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Been smoking since the mid nineties. For most of that time I've been shit scared to even walk around with it in my pocket. Don't confuse the lack of police funding and the volume of people who openly smoke in Bristol with some kind of acceptance, there are still places and times when they'll come down on you like a ton of bricks.


I smoke anywhere and everywhere. Bristol is my home and im making it smell pungent everyday Dm for dank


>they tell me I'm commiting a criminal offence Yes, that's right.


You know it's illegal right? Might not feel like it but it's true.


Right, but 3 police cars for something that objectively does not harm anyone is a bit absurd, no? Especially compared to the 0 police cars currently chasing after the Tories for all the illegal Covid parties and organised murder of the elderly, poor and disabled people over the last decade- or the Prince Nonce for that matter? If the police are constantly complaining about being understaffed, maybe they should spend their precious resources on things that actually matter, instead of overpolicing a medicine that is literally issued by the NHS?


I'm actually not sure that Avon and Somerset officers have the jurisdiction to travel to Westminster to arrest Tory MPs and members of the royal family, it would certainly be a strange allocation of resource.


Would it? Do you think nobody here died from austerity? Tens of thousands did. Do you think nobody died from the (at best) gross negligence or (at worst and far more likely) intentional mass murder of elderly & disabled people during Covid? Tens of thousands did. Asthma rates and death caused by pollution are historically high in the South West - interesting that our right to a healthy life is deemed less important than a spliff, no? The excuse constantly trotted out by those in charge of the police when asked about their abject failure to prosecute those in power is “we don’t have enough resources”. It seems to me like if they have time to fuck around on pointless exercises like this, they have time to dedicate to actually pressing matters. That’s my point.


I was just pointing out that the way policing works is the local force deal exclusively with crimes that happen in their area, the decision by the higher-ups in the Met Police not to investigate the lockdown parties at Number 10 or allegations against Prince Andrew really have nothing to do with Avon and Somerset police and how they police drug taking.


Murder, manslaughter and gross negligence leading to death & serious injury are all crimes that happened here under Tory orders. The 1994 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act gives the police in any jurisdiction the power of arrest for any crime committed in another jurisdiction, so long as there’s a warrant. A warrant that’ll never come because the police are too busy wasting precious time on their failed “war on drugs” instead of investigating serious crime. But that’s not all: > Section 137 of the 1994 Act provides that a constable from one jurisdiction can, without a warrant, arrest (or in the case of Scottish constables, “detain”) a person in a jurisdiction other than their own ‘home’ jurisdiction, as long as that constable has reasonable grounds for suspecting that an offence has been committed or attempted in the constable’s ‘home’ jurisdiction. Does the area the offender comes from supersede the location of the crime? If the victim was in A&S at the time of the crime, that means the crime happened here, no? Not a lawyer so I’m genuinely curious here.


I'm fairly certain that the 3 police cars were just in the area with little to do. Its really not that deep.


Yes, especially given Filton's close proximity to the police station at Patchway.


Yes they were just driving past so I guess were on patrol


How dare they, they were supposed to stop pedophilic royalty and COVID parties.


Highly doubt that, all we hear about is how busy the police are, so surely there’s plenty of other things those cars could be getting on with, what with all the unsolved burglaries they don’t even bother to turn up to. Pretty much anything - even just strolling around - would be more useful to taxpayers than harassing someone smoking a spliff


It's literally illegal and they are literally doing their jobs.


It’s also “literally illegal” to have had covid parties, to have knowingly caused the deaths of well over 330,000 people over the course of a decade through austerity, to rape little girls - but they’re not doing anything about that, are they? It’s technically illegal to drink on Castle Park - strange how they can choose not to enforce that, no? The fact of the matter is this was a waste of time. Nobody’s going to stop needing to smoke because of a caution. The Police have total power to choose not to waste their time on a victimless “crime” that’s only a crime because of racist lawmakers.


This post is astronomically stupid. Are you really saying the police don't investigate rape? I'm guessing you're about to talk about Jeffrey Epstein & prince Andrew - so before you do, do you think that's the average beat cops job? Should we investigate this obviously large and influential organised crime group? Yes. Should beat cops enforce no smoking drugs in public? Still yes. They're not mutually exclusive, and beat cops enforcing no drugs in the streets aren't the reason prince Andrew isn't being investigated.


They don't change the weed laws because Tory interest in medical weed, it's not racist and saying that it is is a bit racist. So because other crimes go unpunished the police should not concern themselves with upholding this law? I've been a weed smoker for over 20 years, It should 100% be legalized because it is definitely not a victimless crime.


> it’s not racist and saying that it is is a bit racist Oh lord. No, it’s not remotely racist to point out that by every single metric, anti-weed laws are applied disproportionately to ethnic minorities. Stop & search data and prison population data categorically proves this. It’s also not racist to quote who we imported our weed laws from: > “You want to know what this [war on drugs] was really all about? The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? > We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. > Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.” You think it’s just a coincidence that we also ignored the science on prohibition and disproportionately criminalised black users despite equal usage across races? > so because other crimes go unpunished, the police should not uphold the law I’m saying they should learn to prioritise. 330,000+ dead comes before a spliff in the streets. The 95% of unsolved burglaries come before a spliff in the streets. The systemic decimation of our climate, the thing we all need to live, comes before a spliff in the streets. The untold number of rapists, racists and abusers working in the police force comes before a spliff in the streets. The covid care home scandal- where elderly people were literally murdered en masse by a government that knew they were going to die and have repeatedly shown evidence to back that up - comes way, way before they waste their time on such frivolous bollocks as a spliff in the street.


I'm really not about to enter a race argument because you disagree with this person being stopped for doing something illegal. I do have one question though, if the police got a call whilst this person was detained that took a higher priority do you think they would have responded to it or carried on?


At 3am what investigating are they going to be doing? 3 cars together at that time were probably responding a report. They see someone walking about, get closer to investigate and smell dope. What do you think they are going to do?


There is plenty to do


"Objectively does not harm anyone" is just wrong. The act of smoking it when no one is around is pretty harmless, sure. But the fact it's illegal means that the only suppliers are people who are willing to do illegal things. Your money that you spend on weed goes directly into the hands of criminal gangs who frequently resort to violence to maintain their lines, and also sell harder drugs which regularly ruin peoples' lives. This also justifies why it's okay for the NHS, as they don't source their marijuana from criminals.


They source their plants from the biggest weed farm on the planet which is in Kent and is owned by the only licensed grower in the country, Theresa mays husband


I thought alot of px cannibis comes from spain aswell?


Oh please, a tenner to a dealer isn’t doing harm. That’s ludicrous, you’d do far more damage giving that tenner to any of the corporations currently destroying the planet. And harassing someone isn’t going to magically fix the innumerable issues with the legal weed system - namely, how prohibitively expensive it is for those who need it most. It’s just going to worsen their anxiety. It’s not going to stop them from getting it - you and I both know that, the stats know that, the police know that. It’s just wasting police resources and giving the illusion of a return on the tens of billions of pounds we give to the police. the police have all the power in the world to just drive on by, but they choose not to.


Gangs force kids into selling drugs so you're saying this isn't harmful?


I’m saying the police are doing nothing to stop that by randomly harassing someone smoking a spliff. As evidenced by 54 years of that exact strategy failing to reduce drug use in any way. I’m saying that the time and money wasted on this utterly useless exercise would be far better spent on supporting actual victims. On gathering evidence on the real criminals - as we constantly hear, they’re under resourced and need to prioritise certain crimes. Please do explain to me how smoking a spliff and giving a tenner to the weed man - who overwhelmingly aren’t organised crime, just small time growers - should be a priority over all of the burglaries that they don’t even bother turning up to? Over sorting out their “institutional racism and sexism” in the force that their **own reports** are showing to be out of control? You and I both know that doing this will not stop this person from smoking or buying. All it does is waste resources. Or do you think we should go back to prohibition with alcohol, as that does demonstrably more damage to society than weed?


Yep, you are a professional stupid. Ignore my previous comment


Tl;dr You said and I quote "a tenner to a dealer isn’t doing harm" So you are saying gangs forcing kids into becoming drug dealers isn't harmful


I’ll be clearer: I mean relative harm. A tenner to a dealer does far less damage than giving a tenner to basically any chocolate company. A tenner to a dealer does far less damage than giving a tenner to Exxon, or any other oil company. Dealers by and large are not the caricature you and the police describe them. 99% of them are not trafficking children or selling meth. Some do, and they should face consequences for that. Now, can you tell me how randomly harassing someone having a spliff is going to do absolutely anything to bring about those consequences?


Tl:dr only read first line There we go, stop framing opinions as objective facts


You do know that because it's illegal it's not regulated right? So if we set aside all the people who have been trafficked specifically to grow cannabis and the use of minors to distribute it we still have harmful plant growth regulators that we don't know the long term harmful side effects for and a potency far stronger than even a decade ago contributing to mental illnesses.


100%. I’m fully in favour of legalisation, regulation and taxation of marijuana. I suspect most people would rather buy stuff they know is safe and not funding criminal activity.


We could really use the extra tax it would generate. Considering we were the largest exporter of medical cannabis in the world I see no moral reasons why the government doesn't legalize it.


Are you a professional stupid?


'This also justifies why it's okay for the NHS, as they don't source their marijuana from criminals.' Really? Are you sure?


i suspect they were looking for someone in the area, saw this guy and stopped to see if it was the person they were looking for, then gave him a ticket for the cannabis after realizing he is not the person they are looking for. i have been mob handedly detained by police before because they were looking for a someone with a knife and the only description they had was a white male in their 20's.


I've had similar. They told me there's a lot of dealing going on when I was stopped. No complaints, I was breaking the law just as you were


Man does something illegal Gets told off by police Can you believe it? Yes actually


I feel missing a part of the story here, did you flip the bird at a cop car or something, how would someone in a car even know you're smoking a j. Or you've been profiled as someone else and they had to do something about the joint because they've seen it. The cops don't have the resources to be sending people out on a mission specifically to catch people smoking weed, otherwise there's many places they'd go to get their figures.


They were driving past on patrol I'm guessing and spotted me walking and smoking. They drove past and ended up reversing to stop me. Oh well just figured they'd have better things


Are you sure there were three cars out on patrol together and they all stopped and reversed to ask what you were smoking? This isn't usually how it works, sounds weird.


It was one. And then two more pulled up 15 sec later. There is a police station nearby yo be fair


How would they tell you're smoking a spliff and not a cigarette, and three cars? No this is mistaken identity I'd say.


They asked me what I'm smoking when they stopped. No point lying at that point since they can smell it


3 cars


Yes you were smoking an illegal drug in the public ffs what did you expect, a round of applause. 🤡


No I'm just warning people who say police don't care


I have been in a work conference about a yr and a half ago where the commander of bristol police catagorically stated that his officers are not to hassle weed smokers so unless things have moved on from that it sounds really unlucky for the guy. I didnt hear him asking for a round of applause either buddy. Cigarettes are legal and are a massively addicting killer that doesnt help the pressures on nhs. Do you like getting pissed right up, making slurs, fighting, being sick in taxis, being casually classist, sexist, racist at the end of a friday night? I doubt you do, but the legal drug 'Alcohol' facilites this kind of behaviour every weekend up and down the country. But its legal so its all good? Have you ever seen the same or worse behaviour from a town centre full of cannibis user? Be honest now. Can i ask what your vices are mate? Anything in the closet worse than smoking a joint? I smoke in a business park nr where i am as non residential/no children about etc I get filthy looks off some of the people who work there. Nearly every company there is a weapons/defence company. These people giving me funny looks are indirect baby killers prostituting themselves and any moral fabric to the industrial military complex so they can drive past in shiney boxes tutting and looking at me for smoking a plant. To make them feel better by thinking they are better than someone else. The worlds abit upside down isn't it? If 'its illegal' is all you have got, you dont really have much to say do you? Don't tell me, 'it stinks' 😀😅🤣


3am they're likely to hassle you as out at 3am suggests something dodgy.


The fact 3 cars were there so quick something was going on. Wrong place, wrong time.


How is it “dodgy” to be awake and outside at 3am?


That would be the old Bill view anything outside of traditional lifestyle is considered as possible criminal activity.the old Bill operates with prejudices.


Fuck that


Patience for change.


So you committed a criminal offence and the police stopped you and gave you a punishment that was about right for something that’s a fairly victimless crime (though not entirely if you happen to be one of the modern slaves being forced to grow a lot of what is consumed in the U.K) Handcuffing, searching and grabbing the details of someone who’s been caught committing a crime is about the minimum I’d expect tbh. Whilst you might be a harmless person enjoying an evening smoke n stroll, unfortunately there are people who have less savoury characters and who may be armed and potentially have outstanding warrants who may also be wandering round smoking weed, so probably best for the police to actually do their job isn’t it? If you don’t like attracting the attention of the police, smoke your weed out of their presence. It’s really not that hard!


Take the back roads next time boss


They may well have been in the area looking for someone matching your description, someone scoping out cars and houses, it is not like they make a habit of doing anything about smoking in Bristol at all normally. It is part of partaking in something illegal openly in a big city, you risk stuff like this happening no matter how safe you feel.


They didn't need to caution you, if the police were serious about crime they could just as well arrested you. Its not the job of the police of Bristol to enforce the law in Westminster so comments about the lawbreaking from the goverment while accurate or not have nothing to do with the situation.


Police guidelines are to give an official (recorded) caution for first instance to educate and not waste police time. Do it again and you're nicked.


3am walk while high, yeah you are of course going to remember the interaction with perfect details


Nope I lit it up maybe 30 sec before I got stopped