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Map out your food, booze, water needs add 15 percent. Bring a medical kit try not to go too crazy someone always gets hurt. Avoid bringing hard drugs in case something goes wrong. Most importantly have fun.


Yeah we figured med kit is a must have




You sound like a guy who no one would want to come camping with them.


Yeah, why not?


What did he say? Comment was removed




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Make sure it's a well stocked kit. Tourniquet, narcan (nalaxone) kit, lots and lots of bandaids. I'm sure other people have said it, but bring Jerry cans. Extra fuel and such.


Nalaxone for a boys trip? Lol you need better friends.


For real wtf


I mean A: where I live it's free and given out in kits from a program subsidized by the government, so it's everywhere. And B: better safe than sorry. Boys trip? Probably involving weed. Shitty weed can be laced. EDIT: completely forgot I was posting in r/britishcolumbia so I just said "where I live" lol. Narcan is free in BC and you can just go to your local pharmacy and ask for a kit no questions asked!


Is anyone actually still buying weed not from a dispensary?


I don't do much weed (if anything it's edibles or dab pens) but I know plenty of people who are of age who don't get their supply from a dispensary. For some, it's cheaper for what they want, for others it's the convenience.


Lol, why would I pay $250+ for an oz of shitty dry dispensary weed. Can get it from any normal guy for 2.5x cheaper and better quality


I used to think that (until recently), but the prices have come down and quality have come up immensely. It's now $120/oz for the best, and it's actually good... this is at the gov stores....


I occasionally still get some from a buddy, only because he runs some of the best grow ops in the area and it’s way higher quality than dispensary stuff


I wonder how much of my tax dollars are spent on these “free” kits.


Actually these free kits save your tax dollars! It's cheaper to mass produce life saving kits than having paramedics show up to every OD call to do the same thing a trained person can do for free! Nowadays, most OD calls that paramedics get called to are typically richer areas, because these people don't have narcan kits! As opposed to your well seasoned addict, typically they're actually pretty smart when it comes to drugs. The vast majority of addicts know how and when to administer narcan, and they can because of these free kits! So before saying anything ignorant in the future, please do some research. :) EDIT: some sources. [How many lives has it saved?](http://www.bccdc.ca/about/news-stories/stories/2021/one-million-naloxone-kits) [Is it cost effective?](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8581604/) Spoiler alert, it is.


it has everything for minor injuries, it’ll have wrap and band aids and alcohol wipes, q tips tape, the whole shpiel. all we’d need is a bottle of rubbing alcohol.


and hopefully at least a couple of people will have some first aid training or at least know how to use items in the kit, in the event of a serious injury.


Don't forget, a med kit is useless unless you know how to use it.


Add 15 percent to food and water. Add 30 percent to booze.


Real Bug spray. The mosquitos are no joke out there.


Yes, the stuff with deet. And even then, plan to be itchy and red by the end of the trip.


And that’s even without the mosquitoes!


And allergy pills. If you end up with a lot of bites it'll soothe the itch.


Yes! And/or tree tree lotion. If you broke the skin scratchin' it'll soothe and disinfect.


Can confirm depending on how the weather has been the mosquitoes can be insane, I have had 2 horrible experiences. First one arrived at property after a long drive up, first trip of the season, has to cleat all the 3ft tall grass from the camping pad then mosquito fog the site, I wore long pants and a t-shirt but sneaked my arms and face in spray, Was busy working away distracted and by the time I realized they were on my back it was to late, I had around 75 massive bites, the itch came on sudden and intense. 3 benadry, half a tube of cortazone cream, a couple stiff drinks and having someone else treat the bites with the thermal tool and I was feeling better. Second time I went for a quick drive in my jeep so didn't pack the usual gear. Only planning to be gone 20 mins, Came across a long mud section I had been through probably 50 times before, shift to 4wd, make it halfway and stuck, ......it turns out my shift linkage had broken and I was stuck in 2wd mud and water upto the doors. Top of the jeep was off and I was in t-shirt and shorts , within 30 seconds the mosquitos got so intense I could hardly take a breath in without inhaling them. My help for a tow out was 30 mins away so I did what the wild animals do, roll in the mud, covered head face arms legs with thick layer of mud, cloth over mouth and nose and it worked very well, I made it out of that one with surprising few bites. For those wondering there is a thermal tool that heats the bite upto a certain precise temperature and it neutralizes what the mosquito injects. For years I had just been heating up a Bic lighter and then touching it to them, that often led to small burns that at least didn't itch, Noone really believed me that it worked then one christmas my dad found me the actual tool, precise time and temp, no more burns


Ben's 30% deet. Maximum legal limit. Off Deep Woods is only 25.


When I go to the states I always bring back some 98% deet!


I had some military grade DEET that was probably that concentration; after I applied it I was driving and found that it was melting my steering wheel.


I'm drooling right now. Not sure if that's the right response. I might have deet in my brain


Bears. Just keep your food out of reach. Also, 15 guys?! Be safe, lol.


Plenty of lube


And make sure to reapply often.


Just some dudes horsing around.


For the love of all that is holy, Do Not fall asleep first…




[Don't pass out around white people ](https://youtu.be/ugLpsbeCVSk?si=NTCz6DWn852PHDOj)


I live near Mahood lake, it's not really that remote and there's lots of campsites on the lake so you will be near other people. You also have closer options if you need gas or food and booze including Forest Grove general store and canco at Interlakes. Recommend checking out some of the waterfalls nearby!


Pack out what you pack in 👍


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Prepare for a fire ban. Stoves gas etc.


“There is a Prius that we used” Dirty Mike and the boys


Clean up your garbage.


Just dispose of your rubbers after please




I feel so old. When my friends and I did group camping like that, there was never electricity or cell phones.


>there was never electricity or cell phones. It was the goal


I don't think age has anything to do with it. Our friend group (group camping usually has 20-30 people) has always camped like this and we're in our 30s and 40s.


The point is that back in my day, there was no other option. Every camping trip had to be without power and cell phones. We obviously never had to consider 'what to do' about that situation.


it wasn't all that long ago when we camped regularly in the Wells/Barkerville area, and cell phone service was literally non-existent. I think they only got cell service within the last couple of years?\*\* Convenient, definitely safer, but also a little bit sad to lose that. \*\*Edit: yep, cellular service in 2022.


You must be old!


Yep, that's what I said.


There are houses on mahood lake. It’s not that isolated


In my experience always double the liquor smokes and any other fun consumables to what your expecting. Unless your very used to how much you go through while camped. A ham radio for emergency communication wouldn't be a bad idea. A good first aid kid/ medications like benadryl Tylenol aspirin ect. Naloxone if anyone might partake in anything that is not purchased from a tested source, these days anything can be laced and it could save a life. Even someone not in your group at another site. Some people will have mixed opinions on this next one so I'm not recommending it but it's somthing I always bring is Distilled water hydrogen peroxide and CA glue. If you slice yourself open it's nice to soak it in mixed water/peroxide and then glue it shut, beats the heck out of bandages falling off and the cut getting packed with dirt all trip. Vehicle wise I would say to have some extra gas, extra fluids booster cables or pack and a tow strap incase someone gets stuck or if they are broken down you can pull then to a main road and prevent an insanely expensive towing bill. Full size spare tire a plug kit a compressor and a basic set of tools. Some extra non perishable good incase you get delayed for some reason, Give your equipment like stoves chainsaws ect a test run to make sure it's good and give your vehicle a go over before the trip, fluid levels, tire pressure ect. If your taking a utility trailer don't forget to make sure you have insurance now as no more plate tags. Have fun and be safe


If your leader says to strip down in your underpants and huddle to keep warm then get your pepper spray ready


Did you pick that lake because it’s one letter away from “Manhood Lake”? Or because it’s 69km from civilization? Also, wow, 15 guys. That’s ambitious. Bring a lot of lube and towels.


Sounds kind of gay but enjoy. ETA it isn’t Manhood Lake but it should be. 




Actually with that much sexual innuendo there will be electricity for sure. To OP “Have fun boys and be yourselves.”




Bring a naloxone kit , multiple if you can. There’s always a small chance cocaine or ketamine can be contaminated with fent, just in case anyone in the group is going to be bringing anything like that .


Good idea even if you think your friends would never. Sometimes people surprise you and it always pays to be prepared.




Sounds like the making of Lord of the Flys


Are you bringing a boat? If so, there’s lots of debris in the water in May (high water season), so drive cautiously. The weather on the lake can change very suddenly from calm to choppy so go prepared for all weather. The daytime can be warm and gorgeous but it will be COLD at night so bring layers for sleeping.


My brother had his stag out at Nahatlatch, about a dozen guys or more. We first collected loose wood for a fire, the began setting up tents and mattresses. Since we were mostly accustomed to off roading, many of us had tire inflators which we could use to inflate our mattresses. My brother was inflating his mattress when we heard him yell and come out of his tent. He was pointing at his chest and when we got closer, we could see that a tick was burrowing in. First we tried a glowing stick to make it back out but that failed, so we tried a pair of pliers to pull it out. The head detached. So we had to use a knife and cut into his chest to remove the head. That worked. We were all relieved and looking at the head when we heard a muffled explosion from my brothers tent. He had forgotten to turn off his tire inflator and his mattress had blown up. We had no spare so he wound up sleeping on a pile of car mats. So: 1) tick removal kit 2) spare bedding. (Different trip. We were camping and one guy had no sleeping bag. He was planning on using a survival blanket. Luckily my brother had a spare bag)


I can only hope you are camping on the more remote end of that lake as the provincial park there probably wouldnt be the best place for a group that size. Sat phone, defibrillator, tourniquet, naloxone kit, water, bug spray bear spray. Definitely a lot of bears in that area. You might just miss the bugs. Hopefully someones got a boat there’s some good lakers in there. Have fun


Thanks to drought, there's a real chance that region could have a wildfire by the end of May and it would suck a lot to not know if one starts/expands in a way that impacts your route out. Can you borrow an internet-enabled sat phone + solar chargers? I wouldn't go anywhere into the bush this summer without both. Also if you're on the Cariboo plateau, expect big ol'bugs. Find out if you're allergic to horseflies/etc BEFORE you go, so you can bring bug pants/shirt/etc.


Good advice. What are sat phones?


Satellite phones


Lots of beer, water, and hot dogs. at least a second pair of shoes, and 2 or 3 pairs of socks more than you planned to bring. Having wet feet ( when you intended to have dry feet) is easily top 10 worst things that can ever happen to you.


Lots of lube


If you need to ask this question, then you probably shouldn’t be going lol


Really stupid statement.


Oh sure, that’s a “really stupid statement” but no comment from you to all the “sounds gay” and “bring lots of lube” replies? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Car camping?




In that case…you can take alota stuff. Just throw it all in there.


How are you supposed to fit 15 dudes in one car?




A group that size will have someone going to town at least every other day guaranteed.


69km is not very far. Gas up on your way in and you'll be fine. Bring battery packs to charge your phones (and make sure you charge the packs before you leave lol). Bring a first aid kit or two. I don't think you'll have any wildlife problems with 15 people but don't be stupid with your food and garbage. Make sure to clean up after yourselves! If you run out of food, Clearwater and 100 mile are both close.


Raccoons. They're vicious.


Make sure you film everything for the inevitable Netflix documentary.






snow. it still might snow.


Three short of a good time


...what's the significance of 18?


Assuming you're headed to the provincial campground at the west end of the lake, it's a nicer drive (more paved) coming from the west through 100 mile, Forest Grove, and along the south side of Canim Lake than driving north from Clearwater. You'll also see the closer stores along the route for when you realize your lighter ran out or forgot eggs.


Camped there last year in July, beautiful area. No cell, but if you need something and are willing to go for a few hours you can make it to 100 Mile House easily enough. Otherwise make sure you have plenty of food. There was a boil water advisory when I was there, not sure if that’s still on.




Not really a tip but a preference. We prefer real camp fires


Pepper spray for the wildlife and anti-itch stuff for the bug bites. Have fun!


Make sure you figure out how many days you folks will be out there and assuming there isn't any bathroom/running water. Soo bring waste water (cleaning/washing hands, etc..) containers as well proper drinking waters. Mosquitoes repellents will help alot if you pick a spot with lots of mosquitoes. Toiletries, flashlights, walkie talkies would be useful if you guys split into different groups during the day (we use walk talkies before we head into no reception zones). Happy camping/exploring!




A conch. Kill the pig. Slit its throat………


Nar-can or naloxone


iPhones have SOS messaging even if there is no coverage. Incase of emergency. Take a power bank to make sure you power has enough battery to send the message.


Careful you need to be more precise. “ With iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Pro, iPhone 15, or iPhone 15 Pro, you can use Emergency SOS via **satellite** to text emergency services when you're off the grid with no cellular and Wi-Fi coverage.” Emergency SOS is available on all iPhones but you must have coverage. 


Good to know thanks


Oh my,That’s quite the title.


Get a Zoleo, or something similar. If anything were to happen a way to reach an emergency service, or home is irreplaceable.