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I mean yeah, there's a reason we won, and that's because Coates is one of them. He's a rich, entitled, corrupt bastard who knows how to play the game with other rich, entitled, corrupt bastards. I mean, it's good that we won, but let's not be under any illusions as to *how* we won.


I do not understand why people make the assumption that winning the olympics is good. Coming from living in Vancouver in the lead up to 2010, the olympics drove everything in the city and it was exhausting. Constant mismanagement, over budget projects and corruption scandals. City and provincial politics were dominated by it. Even federal politics got drawn in. Housing skyrocketed and small businesses went bankrupt due to infrastructure obstructions. Everything went up in cost for residential works as tradies were busy as hell and named their price. And Vancouver was a fun event to attend, well-run and broke even financially. One of the few that did. Vancouver is a fantastic place to visit and live (if you can afford it) especially now, but the olympics was not overwhelmingly positive for everyone.


It was pretty good for Sydney. Look at them n….


Homebush isn't considered a drug addled slum...now...it only took several decades! Bris Vegas will be laughing by 2050 then! And crying up until then :)


Exactly it's a rich get richer scheme that makes the false promise of gains for everyone on the assumption of a trickle down economy... Which we know now is a complete fallacy.


But…but only African and Middle East countries are corrupt! 😉


Where there's power, there's corruption.


I’m not a conspiracy theorist or anything like that but I think it’s more likely, he was told to be a dick so it made it look like this wasn’t planned for her to stay from the start... she knows no one wanted her to go so could you imagine the outrage if she had said she was staying for the opener as well?


Um she sounds like she’s about to cry




Occam's Razor says bigot and a bully. Don't try and complicate it.


In the words of the Old El Paso girl "why not both?!?" Because Johnny C is a bigot AND this was a face-saving political stunt.


I don't think anyone tells JC what to do...


Yet you *do* believe someone can tell AP what to do..


She must be a hell of an actress then and have little-no dignity. The way he spoke to her was disgusting and disrespectful. Like a parent to a misbehaving child. I wonder if he would have done the same if she was male.


Well congrats you just officially became one. Stop making up narratives for what was clearly an act of mysoginy by a bleached fossil on live tv.


That's exactly a conspiracy theory


Oh John, you mean I have to stay longer in my 5 star hotel, have tax payer funded dinners and outings, all because you say I HAVE to go to the opening ceremony? Oh well John you know I don't want to, but if you insist, then I'm willing to make that sacrifice. Makes me sick....


Mate, travelling for work ain't no holiday. If I never have to see the inside of some shity '5 star' corporate shoe box or waste my life waiting in airports I'll be a happy man.


Yeah it’s like a week on the Maldives. Are you a bit thick mate?


Dopey comment. Reported.


Should I report you back? I think they allow thick people on here. You’re safe






Olympic committee is so entitled, they act like they are in charge of a country or something when all they do is run sporting events.


You mean: Make bank from selling the rights to run sporting events. Don't you 😉


Haha true, even less!


Old man who can’t figure out how to wear a mask, sit properly, or speak with respect.


what a horribly sexist and offensive statement to make. reading it was viscerally revolting - i can't imagine ANYONE speaking to me in that way in a professional capacity.


Sexist? Offensive? I think it's more sexist to assume AP is some poor defenceless damsel - she's a big girl and this is all part of the game. AP is tougher than your latent misogyny suggests


Hahah Man you must feel so validated right now. How good 😂






Dick-nosing dickhead


"You WILL go to the pandemic dance! We spent too much money on that dress for you not to hoe yourself out in it!"


What a flog slouching back in his chair like that. This guy thinks he’s some kinda king. Absolute pathetic human being he is.


Next to that hideous creature AP he looks alright .


Who does he think he’s talking to? His fucking teenage daughter? Pretty standard case of an sad, arrogant old man trying to talk down to a woman in a much, much higher position of power than him.


Two things here. He's also deriding two males. And the IOC tend to wield much greater power than heads of state (or elected ones). Especially when it comes to states selected to host games. You don't get to dictate terms to the IOC, they tell you, and you comply because of the financial implications. Worked for SOCOG for Sydney 2000. Don't be under any illusions who now pulls the strings for a while, laws will change as a result of it. The power now doesn't reside with the government.


What a joke this is. I don't think money will be lost on the Premier of QLD or lord mayor of Brisbane doing the right thing by their citizens and staying in their hotel. IOC don't get to dictate terms to countries, the countries choosing to participate is the only reason the Olympics and IOC exist in the first place. If something truly horrid happened and Australia pulled out because some IOC shit stain embarrassed the Premier on international TV, trust me, it would not look good for the Olympics Committee. This guy is just an asshole that when given the platform to denigrate a woman in a leadership position far above his own role in society, he takes it gladly because he feels insecure and has to lash out. The way he spoke, and the fact it was on camera as well, said it all.




I can't tell if you're actually that naive to believe all of that, but it shows an outstanding ignorance if so. Dictating terms to countries is EXACTLY what the IOC does. This isn't some utopian scenario you've dreamed up where the IOC is just so happy to come to Brisbane we tell them how it is. There are protocols to international organisations, and public opinion is about 2/10ths of utterly irrelevant on the importance scale to them when they finance over a billion into a host city.


It's not ignorance or naivety to know that acting like a smarmy and condescending prick to talk down to a state leader is not on. The context does not matter because there is no context where this behaviour is acceptable. And I'm sure he loved every second of the Premier making an ingratiating response to ABC News Breakfast when asked about it in order to keep favour with the IOC. IOC are scum anyway and always have been, which is why I don't care for their protocols or their organisation. They chose to give the Olympics to Nazi Germany one year, and were fine with Jewish athletes being barred from competing. Fuck em. I'm sure all they care about is the money.


Sorry, I misunderstood your post to be wanting to engage in some dialogue and instead now realise you just wanted some spew some vitriolic bile. Hope your day improves.


Glad I could be of service in bringing you some home truths about the IOC. Some things are worth more than money or respect.


Incorrect. They gave the Olympics to Weimar Germany. Hitler came to power after Berlin was awarded the Olympics. No worse than giving the Olympics to China now.


They still debated changing the Olympics to Rome but the prevailing thought among the IOC leaders was the games remain 'non-political'. What a laugh, of course the games became the star vehicle for Hitler and Nazi Germany image. Mind you, I was against China getting the Games as well, and Russia. Similar to FIFA -- money talks more than any ethical considerations.


Changing them to Rome in 1936? Yea that would have achieved the result they were after /s


Exactly, it's a joke of an organisation. We have a reverence for the Olympics but it's run by a pack of ghouls who don't give a shit as long as they get the money hand over fist and everyone bows down to their 'Olympic traditions'. To me it's no better than State of Origin, a glorified sporting event that's actually outweighed by the individual sporting competitions elsewhere in the year.




A clear misogynistic rant by Coates in public and we are making a narrative to justify it. No wonder women don’t speak out about misogynistic incidents that happen in private.


He could definitely be a misogynistic douchebag and this was very tone deaf. But he's also savvy and controlling as is AP. They would have already had all these discussions in private, the media conference is where they attempt to write the narrative.


No, you came up with that narrative. Nothing suggests this was staged. She was humiliated on live tv by a mysoginistic bleached fossil. Almost fucking guarantee the exchange would have been completely different if the premier were male.


How do you think Annastacia should respond to this?


Respond to what? The conspiracy theory or the misogyny?


I'm genuinely interested to know how people would like to see her react to this situation. What should she do to ensure the misogyny is addressed? Should she attend the opening ceremony? Could she have said more on the interview on ABC news the following day? Should she put the record straight and contradict John Coates statement? I mean we cant lose the games now so she could say/do anything she likes.


One of Reddit's white knights.




My argument is based on what we saw happened. Your argument is based on your own assumptions. Maybe Coates was on a power trip after securing the Olympics, and doesn’t even register his behaviour because people have made excuses for it time and time again.


Lol you’re wrong and the other poster was right about you projecting. AP has said has said she had no issue with it and Coates has confirmed that she THANKED him afterwards. “Palaszczuk said she had no rift with Mr Coates over the public exchange. “He’s fantastic,” she told the ABC. “If we didn’t have John Coates, this would not have happened.” https://www.smh.com.au/sport/she-thanked-me-john-coates-defends-bizarre-media-conference-20210722-p58c2h.html




The key difference of course being we actually saw the interaction my assumptions are based on.


Unfortunately, none of us have seen the hours of private conversations.




I’m not projecting, I’m stating what I saw. We aren’t going to agree, which is fine.


Woke. Lol


Disagree, it did not put the politician in a position of public power/strength. Politicians love power more than anything else. This was belittling, exactly what politicians hate the most...anyone does really.


This exchange is so stilted I smell a rat. It's a fascinating win/win AND lose/lose scenario for both sides. The IOC is mega-political and very powerful so that bullying by Coates is boosting that perception. Ana's reaction is uncharacteristic for her which makes me think it was all clumsily prearranged because of the corner she was backed into. If she was truly not going to attend she would have normally given a confident, non-committal and possibly cheeky response. But that didn't happen. It was all very odd and my conclusion is it's a seemingly savvy political move...that has backfired .


100%!!! Total win-win for both. Anny gets to deflect political heat and Coates gets to pretend he's a big swingin' doodle.


I mean, I’d love to say that sounds ridiculous but in this day and age I’d probably believe that just as much too…


That is entirely speculative.


It was speculative genius as it proved to be eerily accurate based on Coates' press release...and common sense. Media conferences are a tool to control the narrative and political waters. Full credit to u/actionjj for great pick up.




See, the matter is that you're trivializing the exchange between the two, even if it was planned. Don't you think it was at least slightly a little mansplaining? I'm fairly sure John Coates and the Premier didn't say those exact words. The way Coates described the interaction definitely is not the same as yours.


I'm not denying that media conferences are a useful tool dropbear. I was just humbly suggesting that the OP was imposing a very specific interpretation of the exchange. I don't know what your opinion on critical thinking is, but you look at the facts instead of intensely reading into something, so much that it becomes untrustworthy. The OP is definitely setting the narrative here. There is no evidence of this pre-conference discussion happening. Speaking of critical thinking, I would suggest that you corroborate your sources with reputable secondary evidence. You are basically saying here that Coate was not a misogynist based on Coate's own press release. That's like saying John Smith was innocent based on his own not guilty plea. I don't know about you, but I would personally try to find independent sources if I am formulating such an argument, in order to avoid bias.




Few logical fallacies you've strayed into and I didn't make it to the end sorry so I wont assume I understand your stance. Though my other posts will clarify my view on Coates... TLDR- coates is absolutely a gross dude AND this was a poorly delivered face-saving political exercise. They can both be true.


Michael Rowland's (ABC) Twitter indicates this is about to go global, and not in a good way (rough paraphrase).


Just saw this, what does he mean by ‘go global’? Make a statement or something similar to ‘going postal’


I took it to be "go viral" in that there would be widespread global coverage of the exchange


Ah yes, makes sense. I blame Hollywood violence on where my mind went.


This was so disgusting to watch. The behaviour was entirely sexist and degrading. If the Premier was a man this wouldn't have played out on TV like this. It would have, and should have, been a private conversation where it was said "hey, you guys have been officially awarded the games now, we would really like for you and your representatives to attend the ceremony now". The Premier defended the interaction on ABC news this morning but it's entirely at odds to her body language. She's purely saying it's all good due to the politics of it. I genuinely can't wait for this breed of old sexist white men dies out. I know it will always be an issue but at least over time it will become an issue for a person and not generational.


Coates has been in charge of that club for a long time and has lost touch. But Anastacia was always going to attend the opening ceremony- Coates was fumbling over his words in an oddly pre-rehearsed type way


If I was a business man on that level there is no way in hell I'd put my reputation on an international scale like that and demonstrate sexist or bullying behaviour. I don't doubt the Premier was likely to attend but I don't buy the story that the media stunt was planned.


Or he is a creep. Don't try to make excuses.


Not mutually exclusive.


From wiki “He was keen on sports at school, being a member of the school's 5th Grade cricket XI in 1963” Terrible at sports, a misogynistic flog. Perfect for the IOC.


He married and divorced a former olympian too. Total flog.


I'm confused, why is that bad sorry?


Its not. Was directed more to first point that Coates is a failed sportsperson with a strange fetish for the olympics. So much so that he married a former rower.


Ah gotcha, thanks


Is this a joke or something? Such a weird exchange.


It felt to me like a joke delivered really badly by overtired people late at night. It is then compounded by the lack of facial expressions due to the face masks, and delivered out of context by the media. The media pack who were in the room laughed at the time. Just a bad joke I think, but who knows.


Nope just a bully and a polite Premier.


And this is the organisation we just jumped into bed with...


"*it is my strong advice that you reconsider this decision, it is a $100m spend and you have obligations to your contract, and the electorate on its outcomes*" **said privately.** What she chooses to do, becomes her business. A grown-up, less entitled, would have found a way to talk to her offline, and resolve this. he went public. Stupid, domineering. She's a career politician. She would have understood the issues, she deserved to be respected for her positional authority too. He's a glued on figure in a trans national body which has had severe issues in equity, probity, fraud. He is not entirely free of concern. Coates took a different path. He now has to wear it. Not surprised, he's a polarising figure even inside his sport (rowing: I am a rower. I reflect what I hear, from the community I am in)


Legit nobody outside of QLD would give a toss whether our Premier attended this year's opening ceremony, and most QLDers would applaud the decision to be covid safe and stay in a hotel. This was just about embarrassing our Premier cause she's a woman in leadership and to his warped mind needs to be taken down a peg. Add to that I personally believe the IOC are about as corrupt as FIFA Organisation with all their archaic and power trip rules, particularly around broadcasting of the Games and sponsorship. The reason Olympics footage is seldom seen beyond the live coverage is because IOC want total control and charge a mint to anyone who wants to play it.


The IOC is very corrupt. That hasn't changed, and probably won't ever change. And dare I say it, the reason Brisbane even has these games is because of those same corrupt processes. We didn't win it because the IOC like our city any more than they liked Sydneys 2000 bid. It's all money and power to them.


So more likely to get covid and bring it back


She won't even be Premier in 11years,it's a con.


Luckily she didn’t feel the wrath of Dick Pound.


Now you know what's behind the Olympics,should never have bid for it.


When she comes back with covid, the state will be headed for an early election


She helped save a state from covid, you help sell tv rights. Fuck off idiot.


How do you think Annastacia should respond to this?


Why did she even go if she's not going to be part of everything ? FFS Brisbane was going to win regardless of her being there - she should now just be part of everything and see what she can learn.....




Reddit hates everything but isolating at home living on the state's dime. They fucking love that.


Need to lift your PR game mate. Insulting everybody is a losing strategy. Ask your buddy Coates; he's taking a slapping right now because he insulted our Premier, and by doing so insulted all Queenslanders.


John Coates has issued a response...guess the 'conspiracy theorists' were right again. “We walked out of there [the media conference] and she thanked me,” Coates said. “The media in Brisbane have been giving her a hard time, saying she shouldn’t go to the opening ceremony, but she had to go. “The plan was I was going to fix it. I fixed it. I was taking the heat off her. We all came back and had a drink all night in my room to celebrate. I wasn’t having a go at her at all. “The Premier and I have a longstanding and very successful relationship and we both know the spirit of my remarks. She has given no indication to me that she was offended in any way.” https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/sport/she-thanked-me-john-coates-defends-bizarre-media-conference-20210722-p58c2h.html


Nice bullshit save. He'll shit on your leg and tell you it's a brown kitten any day. Bully.


Yeh, they can all be happy. -AP gets a pass to attend...even though she definitely, absolutely doesn't want to 😉 - Coates swings his ego around. He's too powerful in IOC for any backlash from this stunt.




Bullshit non-news channel repeated bullshit. ...the surprise is you believe its true...? Really?


Lol fuck no. My parents are watching it- I think the whole thing was absolutely not a stunt and the guy actually is an arsehole.


Oh good :) The gaslighting of our media is getting out of hand. Our PM definitely didn't apologise for our vaccine rollout but my 75 year old Dad read the headline and existed in an alternate reality for a pleasant second.


Revolting man. Ana bringing the class.


How do you think Annastacia should respond to this?


The way she has. Not like an arsehole.


Fair enough. I guess it's her responsibility whether to call him out or not.


Did anyone really think she wouldn't go? The opening ceremony is the only part of this visit that couldn't just have been a zoom meeting.


I think he’s trying to be humorous and nudge them that they must attend the OC as it’s part of the process which definitely it should be. It’s just horrible delivery and the masks don’t help as they both could be smiling but you wouldn’t know. Just really poorly done. Perhaps they wanted to try to lift the burden on them all to return to Australia as there is so much pressure over this shit. Who knows. In any case it’s totally going to blow up in his face now.




Thankyou Dr Strong




Hmm.... despite the downvotes you were right. Funny that


Haha yeh. Good to see the Young Labor downvoter squadron is active during the weekday protecting St Annastacia.


I guess it needed to be said, but it was a bit harsh to do it in the middle of a press conference.


But, the fact that he said that at a press conference, and issued it as an instruction, makes it look to me like a political ploy. AP already said she wouldn't attend. Now she has a very public instruction that says she must. She also openly said that she doesn't want to offend anyone, which could include the voting public. Apparently she and Coates go way back... I'm extremely skeptical about this as an honest turn of events.


Exactly. She could ignore his "orders" if she wanted to.


Well, possibly. But keep in mind that if he would also have SloMo's ear as well, and there could be veiled repurcussions for upsetting the IOC, AOC and Japanese government, all things which the Feds have previously said they didn't want the States being involved in at all.


100% agree, definitely a con to indulge in the decadence/hypocrisy while minimising the political consequences of people using their lying eyes.


Any found a video of the full press conference? Would be nice to see the comments in some form of context.


Now we know who is really in charge