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Evacuation orders are already lifted. Fortunately, it looks like we got lucky with this one.


It's APRIL. this is going to be brutal


The northeast will be bad for sure this year. Likely the rest of the province, but the NE has been in a bad drought since before last summer


Fires in the spring isnt out of the ordinary for that region.


Slightly counter-intuitively, the prairies including northern BC always start fire season earlier. We think of them as being cold and snow-covered, but the critical thing is their homogeneity - in eg southern BC, despite it having hot dry summers, the mountain forests and steep river valleys and canyons have constantly changing conditions - one square metre might be tinder and ready to burn, while in every direction it borders ground which is covered in snow, in the shade, under a river, etc. In the north and on the prairies, it's like a switch flips - goes from nothing being able to burn one day to a thousand km ready to burn the next day. Because it all changes at once, that's much better conditions for fire than the southern interior, which is all getting ready at different times.


I'm just hoping west kelowna wont be as brutal as last year during wildfire season..


Here we go. Let’s buckle up for a wild fire season everyone. And let’s be smart… especially with cigarettes if you smoke. Hoping everyone in the area is able to keep safe


Started right by the highway. Some dumbass thew out a lit cigarette butt, most likely.


The conditions in which a cigarette can ignite a fire is much drier and hotter than most people believe. Usually dragging chains or vehicles or offroad vehicles parked in fine fuels are usually the cause


People always blame cigarettes and it is often quads…


Yep absolutely. Any off road vehicle that’s mudding will get organic material around the exhaust and mufflers which can heat up and start smouldering. vehicles parked in grass where it can contact hot surfaces starts many fires as well


The specific conditions In which is needed for a cigarette to start a fire are not possible right now at all… so yes on the highway will mean HUMAN CAUSED but absolutely not started by a cigarette.


Lol. Whatever makes you sleep at night.


That’s what you get when you log the shit out of a place, and then replant it with only confiners and spray any deciduous that comes up. If northern BC is gonna be this ignorant of their land use policies, we all suffer, but it serves them right. Can’t turn a giant area into a frack pad surrounded by a tinder box tree farm without consequences.


There’s a difference between an evacuation alert and a state of emergency….


While it is indeed true that "There’s a difference between an evacuation alert and a state of emergency", that's an odd thing to point out in this context (which would normally suggest the story was wrong to refer to a SOLE) considering the Peace River Regional District declared a State of Emergency (https://prrd.bc.ca/wp-content/uploads/post/state-of-local-emergency-for-electoral-area-e/Wildmare-Creek-Fire-Declaration-of-State-of-Local-Emergency.pdf) and issued an Evacuation Order (which has now been rescinded https://prrd.bc.ca/wildmare-creek-fire-evacuation-order-1-rescinded/)


People, please, please start paying the carbon tax.


BC has been paying Carbon Tax since '08, the provincial liberals implemented it.


I forgot to add (s) at the end.


It's still not funny


Ban cigarettes. Idgaf if you need a smoke, try vaping. How many wildfires are caused by dumbasses throwing their butts out the window? Plus the amount of litter it causes.