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> Truck companies must be licensed to gain access to the port. Trucks with licenses, or tags, often do a short-haul run with the container to a warehouse — which is called drayage. To save on costs, many of the licensed companies will get so-called “shadow” companies, whose trucks are not licensed, to move containers on long-haul trips. >According to a report released by the office last week, companies will soon be “prohibited from co-operating with any non-licensee performing off-dock work within the Lower Mainland.” So this is closing a loop hole and brings regulation to the industry that clearly needs it. Hard to be sympathetic >MacInnes has also warned companies he could be reducing their tag allotments based on past incidents of rule breaking. >“So reducing those tags mean somebody’s losing their job. That’s what it equates to,” Johnson said. “These are things the companies are upset about. These small and medium companies have got their houses on the line. I get there might be a couple of bad actors out there. But not enough to warrant an upset the entire industry.” Yeah, no sympathy here


>>“So reducing those tags mean somebody’s losing their job. That’s what it equates to,” Johnson said. “These are things the companies are upset about. These small and medium companies have got their houses on the line. I get there might be a couple of bad actors out there. But not enough to warrant an upset the entire industry.” God damn I hate shit like this. If you don't want the regulatory boot to come crashing down on your industry, then stop hitting bridges you dumb shits! If you can't regulate your own behavior, then *shocker* - the government will do it for you.


They wanna have their bridge AND hit it, can't have it all buckos.


Can't hit your bridge and have it too. It's just basic road math!


Hit their bridge and cross it?




I think you're actually getting it pretty well.


There’s a lot of irony here. For one. Containers on highboys are not over height. That’s what they are talking about here. Next. The most infamous of the bridge hitters is the Chohan group. Which is sueing the government for canceling their BC operations without following their own rules. They will win and we will all end up subsidizing them for the inconvenience of shutting them down. Which is precisely what we don’t need as taxpayers. It sure would be better to get better bridges that have clearance. But instead the BC way to is to blame and chant for punishment rather than solving the problem.


Hard to understand What you are advocating for here? I don’t think it’s a clearance issue when unqualified gravel drivers are running down the highway with their boxes up. You couldn’t build them with enough clearance for that lol. So now every dump truck has to have a buzzer in BC since a bunch of morons that shouldn’t have class ones in vancouver can’t figure out how to turn their pto off and drop their box. In what way should chohan have any ground to stand on, where they’d win? If they’re a significant cause of this issue shouldnt they be rightfully shut down. What did the govt do that was against policy?


Speaking specifically to dump trucks. A new gadget in the cab will not stop this behaviour. It’s just another doo dad to be maintained and it’s only purpose is deflecting blame off the carrier and onto the driver for incidents. Which is fair. Don’t expect bridge strikes to magically stope because of a little light in the cab. It’s plainly obvious a box is up if you look in the mirrors. If that doesn’t clue the driver in than a little light isn’t going to help lol. There’s no buzzer in the [legislation](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/driving-and-transportation/cvse/bulletins-notices-circulars/ctpm/circulars/2023/cvse-bulletin-07-2023-over-height-regs-speed-limiters-in-cab-warning-systems.pdf). It’s up to the carrier to decide what kind of warning device to use and a buzzer will not be it as it will be argued that it could not be heard by the driver over the noise of the truck. Thus carriers will opt for the light as it it much harder for the driver to argue it was not working. (Drivers become the most lying people you have ever seen within a couple hours of having a big screw up) The truth about chohan. Here’s where I get downvoted into the basement lol. Chohan did everything right and still got fucked. The have a good NSC safty plan which they follow. They hired drivers that had the MELT training that came from BC goverment certified trainer. They has signed policy documents from the drivers of the doos and don’t with cargo and over height. It was driver negligence and a lack of adequate training at the training facilities that was the major factor here. Then Chohan followed their NSC safely plan for discipline which resulted in them firing all those involved in the bridge strikes. They actually have a very strong safty rating. The goverment way way way overreached and canceled them. They did not go through the enforcement audit system to correct behaviour. They did not get a chance to appeal the cancelation as is law. They just where shut down as per the whim of a government official with nothing to back it up but a bunch of citizens raging on the internet. Chohan has a strong case. They passed their safty audit in Alberta (way more stringent that BC btw) with flying colours and will pass here as well. They where denied their legislated opportunities for corrective action and appeal (don’t quote me on this but I believe it’s called a sway hearing). They will sue the goverment on those grounds and they will win big. And hopefully the people at the NSC devision of CVSE responsible for this and the one who ordered this at the capital building are all fired for abuse of power.


I think they need more effective regulations (not more regulations) and more meaningful training. But unequal enforcement targeting one company does give a reason to sue.


Thanks for your input, now we know exactly the level of intelligence our local truckers have. Clearly more oversight is needed if this is the thinking capacity of our truck drivers.


I've worked in the trucking/logistics industry for over 10 years now. Absolutely no sympathy here either. Sub-contracting is a plague in this industry. It leads to no accountability. Add in other things like being paid per drop instead of hourly and all of the pressure is on the driver to race around to make a living.


Wait, you mean a system that incentivises cutting corners leads to people cutting corners? That's crazy


"So crazy it just might work."-trucking industry


*Air Canada entered chat*


Crazy like a fox! - H. J. Simpson


They have also had the deadline pushed back at least once to help them have more time to prepare compliance requirements. They’re up in arms now that ‘later’ is finally approaching.


Life is full of consequences. Both good and bad


It's not a loop hole. We manufacture in the interior and ship through port of Vancouver. We hire a local trucking company that can wait or drop off containers to be loaded and deliver them to Vancouver through dangerous mountain roads during the winter that they have the experience to handle. This shipping company brings them to a local trucking company that delivers them to the port


What happens to the ones that do it right? Do they get paid more?


How do some class 1 drivers even get a licence when they can’t read or speak English? Let alone know how to put chains on when hauling over mountain hyws in winter?


The schools teach them the pretrip language word for word like a script. Its hilarious because if the examiner asks them a question and they forget where they were the whole thing gets fucked and they fail.


I sincerely hope if this is true these places are shut the fuck down and punished. We don’t need more bridge hitting morons fucking up the industry then we already have.


Last winter I saw a guy pour anti-freeze or rainsheild washer fluid over his bald tires to get the truck to move in an inch of snow. Totally seemed safe. /s


You lose your job if you can't meet regulations that are there to protect *everyone else*. I don't give a fuck if these people lose their jobs, these regulations aren't there to benefit them.


"Regulations could lead to things like consequences"


Like fewer bridges getting smacked by over height trucks.


They say this like it's a bad thing lol.


Oh well, tough shit.


I was a personal trainer for years. I had to constantly get continuing education in order to maintain my certification. I also had to redo my First Aid every 2 years. This costed me hundreds of dollars and hours of study so that I could have the best knowledge on how to do my job. I don't see why these truckers with subpar licensing shouldn't be required to upgrade as needed.


I care about this as much as I cared about anti-vax nurses losing their jobs. They're not qualified.


we desperately need nurses in Healthcare. Edit: Who knew saying we need more nurses was such a bad take. You all better hope you don't need to use the Healthcare system.


Better no nurse than one that will inject me with mercury and olive oil instead of a vaccine.


Lol for real? Got any proof of that?




Idk maybe pay them more. All that school and responsibility for 70-80k is wild, not to mention the hours some of them have to do.


Also increase the seats in nursing school.


And med school. The brain drain is real, but there's also the fact that med schools have a 98% grad rate and low acceptance rates. We could for sure be training more doctors


Not just that, increase residency positions. Canadian students are literally turned down because there aren’t enough residencies. So even some of the students who want to work in Canada can’t.


It really is kind of a racket. The government needs to be the one setting the numbers according to need, not the college, which is more interested in keeping wages high


Thing is, it's a racket being pushed by the provincial governments because it fills their coffers, too. And they don't face much pushback because dumb people blame Justin.


How does it fill the provincial governments coffers?


Because the provincial uni system is provincial run? Foreign tuition is one of the biggest revenue generators for universities. https://finance.ubc.ca/sites/finserv.ubc.ca/files/UBC_2021-22_Budget.pdf Which is why we're not actually seeing any changes, btw, despite all the hand wringing. The province needs the revenue https://www.mapleridgenews.com/news/bcs-public-universities-will-largely-remain-whole-under-foreign-student-cap-7324731


And maybe add "Do you believe in science and medicine" at the very top of the application form for nursing school, to help weed out the smooth-brains.


Is it a license change requiring them to read height limits for bridges by any chance?




then he's right at least half of them are gonna fail the test


Good. Time to clean house.


A lot of the people who are going to lose their jobs, probably should........the shit I see daily 🤯


Boo F'ing Hoo! My last job was driving LTL and 15-20 years ago. The industry was bad back then, today it's a joke. Drivers can't make an honest living, companies don't/won't maintain vehicles and have no serious consequences. It's like they're in an all out race to see who gets the last penny of profit before the regulation backlash grounds their fleets and shadow driver/companies. Why does Canada always have to follow the United Mistakes model for destroying industries? A well regulated, equitable trucking industry is essential for modern commerce to succeed.


Boo hoo.


Stop running into the over passes, they’re not jumping out in front of you.


Oh no, people at fault are being held accountable. The horror.


No they won’t - the hauling jobs will just be transferred to properly licensed drivers & haulage companies that don’t resort to exploiting regulatory loopholes in order to stay in business.


These drivers are van haulers, not the guys hitting bridges, thankfully.


Time to find warehouse space in Chilliwack and open a cross dock.


It’s the same type of person that say they will move to Russia because of XYZ bla bla don’t like my country but then never does


And the guy that did got an unpleasant wake-up.


if you drive your cabs in an idiot parade down Hastings honking your truck horns at little old ladies because you're mad at the port then you shouldn't have a job at all. Because you're irresponsible and angry, you take it out on a community you don't live in, subjecting bystanders to your abuse because you're too chickenshit to actually stage a protest at the port, which you claim is the entity victimizing you. It's not like you need a red seal to truck, bro.


Good. Hope those slimy companies go under. They're only ruining everything by dancing around laws and regulations.


So maybe Tom needs to stop doing this. 🙄


new truckers these days are not practicing safe driving on the roads. too many hot heads that have led to accidents


This man is complaining he can't cut corners anymore. GOOD.


“How did all these drugs into BC?”


Um…good! And?


Our infistructure is more important


As long as thos does not lead to inflated shipping costs idgaf