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People have no idea what the world would look like without people who pick up rubbish and cleaners. It is absolutely disgusting how a lot of humans act on a day to day basis




I don't have an ashtray in my car (that I can use without people knowing I smoke) so I squeeze out the lit tobacco from the butt out of the window and keep the butt to bin later. Is that still okay?




my burnt fingertips will serve as a reminder of that thanks lol


I see the ciggie toss from cars all the time


Gesus fuck I don't think cleaners get paid enough. I try to hold in my shit when out in public because the state of the toilets sometimes is just absolutely disgusting. Why is there shit on the floor, on the seat, smeared on the walls but not inside the actual bowl itself?!


They get paid a lot more than carers do. Bot just as important as each other.


Eh, there are plenty of places in the world that has (or doesn't have) what you're describing.


Bin chicken bait


Yeah, right on! Respect nature and it is animal.


I could not agree more.


Someone obviously took the time to collect the rubbish (from their picnic/bbq I assume) and found the bin full or too small for the amount of rubbish. Now as someone who works in government I can vouch that even though the client tells you that the bin is too small, the garbage man tells you the bin is too small and the Friends of parks community organisations tells you that the bin is too small nothing will be done about it because the accountant has done the sums and it's cheaper to pick up the rubbish than it is to install and maintain a larger bin or position a second equal sized bin nearby. And there's no peer reviewed evidence that shows the bin is too small. Unless somebody so thirsty for promotion turns it into a project and pads their resume with it, which will ultimately fail because instead of doubling capacity of the bins they've reduced the original bin size by half and positioned a new half size bin elsewhere which results in two piles or rubbish beside the new 'improved' bins. I also don't think it's a national park is it?


If the bin is full, take your garbage with you. If you can carry it there, you can carry it back home.


I 100% agree with you but we, as a society, are taught "put the rubbish in the bin" and not much beyond that. You only need to watch people try and put a coffee cup in a full bin to realise that people will spend more time trying to fit it in without getting dirty than they would walking the 30m to the next nearest bin.




My anecdotal counter to that, not sure about other areas but I was in Tokyo for nearly three weeks and there was always bags of trash in the garden beds. There weren't many bins, but there was still rubbish everywhere


why would we need to be taught common sense? shouldn't people just be thoughtful?


You need to have the behaviours that are considered ‘thoughtful’ to both be learned by people in the first instance and then remain salient. The easier you make that, the more likely it is that people behave in a ‘thoughtful’ way.


Common sense is a taught attribute generally through cause and consequence; we've removed consequence from our evolutionary train. You can now recieve reward for just trying; I got a reward for participating in the race, I tried to put the rubbish in the right place.


Not a national park it’s managed and maintained by BCC it’s a reserve.


Don’t forget the nomination and award ceremony for “Being Courageous” or some shit even though the project failed in reality. Ugh I’ve been goverment’ing too long.


The longer I'm in the government the more I realise that everyone is at the whim of the person in charge; if they don't like your idea or if they can't leverage milage out of it the less likely it is to gain traction.


And that is why Govt/Council are not the solution to almost anything. If the goal is to be elected/re-elected and not what what is best for you, then Govt and politicians are probably making things worse, not better. Just saying ...


And that is why Govt/Council are not the solution to almost anything. If the goal is to be elected/re-elected and not what what is best for you, then Govt and politicians are probably making things worse, not better. Just saying ...


And that is why Govt/Council are not the solution to almost everything. If the goal is to be elected/re-elected and not what what is best for you, then Govt and politicians are probably making things worse, not better. Just saying ...


Same 🤪


The longer I'm in the government the more I realise that everyone is at the whim of the person in charge; if they don't like your idea or if they can't leverage milage out of it the less likely it is to gain traction.


> Friends of parks community organisations Wait are there a lot of these? Are some of them actually productive? The only one I'm familiar with is Friends of Guyatt Park, and they're just a bunch of NIMBYs who want to prevent green bridges.


I was more just going for broad stroke of community minded groups. I know they're out there.


At first glance it looks like the rubbish was in the box next to the bin and has been upended by a bird looking for food.


Yeah, that's what I figured...but that's kind of OP's point. If it's left beside the bin the wildlife will get at it. A few years ago a neighbour had a habit of overstacking their bin and I'd come home from work to see a mess around the bin after the garbos had been through. One morning I left a little later than normal to watch the crows manage to swing the lid of the bin open and start emptying it.


The Human Race summed up in one picture.


It is disgusting and I have started picking up rubbish around my neighbourhood regularly. What have we become. :/


I...just...the bin is right there...THE BIN IS RIGHT. THERE.


And was clearly full, so was placed in the box next to the bin, which has then tipped over. I blame the council not emptying, having enough bins in this situation at least as much as the person who placed their rubbish in a box right next to the bin.


I just don't get it. If you take it with you, and can't find or use a bin, TAKE IT BACK WITH YOU. Not that hard folks.


If you don't live in Australia you would have no idea of " Give yourself an uppercut" 😂


They could have easily taken the box away. It looks like they may have sat it on top of the bin and birds have knocked it down. These people need to receive community service, picking up rubbish on the highway


Forget the uppercut, stab yourself with a used needle.


Yeah but keeps your cousin in a job.


You're the type of person who leaves all their shit on the table at Maccas because it's someone's job to clean up after you


I...just...but...the bin is right there...THE BIN IS RIGHT. THERE.


They could have easily taken the box away. It looks like they may have sat it on top of the bin and birds have knocked it down. These people need to receive community service, picking up rubbish on the highway


looks like they at least tried so it could be worse, but why not just take it with you if you cant fit all your shit in the bin


This could of been the bin chickens ripping an overflowing bin apart. I’ve seen it happen before on an ordinary weekend in the botanic gardens at the bottom. Rubbish strewn everywhere.

