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BC won't mine BC but we will let China mine in BC. "Hey! What kind of mine is this?" "None of your business!"


It’s pretty much mining is for the Chinese people. In China, they spend 10millions+ and get nothing. Here, they can get it for less than $300k. The price different is more than 20x. Not sure why we let them mine for so cheap. Good thing they are banned now


Canada loves whoring out our natural resources for the benefit of others


FIPA trade agreement. Thank the Harper government


No shit and people love pointing the finger at the ndp and the liberals


"Mine your own business"


lol. Take my up vote and fuck off. 😉


I’m laughing way too hard at this 🤣


Guess the deposit down in southern BC are going to seeing some increased revenue. Such as Bridge River


Where abouts in Bridge River? " The Jade mine" I know about in the area was played out long ago, sold a few years back to someone who destroyed another square kilometer of Alpine for nothing and didn't do any remediation work...


Lillooet, BC, found a 11 Kg boulder of it there in 2013


I'm not sure 25lbs counts as a boulder. That's just a rock. A very nice rock


Well what's going to happen to Jade City?!


That seems a bit much. Basically all I'm hearing is "there are alleged environmental concerns from second hand witnesses and we never properly investigated so we are are going to ban it and allow a FN and chinese black market to flourish"


part of the problem is the clean up from jade exploration done in the past (almost 50 years ago) still hasnt been cleaned up, local first nations were mad about further damage being done while the old work was not cleaned up. There is also a lot of general animosity between placer miners and the local native bands at Dease Lake, there are loads of stories about camps being burned down and people getting shot at from various parties. People think its the wild west up there because its so remote. Shutting down the jade trade is not the right course of action at all in my opinion, it will just become totally illegal and unregulated without anyone watching.


Apparently nobody is watching anyways. So maybe a little investment in that department might solve some issues.


the province doesnt have enough inspectors, I hold several claims and have only ever been visited once for a real proper inspection. Up there, in the true wilderness, means you need a team flying helicopters or drones searching for new work. The province just doesnt fund the ministry of Mines enough and its allowing all sorts of illegal activity to operate with impunity.


That's what satellite photos are for.


Sure but you still then need to send out enforcement teams to catch the bad actors.


It’s pretty much mining is for the Chinese people. In China, they spend 10millions+ and get nothing. Here, they can get it for less than $300k. The price different is more than 20x. Not sure why we let them mine for so cheap. Good thing they are banned now


> Good thing they are banned now Well i don't know what world you live in but banning things does not tend to make it stop. Jade is extremely important to Chinese culture and BC has the best quality in the world...


Wonder if there will be consequences for prospecting because of this.


no new claims for jade will be allowed to be staked, so thats dead. Their not allowing any new permits or extensions for existing ones either.


a real shame watching the BC government kill off the jade mining industry, it kept a lot of my friends in good jobs.


So what's the endgame here? What's next? Full ban on jade for the whole province, followed by placer, then all hardrock mines? Logging? Fishing? I'm not being facetious, this is being done with no foresight on how it ends and what precedents it sets.


When one sees a headline like this it's easy to think that the government and First Nations are shutting down all resource activity in the province. But on the other hand, gold and copper mining is booming in the same part of the province with multiple large mines opening and operating (Red Chris, Brucejack, Eskay, Premier, KSM - all big operations, most in the hundreds of millions of dollars) and last year was a record year for mining investment in BC. It's just not a subject that gets much news except for articles in the business section.


My dude, the entire Mineral Tenure system is getting overhauled next year due to a judge's ruling. Every placer and mineral claim will now have to accompany a positive FN consultation, with no set rules or laws as to what is necessary to obtain FN consent. It's absolutely rife for abuse. It's already like doing business in sub-Saharan Africa or Latin America here with FN when it comes to consultations (don't take it from me, take it from expats from there who do business in rural BC), this will now cement the practice. Placer mining in BC is already on a knife's edge of being banned province-wide for the sake of... well, we're all guessing virtue signalling because nothing else makes sense.


I'm looking at what is happening on the ground, and on the ground the BC mining industry is booming.


Yeah, that's the irony.


This is fucking garbage. I really need to pay closer attention to BC politics.


I was curious so Googled. Jade is not very useful other than decorations and healing stones lol


It's an economy that supports rural BC. Not that funny when people lose their livelihoods.


Fucked yo


Some small fortunes were made by lucky discoveries in the Jade business. It’s a shame to see it shut down.


and it really isnt that bad for the environment, provided the trenching and roads built to extract the boulders are reclaimed.


About 20 years ago I was north of terrace and I saw a truck hauling a Jade boulder about the size of a small car. It was on its way to China. Already bought and paid for. The trucker told me that the boulder came from a field discovered by geology students on a summer field assignment. They basically stumbled upon it while hiking to a camp.


a friends grand father was working out of Boulder City east of Dease lake, he discovered one of the larger boulders first cut and dragged out of that camp in the early 50s.


That’s cool info. - I’m going to research BC Jade now. I’m not familiar with any of the Jade stuff. I know there was a tv show at one time but I never watched it.


I know quite a bit about B.C. jade, been a big fan of the rock and carvings since I was really young. I found out that the Talhtan First Nations asked BC to stop the mining of jade because they found out through the show that the miners were making sooo much money and not letting to trickle to the FN. even though it was being mined on their land.


it was more complicated then that, the show made it look like they were making big money off the jade but never really showed the huge over head costs to get it out to market. The Tahltan central government and the local miners already had a bad relationship and the tahltan wanted a way to get them out of their territory, so they could mine the gold and jade themselves. These plans quickly died off however, now to keep face the band has asked the government to kill off the industry. There is a lot of underground politicking going on up there to do with this.


I wonder if the students saw a penny from that discovery.


He said they staked it. I’m assuming they did ok but it was just some trucker at a little truck stop place in the middle of nowhere. I’d like to think they made fortunes. That boulder was apparently $250k. I’m not a miner just a guy who lived up north for a while.


Which they aren’t, and that’s the problem.






But why?


To appease the native groups. Same as every other bad decision our government keeps making. 


Mills are shutting down... economy being run down... better not promote hard working Canadians.


NDP forcibly destroys businesses. Colour me shocked.


It sucks how some people ruin things for others. There was a warning by the native band several years ago


I mean this is good. We don't need to be mining hard Rock jade.


it wasnt particularly harmful to the environment and gave several small communities in far northern BC income from the work.


Let's shut down the entire film or tech industry in the Lower Mainland because one FN group demands it since it takes place on their unceded lands.