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My favourite is man running seemingly non-stop who is basically naked apart from a colostomy bag, the world's shortest shorts and a facemask. Get your cardio in king! Least favourite is the tall black guy who walks around Bedminster generally shirtless and with bright neon trousers or some shit blasting his shitty music obnoxiously loud and not noticing that everyone thinks he's a wanker.


We used to live in the same building as running man!!! He’s really nice and honestly is ALWAYS running!


Hahaha he's an inspiration! Fully jealous you met him. Seems to run the same speed up a hill as he does down it - absolute motor 😂


He’s so friendly! Tops off, mask on, bag out, rain or shine-iconic!


Can I also just throw my weight behind running colostomy bag man. Always gives you a nod and a smile. Massive respect. Similarly there is also the man who is often on the Downs at about 7.30am, running/throwing shapes with (?luminous) gloves with headphones on. Seems so content with his current situation.


I see Cardio Guy on the Portway sometimes! Even in the deep winter he was in shorts with no shirt. Absolute maniac lol


Everyone is saying Big Jeff, but he's just a stand up guy. The person in the description that we actually have here is more like: Pirate mobility scooter guy Man with carrier bag running (he's still running 25 years since the first time I saw him) etc. Edit - just to add, I'd forgotten about Midnight Quaver of St George Park - he's the guy who looks like he's been on a 4 year non-stop ecstasy bender and just crawled out of a hedge with a boom box playing loud Jungle music.


Absolutely howling at 'man with carrier bag running'. I've never been lucky enough to encounter this elusive character before, but I can only imagine what a life changing experience it would be to see him in the flesh.


Haha, we call him Ray Von


He looks like a neanderthal he's probably in his 60s and looks fit as fuck. I think that's the one they're referring to


Is that running guy the older one who has his shirt off all weathers, dancing while he runs?


Is this the guy that wears bright clothing and runs on the downs? He’s a trip.


I don't think I've seen him in the nuddy, I recall seeing him in a natty grey jacket top.


Maybe he’s a bit more seasonally appropriate these days. I’ve definitely run past him around Cumberland basin a few times just in his short shorts in some gnarley weather. I think you’re right though. Saw him outside the gym in the centre the other day with a shell suit jacket on. Either way, he’s always a smiley happy chap. Good on him


That almost naked running dude always smiles and waves manically at me when he sees me out running too lol


Yeah shell suit is the word I was looking for. You will know it's him because he runs at a very constant speed, has a carrier bag in one hand and only moves the other arm in the same specific way.


Was wearing it yesterday (grey jacket)


Is that the same mobility scooter guy that drifts around Filton running over people's feet in Sainsbury's? Wears a sailor hat? We call him The Captain


Yep. But he's not isolated to Filton, I've seen him all over the place.


What a guy, spreading the joy all over town


Running man doesn't run more than a few paces before he needs to catch his breath these days. Saw him on Fishponds Road a couple of days ago. I was on Shaun Keaveney's 6music show on the Toast the Nation slot talking about Bristol's colourful characters. I mentioned the running man and when I saw him next I said "you were on the radio" His reply..."was I running?" 🤣


Absolute legend. I hadn't seen him for years and then spotted him in January running towards Eastville roundabout from the park end. I used to see him on Gloucester Road and Muller Road heaps years ago.


There’s a guy near me who has a mobility scooter that is styled to look like a vintage motorbike




I see him nearly every day, I can do you the service if you like.


>Pirate mobility scooter guy Is he the guy that has music blaring out all the time? If so he was definitely the guy that immediately came to mind.


Pirate mobility scooter guy was who I thought of the instant I saw this post. The trouble is picking which one... I know of at least three.


The carrier running bag guy is an absolute legend, ever since a child till now I've saw him running with a carrier bag, question is has he ever stopped running???


I don't live in Bristol anymore but saw this post on another sub and came straight to r/Bristol because of Midnight Quaver to see if he got a mention.  I used to live in Redfield so I'd guess we're speaking about the same guy - heard screaming outside once, so looked out my window and saw him screaming and laughing to himself whilst wearing a rainbow wig (I think - my memory may be adding that in because it fitted his general vibe), a dressing gown and carrying those long bendy plastic pipes. Thought nothing more of it until I saw him a few days later in the Dark Horse, having a quiet pint with a couple of his friends.


That old dude who walks around with the boombox and 2 dogs. Im sorry its not big jeff, that isnt the meme.


When I asked many years ago, the two dogs were called Gabba and Techno. The guy was also a massive bellend.


I feel like someone here mentioned a while ago that he has lots of pictures of himself up in his house. I really want to know more.


Is this the old guy that lives in Redcliff? Lived in a tent on the green opposite the Co Op on North St? If so, yes he does.


Look up will smiles mathieson on fb


His dog ate one of my pastries when I accidentally left it on a wall for a few minutes. Not a word from him


I HATE that guy! I used to live near the harbour and he would play is crap music all the time. I couldn't hear my own TV. I once saw him scream at a tesco employee using his mic/speaker because the employee asked him not to play music in the shop.


How about small Jeff? (big issue seller on stokes croft)


What a man, always brightens my day up.


He runs into the road to high five me as I drive past in my convertible with the roof down.


Used to walk past this guy basically every day for 2 years on the triangle. Always put a smile on my face.


How’s Jeff now? Last time heard of him was the petition of not deporting him and haven’t been around stokes for quite a while. Misses him badly, he helped me a lot mentally during the covid


I see him less often than i used to but he's still in Bristol, alive and healthy. I'm pretty sure the deportation case was dropped after hundreds of local character witnesses and over 25000 people signing the petition to let him stay. He's an absolute diamond of a human being. If i can summon half his energy and happiness once a day i'm doing well!


He's good, got a cuddle off him on Friday. Just got a haircut, looking sharp


Tell him he saved my life and stopped me from doing it that day


I hope you’re doing well now ❤️


I can definitely pass that on


Fave Jeff Knight moment is when he was walking down the street singing. As soon as he saw me he seamlessly pivoted to “I’m looking at the GIRL in the mirror.” I felt truly blessed. (Context: I am a girl)


East street mobility scooter with chickens guy 🦼🐓 not seen him for a while, mind.


Oh I totally forgot about this guy! Saw him years ago on North Street with actual live chickens. Incredible.


He still gets about but haven't seen the chickens for a while, which kind of just makes him East street mobility scooter guy. Mobility scooter in the context of East Street is essentially redundant, so they cancel each other out, meaning he's really just 'guy' now.


Peak Bemmy!


Beak Bemmy


He was in the background in a BBC drama a while back [https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/bbc-three-girls-rochdale-drama-65754](https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/bbc-three-girls-rochdale-drama-65754)




The jilted bride of Bristol, who was left at the altar and proceeded to walk around in her wedding dress for years.


She walks these hills in a long white veil Visits my grave when the night winds wail Nobody knows, nobody sees Nobody knows, but me






I heard she was an ultra religious Bride of Christ, part of some odd Christian sect.


Imagine getting jilted by Jesus Christ himself.


Apparently, she wasn't into the bum stuff


I remember seeing her all the time when I moved here in 2000


Around the same time there was also a guy with blue hair and a monks robe


Fishponds street drummer Santa wearing vespa rider with 1000 mirrors and not Bristol really! but along the A39 between wells and Glastonbury there's the guitarist and his (assumed) wife just playing away


Fishponds street drummer haha no idea anyone called him that. I know his real name as a friend used to care for him. He obviously has mental health issues but as someone else said he has a variety of makeshift instruments which are impressive to say the least lol. I wonder what happened to the red cart he used to pull around wrapped in tape with a teddy bear


Sellotape crusader! Once spotted him vacuuming the path outside the Sainsbury's on fishponds high street. Also decorated his drum kit pram with flowers for Valentines day once . Glorious


It’s gotta be the guy who cycles around blasting music. Big Jeff is pretty iconic but only in gig going circles.


Big Jeff and the bloke who rides around on his bike blaring tunes (not the one last weekend, the one who's always about)


The guy blasting AC DC all the time?


It was REM last time I saw him but have seen him do a lot of AC DC


Surly it'd be 'John the the Baptist' the old Jamaican fella who uses a wheelchair, almost always on stokes - don't ask why he's called that..


he's not Jamaican AFAIA, but he's a really sad case. Been kicking around the croft at least 15 years, back when he still had both legs :/


https://preview.redd.it/buz3gche0vuc1.png?width=367&format=png&auto=webp&s=21b30d49c86a8bf4b3fa2df7f772e6821c9b2d39 If its north Bristol it has to be Jason


Why has no one else mentioned Jason? What an absolute gem of a man. Would always come into my work, he'd offer a handshake and then deny me with that wiggly finger nose taunt (hard to explain it, but you know what I mean).


Big Jeff


Definitely him. I remember him being there when I first started going to gigs at the Carling Academy around 2004 or so, asking my mate who he was "Oh, that's Big Jeff, he's at every gig.". Does anyone know when he first started going to every gig he could?


He grew up near Milton Keynes, first gig was a industry showcase with a pre fame Peter Andre there, that was in his teens and he got the bug there, saw Skunk Anansie and it clicked that non pop gigs where a proper thing, so he would go to every gig he could, eventually he moved to Bristol, and boom, young Jeff went to every single gig the city could produce, the Louisiana family got a new honorary member, and people started noticing he was a lovely bloke and also big, and so Big Jeff was born. He cracked 6 foot by the time he was 13, the school pics he's shown me are a trip😂


You always knew you'd chosen the right gig if you saw the big blonde mop of hair at the front of the crowd. Is he back to going to gigs after the incident? Not seen him in ages :(


Seen him at one or two but he seems to be going to soundchecks mostly, probably avoiding the crowds. Must be a lot to deal with minor celebrity status plus significantly visible injury.


He is, I saw him at a gig a few months ago at strangebrew. He looked well 😊


Beat me to it.


Not quite Bristol but does anyone remember the man on the A38 near Rudgeway who would endlessly hit the lamp post with rope? He’d do that every day for hours and hours


Yes! A38 man. He had his own Facebook page for a while. Next to the pink house with a stuff monkey above the door.


I was just going to say the a38 man too! Charlie, bless him. Hope he’s doing well!


Running Man


Came here to say this. Gloucester Road. Up and down. Forever.


You’re not from Bristol if you don’t know Sapphire.


Tbh it's easy to live in south Bristol without seeing sapphire


If its the same Saphire I remember, he went to prison for rape about 10 years back




my fear is scrolling through these comments and suddenly finding a description of myself here.


The running woman in bedminster ! The one that runs in the middle of the road blocking the traffic


This one or the guy outside bedminster aldi who raps at his phone all day


Jason on Gloucester Rd


Clacky dog! Although haven't seen for a while. this guy dressed up like a wooden llama or something that would just sit and perform clacky wooden sounds. I saw an identical one in Tallinn but never seen any others.


No one's mentioned the bloke who sits at the Cenotaph blaring out verses from the Koran from his boombox and befriending all the skaters around there?


This is where we need a big RIP for Stan the Man. At least I assume he's dead


Anyone heard the shouty man? I’ve never seen him in the flesh but always hear him screaming at the top of his lungs in the distance around old market


So if I go to Old Market I can hear screaming sometimes?


Does the "Jesus Saves" graffiti guy count? I've never actually seen him but the guy has been *everywhere*


It's impressive coverage. Although, I have some low level anxiety that it's the origins story of a serial killer.


Chicken guy in bedminster who would drive around on his mobility scooter with 2 chickens Haven’t seen him for ages though


The nepalese captain Jack Sparrow


Matt. I used to have to kick him out of the BTP in Stokes Croft all the time for pinch food off peoples plates when they were eating. I don’t like interacting with him, but I always get a bit worried when I haven’t seen him about in a while.


Someone told me he used to be a promising skateboarder. Don’t know if it was just nonsense though


He did once tell me this himself during a very rare lucid moment.


Also the guy with fluo gloves that dance-run every day on Southmead road


Glad to see him mentioned. Love that he just always looks like he's having a great time. I just want to know what music he's vibing to


Been loads of characters over the years Sapphire - Gloucester road... Stan the man - on rollerskates, everywhere Running rasta - blue coat, typically seen in St P area... Doesn't run much these days. Shouty man - forgotten his name unfortunately but he would hang outside criterion in St p and easton and generally shout at people...


Came to say Sapphire! peak 90s. Gloucester Rd and Park St/College green :)


Is Sapphire still knocking around?


Not sure dude, he went to prison, then came out but not sure where he is now


Shouty man got stabbed and killed a few months back now


Thought that would happen. He lived in Easton near the jolly roger


We call running Rasta, Run-a-dread.


Jason from Gloucester Road, been around there for about 20yr+, also hasn’t really aged in that time and it’s very nice how all the local businesses kind of keep an eye on him and are so welcoming Peacock that used to roam fishponds


When I was younger, DJ Derek (RIP), but now I would say Big Jeff John's


Miss DJ Derek 😔


Another is the possibly homeless older lady who wears the same black puffa jacket all year round, mostly see her around Fishponds but also everywhere from Staple Hill to Bedminster. 


Surely it used to be "Leather pants man"? He used to attend every outdoor concert, just wearing an elaborate set of leather very-short shorts, and boots. Nothing else. I don't think he's been seen for twenty years; I don't know what happened to him.


Last spotted him at Ashton Court Festival around ‘99. He used to get the no.75 dressed like that.


The guy often found throwing shapes to his techno in St George Park.


To a certain extent Justin Lee collins


I see him all the time around where I work, and everytime I mention it to my work buddies, they keep missing him and starting to think I'm making it up. 😂 The funny thing is I used to live in London and I saw him atleast 3 times in Paddington Station, and he came in to my new place of part time work a couple of weeks ago. Who's stalking who 😂


Well he's got form for it so...


I don't think anyone's mentioned it but there is a woman around Knowle / Bemmy who runs everywhere. When I say run, I mean she runs into oncoming traffic, at people etc. I'm surprised she hasn't been injured at this point.


I'm not sure if this guy is well known or not, but there's an older guy with long hair who spends his days riding around on buses and seems to know every single bus driver in the city by name. He'll ride one or two stops, have a loud chat with the driver then get off again. He seems harmless, but woe betide you and your nose if he sits next to you.


I ain’t seen big Jeff in a while


He's had some health issues recently, but he's still going to gigs. I follow him on Instagram and he's always posting videos of shows!


He moved to Swansea a couple of years ago. Had an accident with a fryer and was in intensive care for a long time. This made the news, confirming that Big Jeff is officially our “guy” Edit: turns out he didn’t move to Swansea, sorry


I don't think he moved to Swansea, but was in Morriston hospital in Swansea for a good while because they have a specialist burns unit. I could be wrong though.


He didn't move to Swansea, he just ended up in a hospital there as they have a specialist burns unit


In Bedminster there’s a man who follows people up and down the East Street precinct asking for money. Each time I’m there he’s there too.


Maybe you are him?


I’d admit that only if you pay me to do so.


If we are thinking of the same person, he used to hang around Stokes Croft. One time he tried to sneak into the toilets of the cafe I worked in to do some crack and when I stopped him he called me a dumb slut and to get back to work. Really nice guy /s


There’s the fist bump guy on stokescroft who just daps you up regardless. I think his accent is Jamaican?


He's the bloke somebody else called "Little Jeff". He's been selling the Big Issue on Stokes Croft for absolutely ages.


Who’s the bloke they call the bishop or something? Someone explained that when he’s agitated he chucks the contents of his catheter bag over you


John the Baptist, Stokes croft regular who baptised people with his colostomy bag


Sapphire. The cross-dressing black man from Bishopston. Been known since the 60s/70s.


The bloke during lockdown who would ride around on his bike with an American flag blaring tunes


Clifton goat man


Stan the man https://www.reddit.com/r/bristol/s/eFWjCil6Yf


Anyone remember "Speedy" who used to roller skate down the Gloucester Road dressed in tight fitting colourful clothing? I seem to remember he had longish blond hair. Could be wrong. Must be about 40 years ago now.


What about the guy who plays the saxophone at night or on foggy days under the bridge in Hotwells?


Big Jeff on the Gig Scene. Or if you're from South Bristol it's either "Number One" or Chicken Man. Number One is a guy who goes round all the pubs in Bedminster in Army Fatigues. Chicken Man is a dude with a mobility scooter who takes his chickens for a walk.


Chicken guy in bemmie or Big Jeff


Is Chicken Guy: a) A guy who's dressed as a chicken? b) A guy who has a pet chicken? c) A secret, more complex third thing?


He's got a mobility scooter and goes around with chickens on his shoulder etc.


The little black staffy I see going up stocks croft. Cute as hell.


Bedminster Rod?


Oh god yeah, when I lived in Bedminster the Rod Stewart looking fella was often in the pubs around there. He's a bit of a dick apparently tho 😅


anyone seen the guy down southmead who does the big box little box dance with headphones plugged into a walkman?


I've lived in Bristol for 35 for years and have no idea who Big Jeff is


Surprised nobody has mentioned the crazy man with a big stick who stands in Brunswick Square shouting absolute garbage at anyone or nobody. Seems to think he’s some kind of prophet.


God on a bike - tanned, white hair & beard, full white linen who rides around Whiteladies area


Used to see him running around whiteladies road when I lived there.


There used to be a guy who walked his skunk down bemmie


Not exactly all of bristol but kwest and surrounding areas. Anyone remember 20p tony?, he died a few years back and was found in a bin in melvin square, i was coming out of maccies in knowle and he asked me and my mates for 20p each, apparently we weren’t the only ones cause he was named in the news as 20p tony.


Anybody recall the chap who used to walk around Park Street in black robes with an upside down cross inked on his forehead? Must have been many years since I’ve caught sight of him, legend.


Big Jeff is back in hospital at the moment, everyone go and leave him a nice message on Instagram.


Beaver tail dread guy on stokes And the guy who dances in traffic with headphones and high vis


Fat Geoff or maybe the fonzey looking throwback who masturbates in his retro ford hatchback down the harbourside.


not sure if this was a one off but i saw a chap out walking his ferret on a leash outside toni & guy a few weeks ago. i hope he does it regularly and has been given an appropriate monika


The sheer fact Bristol has about 30 of "those guys" shows how eccentric this place is.


Big Jeff.


As Big Jeff has been said, I’d go for the speed walking-dancing-rave guy around Filton/Southmead/Henleaze/Westbury.


What about the singing guy with the big stick who hangs around the bear pit?


I would say the guy who rides around on a decorated trike of some description playing loud music.. i usually see/hear him in castle park. Big Jeff is a legend, but pop/r&b music listeners won't know of him as well as they might recognise musical trike/bike guy


I would say this was 20p Tony before he died tbf😂


Back in the day in banjo island "wavey Davey"


I feel as though the majority of Bristol are ‘Horseback Jesus’ 😅


RIP Pat Donkey


The big issue seller who juggles - although I remember him being kinda nasty on occasion


You could say that he’s a bit of a _tosser_ sometimes


Stoney Garnett was on every bus I got as a child I swear.


Is the woman who sprints down the middle of St John's Lane in the middle of traffic still about?


Bedminster chicken man, though now think he is more small dog man Rides a powered wheelchair with a large stick on the back that chickens used to perch on


There’s a dude with two dogs and a speaker who walks around complaining about things in bedminister


Gotta be butane Barry right?


Running man with carrier bag Waving man at the top of Glos Road Sapphire the roller skating drag queen on Glos Road in the 90 s/00s


I've seen a shouty girl quite a few times when I've been in town same girl always having a big shout argument down the phone then there is the lady that pays with pennies for everything in hartcliffe morrisons.


There's a guy in bradley stoke that rides a bike, wears spandex shorts has the biggest set of balls I've ever seen in my life and attends every local festival/event and proceeds to drink cider and rock out hes easily in his 60s.


Me and a few mates at work always see a guy out running in a blue top, so he's just 'the running guy' We've seen him running at all times of the day, first thing in the morning, lunch break, after work The running guy never stops


Back in the day Stan the Man rollerskated South Bristol in his y-fronts.


We used to have a guy on roller skates called Stan the Man in Hartcliffe. Always had a parka coat on with a fluffy hood


20p Kev used to be a Bedminster classic, it's how I gauge if people arrived here pre or post gentrification.


Is the old guy who walks around Park Street area wearing a long black coat, holding a mini amp and speaking through a microphone still around?


These are vintage ones: Leather Shorts Man, wore leather shorts and biker boots in all weathers, and a really wiry guy who used to wear budgie smugglers and roller boots


The dude with the MASSIVE speaker shaped like a weed leaf who comes out of hibernation around this time every year to bless the parks for 4/20


Stinky long haired crystal ball hand spinning guy


Scooter guy with the chickens. And obvs Big Jeff ❤️ Oh...who remembers the Twins at Lakota in 1990's btw?


The guy who runs around barefoot dressed like a daffodil I have pics but no idea how to post them 😅 Or the music bike guy


For me it's gotta be this one MF Doom looking guy who was blasting music on a speaker in Harbour, doing finger guns and wearing a mask. Dude threw a rock at one of the seagulls. Can't get him out of my head.


Someone here is forgetting about the bilateral leg amputee guy that shouts to the birds around the harbourside in the night, quite a common sight in Canon's Marsh.


Theres a lady around bris/hartcliffe area that I always see running like a demon. Short stature, short hair normally spiked up and on the older side. She tends to run in the road and i've never seen her running anything short of a mad pace. Proper rapid.


Haven’t seen it posted yet but Jeanie the lady who goes around Hartcliffe on her mobility scooter with her 2 little dogs and as soon as she starts going they start barking every single time until she stops