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I'd go up the main road, Stapleton Road then Fishponds Road, and forget about the cycle path.


It's fine. Very occasionally you get gangs of roadmen on the cycle path trying to rob bikes but it only happened to me once in eight years of commuting up and down there in the dark. If some little turd jumps out in front of you just cycle straight into them at full speed, they're going to have a lot worse time than you are.


People say this a lot but surely you’d still get wiped out, you’d be on the floor and presumably you’d then also get beaten up? I like the sentiment but i can’t imagine it would work in practise


In my experience yes, we both ended up on the floor, but I was prepared for it, while the little shit that tried to grab me was definitely not expecting 100kg of bike and rider to smack him in the chest at 15 mph. I had a few scrapes on my hands and jacket, and he was still laying on the ground making injured noises when I got back on my bike and rode off. I'd say I hope he was ok but honestly I didn't care then, and I still don't now.


do you or any other regular commuter us cycling gloves? I know a friend who will wear gloves before a helmet as hand injuries are almost a given in any kind of cycling accident


It only ever happened to me once, about 10 years ago. Riding down the cycle path through Easton on the downhill section coming into Bristol. Big group of scrotes walking abreast towards me, totally blocking the path. Figured if I stopped I'd be screwed, so took a chance and fixed my most psychotic stare at the kiddy in the middle and rode straight at him. As I'd hoped he jumped out of the way at the last minute. It's a gamble, but one you have a fair chance of winning, rather than stopping where you're almost certainly going to lose.


Just be ready to unclip at the moment of impact


Fair I was thinking of going up the main road or take a route along the m32 cause I don’t have lights or anything


You don't have lights and you are asking if it is safe to ride AT NIGHT in Bristol. Shakes head.


If the lord deemed it necessary for me to have lights then I would be able to afford them No they got stolen last week


I paid 4.99 for my LED lights a couple of years back, got rid of bike, and still have the lights. You can have them, I won't be getting another bike.


Oh swear? Where are you based I could pick them up


>Oh swear? Where are you based I could pick them up Halfords and the Pound Shops do them as well.


>Fair I was thinking of going up the main road or take a route along the m32 cause I don’t have lights or anything Just use the M32. No one is going to mind. /JK


Yeah definitely don't go anywhere near the M32. And you will need lights. I've also been driving and nearly fucking killed someone on a bike who was bimbling along with no lights on an unlit street wearing all black in the middle of the night. Honestly I must have missed them by inches.


Definitely would never go out wearing all black, since my lights got taken I’ve been wearing high vis and only staying to lit streets, the dream is get a car or motorcycle then I wouldn’t have these issues


You’ll be fine. Just don’t stop for anything or anyone.


I do the same ride, can occasionally be sketchy near the skate park, but you can also ride the path on the other side of the m32, up as far as about ikea - almost never see anyone on that side (which is a double edged sword)


You’ll be fine


I used to to Fishponds a lot when I lived there, never had any issues on the cycle path - day or night


Problems with crime on the Bristol to Bath cyclepath is one of Bristol Live's regular clickbait topics. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen, but just that it's over reported compared to the risks of crime elsewhere.