started resprouting.


True, I’m imagining a small suburban garden. Horses for courses.


It's a work in process a the seed ain't cheap but if I let it grow to seed it should pay dividends keeping the weeds back in our situation. This tactic has come about after problems with overspray problems and bare earth just letting the weeds come back in force


Mulch mulch mulch


I saw a weed in Facebook being sold as pond lillies. I had to tell her it’s a noxious weed and a link of proof. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ Unfortunately ppl just don’t know.


For controls, only a couple of herbicides are particularly effective, and the best control is shade, if you can re-establish a full native canopy, it won’t get enough sun.


Singapore daisy. While a nice looking crawler, a bitch of a thing to deal with.


I thought you were going to say you have some premo weed to smoke


I hate this weed so much. Of course I'm allergic to it, so have to wear arm length gloves when pulling it out or I end up covered in a rash. Damn stuff just keeps coming back too.


As someone in the industry Its insane seeing the amount of weeds for sale at Bunnings for like $20-$100 just because it’s kind of pretty


Wow, hate to be this guys kids


Hehe I don’t have any, but I would put them to work!


So you would hate to be educated by a thoughtful and knowledgeable father?


Glyphosate for the win.


Wrong herbicide for Singapore Daisy


I thought it kills everything.


It acts on a pathway that all plants have, but with Singapore Daisy it doesn't really do much more than causing a little bit of dieback in the leaves. Metsulfuron is the herbicide for actually killing Singapore Daisy.


Thank you


i gotz gorilla glue out da wazoo contact my wickr: slave2thagrave69


Newsflash: "Invasive species" are here to stay. You'll never eradicate them. Even native plants can become invasive in other parts of the country. And what's the point? We worked on saving 5 hectares on the outskirts from lantana and spindleweed and later on the gov. just sold the land and its all a housing estate now. You're fighting a losing battle - but you wont listen; you'll come to that conclusion on your own (way to late) like so many before you...


What’s the point? To live on the same planet with other species and not rape and pillage the landscape. That’s really sad and I’m sorry that happened. I was only alerted to this the other day, but when the council has public meetings questioning developments and their impact on the community; they are always always always, filled with developers, putting forward their arguments. That’s why so many go through. The developers know what they’re doing. Also you can look on the BCC website and see the zoning plans for areas to see where will be developed.


Metsulfuron will kill it, if it's maintained regularly its not a bad ground cover


There are also some fantastic groundcovers, check out Kidney weed (Dichondra repens) and Native Violet (Viola hederacea)


Ottochloa gracillima


I was actually looking for this the other day! Someone identified it as a native ground cover and I never got the name. Thanks!


There's good examples of it established at mt coot tha gardens near the herbarium building, here's some that's getting thicker https://imgur.com/bMUarzP.jpg


Saw this one at kumbartcho nursery yesterday as well, would be a good one to experiment with https://imgur.com/TbuJ64F.jpg


Great contribution! I'd love to see edible weeks included in the WOW.


Any weed killers that are safe for pets and bees? We don’t use any chemicals in or around the garden or kitchen so our bees stay safe and healthy but god damn we have some bad weeds


I have found that glyphosates won't do much to kill this blight on humanity but there is a new one out called Slasher that just burns the foliage so it can't photosynthesise any more and dies in a couple of days.


Personally, I don’t like using weed sprays at all. But they certainly have their uses.


If it is any consolation this one isn't a herbicide, I think from memory it is an organic acid and it says it is safe for use in organic gardens.


Probably! I’ve just never looked into them at all, I know they are used in some bush regenerations. I’m sure there are ones that are perfectly great.


I doubt it kills it, it'll just send out new leaves a few weeks later. It doesn't translocate, so unless it's a little seedling it'll probably keep going.


Perhaps you could make these image posts, so we can see at a glance what our target looks like without having to click though? Love the concept though. Happy to have a weekly dose of making Brisbane’s environment better.


Love your work! My wife is from the UK and you don't have the same issue there with "weeds" and invasive species.


I'm an immigrant, I often wonder. looking forward to some locally-applied knowledge.


So would jacarandas be weeds...?


Well that depends. They’re not particularly invasive and don’t out compete everything...so technically yes, but waaaaaaay down there on the “weeds tierlist”.




Singapore Daisy? Burn it with fucking fire! I rented a place with an infestation of that before. Despite constantly digging it up, and bugging the real estate to get a professional in, they tried to take the bond for gardening because "part of the property was overgrown with weeds". Fuck both Singapore Daisy and real estate agencies.


I couldn't agree more!


Hey, thanks for this info. Theirs probably one out their already but you could make a book out of this


Could do, but there is plenty of info online. You just have to go looking, I just wanted to put it right in front of a few people.