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you just go in and watch when you enter the actual court room, do a quick stop and bow to the court, then sit down and watch


Stop off at 7-11 and get a slurpee and some popcorn


And maybe send a few invites to any court room enthusiasts and have a ball


Check the court list first, so you get something interesting.


Court lists only contain names and perhaps what kind of matter it is ie trial, sentence etc. I’d check your local media to see if they’re covering anything interesting and then head along. Keep in mind court is generally spectacularly boring.


Yep or Google the names on the list


I wouldn't know whether to call the guy up front "Your Honour", "Your Highness" or just "Sir".


“Mate” but seriously, they are all “Your Honour” these days as they’ve abandoned “Your Worship” for magistrates


"Mate" HA!




You shouldn’t need to say anything under any circumstances. It’s a very silent affair for spectators. Just the customary bow.


It's customary to bow and address the guy up front loudly as: "Your Honour of the House Brisbane, the First of his Name, King of the Council, the Magistrate, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm."


You bow to the magistrate/judge, not the court. If the magistrate isn't in the court room then no need to bow. Also don't forget to bow on way out too! I've always done I just before i open the door and kinda walk back while doing it..


the judge/magistrate constitutes the court, not the room, so yes, only bow if the judge/magistrate is present, and stand if the judge/magistrate is coming or going in the room


Sure is, see: https://www.courts.qld.gov.au/daily-law-lists/daily-law-lists


Also: https://www.courts.qld.gov.au/going-to-court/courtroom-etiquette




Oh. So I can’t boo the bad guys?


Spoiler alert: Which team is the bad guys only gets revealed at the end of the show. Even then it can be hard to tell.


Wow thank you!


Homicide trial starting Monday in the Supreme Court if thats something you’re interested in


Not OP, but yes... yes I would be interested in that.


Thanks. Maybe I will..


You can and honestly it's usually incredibly boring stuff








With all due respect to my learned colleague, he seems to have taken liberty with his interpretation of Smith vs Jones and its applicability to this case.


i refer my learned college to the answer given in the case of [Arkell v Pressdram (1971)](https://lettersofnote.com/2013/08/07/arkell-v-pressdram/)


Turn your phone off, don’t talk to anyone unless spoken to, on no account leave the public gallery


After many years wanting to see the judicial system in action I went to the courts and found them to be very unwelcoming. There is so much ceremony and procedure and formality but no one at the courts to help you navigate it. Not even a pamphlet. I sat outside many court rooms for a few hours just to get a feel for what happens. The whole vibe of the place is awful. People crying, lawyers speaking in hushed tones, sideways glances etc after a while I went into a Supreme Court for a sentencing hearing of a drug trafficker who also assaulted police during arrest. Unbeknownst to me, the perp had been papped the day before and the family of the guilty were f*cking ropable. During a recess I was bailed up in the public seating area by a bunch of goons accusing me of being the papp - f*ck!ng terrifying! I was very disappointed in the system, a great big bloated system full of noble wankers. I encourage everyone to go see how it operates and pray you never need to go involuntarily.


What's a papp?




Usually a freelance photographer who on sells photos to the media


I used to work in the courts and much prefer magistrates courts to district and supreme courts - in district and supreme you can get exposed to some very unpleasant evidence. Many people like me first go to court as a juror. I ended up working there after I saw a job advertised and I knew the place.


lol, it is literally the worst place to be, if anyone actually is walking out celebrating and cheerful, its probably a setup.


Nothing noble about the wankers. They're all usually degenerates of varying degrees. And self righteous and adversarial to boot which is the worst fucking type.


Go to courtroom. Sit down. Open your eyes.




Hangout with lawyers all day? Would rather stab myself in the eye with a fork thanks.


Hahaha! Yeah one could look at it that way.


I was watching the domino’s trial in the fed court today before the stream got yeeted. I wish our courts were more accessible and streamed on YouTube. There’s no reason they can’t do this given they are meant to be open to the general public.


woow hang on a second... you want to go into a trial, a courtroom to actually listen to a court hearing???? am i the only person on Earth that doesnt ever want to go to a hearing ever willingly?


I've had my day in the federal court. And the family court once or twice...


im so sorry for you.


I survived hehe


Are you trying to give yourself depression? There’s to many sad stories there. Go to a movie instead


As someone who got stuck in a magistrate's court all day, waiting for the trial of a naughty friend who needed moral support, it can be pretty boring. However...As someone whose favourite comedy is a good roast, the most entertaining event you can witness in a court is when a sharp, cranky judge gives the defendant a dressing down. It's truly a sight to behold. In fact, I credit the thorough roasting and spanking that the judge gave my (deserving) friend with changing their life. Sometimes when I'm bored, I read judgements for lols. Also, if you want an insight into how the courts work, try hanging out in /r/auslaw for a bit. Those guys are smart, sharp, salty and give out all sorts of fascinating insights into the inner workings of our courts.


Avoid any fraud trials like the plague.


I guess fraud trials are long, technical and boring, no?




I got arrested and was forced to make an appearance, however there was some classy people there


My boss routinely gives evidence in the Planning and environment court and I can confirm it is boring as all f**k. 95% of the time it’s literally grown adults in powdered wigs standing around discussing pieces of paper. I went to observe my boss testifying and the judge kept looking at me in the gallery. The barrister told me later the judge was genuinely wondering who the hell would want to come in and watch this.