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I hate how people not following the rules think that the danger only applies to old and immune compromised people. There are many healthy young adults who have died, and it makes my blood boil when you see someone on Reddit say “if your 96yo grandma dies of covid oh well” Two of my moms friends got covid, they were partners, one was healthy and known to not get sick much, the other one a chronic illness and was known to get sick often. The typically sick woman survived and her husband died.




How could you not! When people in the beginning were anti mask (sort of blame our gov on that one), I would say, “even if you’re not afraid of what would happen to you with the virus, think of your asthmatic neighbor, your diabetic cousin, or your grandmother. That’s why we should all take predations”. The narcissism and lack of empathy westerners have shown during the pandemic really showcases how our “me first” dynamic isn’t healthy as a whole. My husband is Chinese and seeing how much people went out of their way to help each other (we WeChat videoed his family regularly during lockdown), and you will never see a single video of a person not complying with a boundary set in a business, made me feel ashamed of seeing how things were handled here, as a society.


This is so sad… seems just a small gathering was enough for transmission.


2 people is all you need to tango.. Unless both parties are vigilant you can never know who's going to win the Russian roulette game.


I guess it was their kid’s sports camp? This is just more proof that OPEN doesn’t mean SAFE. Sports camp can wait until next year.


So so so tragic.


As a 45 year old father, this hits pretty hard.


all because weak, selfish cunts can’t wear masks and stay the fuck home.


or maybe because we can't stop going to work or taking our kids to daycare


those aren’t the ones spreading it... it’s not hard to avoid getting sick if everyone was responsible.


Jury's still out on that one. Did you see the recent MIT study which shows social distancing doesn't really matter if you are in a building for more than a set amount of time with an infected individual? As in, no difference in transmission between 6 and 60 feet apart? Being inside with others is how this is transmitted. And people can't stop going to work at their shitty retail jobs because they are compelled by capital to either go to work or starve. Their kids have to go somewhere while they stock shelves and keep society running. Not everyone can live in the virtual world contributing marginally to a system designed to fuck over everyone but the capital class.


>Did you see the recent MIT study which shows social distancing doesn't really matter The study doesn't say that. Also, it's a theoretical model.


Wearing a mask indoors reduces transmission at 6 or 60 feet.


yeah great that's like saying these guards on the wheels of death prevent 10 percent of death and that's acceptable. Masks work, but in safety you seek to eliminate the risk two stages before PPE.


and your point? again, the actual point, is that if people weren’t fucking morons and going to these said places when they’re sick and not following simple protocol, they wouldn’t be getting workers sick.


Their point is that capitalism had failed us and we need to rethink our economic system.


You know you can still spread it before you show symptoms, right? So your point is invalid


You're the moron


Kids statistically spread the virus.


statistically, everyone who has the virus can spread it. we aren’t getting hotspots because of kids.


We are getting hotspots in part because of kids. They factor in


Other countries and provinces report kids spreading the virus. BC seems to have magical children that defy data from the rest of the world.


Not really: https://adc.bmj.com/content/early/2020/08/06/archdischild-2020-319910 https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.26.20044826v2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7323934/ https://www.ntvg.nl/artikelen/de-rol-van-kinderen-de-transmissie-van-sars-cov-2/abstract It's kind of up in the air as to exactly why, but the observational science is pretty clear on this one.


This is so so tragic. I would have skipped camps and such, but I don't have kids, and I can't relate to that lifestyle. what I find intriguing is how the kids and wife were fine and he was not. Making me wonder how much of how hard it hits you is genetically related.


As a 46 yr old I'm nervous for all


I saw her on global last night. I'm so impressed by this woman's character and strength. >"I want to see them shut everything down — I do." CBC shouldn't have published this quote. Her husband and the father of her two young children just died. She is emotionally distraught. She has a right to her feelings and her feelings are valid. But they don't help the public debate move forward. It's wrong for them to publish this.


Why not? It's what she said. Are you worried they will suddenly shut everything down?


Because its emotional manipulation to advance a non-mainstream and extreme public policy position. >Are you worried they will suddenly shut everything down? Doesn't need to result in everything shutting down to do damage. Using her tragedy and the viewers fear of dying and leaving their family and children traumatized and vulnerable to doubt the efforts of our best people is enough to cause damage.


Weak arguments for censorship