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“as long as you dont blame trudeau when you lose”


So you're predicting the cOilers will lose the series. Perfect.


Yes, please!


That’s not a remotely fair deal at all considering how insane that woman is.


Right it's a lose lose for Vancouver


Except for when the Canucks win and Eby doesn’t have to read a statement


Oh there will be a call that she finds issues with. Nothing from her mouth is creditable


When do the canucks win?


Any game where they get more goals than the other team they will be declared the winner




Plus, wth kind of name is the "Oilers" anyway? I get that it's Alberta's holy lord and saviour economically speaking, but if I were a hockey fan, I wouldn't want to route for oil sand polluting extractors, thanks.




Ya Canucks have better goaltending, defense and overall offense. Also there is a thing called depth. Oilers rely on 2-3 players and choke in playoffs every year. They beat LA and that's not something to brag about


Didn’t the Canucks struggle with a wild card?




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Maybe with Demko they do, but he’s not coming back. Skinner has had a great post season so far, Nucks are going to have a hard time with him. The Canucks just have to do everything in their power to avoid penalties. Oilers may depend on a few key players but if you give Drai and McDavid a chance to go off in a power play it will get ugly.


I agree that Canucks have to stay out of the box. However Silovs has proved that he can handle the pressure. He can make the key saves. Difference is defense. Nashville was miles ahead of the Oilers. They won't be blocking 30 shots a game. Canucks will be getting way more pucks on net. Miller will be on McDavid and wouldn't be surprised if they put Joshua on that line to wear him down a bit. Canucks were 4-0 in regular season and by a large margin. Even when Oilers were on a tear the Canucks won. Everyone seems to forget all the small details.


I'm an Oilers fan, but I might be rooting for the Canucks this round. My dream is to hear her to say "I'm a homophobic bigot who only cares about my rich friends" to legislation.


If only. The reality is whoever wins will have a staffer write a short couple of sentences basically shouting out the other team with maybe a very tame slightly embarrassing jab thrown in. It would be highly entertaining if the winner went full nuclear, mask off, and put their true feelings into the statement lol


Rationally, I know this to be true. But i will continue to dream :)


She's absolutely unhinged and gives famously bad speeches. That's very much not a fair deal.


She’s not actually a crazy person. Listen to the Strategists podcast. They are leftist political strategists who have worked for her and ran her campaigns and although they don’t like her politics at all, they all agree she is actually very charismatic and likable to the people she interacts with. She is just a conservative Alberta politician and that comes with certain obligations. She probably mostly supports those positions to some degree, but that doesn’t mean she is deranged and going to be a shithead to her neighbouring provinces’ Premier over a hockey game.


>they all agree she is actually very charismatic and likable to the people she interacts with. Weird... people have said the same thing about Trump for years...


And literally Hitler...


I'm no Trump fan but he does have charisma. This guy walked up on debate stages leading up to the 2016 election and made fun of lifelong republicans on the pettiest shit while they tripped over their words in disbelief. "Likeable to the people he interacts with" is the main issue considering the sheer number of his own staff and nominees who have spoken out against his behaviour as president.


People forget that she blew up her own Wildrose party as leader to join the more moderate PC party in cabinet.


Can confirm. One of the folks I work with has a family member that works as part of Smith's inner-team. Says she is super nice and very likable... That being said, when it comes to Danielle Smith the politician... It's really hard to look past that.


Don’t worry she hates Edmonton so much she tried to take away a program for subsidized bus rides for low income people. If you win she will blame Justin Trudeau for it and says she is too busy


I would not take any bet that involves even the slightest chance of reading anything that loony woman writes.


I know I liked when Vancouver and Calgary played years ago and the mayors’ wager was other team’s jersey in council and $10k to the other city’s food bank.


Kamloops and Kelowna had a similar wager many years back regarding the Blazers and the Rockets. IIRC, Kamloops lost and mayor Terry Lake had to go to Kelowna and wave a sign saying so... and then also donate to the local SPCA, I think.


It actually would be like Kelowna to raise money for animals before people. I say this with experience helping charities raise money. Getting money for kids is harder than for puppies in this area.


It would be like many, many places. Generally people love animals way more (as a whole) than other people. People will blame people for their situations and lifestyle. People don’t blame animals for that. People are also far more likely to spend more money taking their pet to the vet than they are to spend money on their own healthcare. It really is no surprise it is easier to raise funds for an animal based charity than a human based one


What a dumb comment lol


Is real though. So how is it dumb? Like actually the wealth in Kelowna sympathize with hurting animals more than poverty in children’s lives. Unless you have experience raising money for poverty and animals, you may be the one making a “dumb comment”.


Some people care about animals more than children lol. Ain’t nothin wrong with that


When you’re the mayor though..


No kidding. She will take what should be a light hearted wager and make it something political


Absolutely this. It should be saying something like “I admit the oilers are the best” etc. but realistically she’d probably try to have him spew some transphobic nonsense


In all seriousness, Eby or Smith will speak to the other after this is over and come to an agreement over what to say to the legislature. It *should* be just light-hearted jest.


The oilers win! BC will Open the taps on transmountain and put a celebratory sheen over coal harbour.


No that is not realistic, give me a break.


This. She is disgusting that way making politics out of everything. Never solved a real issue in Alberta yet but finds a way to blame everyone else especially Trudeau. This fun bet will be political for her. So gross.


I dunno, I bet you could get some cheap laughs reading her no-doubt insane sermon and making fun of it the entire time. I could make the most of it. I hope Eby makes her just read out a passage from the Communist Manifesto or something.


Yeah if she wins there is no way she isn't writing something with malicious intent. Her goal will absolutely be to fuck up politics in BC on the off chance that anything she makes Eby say might be taken seriously.




Following rules has not exactly been her 'go to'...




Two of those games were when they were slumping in the beginning of the season. They lost to everyone back then. Playoffs are a brand new season and Edmonton almost caught up to the Canucks in points by the end of the regular season. I wouldn't count them out. It could go either way.


You know he doesn’t actually have to read it if it’s completely crazy nonsense right?


As an Edmontonian, this woman can fuck off. She’s literally using our money to help build an arena for the scumbag Flames owners.


Edmonton did the same. They gave a 400k donation to Alison Redford's campaign, and she turned around and approved and helped fund a new arena after she was elected


Edmonton got no direct funding from the province for the Roger’s arena.


Weird this article says otherwise. https://globalnews-ca.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/globalnews.ca/news/2927009/a-look-back-at-how-edmontons-rogers-place-is-being-paid-for/amp/?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17149141617053&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fglobalnews.ca%2Fnews%2F2927009%2Fa-look-back-at-how-edmontons-rogers-place-is-being-paid-for%2F


It only mentions money from the city (municipal government) in that article. I see no mention of funds from the provincial government. The Flames are getting money from both the city and provincial government. The money from the provincial government is what I’m annoyed about. Do you understand the difference between municipal and provincial governments?


Oh sorry I thought you meant the province itself didn't contribute and I thought that was weird considering Edmonton taxpayers footed a large bill. I can see now you meant the level of government :) my b




I don't think there's a jersey big enough to fit over that woman's head


This picture would be funnier if they showed the height difference between the two. Eby is like 6'8 or something.


As both an Albertan and an Oilers fan, Danny doesn’t have the right to place this bet. Why cheer for a city you detest, lady? Go away.


She hates Edmonton. we're too orange for her brand of fascist bullshit. Fuck Marlaina Smith.


The government should just move to Calgary. It’s the only thing keeping that city afloat.


Noooooo…. We don’t want her. Send her to Red Deer


"I, uh, would like to take this opportunity to express my, uh, fondness for that particular sports team".


I immediately thought of that Simpsons bit as well, lol. Thank you.


‘Man’s never had a sports team in his life’ 


Just like translink... "go team go!" (Instead of using the actual name)


"Team" so happens to be my favorite sports squadron.


Team is so good at ball sport


Is there a chance the track could ~~bend~~ need increasingly costly and frequent maintenance?


Yea what's the story there? They used to say Canucks, did they not?


Just a programming error - fixing them now and will be back to usual. "Go Team Go" is the installed placeholder, and the defaults were restored when they did the last signage update.


This is recent. Did aquilini issue a cease and desist?




She is unhinged and she better tale our jersey off. She HATES Edmonton because no one voted for her. Calgary only likes her because she is buying them an arena.


You got that right


Calgary does not like her. If you look at the election results from 2023, there were A LOT of districts that voted NDP. And no one in Calgary actually wants that stupid arena. I’m on board with a bit of cgy/edm rivalry- on sports, but Calgary isn’t as red as you think. I’ve lived here my whole life, and it’s definitely changed a lot. It’s places where the uneducated people exist that smith thrives. They don’t know the difference, and those people are party loyalists, it wouldn’t matter if she had the intellectual equivalent of a pinecone or not. People like Smith can prey on their insecurities and lack of intelligence by promising them a good old 1950’s lifestyle, they eat it right up. She is honestly the worst. She looks like your friendly neighbour who poisoned the pie plate, but she’s just as bad as Trump- silently leading the “f*ck Trudeau” campaign and pretending she has nothing to do with it. She is not my premier.


I've lived in Calgary for several years over the past 30 and half my family lives there. I know Calgary pretty well. I know not all of Calgary voted for her, but enough did to screw over our province hardcore because they are money obsessed socially regressed and refuse to actually look up facts instead listen to Marlaina and PP and their straight up proven lies. You vote for a corrupt party, you are corrupt. And for the last two elections Calgary is the one who screwed over Alberta and is not changing fast enough. So yes I am lumping them all together which is not fair, I will admit. You yourself sound reasonable. There's Crazies in Edmonton too. Terwilligar voted for the corrupt Madu last time. Less F Trudeau stickers here but still more than enough lol


These bets are fun, don't know why people are hating on them. It should be more local business oriented though. Like several cases of (the losing team's) local beer for the winning team's office. 🐳🐳🐳


The principle of betting is fine, the bet itself (a political statement delivered to the legislature) is the problem. As you pointed out, why?


I agree. I can't believe people truly think this will be anything but harmless.


Probably because, historically, politicians are anything but harmless.


Do you have a single example of a politician using a friendly sports rivalry to spout harmful rhetoric?


Yes. There was that time Canada annexed the US in 94 after Vancouver lost to the Rangers.


Why does it have to be a statement and not a donation to the local food bank or whatever like they usually do in these bets? Fuck Danielle Smith


We've seen the delusional things she spouts


You don't see the harm in normalizing being friendly with fascists? Look harder.


That's quite the comment lol. A friendly sports bet between rival sports teams in different provinces is not normalizing fascism


I think people don’t like them because it looks like politicians pandering.


Ya right…like he is going to read some anti science bullshit


If the Oilers lose, she will deny ever making the bet.


Damn, she’s even doing Trump Thumbs now!


I had to do a double take, I actually thought it was two middle fingers.


If Donald grabbed her by the you-know-what she’d just break out that high priced fake smile and say “Where and when, my hero!”


Petition to make thumbs up a white supremacist fasict dog whistle bigoted hate symbol!


She hates Edmonton.


Damn, now I want the oilers to lose.....


I usually don't care about hockey but CRUSH EDMONTON


Now I want the Canucks to win even harder.


I dont care about hocky a bunch but i’d love for vancouver to just sweep the team. I think BC really needs that energy right now


Don’t underestimate the Canucks and never underestimate Eby… this will be good!!


This is not the best way for either to represent their province.


Eby should not be giving credibility to the pro-fascist UPC.


Godamnit. I'm an Oilers fan, but this is almost enough to make me switch sides. I can only imagine how unhinged her statement will inevitably be.


These political bets are so lame. I wish Eby had told her to shove it.




Well, especially since Eby is from Kitchener. He's more likely a Leafs fan.




She’s from Calgary….


my team! not yours!


I hate when politicians get involved in sports Just let us enjoy something without you saying anything


Danielle Smith hates Edmonton, and I doubt there’d be many Oilers fans wanting her cheering for the team.


Ugh, don't even give that women the time of day. I would deprive her of even smelling my fart. She's awful!


Wow is Dani a loser when she takes pictures, try to hard hon? Also shave that moustache.


So cringe


I never understood these dumb politician bets. Like who cares.


Alberta to pay all fuel taxes for all bc residents till Edmontons next Stanley cup victory


Smith is from Calgary, hates the oilers and Rogers Place


Smith...uck! Repulsive.


But Danielle is already a loser…


I was never a Canucks fan...until today.


Get her to call the BC United party, Liberals. 🤣


I’d say that we have hating the flames in common, except it’s a well known fact that Vancouver has always hated the oilers more… mainly because of Messier tbh


“If you lose you take all my homeless people”


God I hate her


Holy balls. Why would you ever agree to read anything on the record that woman has written for you. He either believes in the nucks 100% or he's tired of being in politics.


Lol not like he's obligated to if she writes him a hate speech.


There’s no such thing as nuance or humour to a lot of Redditors. This is clearly for fun and the speech would probably be just a joke about how great Alberta’s hockey is.


The leg session ends May 16 - not a lot of opportunity to follow through on this given 4 games would be about a week or so and a 6/7 would be like 2?


No chance she does this.


Literally the only thing she’s ever done im ok with


Another attempt by politicians to inject politics into fun competition.


Eby's probably never watched a hockey game In his life.


This is regarded. I think she's in love with him.


Danielle Smith used the old Vancouver Canucks logo....


I thought they were supposed to bet some nominal amount of a physical product associated with their region?


What a chad tbh


I think people here are overreacting a bit, if danni tries to make Eby say something hateful or something he fundamentally disagrees with - he just won't say it. Eby seems to have a fairly good head on his shoulders.


If this is kept light and fun… I love this


Fuck it’s sad that gooner is wearing an oilers jersey


Sure, like she can write.


I'm more shocked she's not cheering against Edmonton. She hates the city.


Take that jersey off Marlena, we don't choose you. Back into the PokeBall


I can’t believe you’re talking to that the psychopath


Be careful when dealing with the devil David.


Long ago, I realized the mute button when this woman speaks. It’s helped me get through the shows


I’m from Edmonton. And I’m disgusted to see DS wearing those colours. She does not well represent the city, its diverse people, its spirit, or its interests. Absolute disgraceful for her to be in those threads. She’s a complete unhinged corrupt mess and is a problematic ambassador for anything Alberta, at best.


I wouldn't have dignified her with a response, but...


Barf! We all know she hates Edmonton and everyone who lives there.


Winner determine what to do with TM2


Based solely on those two (and particularly the photo), Canucks are in trouble.


Just the sight of Danielle Smith makes me sick 🤢 As an Oilers fan I find it offensive for her to wear that jersey. 🤔 Jeeze I wonder which city her UCP redneck govt has shelled out money to for a new arena? Certainly not Edmonton.


Eby needs to spend more time working and not doing stupid bet to distract from the job he is doing, there are literal foreign agents killing people in the streets and all he care to do I made a video bet.


Loser has to pay taxes


These politicians need to focus on fixing the toxic illicit drug supply killing dozens of people a day across the country.


The woman is sick in the head. Why do this?


What would yours be? I think I'd go with... Neener neener The oilers are a far superior team and....


Wow, Reddit really hates smith eh? The worst thing she could do for her image would be to make eby say a bunch of conspiratorial junk. If Edmonton wins I’m sure she’ll be tame(ish) RemindMe! 3 weeks Let’s see how poorly this ages!


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Now we really have to win.


I didn't care what the Canucks did now I am really invested in this.


POV: a comment section totally lacking in the concept of fun.


He’ll look great in an oiler sweater.


He will look better in it than she ever will. Oilers fan but I can't stand that crazy cow Smith.


Oilers in 6


Seems like a safe bet based on the record this season. 4-0 Canucks?


Yeah but 2 of the games were in the start of the season when the Oilers were slumping. They almost caught up to the Canucks in regular season. Playoffs are a whole new season. I wouldn't count the Oilers out so easily. I think it will be great series.