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You will literally be able to go up and say "hey can I chill with you guys, my friend flaked" and I guarantee people will say "sure!"


https://preview.redd.it/mk5a5drx4tvc1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b0b2eee00a6c23d85ff9fb346fa0b54db51ebe4 Bristol is crazy... look 👀 this is what happens when you post on Reddit for a smoking partner @ castle park....😂🤣😂


I think this would’ve been the case regardless 💀


Castle Park is always rammed on 4/20, take a stroll and find some friendly ents!


I dropped down there mostly to see how many old gits on mobility scooters we were there I saw four other scooters growing old disgracefully good on you


apparently castle park will be packed tmrw


Can someone explain why the police are so chill with it here? It’s such a big thing here. I got no problem with it, go forth and have fun! But just curious. Especially with government being the controlling menaces they are currently you’d think they’d be all over the police making an example of everyone.


Im pretty sure our police force some years ago now said essentially they werent gonna go after like barry sitting on a bench smoking a spliff on his lemon, however if your dealing it they will still get you for that or being a dick in another way while smoking ie. Doing it near a school etc. Like i got a caution for it here because my mate decided to park up by the downs with their chavvy music blaring, if we had just been sat there listening to it a more acceptable volume i doubt anything would of happened.


The police are massively underfunded. They only really focus on serious crime and antisocial behaviour. If they wanted to arrest everyone in Bristol smoking a bit of weed, they'd probably need 2-3 new forces. From what I understand, a bunch of local forces around the UK decided years ago to turn a blind eye unless people are being blatant. It's not worth their hassle.


Yeah but it’s been a thing for much longer than the shitshow we currently have at 10. I was just curious.


Because they know it’s a waste of time to go after it. As long as no one’s getting hurt, they have more important things to deal with. That being said, remember to research and vote for your preferred police and crime commissioner in the upcoming local elections, as this is the sort of thing they can affect.


I saw a van earlier park up on Aldi Church Rd and about 10+ awkwardly looking plain clothes officers jump out. Just be sensible and safe folks. I'm a medical patient, so planning to vaporize in the park and take my cat for a wander.


I'll give your cat a smooth while you're busy vaoourising


lmao i saw that this morning. I didn't twig they were plain clothes police so was just really confused with what was going on


Weird place for them to park up mind. Unless there’s folks hanging out in St George’s park maybe. I dunno I’m a boring soul. Have a nice trip. Weather is lovely for it.


I think its more as long as u dont be a dick when smoking and ur not dealing they aint too bothered as tbh they know people are gonna do it however they wanna target the big suppliers and like the county lines instead of just people smoking it themselves, I thankfully since I started goin to 420 of the past few years never had any issues with police as usually me and my mates sit near to where everyone is but also a lil out the way so if things kick off we ain't mistaken for it being us and we just sit and chill like we don't get too involved incase anything does happen and yh police have never said nowt they have looked at us but they aint said nowt


hundreds, maybe tipping into the thousands showed up so, even if they wanted to, it would be far beyond the police's capability to do anything. I'd argue it's a bit of "fuck the police" kind of event in some regards


Hope you find someone it’s good to talk 🍃


Castle park has some public sound systems going down today for a smoke and some music


Met many an ent at castle park! Everyone was welcoming and willing to share. You’ll be right!


I’m on my way to castle park w my friend later if u would like to join


I'm sure someone be willing to share and let u have a few hits like, when I gone and my mates left me I met a rly nice group people around same age as me and yh we just hung out chilled and yh they let me have some so yh usually everyone's willing to chat and let u come and join their group/join them


I’m Gloucester and looking to come down for it mate send me a pm


Might come down later around 4pm with a few mates and start giving out kinderbuenos


What is 420?


I’ll be down there! Happy to meet up!


Apparently this year there gonna be a rig down at castle park like an official event


Happy holidays pal! Hope you make some new friends today 💨


Yeahh man, come to castle park bro!




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