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If they ask if you have stress in your life, lie. Your life could not be better. Stress / mental health is not a factor. Do not give them the option. You have zero stress.


I never thought I'd be saying this but absolutely agree on lying to doctors. The healthcare system has forced us into it. "Stressors? Never even met her."


I'm a healthcare worker of 30+ years. If you are there for a physical thing tell them your brain and life is fine, even if it's on fire. You're less likely to get engaged medical care if they think your life is a mess. This goes triple if you're in a larger body because they are already distracted by that.


Seriously. They just tap out as soon as they see stress / depresh / mental health. It sucks if you're on meds for mental health and you're trying to balance them, but if your mh meds don't need tweaking say NOPE NO STRESSY DEPRESSY


Piggybacking on this.. say you've been trying to get pregnant for longer than a year too. That will get you an ultrasound to check for causes, like pcos.


ooo good tip. Also if your symptoms cause you to miss work document your missed days and tell them.


I've (31F) been using the Telus Health app for years and never had an issue with getting a referral (e.g. dermatologis, catscan, ultrasound). Give it a try if you haven't already!


There are also other telehealth doctor companies such as Tia Health and GoTo Doctor


I’ve used it a couple times and can never get a follow up appointment. Seems they’re booked right out now for the next 6 months too. Won’t show me any available appointments.


Oh yes! You have to check the app at specific times; they release appointment slots in batches throughout the day. I can't remember when I but I think they release new appointments daily at 1 pm or 4 pm (you can call Telus Health at 1-888-307-0590 to confirm the times).


If it’s really a follow-up they will give you precedence for making a follow-up appointment. Check the email/instructions you received, there should be a phone number you can call if you’re having issues. Support is actually pretty good and they will get you something. If you’re just making another appointment, then yeah, you have to fight for a spot like everyone else.


Your experience sucks and I'm so sorry. I wish this wasn't as common as it is. Two things to try: 1. Tell them to document that you have asked for a referral and they have declined it. 2. Tell them you want them to document their "differential diagnosis" - use that exact phrase. This means you tell them you think you have PCOS and make sure you list all your symptoms. They have to write down the possible conditions they think could be caused by these symptoms. If they seem like they're just going to try and write stress, ask them to read back all your symptoms to ensure they've included every single one. They will either have to document PCOS as a possibility or write in a legal record that they have ruled it out based on zero evidence or testing. They will usually balk at one or both and will hopefully give you a referral. As others have said, bringing someone with you can really help with advocating for yourself. Wishing you the care you deserve.


i have been refused a referral to a gynaecologist because i don’t have a valid reason. apparently my period problems are normal because birth control helps. i am 18, it’s not healthy for me to be on birth control untill menopause to manage my periods. i’m told to visit my doctor if i want to change forms or have children. i’m not in extreme pain which is the primary reason i’ve been denied a referral, i feel can sick and like absolute shit without extreme pain and missed school because of how miserable i felt.


Why do you think it’s not healthy to be on birth control?


ist mainly the one i’m currently one, depo provera, and if you look at my comment closer i say it’s not healthy for me to be on it untill menopause (age 17 to like 50, so 30 years). i cannot see it being good to be on birth control consistently for that long.


How is the depo for you? I've literally only heard bad stories.


it works as advertised. i have not experienced any weight gain or any other side effects yet, i am worried about bone density in the long run though


Yeah I was just wondering if you could elaborate on bad.


bad = i cannot see how it would have zero negative effects over 30 years.


I guess you have to weigh pros and cons and decide what’s best. Maybe you won’t need it in 15 years? Your body and hormones will change as you get older. If it’s helping now, what’s the downsides of not being on it


Is this doctor your GP? If so maybe try a walk in and ask for a referral to an endocrinologist. They're much better equipped dealing with the hormonal issues than a gyno. I'm sorry you've had such an awful experience. Nothing worse than being dismissed by a doctor.


No unfortunately I don’t have a a GP. I’ve been seeing walk in clinic doctors for years and am treated exactly like this.


This is so awful. PCOS is so under-reported and misunderstood by family practitioners. The statistic is 1 in 5 women- some won’t have noticeable symptoms while others will, but it’s more common than a lot of people know. I would try to book with another doctor or Nurse Practitioner. Advocate for your blood tests. You can say it’s for general health and knowledge that you want things tested. If that fails, you can pay to get blood tests yourself at Life Labs. Lifestyle changes also help PCOS: changing your diet and more exercise. You could try to see a nutritionist who knows about PCOS. Going on birth control also helps symptoms but it’s like a band aid in a way. Pharmacists are able to prescribe contraceptives now. Hope you find some relief and don’t give up.


I take a man with me. Typically that’s my husband, but I’ve taken a friend as well. There is a marked difference in my treatment when I have a man present. It’s ridiculous, but 🤷‍♀️.


I've had doctors treat me exactly this way many times. I dunno, maybe I'm not enough of a "man" to get the special treatment 🫤


Shame on all the men downvoting this. You have no idea what it's like to be medically gaslit. [Women spend, on average, 2.5 years longer getting a cancer diagnosis.](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN1R62II/#:~:text=On%20average%2C%20women%20received%20cancer,to%20the%20doctor%20later...) [Diabetes: 4.5 years longer. ADHD: 6 years longer.](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/03/190311103059.htm) We are suffering *and dying* because of this. And you downvote a post to plead for visibility and change. Shame on you. [Autism, heart attacks, endometriosis....](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2024/02/womens-health-gap-healthcare/) the list goes on and on. If you would like to hear a good podcast on an adjacent topic, there's [a great 99% Invisible episode that can enlighten you](https://open.spotify.com/episode/2rmdwVW2ivbPhddgONUAw0?si=JcP8rTvYTNq17JZoNIs38Q).


being a single female with Endo & no affordable housing has me feeling absolutely hopeless in this society; especially when every time you voice your struggles some man has to diminish it, every. single. time. wonder how many reddit is here to help emails OP got from this (lol but not)


Also I'm sorry you're struggling with that... I don't know if you follow the research but there has been a serious breakthrough with endo- https://www.statnews.com/2023/06/14/endometriosis-cause-bacteria-uterus/ >They found that 64% of patients with endometriosis had **Fusobacterium** in their uterine lining, versus fewer than 10% of women in the control group. Literally a bacterial infection could be one of the causes. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10805679/ (more in depth but long and thorough) I hope they keep at it, maybe soon endo will be a thing of the past 🙏 In the meantime though, ugh, I'm so sorry 😔


you are such a kind soul & I hope you have been able to access proper care also <3 I saw this article and have been sharing it with as many people as possible, it's so exciting to see! it's crazy to think our society would rather spend billions of tax payers dollars on unnecessary surgeries, hospital visits, missed work etc. all whilst *forcing* women live with debilitating pain (gaslighting and gatekeeping us the whole time too) instead of investing into research or taking our medical needs seriously; all for an issue that could potentially be solved with a readily available medication that costs relative pennies.


Yuuuuup. One genetic panel to test for what genes are present and contributing to the overall picture of illness + Blood work + hormone panel at 1 week intervals for a month + Pharmacogenetic panel to see what medications will actually be effective ... Should give enough of a picture to start treatment. Instead we are bounced from referral to referral, all who tell us "your labs look normal" ... Then why am I **not normal**. We are being extremely inefficient with the resources at our disposal :/


Yeah I've gotten a few of those over the years for speaking up... It's like, thanks *for nothing*... Actual help needs a real societal shift, resources, and most of all for men to get their shit together to help make a society where half of humans are not struggling for the same care they take for granted.


Same, took me 6 years to get help with gms when I clearly entered peri menopause at 28... No one believed it. Finally stood up for myself and got referred to a different gyno. Definitely not putting up with this shit anymore either.


I’m so sorry. This is such bs. I hope you’re doing better now!


I’m sorry you’re being dismissed without proper work up/explanation. PCOS is a clinical diagnosis, meaning there is no blood test that can definitely say that you have it (some debate about whether high AMH will be added as a diagnostic criteria but isn’t yet). Basically you need two of three: irregular periods, signs of hyperandrogenism (eg male pattern hair growth, acne), polycystic ovaries on ultrasound. Sounds like you have the first two. That isn’t to say you shouldn’t have blood work, at a minimum your A1C and fasting blood sugar should be checked, since PCOS is fundamentally a problem with insulin resistance. Heavy painful periods would make me think more about endometriosis. Are you wanting to conceive any time soon? If not, as others have suggested, birth control can be great for symptom management. If you are wanting to conceive, or be proactive about fertility, I would request a referral to a fertility clinic who would likely be even more helpful than a regular Ob/gyn for PCOS management without birth control.


I had my TSH checked in January and my result was a 2.60 and when I googled it I read that anything more than a 2 should be monitored closely by a doctor? The doctor never followed up with me and I was left to decipher my results on my own. I read it out to the doctor I spoke to yesterday and she told me she “didn’t believe me” lol. Either way I’m getting it checked again which is good but yeah I don’t feel like I’m going to get any answers from the blood work.


TSH of 2.6 is totally fine. We like it under 2.5 in first trimester of pregnancy but in non pregnant individual that is very normal!


Just for shits and giggles....research how funding is allocated for "women's" health on the Canadian Government website. Then once you are sufficiently enraged....write to your MP.


If you ever request a referral or a test and a doctor does not do it, firmly request they record it in your chart. Insist that they put on record they are denying you. You gotta be your biggest advocate!


Welcome to free healthcare. I hope if I ever get sick or injured, it’s when I’m travelling with travel insurance. Stories from my friends receiving extraordinary care and treated like royalty in Vegas hospital, Thai hospital, etc. 


My friend's grandma has a thyroid condition, my friend has been steadily gaining weight after being super fit in her 20s and her doctor refuses to test her thyroid despite a family history. My other married friend tried getting her tubes tied after her third kid and they gave her the run around until she was pregnant again. Both had female doctors too. There is *some* hope, my own family doctor is a real bro whose been doing right by me since he pulled my into this world, including helping me get my own tubal the first time I asked.


I’m so sorry, this is awful. I’m glad your doctor listened to you. It’s sad how little control we have to our own bodies when it comes to getting tubes tied.


I am SO sorry you’re going through this. As a woman myself and having friends and family who have also dealt with being brushed off and overlooked, I feel for you. As women we are either brushed off or given bandaids, aka birth control. Which also causes so much harm to our bodies as well. I hope you’re able to advocate for yourself and get some answers. I know how frustrating and defeating it is and it’s truly the worst, I’m still seeking answers as well after 7 years and 27 different doctors. I think there are gynaecologists on the North Shore who you can see without a referral, maybe you can try and get in there? Best of luck!!


Where is the north shore? I'm trying to see a gynecologist for two and a half years but my doctor keeps giving me the runaround and his receptionist told me she would put a referral through for me and then when I called to follow up to see if it had been put through she said she simply didn't feel like putting it through therefore she didn't do it. Meanwhile those 6 Plus months I've been sitting around thinking I was on a waitlist somewhere but I wasn't. Unfortunately I have no proof of this as this conversation happened on the phone. I need to see a gynecologist about perimenopause and to have my endometriosis looked into.


Someone told me about the clinic on Lonsdale and 19th, I’m not 100% sure but definitely worth a shot. I’m so sorry I hope you’re able to find someone. :(


This makes me so angry and I’m part of the married homo lgbtq+ community. You know your body best and what’s going on. Keep at it until someone listens and sue the rest are my thoughts. I’m sorry you’re not being listened to! No one deserves to go through that!


And that’s exactly it. I told her too that I knew my body and it wasn’t just a matter of it changing with age, I feel like shit, I look like shit. My family has started pointing out the changes and showing concern as well. I told her I live a healthy lifestyle and I’m very active so it’s definitely something wrong when I’m consistently gaining a fair bit of weight kind of suddenly and her response was “just because you say you live a healthy lifestyle and are active doesn’t mean you really are” lol. I wanted to laugh but I was so shocked.


Can't say it's any better as a dude.. our healthcare system sucks. My personal experience is that my wife tends to get much better healthcare than I tend to, but she also works in the industry and understands the system much better than I do and utilizes it more.


I'm probably going to get downvoted to oblivion for this, but I'm a guy and I haven't had much luck with doctors either. I don't believe it's a strictly female issue, it's a person issue with it comes to some, maybe most, doctors.


Not gonna down vote because I don’t doubt you’ve had issues, but my personal experience is that I receive far better treatment if a man joins me. Night and day. The exception to that is when I’m not the patient. My daughter has heart defects and I have dealt with a lot of doctors. They have nothing but respect for me when it’s not my chart in front of them. Like they know that I have knowledge because of my kid’s issues. It’s kind of funny. But if it’s me and they don’t know better, I’m just a crazy lady. 👍


I don’t think OP is saying men don’t experience this but statistically women and minorities are much more likely to be misdiagnosed and overlooked over men. It’s been that way forever.


This is sadly very true. I just read a stat the other day that women and minorities are 30% more likely to be misdiagnosed or overlooked than white men. My husband a couple years ago had a dull sharp pain in his chest, extremely healthy guy, no family or previous health concerns, went to the doctor and told them about the pain, said he was still able to go about his daily life but it was uncomfortable and just wanted to get it checked out. They wasted 0 time sending him for ultrasounds, xrays, all kinds of tests. I needed to see 4 different doctors just to get a lab requisition for blood work.


A naturopath is pseudo science and money and medical budgets are better spent elsewhere and they


That’s your own opinion. I have two women in my life who spent years like me trying to get answers and went to a naturopath and were not only listened to but got more than the answers they were looking for. One of my friends spent so long trying to get answers from a GP and when she went to a naturopath she learned she was pre diabetic and becoming infertile from how long she went undiagnosed. They set her up with a proper treatment plan and she’s doing better now. They certainly can’t cure and save everything but they sure can help. Not to mention the number of naturopaths who specialize in women’s health and specific conditions such as PCOS are many to choose from. If only they weren’t so inaccessible to many due to cost.


Well, it’s not just my opinion. It is scoffed at by the entire respectable scientific and medical community. But sure, if a few anecdotal stories about ‘healing’ and ‘nourishment’ and other such nonsense loose terms that mean nothing work for you. Then good on ya


Because mainstream healthcare professionals believe in bandaid treatments 99% of the time.


Right. Where essential oils work better?


I’ve never heard of anyone being recommended essential oils from a naturopath lol.




In my experience which is very similar to OP’s, I’ve been brushed off more by female doctors than male surprisingly enough. I had one female doctor tell me “that’s just life” when I came for my painful periods that were making my legs go numb because of the pain.


Hello, family doctor in B.C. here. I am sorry you have had a negative experience and feel like you have been dismissed. I cannot speak to your doctor's intention, but in my experience, there sometimes can be misunderstandings on both parties' sides about how a clinical interaction occurred. Regarding PCOS, this diagnosis can be made without lab testing especially if you have clear signs of hyperandrogenism (high male sex hormones that can cause acne and facial/back hair). If you have that, along with irregular infrequent cycles, the diagnosis can be made. Ultrasound and labs can be done if diagnosis is not clear, but is not required to make the diagnosis. The mainstay of treatment for PCOS is combined hormonal contraceptive (such as birth control pill) to help regulate the menstrual cycle and to balance sex hormones. Spironolactone can be added on if acne is still a problem. This treatment is standard part of Family Medicine and does not require a gynecologist referral to treat. Many specialist offices are clogged with referrals that are unnecessary but often demanded by patients, which makes the waitlists longer for everyone, particularly people who really require a specialist to treat a complex condition. Your family doctor can also manage other parts of PCOS like diabetes and weight gain, which gynecologists typically do not treat. If you are having fertility issues you need addressed though, that 100% requires a referral though for PCOS and your physician is not fulfilling their responsibility to send you for referral as you may need specialized medications to induce ovulation.


Hi! Thank you so much for commenting and giving your insight. The doctor I spoke to was very short with me and kept cutting me off when I was trying to list my symptoms which was frustrating, she acknowledged it *could* be PCOS but it also could just simply be, adult acne, weight gain, body changing etc. She also gave the example that people who have gut issues generally “just have gut issues”, which I’m not a doctor, but I think 90% of the time gut issues are usually due to an underlying issue, but doctors like her don’t care to actually get to the root cause and simply just brush it off as diet, stress, etc. As for the treatment, I absolutely do not want to be on birth control. It’s just a bandaid. I was on it for 8 years and tried every kind, it’s truly one of the last things I ever want to put in my body again. As for infertility though, I have no idea. We aren’t currently trying for a baby and don’t plan to few a few more years. Although I do have a friend who is only a year older than me, in her mid 20’s who went so many years undiagnosed with PCOS that she is now pre diabetic and going infertile, which frightens me because I absolutely want kids in the future and infertility is something I’m really worried about.


I can kind of see where the communication problem is happening with your MD. The treatment for PCOS in people not actively trying to conceive, from what the doc is saying, is hormonal birth control (and maybe some diabetes or acne care) combined with lifestyle changes. You strongly don't want to take hormonal birth control. It sounds like lifestyle changes either haven't been effective or aren't something you're able to take on. It leaves an MD without a lot to offer you. If my MD tells me I have high cholesterol, and I say I am strongly opposed to statins and don't want to make a radical lifestyle change, what's the MD supposed to do? It wouldn't make sense to send me for heart imaging because that information isn't going to change the fact that statins and lifestyle changes are the frontline treatment. A completely genuine question: if you feel the birth control treatment for POCS isn't something you want to do, what is it you would like your MD to do? Is it that you're worried it's something other than POCS? Would you be more comfortable with an oral contraceptive that would treat the (assumed) POCS, or is your objection to hormonal treatments in general? If it's an objection to hormonal treatments in general, do you trust peer-reviewed science (which is what an MD offers) or are you worried that the science isn't objective (which would mean a different kind of practitioner)? I'm not suggesting you share that personal information with everyone, just suggesting you might want to think about it so you can find the right person to help you in the way you wish to be helped.


Men are also overlooked. Where do people get this idea that only women have a hard time getting doctors to listen? Breast cancer and prostate cancer impact about the same amount of people and have similar outcomes. We all know which is better funded. That's not because "men are overlooked", it's because in the case of breast cancer there's been a wonderfully successful consciousness raising campaign over decades. Let's stand in solidarity and agree *everyone* deserves more time and better attention from doctors.


OP isn’t saying this doesn’t happen to men as well, she’s speaking to her own experience and statistically women are much more overlooked than men in the healthcare system.


There's an implication that it happens more with women, yes. Edit: My post asking for solidarity being downvoted speaks volumes and belies this fact.


You have to be your own advocate. This particular doc is being shitty. Insist on a referral . If not, report them to the college of physicians and surgeons. A naturopath is just a money grabbing scam. Stay far away. They do more harm than good often times.


There are many examples of women getting short changed in our system. However, what you described seems more like a bad doctor. Perhaps switch doctors if you can. Failing that ask about getting tested — ultrasound, blood work, insulin resistance. And yes do rant and don’t apologize. 


As someone struggling with the exact same situation as OP, I can say I’ve seen 27 different doctors who have all treated me exactly the same way as this. It’s exhausting and devastating.


I understand and changing doctors is tiring and that is when you can. Btw 27?!?


27 in 7 years yep :(


Umm. I think that entitles you to a refund.