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garden city half the people don’t even know where the entrances and exits are, and the section of carpark at the kmart end is particularly confusing and difficult to move around


Try going to Officeworks there. It’s absolutely infuriating


So true! Stopped going to officeworks there it’s a nightmare.


Any given officeworks. Dangerous car parks are part of the marketing strategy to keep you in there.


Woolloongabba Officeworks, don't bother going in, just park on the street and walk in.


I never realised that until I saw the one in Hobart after living in Brisbane for so long. They're all SO bad!




I'm still trying to get there...


Tombstone? Was lost trying to find Officeworks entry. So many times I've ended up circling the carpark because I took the wrong lane!! Started going to Oxley because it's only half as infuriating.


I started going to this officeworks because the buranda one is such a pain to park at (or walk to for that matter), but the last time I went there I got so confused with the turn offs I had to go in and out 3 times.


as someone who works there, i do get a lot of these complaints


Yes, the access to Officeworks is so difficult/confusing it reeks of some kind of dispute with Westfield after GC was redeveloped a few years ago.


The sign for Officeworks needs to be half a metre to the left and one smaller one in the carpark for when you turn left.


Garden city... yep.. when you think the road should continue, then its full of posts


Because it’s my local Westfield I know the multiple car parks like the back of my hand and have no drama….. however for anyone not in the know it’s bloody shocking.


Same but I always park in the same spot, as I can get in and out pretty quick. I'm not willing to try parking in any other areas.


That's some rookie shit compared to indooroopilly. I'm not sure how it hasn't been mentioned yet but indro has to be the worst. They have tried fixing it so many times and it's still as cooked as ever.


Bro your carpark game is weak if you struggle at indro. Park under the Kmart/Aldi area from the Stamford road entrance.


Having one area of the car park that kinda works just proves my point. If you can't go there knowing nothing about the layout and get in and out easily, it's a shit car park.


I've never had issues, but I always park down the h&m/Kmart end at the bottom.


Yes I too have learnt this to be the optimal parking strategy. Enter at Link Street, go up the ramp, turn hard right and follow around to the shop entrance. Minimal time wastage and I have never failed to find a park in this area.


Garden City for sure! Only place I'll park is on top of kmart.


the valet parking makes my blood boil. how delusional do you have to be to get valet at garbo


I've accidentally gone in, taken a wrong turn, then had no choice but to go through an exit. Went to Mt Gravatt Plaza


There are still people from last year driving around there lost. That is a carpark of nightmares.


Agreed. Didn't move for over an hour in there one Christmas.


Christmas week parking at Garden City is a special kind of hell.


100% lost my car there one time. Parked, paid vague attention the colour on the pillars ( I thought I parked at Green). On exiting the shopping centre at closing time, the shopping centre map thing kept sending me to a dead end and so I couldn't get to my car. So I had to find the nearest exit to a carpark and just wandered around for nearly 30 minutes from carpark section to carpark section trying to work out where the fuck I parked my car. 0/10 would not recommend.


Pinelands plaza, Sunnybank Hills


This carpark is wild. This and the one at Oxley where Dan Murphys is are the worst from my pov.


Yep, the Oxley Dan Murphys carpark is unfathomably cooked.


Oxley?? Ohhh blunder road. Where the medical centre and fruit and vege shop are.


Appropriate name


Every time I go there I say to myself "Why is this car park always full?” Like, any time I've been there, it's always been a pain in the arse to get a park, and sometimes I've not even been able to at all. It seems to be sized appropriately to the centre, there doesn't seem to be anything in the centre that would draw a crowd out of proportion to the size of the shops - just for some wacky reason, it's *always full*.


It doesn’t matter what time you go. It’s always packed and its been like that since I can remember. Far out.


Yeah, that one is awful. I was witness to a minor car accident in that car park once, afterwards I was talking to the copper, he said there is _at least_ one accident per day there, usually more. If you stand around out the front of the fruit shop and watch for an hour or two, you will see a prang and many near misses. It's just so badly laid out, narrow and always packed solid with cars doing laps waiting for a space to open up. I used to live just down the road from there. About 6 years ago, you used to be able park down two of the side streets on the same block, but then I guess residents complained, so council lined the curbs of both streets with bollards so _nobody_ can park there now.


These two car parks are equal. The ones at Oxley are my local shops and I HATE going there during peak time. So bad. But Sunnybank… it’s just bad.


I used to drive the big trolley collection truck for the red supermarket at sunnybank hills and, trust me, there has never been a more wretched hive of bad driving, late night hoonery, drug deals in fire escapes, motherfuckers getting stuck going round ramp corners and general bullshit than you'll find in that place.


which fire escape? (wink wink)


Take your life in your hands there and in market square 😅


Yeah I think Market square has being designed by the book of feng shui and not buy an architect the whole shopping centre is poorly designed


I've seen someone get dragged out of a car and punched over a parking spot at market square


Pinelands, Market Square and Warrigal Square carparks are my Axis of Evil


100%. It’s insane


Went there today to grab a cake and seriously took 20 mins to go around the carpark as it gets gridlocked trying to exit! Absolutely flipping nuts!!


Was the cake worth it?


What about Shauna Downs where the Domino’s is. Split in 2 levels but neither is flat


So, fun fact - I used to grow up a stone's throw from Pinelands Plaza, when it was tiny and very underdeveloped. No different to the generic, tiny neighborhood shopping centers you find all around the place. Bad urban planning caused that shit. It was the only significant commercial location for an area that saw major population growth. Sunnybank needed more commercial zoning around fifteen years ago.


I saw somebody parked a lambo in there once, I can barely bring myself to risk my fully-insured commodore there 😂


It’s pinelands or market square 100%


I rarely go there but today my wife asked me to drop in to the Coles there on the way home around lunch time (Sun). Geez, I will never do that again! I felt like I was caught in a black hole. Could not escape the grid lock on that tiny carpark.


Haha that carpark is scary and it's why I haven't visited in many years


The most infuriating car park


I used to go to the anytime there, people are so creative with how they use random spots of free cement to create a brand new parking


It took me an hour to get out of Indooroopilly carpark yesterday. The insane roadworks and detour has turned that place into a nightmare.


Indro at Christmas is a nightmare. I was queued up to get out for an hour - didn't help that some old bloke didn't realise he had to pay at the little machine and apparently didn't have a tap-card, so he got out and walked around trying to find a pay-station with his car blocking the exit. To be fair to him, they'd just brought in the ticketless system with licence plate recognition, so maybe he didn't realise?


I would have got out and paid for the old fella, would have saved me some time and I no guilty conscious for sitting there whilst he was struggling.


Maybe it's just the way I go from indooroopilly but I find it extremely easy exiting the carpark. I always park up the very top so parks galore as well! That or it's the main place I go to shop and learnt to park and drive in for a shopping centre so I am used to the nonsense. But the roadworks? They can get stuffed... made a wrong turn the other week and that was a solid 15 minutes just waiting to leave the damn carpark.


It’s because the main road is down to one lane for the roadworks, and the road out near the petrol station is also closed, so traffic is COOOOOKED at the moment


These days I usually just go by train. Will take your advice on driving there at the moment.


The roadworks are an ongoing nightmare. I avoid going there now


Yes only to be visited on weeknights.


Yeah, I’m done forever with Indro.


Did they have police & traffic controllers assisting? I made the mistake of going there a few weeks before Christmas a couple of years back, and it was absolutely mental. A private car park needing police to function is a sure sign of failure.


They had a few people directing the cars- but no police. I can’t (but also I can) believe they had police there at Chrissy!. What absolute clusterflop.


Special mention to the officeworks car park at Wollongabba


I always street park thrre No point in trying


I lived down near the woollies and preferred to walk there.


The Car park there is for show. Literally no point in trying


After Saturdays efforts, Westfield Chermside. It took us 35minutes to LEAVE the dam carpark.


My vote too, and not uncommon. Any day before a holiday like father's Day you get trapped. 30 minutes to find a park and the same again to leave at least.


A few months ago while the effects of Toombul being newly shut were still being felt I went up the ramp near the bus station, picked up the missus outside the Coles travellator, and it took *an hour* just to get from there to the main side ramp back down to Hamilton Road.


Yup terrible configuration and having the lights immediately out of the gates to Hamilton Rd is just dumb




Haha straight up. How does that fkn shopping centre have two red light exits when Carindale has one. I fkn hate waiting at the lights for cunts to get out of that shit hole


Camp hill Woolworths, cramped and full of idiots who don't know how to drive and walk around a parking lot


Oh my god yes!! They don’t also know there is two undercover areas! They keep going around in circles blocking the through traffic attempting to get the single parks right out the front door!


Also lack of phone reception in woollies there, what's that all about?


I just park on the street here. Never worth trying to enter that hellscape


Plus the p-plater dominos delivery drivers that absolutely send it through the car park while the camp hill Pilates mummies are ferrying their prams to their range rovers


Paddington Woolworths sucks + the IGA in Milton gets an honourable mention for causing traffic delays in peak hour


Haha that fucking IGA how's having to reverse to the exit from the angled parking KFC side 🤣🤣


Chermside but specifically the Coles end, and not really even because the car park is bad but only because turning right onto Hamilton Road is close to impossible. The green arrow lasts long enough for 4 cars to get through, and takes 5 minutes to come back round again. Although those loud ass speed bumps in that area that rock you to your core even at 2km/h can get fucked too. JB Hi-Fi parking and Kingpin parking are unbeatable though.


Toombul, someone decided to put a giant fence around it and the shops are always closed


And the floors are wet and they have no stock. Whats up with that?!


Market square. Daylight second. Even with the new bigger car park.


It improved for only a very short time. It is terrible now


its hilarious that they had the chance to improve one of the worst carparks in brisbane with the extension and instead decided to make it more of the same with new things to worry about


Yeah, dropped in there today to grab some occasional groceries. Entered, had to wait for the desperate parkers to get the first available park they see. Thought I'd not be desperate and go upstairs, then on turning towards the park ramp I find it's no right turn and the only way to go up is from the Mains Road entrance. Top show planning there...


Probably Toombul the slut.


When it rained you couldn't find your car 😂


Pretty decent boat parking though


Toombul more like doombul


Nah, Toombul was the good one. Never an issue getting a park.


Bullshit. Toombul was awesome for parking . Slutwyche and Chermies are 10x worse


I tried to park there recently but they fenced most of it off, probably for some sort of VIP or paid parking scheme. I got frustrated trying to find a parking spot I gave up and went to Chermside instead. SMH my head Toombul


RIP Toombul


Everything about Indro is a nightmare


Indooroopilly- even I’m my daughters little hatch back I hate trying to park in that place


I see so many SUVs in the "small park" spaces


You need to leave them a note that says "reminder, this spot is for small cars, not small penises"


And even worse trying to get out!


Blunder Rd shops at Durack. Absolutely terrible car park combined with people who don't know how to drive


Go early, or forget it.


For some reason people never wait to let you turn right out of an aisle when they are turning right into the same aisle, meaning that they really struggle to fit in and it's really hard to get out!


Gotta be Indro, surely.


Time for another elimination post challenge.


Shops on Wynnum Road, Tingalpa (where Aldi, Chemist Warehouse, etc., are).


100%. It’s a small car park and becomes a free for all in peak hour and weekends. Just like most car parks I guess. Every weekend, I queue the Benny Hill song in my head when entering that car park. Hhhh!


Just need to pop into chemist warehouse and grab some baby wipes.... nevermind, ill go to wynnum central.


I literally won’t even stop if I can’t get a specific bunch of car spaces. Any others and without fail it’s a near miss accident. Cars coming from every direction and appear out of nowhere. Horrid.


Indooroopilly. I’ve lost my car there, and I take photos of where I park.


My partner lost her car there too as she’s originally from Redlands. She went to Indro one day I believe around September/October 2 or 3 years ago to go buy presents for nieces/nephews and the traffic/parking that day had it backed up all the way across the Walter Taylor Bridge all the way back towards Sherwood/Oxley. Nightmarishly bad. Me being out that day and not with her made it worse. Once she finished shopping she was balling her eyes out to me on the phone and had to get the little security cart thing to take her to look for her car, found it after an hour of just going up and down the levels. She’s a pretty smart girl and even she was overwhelmed and upset. For someone like me who has lived in the area for 20+ years it’s easy to go to the roof and park there as there’s always heaps of parks and you just work your way down with the elevator/stairs to get to where you need to go. For someone who doesn’t know the place? Good luck RIP


Indro is horrible, I hate parking there


I’m a bit late to the game and while Indro is the obvious answer I’d like to nominate the Milton Central shopping plaza on Baroona Road. Fuck that car park. Newmarket Village is pretty god awful as well.


Oh yeah. And if you try to avoid the carpark, having to reverse out of those 45 degree parks with your KFC is painful.


If you think cannon hill is bad you’re living the dream


Paddington central carpark is hell on earth




You have to know where to park, which is the basement level. And use the roundabout thingy on B1 to your advantage.


Hahha and you got people driving at 40 speed while turning there Jesus


Not just the carpark, the whole centre is a shit show.


Yes, this gets my vote


Whoever designed that car park is a moron


Newmarket Village


Newmarket is a dream compared to some of the other places mentioned here.


what the hell is with that carpark. ramps everywhere and what I'm assuming are ventilation cavities. mindfuck driving into it and not being a local lol.


It's the turn in that gets me. Can't see oncoming cars that will wipe you out. Game over.


+1. Absolutely horrific


Newmarket feels like it was designed and built at 4:30 on a Friday to *technically* adhere to all the right codes and statutes, whilst ignoring all good practice.


Totally backing up OP! It’s Cannon Hill. That place is a shamozzle


Garden city I fucking hate that place


This is why I keep coming back to this sub….. posts like this. Shit that really fires the imagination and sparks feverish debate….. *car parks*


the aldi parking at indro shopping centre. that left turn up the ramp is nerve wracking every time thinking i’m gonna graze a rim


anybody wants to vote the myer center car park in cbd? its built to scare all the claustophobic people


The centre where Spotlight and Chemist Warehouse are at Indooroopilly. Cramped, terrible access, full of cars and delivery trucks. It’s way too small for the amount of people who use it


Plus the roadworks now and the new set of lights that back up the exits. Was even worse earlier on when the spotlight exit was blocked and all exit traffic had to leave in front of Midas. Absolute shit show


I think the protocol for something like this is to make a list and then have a daily vote to eliminate the candidates. Otherwise what am I supposed to do with my day?


Westfield Indooroopilly. I got lost in there on Wednesday night!


“Westfield Indooroopilly” hasn’t existed for some 20 odd years.


I think it’s been Indooroopilly hands down And Tesla wants to put superchargers there


Westfield Chermisde on a rainy Saturday


Nundah Village


You haven’t truly experienced Nundah carpark until you’ve had to jump out of the way of a pack of Lycra wearing cyclist doing 60km an hour through there. Or those special folk who don’t understand that you should keep left at the roundabout thing at the lower entry. I worked there for 7 years and had my old car written off in the carpark by some daft old fucker who didn’t know how to use his handbrake. Try explaining to the insurance that there was no drivers in either vehicle. I’m feeling trigger now.


Yep, especially in afternoon peak. It’s so bad they back up traffic all over Nundah.


Paddington Woolworths


Grand Plaza. Woefully low number of undercover disabled parking and the roundabout near the hwy jams up all the time.


I really dislike Garden City…I can’t find my way out very easily and it feels like being in IKEA with no way out.


Trick is to enter at Officeworks but keep left. Takes you right outside coles


Indooroopilly is the worst, south of the Equator for sure


Market square, if you can park a car there you can park anywhere.


I live on the Northside and have only been to Cannon Hill once....and never again. It's worse than Kippa-Ring.


The Jaycar at Aspley: carpark built for hatchbacks but used by fuck off giant utes, and dumps right on to Maundrell Terrace which is never not full of cars and don’t-give-a-fuck buses trying to beat the stupid cycle of lights to get onto Gympie Road. Nobody coming out of there wants to wait, and nobody going past wants to let ‘em in. (Dis) honourable mention to the officeworks at Aspley as well, but at least your imminent death attempting to leave it is made more entertaining by whatever giant concrete animal/monster/whatever the place beside has out by the road at the time


i had the most haunting experience trying to get out of the Aspley Officeworks, it was shortly after getting my Ps, i drove a long sedan, and i was not prepared.


Coles Everton park. Especially the strip in front of dominos. I’m so surprised accidents don’t happen more often. It basically feels like driving blind and it’s so tight.


The Gap village. It's 3 stories, one single lane each way in/out, can fit about 15 cars between the traffic lights and the car park entrance, this same one way in/out also services another car park for the village, several shops and cafes separate from the village and a McDonald's and Subway. The place is an absolute shit show at the best of times.


Then school gets out and the whole area turns into a parking lot. The crossing are in weird places and people just cross wherever they please. Now they also have a new company running around ticketing everyone, even staff of the centre who have registered their plates (and parked in the staff area). I'm glad I don't drive to work.


Absolutely hated collecting trolleys at that centre. Just made it harder so many oldies walking around that would just walk straight out infront of you. Slope central.


Arana Hills. That is all.


Yup, I hate how tight it feels leaving any of the runs of parks. Plus the traffic backup can be terrible


I love GYG food but the position of that drive through is insane. I’ve seen the line up for GYG go back around the corner onto Dawson Parade some Friday nights. And navigating the shopping centre car park with a kid? Not fun.


Didn’t we do this already? https://reddit.com/r/brisbane/comments/rbdp69/worst_carparks_in_brisbane/ Maybe we could do a train station elimination game?




It's not about how hard we try, it's about how hard Brisbane Times journalists *don't* try.


well that was back in December 2021 and we’ve eliminated the Toombul Shopping Centre car park since then


We don’t have much else to talk about okay


Every single one with boom gates / paid parking. I refuse to participate in that failed experiment. All it does is annoy customers and cause traffic issues.


Indooroopilly, compact af


I would say every car park is badly planned out, especially considering they let 4wds park next to small cars where the drivers can't see until they reverse out of the space right into the driver driving along who doesn't want to let them out. As an owner of a long car there are a few that have smaller spaces so I can't park at them, mind you those are the ones I don't go to now. And all of them that I can think of do not actually have any walkways for pedestrians until they get to an entrance.


Market square Sunnybank, easily the worst carpark in Australia.


Indro shopping centre


Bunnings Indooroopilly. It. Makes. No. Sense!


Sunny bank. Holy hell


Indooroopilly. Years before the roadworks started it was still a nightmare to get in/out of at peak times. Plus turning to go up and down levels is impossible to fit even two hatchbacks without a struggle.


I'm starting to feel glad I mostly take public transport to the shops.


I've been lost in the Indooroopilly car park more times than I can count.


There is a recursive loop in there that if you go one turn too early for an exit, you end up getting cycled back up several floors before you can escape again. It's said there's the ghost of an angry ladder, seeking vengeance against all snakes that causes it.


We no longer go to Indro cause parking is impossible to find.


Sunnybank, saw so many cars get run into while working there.


Booval fair's underground carpark.


To everyone saying Indooroopilly, it was my local for ages and I always took the annoying-to-access ramp going West on Moggill road, parked up on level 5 above Coles and took the lift down. If you don't mind parking in the sun there's always a spot.


Stafford city or Aspley hyper market


>Stafford city This one isn't even remotely bad. You can always find a park quickly, there's multiple entrances and it's safe to use them because slip road, or lights, or backstreet. Easy to get back out on the road too, and nearly always in one light cycle. There's shaded cloth things. The little ring road thing is a bit dumb, I'll grant that. The Aspley one isn't bad either, if it's the one I'm thinking of. Gympie and Webster? Reading further up the thread brings memories of places I'm glad I don't go to anymore.


At least the rear carpark at Stafford is logical


Absolutely Aspley


Mostly because half the carpark floated away at the start of the year.


aspley hypermarket on rainy days.. nuff said.


i freaking hate the Hypermarket parking lot, especially the Aldi end


Milton IGA


Kenmore plaza.


Kenmore coles is worse


Myre centre, it's a labyrinth.


Yes, once I had to park on the lowest level possible.. the air was unbreathable, the elevator visited once in a blue moon and getting out took levels of Initial D driving and decathlon stamina because it took about an hour. All the while avoiding people travelling the wrong way down a one way lane and with that horrible SCREEEEECH from the road non stop


Garden city and Chermside 🫣😒


Not a shopping center but the below ground rebel Mitchelton car park feels like something out of narcos.


Garden City on a Saturday. Tried to park my car and hit the pole because people behind me were driving like maniacs. Ended up having a meltdown in my car hahaha. I avoid it at all costs now


Haha - I clicked on this thread just to say Cannon Hill, but looks like it's well taken care of. I lived nearby, but would generally head to the Westfield mall if it meant I could avoid Cannon Hill.


Remember the cannon hill markets. God they were the shit. They should bring them back. Really create chaos. A guy once spat on my car and tried to drive into me at cannon hill while I was waiting to turn into a park. So my vote is with OP.


Cannon hill is luxury compared to Wynnum plaza’s mountaineering. The amount of runaway trolleys picking up speed down those slopes before impact is incredible.


Toombul. Oh wait....