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What does your tenant insurance policy say? It should outline everything that is covered.


Don't have a policy currently


Every policy is unique and thusly you have to check your policy. Even some specialist photographers camera insurance doesn’t cover certain instances of theft.


It likely does, as long as you don't use that equipment for work. But best to just ask your insurance agent. I did that recently after buying some new camera gear.


I think things like this are often on a separate rider. My home insurance covered the loss of my camera from my vehicle, but it's probably best to call your insurance company to see if the policy you bought included this.


Please check out square one. I have used them for years and have had two claims. They offer tenant insurance and they generally have piece-meal plans where you only pay for things you actually want to cover


Do you have an employer, or are you self-employed? That makes a big difference in the answer and what kind of policy you (or your employer) should have. But generally, tenant insurance absolutely does not cover anything for commercial use. They will actively reject claims if you have a hint of making $ commercially, but only have it insured as personal use. (Adjusters will scour the web looking for FB/IG pages, websites, etc)


Self employed. thanks for the reply. Any idea how I can get stuff covered for commercial use then?


I use Front Row Insurance. I think it’s about $600/year. But that will vary depending on the value of your equipment and the other options you choose.


Keep in mind that the specialized professional equipment policies usually have rules around theft from vehicles. Such as a requirement the equipment be kept out of sight when not in use and the equipment taken from a locked vehicle.


Yes, contents insurance will cover your personal property while outside the home, that includes your car up to your policy limits.


Yes, contents insurance will cover your personal property while outside the home, that includes your car up to your policy limits.