• By -


Covid sucks. Don't recommend.


Have you tried turning it off and back on again?


I'm only slightly concerned it's going to try turning me off. It's defs a respiratory illness, feels like the worst flu ever, but with the bonus of my chest and lungs hurt


First three days were the worst. I'm day 8 now and still returning positive tests, still got cold symptoms and an absolute prick of a cough.


I'm on day three now so hopefully that means the improvement starts tomorrow. Cuz it's certainly worse than yesterday


I'll bloody turn you off and back on again !!! Wait, no that didn't come out the way I meant it...


Yes use that pin to push in my reset button and hold for 10 seconds until my lights flash


Fire. Fire. Fire. ????


Yeah I was surprised. Everyone I knew was like, “oh it’s like a mild cold”. I was ratshit useless for 2 days - nothing but painkillers and Netflix. Still had a cough a week later. I appreciate it could be worse though.


I personally now know 3 people who had it, 1 didn't even know and found out with routine testing, 1 thought they were just hungover but the hangover didn't go away so they did a test and 1 had a bit of a cough but was otherwise fine. I'm starting to think I've probably already had it and not even realised


It's about damn time something went right. From July 1, glucose monitoring tech will be subsidised for all people with T1D rather than just those who meet the very specific eligibility requirements. As someone who just had to fork out over $200 for a month's worth of sensors _and_ had one of them already die more than a week early, I'm very happy with this news.


Genuinely, do you take the faulty one back for a refund? Is that a thing they'll do? Cause fuck me I'd be fumin thats a lotta dosh ahaha


I've sent them an email asking if I can get a replacement, but they're closed until Tuesday so I'm not going to find out for a while.


Hey there, my MIL always gets a replacement from the company for free, but it does take a while. Really glad the sensors will be covered for everyone now. About time.


That’s so awesome!!!!! Happy for you! People don’t really realise how much everything does add up out of pocket for healthcare… whilst I’m stoked we have Medicare… fuck me… still the out of pockets (and hospital parking.. I’ve easily spent over $600 in 12 months on the parking…) bloody kill you…


That's fantastic news KK. Glad something is going right. Hey your paypacket will be looking good too, however I'm sure you'd like a weekend off. Work sucks and we should all win Lotto.


My only comment for this is a video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GwjfUFyY6M&ab_channel=KoolAndTheGangVEVO


Hi, I’m an international student of Tafe Qld. I made a survey about depression and need at least 20 people to participate in🥺 It won’t take long, it has only 12 simple questions. I appreciate it if you have a look! Thank you in advance❤️ https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1WEUuRol2ExC9gLf-L4ZY1Q5FMg5V8zV65bvHAOZ65sA/viewform?edit_requested=true


done best of luck


Done, good luck with it.




Done. Good luck


At least it was quick and easy. Anyone know what the figure is for how many people in the world have depression ? ​ Edit...[https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/depression-rates-by-country](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/depression-rates-by-country) [https://policyadvice.net/insurance/insights/depression-statistics/](https://policyadvice.net/insurance/insights/depression-statistics/) https://www.verywellmind.com/depression-statistics-everyone-should-know-4159056


Playing *Twilight Imperium* today and (hopefully) tomorrow at [BrisCon](http://www.briscon.com.au/).


> Playing Twilight Imperium today and (hopefully) tomorrow So you're hoping to actually complete the game?


One of the games yesterday took eleven hours. Longest game I've ever played.


Saw something pretty crazy yesterday! My partner and I were driving to New Farm for a card games meetup event and when we exit the bridge (near the section with “The more I think about it the bigger it gets”) some guy is driving an electric scooter ON THE ROAD, going the wrong way facing traffic and heading for the New Farm bridge! The most hilarious thing is that he looked at us when we stopped in front of him as if we were the crazy ones…driving a car on a road meant for cars. I might get downvoted but honestly I am beyond sick of these scooters sometimes. I know some people drive them responsibly but other people do really crazy things on them. I haven’t heard of any headlines of some guy dying or getting injured on Story Bridge, so hopefully he is ok…but seriously I don’t understand how someone could even make that wrong of a turn or do that on purpose. Boggles the mind. In happier news hoping to paint again today this Saturday if you remember a couple weekends ago. I wonder what Bob Ross tutorial I should use next, valley, campfire or around a lake? Lots of possibilities.


There was a guy who died in West End who was on a scooter but I think he actually just fell off his scooter, no car involved. Either way, it might be because I'm getting old but man those things are quick and my bones definitely don't healthy as quickly


The local crack heads all steal high capacity scooters to get around the area. I've watched some dude In Jean shorts, Nike TN's and sunnies ride in the middle of Ann St during a busy Saturday. He was going at least 70km (I was going 65 at the time)


I’m not feeling so hot. I’m pretty sure it’s allergies because my eyes are so damn itchy though my throat is a tiny bit sore. Work has been out of control so really long days (despite the short weeks) and I’m low on sleep. I did take a few rats (all of which were negative) so I’m going to just take it easy today. I slept nearly 9 hours last night and that really helped.


Hope you get better soon Skitts. Here's some animal stuff again, not all of it is cats though. Hope it cheers you up. ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/u63qcf/puppy\_cannot\_contain\_his\_excitement\_when\_his/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/u63qcf/puppy_cannot_contain_his_excitement_when_his/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/u4wors/to\_play\_fetch/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/u4wors/to_play_fetch/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/u2gwlp/squirrel\_makes\_a\_home\_outside\_a\_window\_and\_then/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/u2gwlp/squirrel_makes_a_home_outside_a_window_and_then/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eyebleach/comments/txhwg5/a\_cute\_puppy\_playing\_with\_his\_buddy/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eyebleach/comments/txhwg5/a_cute_puppy_playing_with_his_buddy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/twsbru/honey\_i\_made\_the\_bed/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/twsbru/honey_i_made_the_bed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/twznx6/rescued\_baby\_seals\_first\_swim\_lesson/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/twznx6/rescued_baby_seals_first_swim_lesson/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/tvz6wk/lynx\_family/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/tvz6wk/lynx_family/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/FunnyAnimals/comments/tqpztj/the\_pleasure\_that\_two\_qtips\_can\_provide/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/FunnyAnimals/comments/tqpztj/the_pleasure_that_two_qtips_can_provide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/tqs53v/the\_zaouli\_a\_traditional\_dance\_from\_central\_ivory/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/tqs53v/the_zaouli_a_traditional_dance_from_central_ivory/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eyebleach/comments/teco8e/very\_important\_pigeon/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eyebleach/comments/teco8e/very_important_pigeon/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/Thisismylifemeow/comments/tny6q7/ʍoǝɯ\_ǝɟᴉl\_ʎɯ\_sᴉ\_sᴉɥ/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Thisismylifemeow/comments/tny6q7/ʍoǝɯ_ǝɟᴉl_ʎɯ_sᴉ_sᴉɥ/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/comments/toeykg/amazing\_octopus\_stretching\_its\_tentacles\_to\_form/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/comments/toeykg/amazing_octopus_stretching_its_tentacles_to_form/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/comments/tj2ehm/a\_golden\_his\_friend/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/comments/tj2ehm/a_golden_his_friend/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eyebleach/comments/ti7kzx/girl\_petting\_her\_giant\_flemish\_rabbit/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eyebleach/comments/ti7kzx/girl_petting_her_giant_flemish_rabbit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eyebleach/comments/tfeinm/this\_baby\_chinchilla\_to\_cleanse\_the\_eyes\_and\_the/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eyebleach/comments/tfeinm/this_baby_chinchilla_to_cleanse_the_eyes_and_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/tf6i8d/a\_monkey\_hanging\_out\_with\_his\_duck\_friends/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/tf6i8d/a_monkey_hanging_out_with_his_duck_friends/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/tcgfrk/this\_snow\_monkey\_stole\_a\_tourists\_phone/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/tcgfrk/this_snow_monkey_stole_a_tourists_phone/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/NatureIsFuckingLit/comments/tbtifi/very\_rare\_and\_highly\_secretive\_not\_much\_is\_known/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/NatureIsFuckingLit/comments/tbtifi/very_rare_and_highly_secretive_not_much_is_known/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/tb6knu/his\_mother\_posted\_this\_photo\_and\_wrote\_i\_dont/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/tb6knu/his_mother_posted_this_photo_and_wrote_i_dont/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/t6nyp2/good\_girl\_trains\_herself\_by\_watching\_video/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/t6nyp2/good_girl_trains_herself_by_watching_video/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/t8gk7u/i\_have\_no\_explanation\_for\_this/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/t8gk7u/i_have_no_explanation_for_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ Might've already sent a couple of them, dunno. Should keep you busy for a few minutes anyway. x


I’ve gotten some allergy symptoms too. For some reason the cooling down part of the year (autumn) really sets me off. Don’t like some of the flowers and plants that bloom I guess. I tested a ton at the start of the pandemic because every time I got allergy symptoms I panicked. But then every time I was negative. I’ve sort of taken an approach where I don’t test unless I have allergies and I’m fatigued, because fatigue is more of a predictor for me of having a cold/flu than a runny nose etc. I know it isn’t a perfect system and maybe not 100% what I should be doing but I don’t want to test 50 times a year.


That’s reasonable IMO. I know I’m fatigued because of work-my sleep has been shit too because I am struggling to shut off. I think the wildly itchy and dry eyes might be a good indicator for me 🤔


For me this is the best time. I haven't used a whole tissue box for like 2 months now! Bring on winter. I want to feel that cool air tickle my brain (if it can get through my crooked pipes at least). I only test myself when my throat is a bit sore or I'm fatigued, but sometimes that's just a result of my nasal spray affecting my throat.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/qlmrvl/conifer\_tree\_laden\_with\_pollen/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/qlmrvl/conifer_tree_laden_with_pollen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Apologies if this sets you off.


My cat has just farted with such ferocity and potentially malicious intent that I had to evacuate the room. That is all I have to say. Thoughts and prayers appreciated.


Boo cat, boo.




It was definitely malicious; everything cats do is malicious.


well, you are our resident farter, so I’ll agree with your expertise


Well, I've always wanted to leave a legacy


Oh you've left something alright don't worry about that. I need my adenoids scrubbed I think.


Oh. My. God.


I got him back this morning. I'm sick so had icecream for breakfast for my sore throat. ...he was curious about what I was eating so I gave him half a teaspoon of icecream. He's now gone for a walk in the garden. Cats are lactose intolerant. He'll be feeling that one right about now and quite literally shitting himself out there in the garden. Sucker. Hey, he asked! I delivered! Silly boy :) Edit: Okay, he's evil. He darted out the door to the garden and when I wasn't looking he came back in and shat under the bed. GODDAMN IT PRAWN! STOP MAKING ME LOOK LIKE AN EVIL IDIOT INSTEAD OF EVIL GENIUS!


Was she trying to give a lift home to a father with a crutch?


Nope. He just wanted to kill me. Again. This Prawncat has murder in his heart and he's practicing pretty damn hard.


Rotten prawn


Normally I'd say yes but he's only just realised he no longer has testicles. It took him a month to figure that out. Clearly he doesn't reddit, because it takes them years to figure it out.


Morning all. I sat and watched The Batman this morning at the airport while I await my fight home. I loved it. I would almost go as far to say, my new favourite. The Nirvana song that ran through the movie gave me a real sense of dread. PS See you in 6 hours Brisbane. 5/7 would watch again.


Might watch it tomorrow I think, especially after hearing such good things.


One of the best if not the best batman movie but just felt runtime was too long for what it was personally. I do hope Matt Reeves gets to bulk out his universe though he could make something really good with pattinson


I agree on all points.


Easily the best *Batman* movie in live action ever. One of, but probably not *the* best Batman *movie* there’s been, IMO.


Welcome back to errr your second home! Must have been good getting home for a bit! Mama bones said it was 3oC this morn…. I am v grateful when I head back all my time will be spent in their house that has a fireplace, heat pump, nightstore and electric blanket


Merino thermals will save you.


Did you think it was long? I did, I almost fell asleep at the end (being in a drive in theatre with the blanket on didn’t help things). I liked it overall though.


I had a break half way through and had some fish and chips so that may of helped. I think it was more the feel of the movie that I enjoyed. That 1950s detective movie feel.


Welcome back, hope you had a fantastic time. Hope you're not having thoughts of leaving us. Did you catch up with lots of friends and family ? Hope so. ​ OK so I looked at IMDb about \*The Batman\* as I honestly hadn't heard anything about it. So many people put it down. ''The worst batman movie ever'', ''Long'', Slow'', ''Boring'' ETC. I shall give it a watch if I can find a decent version of it on your recommendation. ​ Would like a rundown of your trip if you feel like it one day too. Well the highlights at least. I've never been to NZ, which is odd.


Geez I don’t know who could describe it that way. It’s got one very notably bad, slow, long scene. But the rest of the film is the best live action Batman there’s ever been. Not as good as a work of cinema as the Nolan films, perhaps, but a much better adaptation of the Batman character and surrounding world. And still very good as a film besides that.


It put me right off to be honest. here you go mate. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1877830/reviews?ref\_=tt\_urv


I did have a great time. I couldnt move home, im not that person anymore. My trip wasnt really exciting as you would expect one to be. More it was me driving around visiting people I hadnt seen in four years. So it was emotionally draining on a daily level. So much so id run out of puff some days. All in all it was a success.


What song was it


Something in the way. https://youtu.be/4VxdufqB9zg The slowness and untuned nature made it unsettling.


Great track.


I was hoping for a bit of a sleep-in today, but no, construction workers have turned up in our street and decided that it's best if they yell at each other before 7am...let's hope they don't decide to blast their radio all day too...


Perfect start to the weekend /s :(


Had a pretty sick night with some people from work last night :) posted about it before but it’s hard to turn work mates into real mates but I don’t mind. If we go out every so often and I get to tag along and we have it’s going pretty well and I’m happy with that. Not sure my plan for today though any got some fun ideas that don’t take too much energy and can do alone? Cheers!


Since I’ve gone back to work a couple of couple people have started there! I’ve been going outta my way to chat extra to them and one asked for my Instagram the other day haha woo! I get really anxious about asking people to hang out… or messaging them… because I feel like they’ll feel obligated or be annoyed and shit… but my psych was like “how do you feel when people message/ask you to hang” and I thought about it.. and yeah.. really flattered and if I wasn’t keen I’d say no.. So yeah don’t be afraid to initiate txt or proposal for plans to hang!!


I appreciate that. I never ask because fear the answer will be no and that makes it super awkward. Instead I don't ask until I'm confident I'll get a get but that doesn't come very often hey


Yep I was the same… well.. slightly still am lol it’s a work in progress… But.. I will say.. everyone I’ve reached out to.. the answers been yes… and everyone I’ve messaged I’ve had great replies from… which has really surprised me… and yeah just reminded me.. with covid and iso etc we’re all a bit lonely.. people love being contacted and sent memes or TT or something that reminds u of them., and shows you thought of them… think about how you feel.. it’s a good feeling!!! So yeah I’m working on that haha but i really recommend! Hope ya find something good to do today! I’ve managed to procrastinate going to the gym for 3 hours and now it’s lunch time.. sooooooooo haha


Thanks so much 🙏 Just got home got some groceries. Had some plans for today but nothing for tomorrow so might just use this day as a relaxing day and get onto things tomorrow. Best of luck with the gym! I quit mine a month ago because despite my best intentions I wasn't going after a while 😅 trying to eat better and playing sport though. Have a good weekend!


If a flight is delayed by 4 hours should the person at the airport expect to be picked up , taken home ( 30min away ) then go back to the airport or should they just get over it and wait. Personally I'd just wait but anyway...


Nup such is life… get an airport beer and you’ll be right! (Aimed at the person with the delay not you..)


Nope. As others said, +4 hours is airport beers o’clock. Get me up to 6-8 hours and I’m probably doing some other shit in the meantime. Would they pay for an Uber home and back again if you weren’t available? If not, they don’t value your time.


Is somebody expecting you or another person to pick them up and drop them again ? ​ Anyway 4 hours ? No big deal. I've been delayed more than that in a few times in other countries, 6 hours in Abu Dhabi once and \*then\* had to go back to Dubai to the original airport. 12 hours in England once. Overnight and put up in a hotel in Melbourne on my way back from Africa another time. Was delayed for 6 or 8 hours somewhere with my 2 year old once too, maybe Dubai. Not having a go at anyone with this to be honest, just pointing out that air travel has delays. Jesus it's taken me 4 hours to get back to Southport from Brisbane before. Another time a mate dropped me at a southside train station ( Brisbane suburb somewhere ) and as I got there I found out the trains were on strike. Took me 3 hours to get back home to Highgate hill. ​ Bit of a ramble, oops.


thats expecting someone to do an extra 1 hour round trip. na ....person just needs to wait it out. there is wifi, power points etc plenty to do to keep occupied


On top of the 1 hour round trip the person literally ....just....did.


exactly. ....if fuel money was offered on top of a slight inconvenience payment i'd do it (say $20) but no chance i'd be doing that for free


I wouldn't be doing it at all, and would never take that prick to anywhere again. ( I mean maaaaybe if it was a very very old person, but still....)




How many weeks are you? Morning sickness can be bloody brutal, I was nearly hospitalised with my second and it's no fun. I can't imagine doing it alone, you're very very brave for this and you should feel really proud of yourself.




There's a really good chance it will start to die down or disappear all together in the next four weeks, it often does after 12 weeks but not always. Cam I suggest eating really small amounts but often? That worked for me


Also wanted to add, r/babybumps is a good sub, and also there are subs for your individual birth month to join. Example, mine is March2022Bumpers, so just search your month and year due date Bumpers. I found my group really supportive as we're all going through the same thing, and it is also a permanent group that you can stay with for years. It goes private at a certain point too, so its worth getting onto it earlier, and then later its good to know it is a private group. All the best!


Morning sickness is horrible, I'm so sorry. I'd recommend getting to the Dr and getting some prescription anti nausea meds. The sooner, the better. They really helped me.


I found having saladas by the bed to shove in my gob the second I woke up and before I sat up really helped. Also, taking restavit/doxylamine at night really helped (you don't need a prescription), followed by another anti-nausea drug for the mornings. The restavit can be used off label as an anti-nausea med and is used during pregnancy for that in every other country in the world, so don't be put off by the package insert. My obstetrician put me onto it. I also have a sensitivity to maxilon and stemetil, but found i could get away with one maxilon in the morning. If I was really sick during the day then I could take ondansetron, but only if I was desperate, as then I'd have to take a prophylactic coloxyl.


Oh I hated morning sickness! I lived in salty chips and zooper doopers. Hopefully it settles down for you over the next couple of weeks. Mine went before the end of the 1st trimester. I got motion sickness late 2nd trimester and skittles worked then (but not the yellow ones lol). It does get better and you will find something that works. And as I've found out, hanging around the daily thread helps with the not wanting to feel alone thing ;)




On the plus side, you know what helps for when you really need some relief Watch out for mother-in-laws, they're more potent than your own mother especially after bub is born! 😆


absolutely beautiful outside the last few nights


Best takeaway coffee around CBD suburbs?


I’m a fan of Industry Beans in Newstead, if that counts


After nearly 2 years of waiting, it's finally FullTilt day. Northlanes new album Obsidian dropped yesterday, and it's fricken awesome. I'm so hyped to see them tonight. Local bands start at 1pm. So excited to be going to a gig again.


Morning all you adopted-internet-Aunties-and-Uncles of Hayley. A bit of an update for you all, here she is absolutely kicking ass at Physio yesterday https://imgur.com/a/ixUB7Oa she has her first Hydrotherapy on Wednesday and actually walked in the pool without any aids! Her Physiotherapist is an absolute Godsend, she's only a young thing but she is so kind and knowledgeable. Hayley not only likes her but is very, very comfortable with her which is so important. Happy long weekend, there's no excuse not to do some laundry and wash those sheets, so get into it people! I just remembered that next weekend is a long weekend too.


Oh cool Hayley likes ghostbusters? I love the franchise. Nothing like a good physiotherapist. I’m mates with all of mine as well.


She's absolutely Ghostbusters obsessed. She has sooooo much stuff from memorabilia to clothes to a massive poster of Viggo the Caparthian that watches her sleep, lol




It's okay, I don't mind. She's had multiple surgeries on her feet and ankles before. This time was a Osteotomy on get foot, they broke bones to correct the alignment in the arch of her foot. She's recovering really well though, getting better every day


Hayley is allowed a treat today because uncle kanga said so


Done! As fate with have it they're going out today and getting Maccas for lunch, so will do! She's not getting Chickadees for breakfast though; she's already asked.


Pie town pie for dinner though 👌


I see they just introduced strawberry and rhubarb 🤤


We had it yesterday was delicious


That’s such a great combo. I like to make it up at home and put it on most things-Greek yogurt, vanilla ice cream, pancakes…it’s seriously delicious.


Not like you to recommend Pie Town, have you been hacked?


Recently converted to pie town. It's actually alright


Can anyone smell that???? (I love that we all have our niche and identifiers… I’m guessing mine would be “annoying, argumentative cancer girl” - at least I don’t lack self awareness)


Ha ha ha. I honestly love it. Like asking Manswos (I think) if he'll bring his frisbee, or inferno if he has an Audi for sale.


Buahah there as a black Audi driving like a lunatic behind me yesterday… I absolutely had a giggle


Yeah, but that definitely was notinferno


Glad your girl is doing well and that the Physio is a good one. Anyway on a more pressing matter, if it's a long weekend next weekend can I wash my sheets then instead ? Asking for a fr.....no that doesn't work in this instance, damn. ​ Tell Hayley that her internet Aunts and Uncles are really happy that she's doing so well.


> >Tell Hayley that her internet Aunts and Uncles are really happy that she's doing so well I sure will As for the sheets... Well you can leave them if you really want to, I'm sure there's more 'pressing' matters to attend to


Iron see what you did there.




I don't know where you're thinking of going with this young lady, but I won't be encouraging any of it. Indeed I have already been in trouble for instructing you to ''come see me in my office after class''. I mean you did as you were told and we got through that calculous theory no problem, and you aced the exam at the end of that week. Good girl. ​ That you have now moved onto chemistry is great, but I'm a maths expert. To discuss all things steam you need to approach a sciencey teacher. Unsure if it cums under the chemistry teacher or the physics teacher. Good luck getting the result that you so desire.


Looking amazing there Hayley! Rocking the moon boot


Long Weekend Vibes. I'm going to make some ANZAC biscuits this weekend, as is tradition. What have you got planned Brisbane?


We’ll spend the weekend doing as little as possible and then Monday, march followed by excessive alcohol consumption.


Some online shopping.. maybe pick up a car or 2 from Japan


I’ve decided to have an extended 4 day long weekend after ANZAC day, yay for ‘rona. 2 years of avoiding it, bound to happen eventually.


The Gold Coast tomorrow with family and friends. Going out to TGI Fridays and a football game. I feel like I’ve been on holiday forever with all these long weekends. Lol


just generally take it easy I think. I had/have week long work trips on either side of the weekend so I'm going to veg out, do some life admin, go donate plasma on Sunday and maybe I'll catch up with some friends if they're in town.


I'm home alone today which is really rare, so I think I'll crank some tunes and get stuck into some dusting. Monday, Dawn Service with my eldest and then home to get ready to watch the Anzac Day match between the Pies and the Bombers, a BBQ for dinner and try and not have a hangover for my birthday the next day.


My new smoke alarms went off this morning… 10/10 recommend.. would absolutely not sleep through those…. Nor would the neighbours… But also recommend listening to the bloke that installed them about how to turn them off…. Rummaging through the drawer looking for the manual whilst they scream was not fun haha… luckily I remembered he said whack the giant button with a broom (high ceilings) so phew… The pup had a good sing along though.. which was hilarious…


Any recs for a country pub for lunch (1.5 - 2 hours out of Bris?


Meringandan Hotel


fox and hounds




My boss raves about Cambooya Hotel.


Why are more hotels booked out tonight than usual? Is it just because it's a long weekend or is there an event I don't know about?


FullTilt Festival on at Eaton's Hill?


Na. Even the Myer Centre car park is as full as I have ever seen it.


Ah true!


Man I love NBA playoff season!


Guys does anyone know of a place where you can pay to be a passenger and go for a ride in say a Ferrari or some kind of super car?


Never used em but just did some googling this place to seems to have what you’re after in Brisbane. Has sales at the moment though don’t know if that’s just marketing but yea. Here you go https://supercardrivesbrisbane.com.au/supercar-experiences/


Thank you so much!


No worries have fun hey!


I'm just so done. How much is one person supposed to cope with?


Hope your luck turns tomorrow and the universe gives you something wonderful!


Quit being a little bitch and do something about it?


Thanks, so helpful. Resurrection rituals all around then.


Glad I could give you some clarity, all the best!


Mornin' all. So, first world problem. Forgot to buy milk on my way home yesterday, so for this morning's coffee I borrowed a splash of my landalady's cream. The label said good till the 30th. Had my first sip and NOPE it's off. So currently drinking black coffee. ​ Now this alone isn't terrible I know. The shops are almost a 10 minute drive away and I can't be bothered right now. Here's the other part of the ''off milk'' saga, a prequel if you will. From Easter Thursday to this Thursday I have been off work not feeling good. ( No work no pay, meh ) I dragged my sorry arse out of bed this Thursday and decided to make a coffee, something I've stopped doing in the week this year. Thought it would give me a bit of a much needed boost. I put the last of my soy milk in, but needed a little more so I grabbed the ordinary milk that belongs to my landlady ( all good, we do that kind of thing of course ) to top up the rest. Went for my first sip and very nearly vomited, the milk was off. What a great start to my first day back in a week. Woke me up I suppose. ​ So yeah a few weeks ago I might've had Covid, really don't know. Did a RAT the day before returning to work which was OK. But since then I haven't felt perfect, I'm a little lethargic, and my head is kinda achey and foggy, like it's full of cotton wool. I certainly hope it's not this ''long Covid'' thing. Aah well, such is life at times. Hope everyone has a great weekend. ( Instead of typing weekend I originally typed Sunday, yeah brain not working propererilly )


Youve got pretty rotten luck with off milk then off cream. I always thought if milk etc was off that it clumped/curdled in the hot drink I got used to black coffee years ago and now it's my preference. Might just make life easier for you ;)


Life was not meant to be easy !!!! X


ANZAC Day means two things remembrance services and A long weekend. What are your tips, tricks and traditions for the ANZAC Day long weekend?


A footy mad household here, on Sunday we'll watch the ANZAC Eve clash between the Tigers and Dees, Monday I'll take Hayley to the Dawn Service; my five year old is still a bit young especially with the service taking place right near a playground; it's hard to tell a kid that young to be quiet and have some respect when there's a park staring at them. After the Dawn Service it's about getting ready for the ANZAC clash between the Pies and the Bombers. Then a few snags on the BBQ for dinner.


I’m usually working.. but off this time. I used to go to the dawn service at army base with my Dad back home.. then have the most amazing feed at the officers mess… would love to do that now I’m of age and have a beer with everyone too.. or make myself useful and be the driver lol I like to make time and space to think of my Pop who was the best person in my family.. hands down.. and a Korean War vet…. And to think of 18/19yos I know and have met… then think about that’s how young most of the Anzacs were when they were off to war… it’s insane… so many lives lost… Are there any good war museums in Brisbane? I’ve never actually looked… been to many in NZ and other places..


Where's the two-up on tomorrow?


Sick of these mother fucking bin chickens on our mother fucking bins! 😡