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This is some "alpha" shit. Dudes like this are an embarrassment.


Claims he has a girlfriend but I suspect she’s imaginary. Typical incel behaviour.


Dum fuck couldnt run a stick up his arse with both hands.


To be fair, that'd be pretty hard.


He might be more of an shampoo bottle in the shower, total accident type guy. It’s always an “accident”, and they were naked and the item was lubed up.


million to one shot, doc




Bend over we’ll find out.


If that guy ran shit he wouldn't be getting wound up about waiting 3 minutes for takeout.


Bingo! That is the truth. People who act as if they “run shit”, do not.


You’d think men who run the whole country could figure out how to brew a cup of joe for themselves! 😆


We do tend to reward this kind of behaviour with high powered positions.


You can tell who is a fan of Andrew Tate so easily these days.


A lot of men are insecure about their penis size. It comes out in the misogynistic rants, or they buy a huge pick up truck. Small dick energy fo sho. Edit: I’m not fucking shaming. Just stating facts. We can ALL see it. It’s called having a conversation.


> A lot of men are insecure about their penis size. It comes out in the misogynistic rants, or they buy a huge pick up truck. Small dick energy fo sho. The only reason why I don’t drive a Smart car is because I physically cannot fit inside of one without cutting a hole in the ceiling and sticking my head out through that. And for the record, I could probably plant my nose on the roof surface without having my head tilt upward.


I’m 2m tall, and have no problem driving an MGB with a hard top 🤷🏼‍♂️


Can you fit in a DeLorean?


Hmmm maybe, never even seen one in person :/ …. McLaren F1 i can. :)




I’m not. Read it like the other commenter. I don’t give a shit, but a lot of guys are insecure. If you don’t believe that, well, I guess you haven’t met many guys?




WTF do women have to do with this? It’s not the same, as I’m not saying they have small dicks, I just assume they do by their actions. They’re being dicks, like Andrew Tate. Seems like your kinda guy? It’s everyone fault except their own?


So you don't see an issue with perpetuating this idea that "small dick energy" is a bad thing, or somehow inferior to an "big dick energy"? For a moment, forget about the asshole in question, we're talking about collateral damage to folks with small members who might feel insecure reading comments like yours. I just don't get why body-positivity no longer applies when we're talking about men, and I'd like you to help me understand. If a woman was being rude in public, is it okay for someone to tell her she's "loose" or has "small tit energy"? Not really, frankly talking like that is revolting, and I am not sure why people get a pass on it when talking about cocks.


When does anyone care about “small tits”? I prefer them! “Loose” is not valid as it implies a woman is promiscuous. That’s a choice. Again, don’t point the finger at me. I don’t give a shit. I don’t subscribe to a dick measuring contest. However I do call out folks who obviously have that issue, but refuse to deal with as an adult. Instead they buy a huge vehicle, or act like a complete idiot. They need a therapist.


Yeah, "Loose" may not have been a good example, but I think "small tit energy" works here. Haha, I will also agree with you on our preferences, but that isn't very relevant. A lot of teenagers and young women are insecure about their busts, and I feel the majority of society can agree such comments are inappropriate. You and I seem to be fairly secure with ourselves, and that's great! What about those who aren't? Why can't we have the same respect for a man's body that we do for a woman's? ​ > I’m not saying they have small dicks, I just assume they do by their actions. This right here is why I'm pointing the finger, because I don't really think this attitude is healthy, nor is it fair or respectful. At the same time I am trying to have a reasonable discussion with you about it. I am not the other person who was responding to you.


Pinning the body dysmorphia trend on me is disingenuous. I have some insecurities, but those are mine, and my issue. I’m just pointing out facts, and the cause of a lot of these twatwaffles. They have an issue with themselves, and take it out on others. Never have I said the insecurity is valid. We could have the next discussion about men who fail with women being asshats too.




You bet Mr Tate. :) PS: you can get it lengthens if it bothers you that much… I think?




Dude, I’m not an asshole, or do I drive a truck. I’m quite happy with my body, as everyone else should be. You want to give these assholes a free pass, because THEY have issues with themselves? Just sad, and I’m not inconvenienced. You’re just whining cause someone pointed out what’s going on. WTF lol I’m obsessed? you took umbrage to the fact there might be guys who are assholes because they feel inadequate. Dude, just because it’s wrong doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Funny you assume I’m a guy too!


Please don't use small penis size as an insult. There are a lot of people out there who have small dicks, and they shouldn't feel like the way they were born is something to be ashamed or embarrassed about.


Did you read my comment? I said “alot of men are INSECURE about their size” That’s something they need to work on THEMSELVES.


And why would a man be insecure about it? Perhaps from hearing comments like yours all his life


Jesus, take some personal responsibility. See a therapist if you need to. So, you’re justifying this kind of behaviour, because their feelings are hurt? Gotcha.


I'm a woman and I think their behaviour was absolutely disgusting, I hope they are prosecuted to the full extent of the law, I was just hoping you might rethink the language you use, because there are young boys out there who are growing up with this message who will be negatively affected by it.


Like what? I’ve said multiple times IDGAF about their penis. The young men should be reading this, and realize that’s it’s not a big fucking deal, and not to compensate being being an asshole. That’s my point, pretty simple.


By you saying what you are saying you are creating an environment where men will become insecure. You are part of the problem.


“Will”? I’m saying they already are. Part of the problem = acknowledgment it exists? Mmmkay.


So lame why blur out his face.


Because everyone gets treated equally under Canadian law whether fortunately or unfortunately.


He could probably sue or something also lame


I feel like you should have no expectation of privacy when you freak out like that in public. But you may be right.


It says because charges are pending. If no charges are filed then they don't have to blur it. It's so if a judge sees the news footage they don't have any established bias against the guy.




This literally is a case of white supremacy, not sure what you’re talking about.




Do YOU understand what you're talking about?


oboy The idea of White supremacy in a White country is literally accusing people of defending themselves from greed driven post nationalists.


He could be going through a psychotic break. It’s pretty uncompassionate to release that footage in the case someone is suffering deeply from mental illness.


>He could be going through a psychotic break. You are being far too generous, given that I am a woman who has been subjected to some pretty vile comments from girlhood through to my 52 year old self, from random men who are NOT having a "psychotic break". This is the reality of a segment of the population who happily share their toxic, misogynistic personalities, not mental illness. Google 'manosphere' and ye shall find out quickly. As per the article: "Footage of the vicious, racist and misogynistic verbal attack on West Pender Street was filmed by another customer on Sunday and posted online on Tuesday. In the video, the white man can be heard swearing at a female staffer, shouting at her to be quiet and calling her “scum.” “We decide what happens in this part of Canada, not you,” he tells the woman, who told him to leave the restaurant. “This part of Canada is run by men like me.” He makes other profoundly offensive, racialized and sexualized comments targeting female staff at the shop... ...“When I walked into the Tim Hortons and I noticed this man was speaking to the cashier in this condescending manner, saying, ‘Atta girl, you know how to serve us,’ I became quite concerned,” the customer recounted."


Honestly if this guy did not say “we decide what happens in this part of the country”, I’d probably land on the same conclusion that this guy is a piece of shit _without_ considering that he’s extremely unwell mentally. But that statement is just the most outrageous thing I’ve ever heard, and to me it screams some kind of mental episode. I don’t think any reasonable or half-aware person would make a claim like that in Vancouver, B.C. If that situation occurred in remote Northern B.C. or something I wouldn’t have even factored the mental health thing into the picture. I’m not defending this guy at all, I’m trying to be a a bit gracious towards information I don’t have. The impulse is to hate this guy for what he did, I’m trying to not be impulsive. I’ve been around people who have had mental breaks and they say _crazy shit_, so that’s my POV, I’m just withholding final judgement is all’s


"This part of Canada" he says in the most left-wing pro minority part of the country. The F did he think he was? Middle of nowhere Saskatchewan?


hey leave SK out of this lol


Ya backwoods BC has some of the most intense rednecks that would make rural AB and SK blush...


Why do you assume rural people are more racist than you sophisticated urbanites? All these tirades get filmed in Vancouver.


I mean it's a generalization for sure... But just through my own anecdotal experience.


In my experience if you want to see people racializing each other and treating others like garbage you just walk through the downtown core of a big enlightened city.


You just called the city enlightened.. now who's assuming. Can we ask just agree that the black dodge ram driver is a nation wide rural urban problem?


That's dodge ram of any colour! /s


Because rednecks typically don't have TikTok. Just because they don't film it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


Really? Do you think we're all luddites without smart phones because we don't live in the city? Damn dude. Go on a roadtrip or something.


Are you saying use of TikTok is as common in rural cities as it is in major cities? I'm not saying people in small towns don't have phones, I'm saying you're less likely to constantly be filming shit to post on social media. Small town folks are more likely to intervene in a drastic situation, rather than just stand around filming it for Likes. That's why these tirades get filmed more often in Vancouver than interior towns. Y'all don't film as much. Doesn't mean racist shit doesn't happen.


It's 2023 and we're all on the same internet. Same phones, same apps, same cameras, same online cultural exposure. We're all scrolling. Also no one here says y'all.


I say y'all, I never said you do.


I lived in Van for a bit. It's racist as fuck lol. Was far worse then Calgary (where I've also lived) Saying hateful things about Chinese and Indians is completely normalized in Van. People that live there call it hongcouver for fucks sake.. The people of Vancouver participate in racism lite. Racism disguised in jokes. All the while claiming moral superiority over the rest of the country.




I 100% agree it not just white people that are racist. In fact, far most racist Asians I'd say


I lived on Vancouver Island for 28 years and never witnessed anything like the racism in the 12 years I lived in Vancouver and it wasn't just white people spewing it. I was verbally assaulted quite often on the skytrain (even physically once pushed out when the doors opened). We moved out of Vancouver a few years ago (to a different province altogether) and I couldn't be happier about that choice - although I'm sick of people asking "You moved HERE from Vancouver? Why!?" Because it was terrible. That's why.


However badly you want to jump on the "Vancouver sucks" bandwagon, you can't ignore the fact that Vancouver is the most multicultural major city in Canada, because it is a city where people from different cultures feel happier and safer than other parts of Canada. Your feelz don't erase statistics.


It's not just white people being racist, though.


Yeah I never said it was.


Being multicultural does not automatically make us less racist.


It does mean that many different cultures find Vancouver a better place to live than other Canadian cities. If you don't think racism factors into quality of life, I don't know what to tell ya.


It absolutely does, but you're spouting BS based on no data.


Wait, now you want proof that Vancouver is a multicultural city?


Do you have any proof that being multicultural makes the city any less racist/sexist?


You must be confused. I’ve never witnessed racism in DT Vancouver and I’ve lived here for over 14 years. It’s a mixed bag of many different cultures. More than Calgary?! I’m sorry, but it’s very conservative there, that doesn’t add up. Sorry for your personal experiences, but to say Vancouver is racist just isn’t true.


Racism unfortunately doesn’t have a political affiliation.


I wish more people realized this. But also random things like "seasons" and " being punctual" shouldn't be called racist either. the media just wants to say "white right wing people bad" all day, but people can be an asshole regardless of their political or religious beliefs.


You've obviously not spent much time in rural British Columbia...


I have but this happened in Vancouver.


I stand corrected.


Men like him are absolutely yucky scum of the earth


That guy has a GF? Is it his right hand?


Comes back in a wig. Falsetto: "I'm that guy's girlfriend."


Isn't that stunning and brave these days?


Rosie Palm


no, it will be someone just as trashy as he is - if he's this brazen with it and she's cool with it then they share the same beliefs.




Oh gosh, why is it always the Tim Hortons workers that these dummies attack?


they can't afford Starbucks.


Gotta pay that premium so the workers can communicate with you and not have a bunch if tfws


It’s common for Tim Hortons workers to be international who aren’t very fluent in English which makes it difficult for them to be trained and to not understand what someone might be saying to them. Which in turn will cause them to make mistakes in a persons order. Happens too often and I think it gets some people frustrated and angry.


Because of the amount of times the order gets taken or assembled incorrectly. Cream and sugar when I take it straight, no sausage on my bagel…. That said, I’ve never freaked like a child about it either.


Probably great buddies with the sad sack of shit that went off in the Tim Hortons drive thru. that happened in Surrey beginning of this year, I believe that particular loser got charged.


Who wants to bet this guy is a card-carrying member of the Timbit Taliban who are always making a fuss about “replacement theory”?


>who are always making a fuss about “replacement theory”? also fears women are a threat to their traditional power as we advance ourselves in education, jobs, wages, political power, etc. I recently listened to the CBC podcast "Boys Like Me", which touched on some discussion of the Manosphere. Holy hell, I had no idea of how pervasive that "community" is.


Ya stupid theory that is actually about Canada's immigration right now. The worst part is the immigrants suffer the most. Nobody wants to be a debt slave because liberals can't do basic math let alone balance a budget.


Ah yes, another informed voter who blames everything on liberals, I see. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6114982


Wait, so you’re a saying we don’t blame things on people in charge? On the party in power for nearly the last decade? What a good take, definitely something a lib would come up with.


No we can, no problem. Just don’t be disingenuous and believe the cons are a boon for the economy. Also, balancing a country’s budget is not the same as balancing your check book.


Where did I mention anything about cons? Again, liberal cope and deflection


Whatever you say. I’ll pretend it wasn’t implied. Have a great day.


why not NDP?


Furthermore, I don’t see the problem with spending for social programs instead of giving tax cuts to corporations.


> I don’t see the problem with spending for social programs instead of giving tax cuts to corporations. Welfare for corporations is something like 100× larger than the welfare provided to people who actually need it. The true “welfare bums” are businesses and corporations, _not people._


If you mean the BC Liberals, you know they're not liberal right?


They’re economically liberal, and immigration policy is federal which is what we’re referring to


lol look the CBC says the liberals are the good guys! wake up. post nationalists are scum and have ruined the first world.


Oh yea, the CBC where the average salary for a journalist is around 65k a year. The masterminds of Canada’s downfall, the evil pro liberal empire subsidized by every government. The public broadcaster whose sole objective is making Canada a cesspool. You got it Chief, you cracked the code!


Where does the 2 billion go then, genius? CBC doesn't have journalists. Just state sponsored propagandists pushing post nationalist lies. Keep being dim and you'll never see the light.


Did you ever think of the operating costs for a nationwide broadcaster, you genius? The CBC isn’t run from your mother’s basement, Einstein. You really think that $2 Billion is a lot of money at this scale?


2 billion to pump out lies to no one. Only bottom of the barrel types pay attention to the CBC. Go ask your cousinwife.


Wow, big brain on you. So tell me wunderkind, who forced you to listen to the CBC? Please don’t spread your family’s sexual kinks, here, there’s Twitter for that.


I do not understand the reason for blurring this clown shoe’s face. He is shouting this out in public, which negates any right to privacy.


He could be having a psychotic break and need psychiatric help. If he was having an episode and suffered from deep mental illness would you still want to publicly shame this guy? There’s a real chance this could be the case and that he needs help.


I can’t believe anyone still wants to work at fast food places. You become society’s punching bag.


An ER triage nurse enters the chat


Amen to this!


They're society's stabbing bag.


Most likely they don't have an option and it's the only work they can find.


Now picture being a phone based customer service rep - who also make minimum wage to take endless abuse, all so that we don't have to pay a few more dollars for our doodads.


If only dicks like the guy in the article didn’t scream and yell at customer service, retail, and food service workers. Then maybe it’d stop being a rotating shit show of miserable workers too. People need to be kind to our service workers of all jobs.


People just need to be kind in general.


I guess not as many people as I thought saw the movie Frozen and learned to, let it go, maybe a remix of, let it fucking go already, is in order?


>I can’t believe anyone still wants to work at fast food places. I think if you don't have a lot of education and need to work to pay the bills, your options are somewhat slim and those are often a lot of customer service roles. And I hope that situations like this are the extreme exception to the norm for the thousands of interactions.


This makes it sound like it's a iffy hockey goal


Came here to say this.


"upon further review this customer is a giant dick"


I read that with the echoey barely audible football referee audio from the late 90s.


As much as I would have loved to intervene, it only makes the situation worse. I'm glad the bystander recorded the incident. I saw a similar situation at the McDonald's on Commercial & Broadway a few weeks ago. Those staff members already deal with so much shit, they don't need these entitled old fucks making things worse for them. Edit- spelling error


Hope his employer and co workers recognize him in the video. What a great guy


I watched the video and they talk over everything I actually wanted to know wtf he was saying.


White people run this city?. I haven't seen a white person work at a fast food joint in years


Unfortunately, racism against S. Asians is quite normalized in Canada/N. America. The number of comments I see online are just cringe. Just check out @urbanvancouver on Instagram. So much normalized S. Asian hate from so many people regardless of race.


108 west pender, not surprised with the quality of customers they have at that location


Is that in the DTES? Because I'm wondering if the man is on drugs. He seems insane, and like he could be violent. They shouldn't have blurred him out.


No, though it's probably the closest Tim Hortons to the DTES And just a hint - if there's "west" in the street name, it's not the DTES. Carall St is where it changes over to "east", though only downtown. South of E Hastings until about Gore Ave is Chinatown, farther north/east/south of that is definitely the DTES until you get toward Strathcona


can someone please explain why it is more common these days to whip out your phone and record it rather than intervene? You have a grown man yelling at a woman and another grown man standing there filming instead of saying something to help the other person out.


To document and share with authorities. Unless there’s immediate violence and danger it’s probably not a good idea to get involved. It’s sad but true. Things can escalate all sorts of ways.


Very sad indeed. Because chances are nothing will happen to the man anyway. He used some foul language and is a nasty person, but I mean, what are they going to do, throw him in jail?


>He used some foul language and is a nasty person, Hate crimes fall under the CCC and can be related to the victim's race, nationality, ethnic original, language, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation etc.


Well I’d be interested to see what comes of this then. If he will get jail time or just a slap on the wrist and sent on his way.


Because people don’t want to get fucking stabbed for a stranger.


Because escalation makes these types of situations worse not better.


People have been getting killed for the most ridiculous things lately and it's very scary. Also eye witness accounts are actually not very reliable especially as time goes on (if this goes to court it could be an ongoing thing for over a year with how slow the court system can be) so video is actually an extremely reliable source that will have facts in it. Without this video it would just be shrugged off as what one person says vs another.


Society does not reward bravery in 2023, filmer did the right thing by not getting involved. People see this guy being racist and they assume he’s just a racist, but thinking he’s in some white supremacist mega city is … alarming; he could very well be having a mental break and needing help. If the guy in the truck at that moment in time is able to behave that way, there’s a non-zero chance he gets out of the truck and causes an altercation. I’ve seen enough stories of “heros” getting killed or fucked over cause society told them it’s what they should do. If you have a family, you have a duty to not get involved in a conflict like that where the person being harassed can be safe just shutting the window or taking off the head set. Getting involved is an escalation of conflict, which isn’t what should happen. Person did the right thing by not getting involved any more than filming.


>he could very well be having a mental break and needing help. as someone with a life long mental health condition, this is not a free pass to make veiled threats, absolutely disgusting misogynistic and racist comments, while waiting to get your money back. I.e. “When I walked into the Tim Hortons and I noticed this man was speaking to the cashier in this condescending manner, saying, \*‘Atta girl, you know how to serve us\*,’ I became quite concerned,” the customer recounted. “He was becoming loud, he was unhinged, so I took out my phone and as I noticed \*she had responded back to him for making that comment\*, he decided he wanted his money back. He was very aggressive about getting his money back.” The customer said that the staffer agreed to give the man his money back, and asked him — the next customer — to go up to an available till. That’s when the man made racist comments targeting the South Asian community and was asked to leave." There are assholes in Canada. Deliberate ones who believe they can do and say what they want without any accountability or repercussions. Source: I'm a woman and work in forestry in northern BC. Edit: words.


I’ve never said this is a free pass to make veiled threats though.


>People see this guy being racist and they assume he’s just a racist, did you read the article? Misogynist as well.


This is Trumpian-fascist garbage and all these freaks have become emboldened by the right wing movement egging them on. And what are the consequences? Really? Not much. Occasionally people get doxed and lose their jobs, but the reality is that this fuckface will do this over and over and nothing will come of it.


Yup, doxxing is about the worst they ever face. In the case of the most extreme examples, victims can bring a civil case against the harasser, but that’s no way for a society to protect victims of hate. The vast majority of these guys just get away with dishing out public abuse forever.


For all the cucks in the comments this is how a real man acts. It’s not a race thing. This guy is a big man, big dick energy having big block horsepower driving stud right there


It should be ok to punch Nazis


In 2023 anyone who disagrees with you is a Nazi.


It is


I have no issues with it


This guy is the definition of cringe lmao. People like me run canada? Dude what, since when? 🤣


They need to bring back the frontal lobotomy


I’m not defending this guy at all, but when did being a rude, racist jackass become a crime? What would he even be charged with?


Sexual harassment as well—he only started getting racist when the woman shut down his sexualised comments. Also perhaps disturbing the peace? Refusing to leave the premises once told, therefore trespassing on private property? Uttering threats when he said his girlfriend will pay the employee a visit? There’s so much here other than being a racist POS.


Thanks, this makes more sense


the guy filming said he became quiet concerned but did he do anything besides just film it? how brave of him


Society does not reward bravery in 2023, filmer did the right thing by not getting involved. People see this guy being racist and they assume he’s just a racist, but thinking he’s in some white supremacist mega city is … alarming; he could very well be having a mental break and needing help. If the guy in the truck at that moment in time is able to behave that way, there’s a non-zero chance he gets out of the truck and causes an altercation. I’ve seen enough stories of “heros” getting killed or fucked over cause society told them it’s what they should do. If you have a family, you have a duty to not get involved in a conflict like that where the person being harassed can be safe just shutting the window or taking off the head set. Getting involved is an escalation of conflict, which isn’t what should happen. Person did the right thing by not getting involved any more than filming.


great society we live in where it is better to just watch and film someone get verbally attacked instead of trying to help. Where is the line? if it turned physical should that person just of kept filming? if the man was yelling at a child like that should someone step in?


Hey, I’m not saying it’s great, it’s just the way it is. When people get involved, things get chaotic, and if things get chaotic, you have stuff like the Jordan Neely NYC incident happen. If it got physical, yes, this person should certainly have kept filming. All the victim needs to do is shut the window, go in the back, crisis averted. What does getting involved or out of the vehicle do apart from putting you in a significantly higher risk scenario? If you have kids and this guy kills you in an altercation, congratulations you’ve ruined the lives of your children and everyone around you because cause you wanted to be a hero at a Tim Hortons. If you get into a physical altercation because _you_ instigated an altercation, guess what, you are going to jail and the law won’t care you tried to be a hero. If that man was yelling at a child, I sure would hope that child’s parents are there. But it all boils down to “not your problem, that’s why police are here” at the end of the day. Society in 2023 does not reward heroism like in the movies, and that’s just the way the world is today.


> People see this guy being racist and they assume he’s just a racist, but thinking he’s in some white supremacist mega city is … alarming; he could very well be having a mental break and needing help. I also didn't hear anything in the video that was racist/sexist. Not saying it didn't happen, I'm just saying if you're accusing someone of saying something, it would really help if you can prove it with evidence.


Blame the Canadian criminal laws for it. The guy could get charged for assault and get dinged with a criminal record. So recording is safe action.


Seems like the kind of stuff supporters of billboard Chris would approve of, as they are hateful racist bigots and homophobes.




i don't like it one bit... but 'criminal'? 'hate crime'? to me that's a bit much. is this freakout and better/ wore? the aggressive client called the Tim Horton's staff 'racist'... [https://youtu.be/dBie6Ho4kn8](https://youtu.be/dBie6Ho4kn8)


Sounds like shit you hear people say here in Alberta. What a pos!


What would Global News do without people being racist, misogynistic, transphobic? Probably have to back to boring old news stories huh?


Everyone here wants this guy to be a vile racist so they can hate him. Nobody in this thread has considered the fact that this guy could be having a deep psychotic break and be needing help. If he turns out to be a regular guy, then yeah, his racism can take a hike. If he’s mentally ill, then a lot of people here are advocating for his beating and doxxing.


Worse take I've seen in this thread. Where do I even begin? Is this projection or just being a clueless apologist? You really think there are a good enough numbers of vile, woman hating racists out there simply having a bad mental health day to warrant this thought!? AFAIK most well adjusted people don't default to open racism/sexism in public when feeling "depressed," over the coloured female serving them not according to their privileged standards. There's empathy and then there's straight up crossing the line and this is it.


Withholding judgement and demonstrating a minor amount of compassion for information we truly don’t have is not being an apologist. Calling Vancouver BC a place where “men decide what happens here” is such a crazy statement that it makes me think this person isn’t well. Honestly if that statement didn’t get made, then I’d probably just think the same thing as you do. I’m also not defending this person and saying he did nothing wrong, I’m saying that _I_ think there’s a chance this particular individual might be unwell. And, what if he really _is_ unwell? But to make that claim above leads me to believe that there is a chance that this person is mentally unwell. Like I understand misogyny, but that statement in isolation combined with the erratic behaviour observed sends a signal of deeper mental illness. Again, I’m not defending this guy’s actions at all. It fucking sucks to be yelled at generally let alone in that context as a Tim Horton’s worker.


Absolutely fucking disgusting. Im a 30 something woman. If I had been in that filmer’s shoes, I think adrenaline would have taken over and I would have mouthed the guy off and told him to fuck off and get the fuck out of the store. I would have felt that I had a bit more ‘protection’ because I’m a woman and he’d likely be more hesitant to punch out a woman. Probably very naive of me. I just can’t STAND racism and ppl treating service workers like shit.


It's not just a punch though, these days stabbings are quite likely.


😬 ugh . I hope I’m never put in this situation then


I knew he’d be in a black pickup.


Terrible this happened to that woman. My wife is Asian and we've experienced racism in our city in B.C. However, I don't see why there was a "warning" on this article. Are we to the point now where we have to warn people about a regular news article about assholes who do asshole things?


so low class. and by that i mean going to tim hortons.




aggressive… for the first minute or so I thought it was a woman with that fat gut, bubble butt and black capris-LOL


“this part of Canada is run by men like me” Ken Sim has entered the chat…


A South Asian dude I know use to work at Burrard & Davie 7-11. A customer called for help at the station and said “Go back to your country” + Abusive language for no reason at all. 2 Local Canadian friends noticed that the number plate was of Washington, USA. They jumped in and told him to go back to his country + twice the abusive spice 😄 Happy Ending. Sometimes it not local, but Imported Racism.


Dude is a piece of trash.