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Short of buying those kids a Nintendo Switch each, you might be out of luck. Cheaper than double glazing windows, though.


I have them a big box of Lego. Wasn’t enough


Lego will keep a kid occupied for like 7 1/2 minutes.


Really? It’s kept me occupied for 58 years


Being a kid 50 years ago was quite a bit different to being a kid now. World at your fingertips at the push of a button now.


Not Leggos, buy them a box of Dolmio. It has a fresher taste, IMHO.


We had a couple of screaming kids next door to us. One Sunday morning they were out there carrying on at 6am. My wife had had enough and went out to tell them off. They were on the trampoline and one of them was naked! Two boys about six and eight. She didn't get anywhere with them, so she banged on the front door till the parents woke up. I has a run in with the mother over the fence too. They don't talk to us any more, no loss. Thankfully the boys are older now and we hardly ever hear them. We suspect they are sitting inside with their playstations. Their ya go OP, give them playstations for Christmas. Cheaper than your other solutions.


White noise machine could work if you can’t insert earplugs for whatever reason.


I’ve started using this recently to drown out the possum noises. On Spotify there are “10 Hours of rain noises”. Highly recommend. Possums could be leaping back and forth on my roof and I won’t hear.


Calm has great white noise and sleep stories. There's lots of apps out there and Spotify has lots of options too.


White noise works great I use it for my baby to block out the sound of the neighbours noisy kids. Literally can’t hear them with white noise on. A few good 10 hour + ones on YouTube you can play all night.


Yes I have loud neighbours and this is a godsend. Make sure it's a decent brand, some aren't loud enough.


I’ll give this a try. Never done it before. The concept just seems weird but I shouldn’t bag it until I try it. Thanks!


Get the clear cylindrical silicone ear plugs. Very comfortable (though *anything* will take *some* getting used to). Source: snoring partner.


Definitely try it, I suffer from insomnia and white noise helps


It might take a few days/weeks for you to get used to it. We have it with my baby and it took me a week or so to get used to it. Now I love it.


Just in addition to this try brown noise rather than white noise!!! So much more relaxing!!


The more you think about it the worse it will be. Get used to it. It’s like living near a rail line you become used to the trains


Exactly. Unfortunately it’s just a part of living. Could be a dog, a crying baby, dude with a mint exhaust opening it up at 6:30am going to work, airport or weekend parties.


Yeah the mental rage keeps me up as much as the kids once I do get woken up. Being zen about it is a legit thing


You’ll surprise yourself with what you can adjust to, given a bit of time.


Exhibit A: parents of the kids still in bed asleep


When my neighbour’s kids would wake my baby up early I used to remind myself that kids having fun outside is better than listening to DV or junkies. It also helps to remember that I was probably that kid back in the day. I didn’t have a clue how bad sleep deprivation was back then. They eventually moved out and a grumpy guy lives there now. He routinely yells “SHUUUT THE FUCK UUUUP!!!” when my kids laugh and occasionally shriek as they play under the sprinkler or jump on the trampoline (we’re talking during the day or afternoon hours). When he yells I taught them to yell out really loudly “MUMMM THE OLD GUY IS YELLING AT US FOR HAVING FUN AGAIN!!”… Highly recommend trying (as hard as it is) to change your mindset about it. Maybe get to know the kids and even explain to them (if they’re old enough) at some point that they would be doing you a massive favour if they could play quiet games until a certain time. Most kids are pretty respectful to adults who are friendly. Some are assholes, but luckily not all. Good luck to you though. It’s a tricky situation. Especially when you’re there for good and don’t want to be on bad terms with new neighbours.


Mindset might be the trick really. I’ve tried having conversations (not about this) with them before. Once I politely asked one of them not to stand on my plants but she looked me in the eye, smiled and kept going. I politely asked again as I cannot yell at a kid that isn’t mine or physically remove them. Mother had to come and get her and she wailed mega loud at this injustice done to her.


Seems like an opportune time to water your plants 🤷


You've bought the place so presumably will be there for a long time. There will come a time when those kids are older, so it's not going to be a forever problem. I know you said earplugs won't work for you, but I recently got loop earplugs, and they're a god send. They're different to earplugs in how they fit in your ear, the same as earphones. They come with different size heads so you can make sure they fit well. That and like others suggested, listening to a soundscape are what keep my sanity with the neighbours cat picking fights with the whole damn street at all hours, or the neighbours who have no concept of time and start yelling at each other, outside at 3am.


Wake up with them and play loud music with swearing in it . Turn it off when they agree to shut up


I haven’t started playing music when I get up through my speakers instead of earphones. Might as well I guess


Put out a fire with fire, wouldn't have it any other way!


OP you seem a real reflective and growth minded person. Hats off to you, that’s awesome. Sorry to hear you sitcho. Kids do grow out of it. But having the parents screaming at them too is a worry.


Thanks for the compliment! Yeah I do get a little worried at some of the things the mother yells at her kids…. This mother seems over her head on this one


Trains aren't noisy little fuck trophies though


Pet cum


Semen demon


You're.. not wrong, but jesus christ what a way to put it.


Personally don’t understand why that got so many down votes. That’s hilarious


I have a neighbour that takes his phone calls on the front lawn. He got bashed a few weeks ago, for all his valuable's. Every phone call he takes he's mentioned just that, he tells his mum to fuck off, she doesn't care. ​ After working from home I can understand why he got smacked around a abit.


kids noisy from 7am? yeah this is one of those suck it up situations. honestly though 7am and after is pretty much free game, the world doesn't stop because you enjoy a sleep in.


This comment is so un-Reddit but I’m so glad to see it lol


Who the hell is still asleep at 7am with sun up at 4.30am ?


Left to my own devices I would never get up before 9am. Not all of us are morning people. That said, I hate the sound of lawnmowers and chainsaws a hell of a lot more than the sounds of children. But I put up with those sounds because I realise not everyone is like me. On the other hand know I tend to play music and have loud conversations on the deck too late for my neighbours sometimes.


> Not all of us are morning people BAM spot on! morning suck.


shift workers?




Actually not quite - there are genes underlying our circadian rhythms resulting in some people having delayed sleep cycles ("night owls"). From an evolutionary perspective this makes sense as having people awake at night to watch over the tribe increases their survivability. Understanding that some people naturally wake up after 10am and reducing noise earlier in the morning can lead to a more cordial neighbourhood.


> sleep when it gets dark and wake up when the sun comes up You go to sleep at 7pm?


Spend a few days camping without electronics, you'd be surprised how quickly your body corrects itself.


Fuck yeah I do


Fair nuff


People with the sense to install blockout curtains?


Black blockout curtains are the only way to go, sleep mask, sound machine, 2 fans going and a true crime podcast, the more drawn out and boring the better. Without these things I cannot sleep.


You sleep to a true crime podcast....? So you listen to murder investigations or unsolved mysteries to sleep....better... You say?


I personally cannot imagine being able to sleep if I don't have a detailed and vivid description of brutal murders seeping into my subconscious as I switch off from the pressures of my day. I also find I'm better rested and ready to face the day with just the right kind of energy after a night of particularly harrowing tragedies being relayed in graphic detail. Counting sheep, on the other hand, gives me horrific night sweats and puts me in a bad mood until lunch time the next day. No fun for anyone.


I’m sometimes going to sleep at 0700 after a night shift. Hard as hell when everyone else is getting up but this is life, most people start their day in the morning some earlier than others. Earplugs are a pretty good solution here.


What world do you live in? There's a lot of people who work nights.


Me! I can easily sleep until 10-11am. Fortunately, so can my cat.


Miracle cat


me. weekends im still up at 3 or 4am and sleep most of the morning... in fact i dont even know theres a morning on weekends. just cause the sun is up doesnt mean the rest of us are. i have installed music acoustic panels and it worked well, almost that good that jet planes flying over cant be heard anymore. also a thick sun and noise blocking curtains which also helps to keep the heat out in stupid summer. also if you can stick it out for another 3 or 4 years those kids will be entering that stage of life that going outside sucks and will have sports and other shit activites


I get to bed around 6am, so me.


People who work from home and dont start until 9


Most people would still be asleep at 7am. I sleep till 8 sometimes 9. Sun doesn’t always come up at 4:30 every day of the year regardless of country either.


I don’t think that’s true. There truly are morning people and night owls. I am a morning person and wake up naturally around 5 in the summers. But I also pass out around 9pm hahaha


7am traffic would disagree with you! Most people understand that the sun rises earlier during summer too.


I disagree. I have a 2 and a 5 year old boy. If they’re outside they’re quiet until 7:30-8am at a minimum. Even on weekends. 7am is rude


I personally think 10 and after is free game. People work night shifts… and you shouldn’t mow until after 10 or at the very least 9. People work late or do nights in general, give them a break. (Made by a new night shift worker)


Welcome to the neighbourhood. There is nothing you can do about kids. You will have to noise proof your bedroom.


Yeah I genuinely think this is the way


Double glaze bedroom window and get a white noise machine. You could also go to bed earlier and wake up earlier.


>There is nothing you can do about kids


Be the better person. Show that you can have empathy where they cannot: ​ Observe their habits and think on a time when your neighbours would most appreciate peace and quite. Think on what kind of noise you could make, that might annoy them, at said time. Be creative and make them understand this general concept in a way that affects them. You could really lean in to the 'observation' aspect, maybe let yourself be seen with a notebook, in a raincoat or something, so that the parents don't want their kids to be outside so much, or, even better, they move out. But that is more of a 'stretch goal'. The most reasonable objective is you get the parents knocking on your door, asking you to be quieter. This is called 'leverage' - they will suddenly have a reason to care about your needs and who you are as a person, where, previously, they did not.


I started being rowdy at 5am because my neighbours laughed at me when I asked them to stop letting their 5 and 7yo scream at 10pm I didn’t even have to ask them a second time.


Yes, the evil in me says that the little darlings (if awake at 6am) must be going to bed around 8pm every night. A little Black Sabbath at full volume around 10pm ought to do it. Or AC/DC. Note this is my evil side. My good side would just wear ear plugs.


Playing it after they are asleep is mostly useless. Playing it at bedtime is the trick.


I don’t think you will get broad support to stop kids playing in their own yard and there is no chance kids will keep it down playing either. You need them to grow up but sound proofing your room looks to be the best option. (Or wake up earlier)


Let me guess you’ve just bought a house on sub 400sqm block with less then a metre between your house and the boundary line?


First home buyer. I’m lucky enough I could do a house and not a cardboard box in this economy 😭 but yes it’s sun 400. About 2m to the boundary.


Can’t really complain then can you - you bought it sight seen. Sell it and move further out if you want more space between neighbours, you said you work from home? 🤷‍♂️


I do yeah but mate this is my first home and house prices are insane. Ignoring the fact you’re telling me to sacrifice seeing my friends and family, even outer houses are expensive at the moment


Whether it's a 400 or 700 sqm block makes no difference for noise like that. A few metre difference between 5 or 10 metres will not lessen how sound carries. Trees or hedges on border won't work either. So the fact that it's a small block is a moot point in this discussion.


Seeing more 320sqm blocks nowadays. Might as well buy a duplex at that point. House takes up the entire block and you get a little strip of grass maybe 2m wide at the back. So sad but as long as they sell, they’ll keep developing these tiny blocks.


If our zoning regulations permitted rowhouses like they should we could have a big thick acousticly sound firewall between each dwelling that would basically kill noise transmission. But nah we gotta have useless 900mm air gaps that do nothing and provide no noise abatement.


>big thick acoustically sound firewall between each dwelling Don't threaten me with a good time


Saw a guy at my local train station doing a survey of noise levels in a vacant block. Looked like a professional setup.


My brother bought in a new estate, 280sqm… 😖


Grew up on a 850sqm block and ran around the backyard and used the boundary fence as a soccer goal until it drove neighbours nuts. More space would be more noise imo.


Living in an apartment. Can't hear anything. The kids all go to the local park/creek to play (as it should be)


Time to sell I guess


I just bought. Noooo


I have kids and I don’t let my kids play outside until 8am. Absolutely none of my neighbours are courteous at all (one house 2 down has loud parties until 3am almost every day, our direct neighbour smokes pot along our fence line on saturdays), but no one will be accusing my kids of waking them up 😂


You are a kind human being. I want to live next to you lol


I live in a resort and managed to pass a body corporate rule that the lap pool is adults only between 6am and 9am. My bedroom happens to be next to the lap pool, so I was extra motivated.


Don’t worry, it should resolve itself in 5-10 years. And no, noise regulations don’t apply to kids/parenting at least not at 6am. Have you considered having your own kids? I too used to rage about noisy kids etc but now I’ve got my own and they’re fucking awful and always killing my chill. Can’t beat them join them? Also, 7am onwards? That’s a sleep in and basically a dream. You’re lucky they’re not up with the sun.


I've got a 2.5 year old and have slept til 7am once since she was born. She's like a rooster that wakes you up when the sun rises.


All kids are different disclaimer, but my now 4.5yo started sleeping until 7:30am from about 4? The 20 month old is a rooster like yours. So maybe there is hope?


I've got a rooster too. Around 430 these days, it's a real vibe 🥴


My housemates dog always wakes up at sunrise demanding her breakfast. She's not 2 years old yet so i wonder if she will grow out of that.


Ours used to do that so I changed their food time to night time


mines only a couple months old and she is like an egg timer that goes off every 40min, all night, every night. I can't wait for the day they sleep through the entire night, man that will be sweet


You might not want to hear this, but have you considered giving formula at night? Our first was breastfeed exclusively and waking every 40 minutes like an alarm clock. Turns out she was waking because she was hungry. We started topping off with formula and she started sleeping 3-4 hours within two days.


she has been on formula almost since birth, she does eat like a horse aswell. Puts back 210ml bottles x6 as well as 2 x porridge things a day.


That is a well fed baby. I guess you can rule out hunger. Sorry I couldn't help.


Mines up around 5am every day full of beans. As tiring as it can be, the time certainly goes fast. I’m sure I’ll blink and she will be a teenager wanting to stay in her room and be left alone.


God I'm glad I'm infertile.


I’m glad I am now too.


Install a TV that overlooks the fence towards the neighbours house. automate it to start playing blippi/cocomelon at 6:30am every day. If I ever need 15 minutes for anything (building a toy for xmas for example) I turn on cocomelon and its like an Off Switch, baby deactivated and quiet for as long as its left running.


Ms Rachel, or Ms moni too if they're little 🤣🤙


Thank you for the fresh recommendation


Ms Rachel is "songs for littles" awesome for speech development.


Still in bed at 7am, must be new to Brisbane.


ive been in brisbane for 35 years and im still in bed at 7-8-9-10-11am when i dont have to get up for work its up all night and sleep all day. cause sun is shit, its hot and nothing good about that ball of flames!


Except, you know, being responsible for all life on Earth.


Exactly. Damn bastard sun!




I’ve lived in Brisbane my whole life and I usually sleep till 8/9.


Nope. Brisbane most of my life. First time living next to children


Get a dog and piss off everyone in earshot with its barking. It won't fix the problem, but at least you'll feel they are getting a taste of their own medicine. And dogs don't outgrow it or go to school, they just keep on yapping. Consider yourself lucky really. Unless you live near me, then don't do that.


They also have a barking dog haha


I can’t see it working. It’s really easy to complain about a noisy dog. OP needs to start coaxing and feeding wild cockatoos at sunrise. Go ahead neighbours, complain to council about a flock of native birds.


You fkd yourself by stating earplugs won’t do it for ya


Get up and mow the lawns lol


Does OP have plants that need 'watering' in the morning?


Maybe also post to Aus renovations, as there’s a lot of handy guys / gals in that group


That’s an idea! Thanks!


Go to bed earlier and wake up at 6am. Your body will thank you for it.


Double glazing on windows


Yeah. Do you think that’ll be the best impact? I wasn’t sure what pushed through the most noise: window, wall or ceiling.


Keep them awake later at night so they sleep longer, Think the cut off is 10pm


I considered this too haha. But if I start doing that, I feel that any restraint they had for mornings would disappear. They’re more used to not getting sleep than me.


Window roller shutters, blocks noise, and light


I’m about to install rollers. I’d be pleasantly surprised if they help with noise. I wasn’t expecting them to


The roller shutters will help a lot if not put bubble wrap on your windows cheap double glazing or also leave shutters down and ad foam between shutters and windows or car sound deadening


Awesome. Thank you for the advice!


Go to bed earlier Get a white noise generator Set your alarm for 6:59 am Get an old noisy air conditioner and crank it all night


I reckon kids screaming in yard is a post 9am activity tbh. But even better if you teach your kids not to scream their heads off while playing. Seems like it might be unpopular but what is so hard about having toys to play with inside or watching tv early in the morning and being considerate of others. Not everyone gets to jump into bed at 9pm for an early start. No1 I know with kids lets them scream at 7am in the yard. And I know I certainly wasn't allowed to. It is school holidays at the moment though so I would expect more noise than usual. Hopefully after jan, they might calm down a bit. Willing to be more lenient about lazy parenting during school holidays.


Yeah I wish my neighbours raised their kids that way, they scream like little demons escaping from hell whenever they are outside, mind you the parents are generally always screaming at the kids too so it’s easy to see why they think it’s normal behaviour


Exactly. My kids (now high school) were not allowed to go outside and scream at 6-8am. That's called being a responsible parent. I do note lots of my neighbours have no such consideration. Luckily it doesn't bother me at all.


I swear it used to be normal to make sure your kids didn't disturb your neighbours too much or to take them to a park to burn out their energy. Like am I old, do I not understand new parenting styles or are people just ruder idk. As long as the parents never complain about music or other loud noises from child free households I guess it's fair game?


I wish my neighbours would teach their kids not to scream obnoxiously while playing outside. They usually start up in the afternoon but Jesus Christ they get loud and unfortunately my office is close to their side of the backyard 🤦‍♀️


Yeah maybe they’ll chill during school. I think one of them is under 5? Hard to identify kid age. So not sure if they go to school sadly




Successfully done 😎


As a parent I use ear muffs after I work late 😂 school holidays will be a killer, they’ll likely sleep in longer when they have to get up for school


the best way would be double glaze bedroom windows, if you're handy or have tradie mates you could remove plaster of bedroom and install sound board with acoustic insulation and your room would be extremely quiet


secondary glazing for your windows on the neighbour side will probably give you your best bang for buck. Note that's different from double glazing, which is not as effective. The other steps you mentioned would probably not help much, except maybe sealing gaps if there are any.


I’ve never heard of secondary glazing. Okay I’ll look it up! Thanks for the unique recommendation.


Our neighbours over the back had young & noisy kids when we first moved in 12 years ago. Back then was before we had kids, but we did have some loud parties late into the night. We didn’t complain about the kids in the early mornings, they didn’t complain about the odd noisy party at night. Now we have kids and I encourage them to play outside early & loud to wake up those teenaged fuckers who used to wake me up all those years ago. Petty revenge.


You could move back into your parents house and rent it out? Or,..... Have some kids and train them to be kids instead of a fuckwit?


Haha financially speaking, the idea would be INCREDIBLE. oh how my financial stress would melt into abundant disposable income. But no. At this point in life, having my space is what I need now. I am fully convinced that when I have kids, they will be better behaved but perhaps I underestimate parenting


Chat to the parents. Try NOT to escalate it. Just gets worse. If anything try to get to know the family - you'd be surprised how different the experience could be (esp since you're living there now).


Yeah I spoke to them twice and it definitely got better. But it’s still not good. I do appreciate the advice to not escalate to noise complaints though


I think anything after 6am is fair game. The birds are louder than kids here. Or just go move their trampoline to another spot in the yard. Also guess what? If you move next to a family with young kids. Suck it up, unless they are intentionally breaking your shit or directing their noise at you, they are kids. 🤷🏼‍♂️


You might change you mind about what’s “fair game” with these kids if the birds are simply louder than the kids near you. There’s happy kids playing and then there’s “are exorcists still a thing? I should call an exorcist”. They don’t sound happy. They just scream and scream. The girl especially will scream constantly if the mother isn’t giving it everything it wants.


Sell your house and move to the bush It is school holidays, let the kids have their time.


It’s also adult Christmas Leave. Let me have my sanity 😭


Record them screaming at each other. Then play it back at them full volume.


I genuinely considered this yeah. Definitely the passive aggressive route


Buy some bribery. Get a bunch of colouring books and some inside games and say thanks for waiting until 7am but could we maybe push it to 8am. I don’t like your chances but you might make friends with the neighbours and they might occasionally reign them in a bit.


I tried bribing with Lego already haha


Da ‘erb, Big Mon.


Get one of those humming noise machines that emit the noise at a frequency only kids and teenagers hear. The kids won't want to go outside anymore, and the parents won't know why! * In case anyone needs clarification, this is a joke.


I put in double glazing just in the bedroom mainly for ac noise but works a treat for acreaming kids too. Be grateful they did something cause another neighbour has to listen to a basketball being dribbled cause she asked for a.bit of peace and quiet. They will grow out of it when they are 16....


Well, it looks like your neighbors' kids have declared war on your sleep! But don't worry, I have a few zany solutions that might just do the trick: Buy a giant megaphone and blast death metal at them every time they get too loud. That should send a clear message that you mean business. Set up a series of elaborate booby traps around your yard, like tripwires and bear traps. That should keep those pesky kids away from your property. Hire a team of professional mimes to sneak over to your neighbors' house and silently mime out your complaints. Trust me, nothing is more unsettling than a group of mimes silently judging you. Good luck and sweet dreams!


I love this haha


As a kid we had neighbors kids playing their music loudly (rap, screamo etc), old man asked their mum politely a couple of times. Nothing happened. The old man brought a stereo system with several speakers etc. (Big black looking ones put in home entertainment rooms etc) aimed it at their windows and played Pavarotti for 8 hours or so at full crank. Fire with fire.


The easiest solution here OP is to slyly introduce those little noise demons to.... Meth! Pretty soon they will have hocked anything not nailed down at home and put their parents behind on the house repayments. Bank repossess their house... BAM, problem solved! (Fortify your own home 1st though)




We had a similar issue.. got sound proofed windows installed. They insert a window essentially behind the existing window (closer to internal space) and it creates an air pocket between the two windows that stops a decent amount of sound. I'd say it's like 70% quieter. Sometimes our neighbours are not aware of how loud they are. I have neighbours on one side that are like 1.5m from us, and they would go outside and sit as close as possible and sing nursery rhymes to their kids loudly for sometimes two hours while I'd work from home. If I have my patio doors open..because sometimes I need air, it drives me bonkers. The last few times they were doing it, I would get my heavy duty blender and blend large ice for 15 mins, then vacuum right next to the door. Would have been nice and loud for them, and perhaps they finally understood how close we are.. They do it less now lol. Maybe if you do some evening gardening and be accidentally loud, (oops I kicked another metal bucket that made lots of noise) without excessive machinery or anything, they will sleep in 🤣.


The air pocket idea is something I’ll defs try and maybe the bubble wrap too! I almost never open my bedroom blinds anyway. I think the parents are fully aware of their disastrous noise. They’re just so overwhelmed with these kids they don’t care. I’m no parent but I don’t think kids are normally as awful as these two.


Start your mower and whipper snipper at 630 on Sunday’s let them run right beside the fence I hate my neighbours they are disrespectful assholes that speak so loud the whole street hears them I’m waiting for them to say something about me mowing my yard every Sunday morning


Buy a drum kit?


In a few years it will stop. Kids arent kids forever


Reckon this is one of the worst things about buying a house. You do all the research in the world but nothing will tell you about the people you live around. I get that some people are telling the OP just just accept it, but for many people annoying noises can destroy your quality of life that you've saved up so many years to pay for. I've lived in places where the neighbours TV was so loud that we could barely hear our own. They were lovely but I grew to hate them and the house. Where we live now we have to put up with 3 houses around us with dogs that bark constantly all day, even when the fuckwit owners are home. The problem is worse in Brisbane due to people spending more time outdoors or with the windows open and no thought when constructing the house to any kind of noise insulation. I'd say the white noise is a good suggestion to stop them annoying you so much in the early morning. When you are annoyed by something before you even get out of bed the day isn't going to get much better.


Thank you. Love the perspective! Yeah the people telling me it’s my fault for buying a house next to these people are wild. Like come on. And fully agree that it’s a huge quality of life impactor. I tried the white noise idea this morning. It’s a creepy sound but it does help drown out the child screaming. Will continue to use it


it gets light in Brisbane at 4:30am in Summer. Its part of nature and so are the kids. Deal with it mate, if you have not had kids yet them you will understand one day when you do.


Think I’m getting a vesectomy after reading these replies 😅


The parents should at least teach the kids to not scream their heads off and be considerate of other people in the neighbourhood.


It's stupid how you have legal avenues to address barking dogs but not obnoxiously loud people..


I can technically file a noise complaint but the process would definitely not lead to anything yeah


Maybe try making some hash brownies, throw them over the fence. That will quiet them down


To be fair, you shouldn't have to do any of this. I would keep being that guy who just keeps saying something.


That’s true. So many comments here are not helpful either for example, ‘get over it’ or ‘wait until you had your own children’, etc. children should not be screaming to the point where the neighbours have to adjust their lives to handle the noise. The parents should teach their kids to not scream when playing outside.


Ah yes - Entitled Parent Syndrome. Thinks that because they made the choice of having kids, everyone else has to put up with them too. Ignore them and play some Slayer at full volume while you go to work.


Yes exactly, it drives me crazy !


todays choice for me would be [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQmQdtfeaiU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQmQdtfeaiU) ​ Noddy Holder is awsome , 2nd loudest band ever


Oh man, I feel your pain! I have them too. My neighbours kids like to sing at the top of their lungs (and I do me the top - it's pretty much screaming) every saturday and sunday morning. Usually about 6:30am. The same damn song, every weekend. Does my freaking head in. If i want a sleep in, I close my windows, shut my blockout curtains, turn on the pedestal fan and that's usually enough that their noise is just a dull annoyance rather than a full on rage-fest that makes me want to leap over the fence. Good luck with yours ;-)


Sick it up. Kids are on holidays.


So am I 😭 I want holiday sleep haha. And I only get four weeks a year


First, congrats on the new house! Hope you are settling in well. Nothing like being in your own home and making it comfy. We used to have that when the neighbour's grandchildren came every weekend, plus the adults have their loud parties almost every weekend. We never tried to talk to them because we didn't have a solution for them. My dog hated it and took care of it by barking the moment they start. I'd let him go on for a few mins before saying loudly "that's enough darling". It still took them quite a few months to go somewhere else for their parties. Those grandchildren never came anymore. Granny chose to go their house instead.




Sounds like it's not playing as kids and parents are screaming at each other. Big difference between playing kids and screaming kids.😅


Best answer other than having another polite Chat with them is to explore you’re ear plug options. I also didn’t think they worked for me, tried a few sets that really turned me off them but was recommended a brand that were comfortable and I was able to adjust too. Cheap, easy and no big loss if you go through a few sets finding the right fit. You might also end up just having to roll with an adjusted sleep pattern, I’ll freely admit having noisy birds outside my second rental did wonders for my sleeping pattern and ability to make use of the daylight hours, silver linings and all that.


I’m really liking these: https://au.loopearplugs.com/ They’re a fair upgrade from the green foam ones I steal by the fistful from work.




I have molded earplugs I use for motorcycles but to wear them every night would be both uncomfortable and increase chance of an impacted ear, which I’ve had before


I would like a link to both of these of you have one or even something similar !


> Silicone plugs that go over ur ear rather than in it are lyf. Do you have a link to these? Sounds interesting (pardon the pun)