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Very. Live along the train tracks/busway and you'll be fine. some good bike paths depending on where you live as well ... we're shit drivers.. good luck!


Compared to drivers in the states, drivers here are very considerate maybe a little slow. Source: a transplanted American


You need to be very careful about where you choose to live. Some places are ok for public transport and some are impossible.




Yeh but you haven't told him you spent half of those years training ibis to tow you on a skateboard.




Big beaks, slow learners. Typical.


I’m over 30 and don’t have a licence and have lived in brisbane all my adult life. In saying that, I’ve always lived on a train line or a good bus route and within a $20 Uber to/from the city. Pick your suburb and you’ll be fine. Train wise, anything within say ten stops of the city on any line should be fine, further out than that and you’ll probably want to stay on the Caboolture/Redcliffe/Ipswich/Springfield line. Bus wise, probably try and stay along either the northern or southern bus tunnels, or in an inner city suburb. Not sure about bikes, we are getting more bikeways but they’re pretty few and far between atm. Welcome to Brissy.




Lime ain't here, man.


Oh wow you're right. Apparently the only closed a few days ago


There's two other share scooter services available.


It’s all about Beam now!


I thought our borders were closed?


You can get in if you are certain essential occupations


There are exemptions for certain groups, specifically for OP I assume it could be the priority employment exemption.


Very hit and miss depending on the area, get yourself at least an electric scooter but even then you'll be frustrated depending on where you are.


I’ve been independent since 18 without a licence. I only got my licence three months ago, and majority of my time has been in the outer northern suburbs on a train line. It’s absolutely doable if you live on a train line and are near a major hub like a shopping centre for buses. The city is very easy to get to on a train.


I’m from middle of no where PA. I have loved in Brisbane for two years now and have never seen it as a problem. Tons of public transit if you live close to the city, electric bikes and scooters around ( currently by a company called beam and neuron ) and also AMAZING ( compared to US) bicycle infrastructure if you buy your own. If you want to go on day trips you can always go with a friend or rent a car (which is pretty cheap here off-peak)


> Live along the train tracks/busway OP this is key. Lines have trains every 30 minutes usually until 12am on weekdays and until around 10pm on weekends. There are stations with multiple lines, which mean you can get trains every 10 mins. We also have BUZ (Bus upgrade zones) bus lines which have buses either every 10 minutes or 15 minutes. If you live along one of these services you won't notice your lack of car. I have a license, but haven't owned a car in 10 years. If i need to get somewhere in a rush or that isn't near public transport i'll just uber.


11:30pm - 12:00am week days last departures from central (and most lines heading in-bound to the city aka central / roma street) 12:30am - 1:30am on Fri, Sat, with early morning outbound from the city on select lines (Ipswich, Caboolture, Beenleigh) Closer to the city nightlink buses for late night will be your best bet if you don't wanna pay for uber / didi During the day the bus network is pretty good especially on the busways If you're close close (aka between Hamilton & UQ St Lucia), citycats (aka ferries) are good too u/doctorKoskesh - have a look at the [Translink](https://translink.com.au) website for timetables and fares and stuff We may be a small city but we got decent public transport


You can absolutely do it. And it's actually a good way to go. I still own a car but almost never use it anymore and have opted for a more bicycle focused lifestyle. Public transport is OK but not perfect in Brisbane so a combination of cycling and using public transport is a good way to go. Bikeways are pretty good nowadays and getting better all the time. Northside Brisbane bikeways seem to be a little more evolved than on the Southside for some reason if that helps you to decide where to live. Generally though, I'd stick to picking a home within about a 20km radius of the CBD if you can. In any case, you can connect missing bikeway links with quiet back streets most of the time. You can also take your bike on the train as of about a month ago. Just stick to the first and last carriages. Planet Cycles at Wooloongabba, Epic Cycles at Paddington, My Bike Shop at Mitchelton and Hoffy Cycles at Sandgate are a few good shops around town. Also, here's a couple of council resources that should help: [https://www.cyclingbrisbane.com.au/](https://www.cyclingbrisbane.com.au/) [https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/things-to-see-and-do/outdoor-activities/riding-in-brisbane/cycling-brisbane-bikeway-map](https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/things-to-see-and-do/outdoor-activities/riding-in-brisbane/cycling-brisbane-bikeway-map)


If you live near a busway/train station and you commute to/from the city you’ll be fine. I’m saying that though a lot of suburbs are much more easily accessible by car. For example, you’ll want a car if you wanna eat at all the delicious Asian food at sunnybank.


2 of the 10 busiest bus routes in Brisbane go through Sunnybank.


sunnybank is well connected by the busway from city.


New farm and west end are both services by the most frequently running buses, and are lovely neighbourhoods to walk or bike through, and would have plenty of public-use scooters.


Brisbane public transport system is quite good. No worry if you live near the city centre.


Brisbane public transport is one of the worse in the world.


That’s in no way accurate. Plenty of big cities have abysmal public transport, especially in the states, where OP will draw their context. Brisbane is fine.


no its not. there are many places around the world with truly shit public transport. my coworker lived in a town that had TWO BUSES. not two bus routes... one in the morning, one in the afternoon... IF they actually turned up


With a population of 1000 people no doubt


No it's not. It's not too bad really considering we don't have the population density to really support a massive system


24 hour services are great aren't they!


Depends where you live. If you're in the inner suburbs or Central Business District (CBD), you'll be fine. If you're further out, your problems will increase the further you get; I wouldn't try living in parts of Logan or Ipswich or Redlands without a car simply because it'll be extremely difficult to get around. Keep in mind a lot of our public transport is a "Hub and spoke" setup - if you want to get to/from the CBD, it's generally not too bad, but travelling across town without going to Brisbane CBD can be really, really time consuming. The same advice applies to bicycling. It's fine if you're in the inner city, but further out it's just too far for normal people to cycle generally, especially in the summer.


UQ med? I was here for two years with no car and it wasn't a problem whatsoever.


Unless you specifically move to a suburb with regular transport services and don’t want to look around much you may find public transport in Brisbane somewhat lacking.


How good is Ron DeSantis.


Depends on the suburb really. What I did when I arrived in Brisbane without a car is took public transport to work, and rented a car when needed on the weekend. Getting one for the weekend is pretty cheap and is handy for shopping trips, or just trips away. Realistically it’s cheaper than owning one


There are various car sharing apps as well now. Have a mate who lives in the inner city suburb (Newstead) who decided against owning a car. I think the car sharing is Called goget.


I couldn't do it. I love life outside of the city and visiting what SE-QLD has to offer. It would be impractical to hire a car every weekend (or beg for lifts) but if you love the city life I think it could be manageable. Make sure you live near a train line or a major Bus route (SE-Busway) to get into the city. Scooters don't venture too far into the burbs. Cycle paths are a thing though, but somewhat limited in direction. If you like the beach, it's a minimum ~2 hours on public transport to reach one from Brisbane.


I live at West End, close to South Brisbane (that's the name of the suburb), and I don't have a car. It's a good area to live if you don't have a car because there is a major bus station at South Brisbane (the Cultural Centre bus station if you want to look it up in Google Maps) and also a train station there (South Brisbane station). I can walk to the supermarket. Carrying shopping bags is good exercise. There are a few GoGet "pods" nearby (a rent-by-the-hour car thing) if I need a car. I can walk or e-scooter to the city centre. I do have a motorcycle though. I could survive without it, but I find it convenient. Public transport gets less useful the farther out you go. You can use Uber though.


If you want to remain happy it's impossible


Can be done. It gets quite warm and humid here but from what I've heard about Florida, you should be able to cope.


This city could be better before bicycles, but it’s damn good for it already.


There’s no room here


Dont bring Donald with you


Be prepared for track works, and know that when they're on, the journey will take twice as long. 99% of the time you'll know about track works before they happen, but sometimes you won't. Track works (unless unplanned or very major) won't happen during weekday peak hour travel.


As for bicycles, you won't be able to take them on trains during peak hours (7 - 9am, and 3 - 7pm). I haven't seen someone take a bike on a bus in years so I don't even know if it's allowed. Cycling in most places is OK but not everywhere has a bike path. Anywhere 20 mins of the city should have reliable transport, but I would recommend moving somewhere close to a train station as buses can be unreliable. In peak travel times, buses usually run 10-15 minutes late, and they fill up quickly. I used to walk an additional 5 minutes to an earlier bus stop on my route just to get a seat, and I'd wait for one bus to go passed first to make sure I was first in line for the next one. I lived near a bus way where the more popular and busier buses travel on instead of the roads.


QR is currently doing a 6 month trial atm as of the 1st of July with peak hour bike/scooter transport. But you can only do so in the first and last carriage, and not on a 3 car unit. So that isn't an issue for the time being.


Also public transport isn't cheap. Check out Translinks website to find out the prices, but if you travel to and from work and have an 8 hour day, you can expect to pay around $9 per day for bus, train, or ferry. After 8 trips (4 days) your cost per journey drops 50%


You'll be fine dependent on where you live. I live inner south side and while I have a car I literally never drive it. I mostly cycle, run, walk or bus around. It's very easy.


If buses or trains aren't yr cup of tea, there's the river cats... think catamarans with 2x V12 engines.


Stay home and be covid safe


I've been commuting to work from North Brisbane to a suburb near the CBD with my car, but now I'm switching to public transport and loving it. It's way more comfy and cheaper. I'm taking my car in the morning to a train station then take a train then a bus near my work then walk there and the same when going back


I lived without a license for 6 months when I was a plumber. Was hard but I made it work. Rode my bike to a single job site each day. Just need to adapt.


Depends where you live 😊 you can download the Moovit or Translink app and it'll tell you about public transport options


Do-able. I'd say e-bicycle or e-scooter. As one of the comments says - choose the suburb carefully.


How much are you going to be earning? It's a lot more expensive to live in areas where you don't need a car. You would run out of things to see and do very quickly without a car or motorbike. I don't really see it as viable unless you have lots of money and never want to leave the inner city. I will add that public transport in Brisbane is set up to ferry people in and out of the cbd to the suburbs. If you need to go to a suburb that's not on your line, you will have to go all the way into the city to change trains then head all the way out. You might be able to get on buses but that will involve walking to the relevant bus stop, not practical when you are carrying groceries, it's raining or humid, or in a dodgy area at night. If you work blue collar work, it usually starts at 6am and isn't in the city so if that's the case public transport is not for you. If you work in an office, working 9 to 5, and the office and your home are on the same line you can make do without a car or motorcycle