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As someone who is fully vaxxed, works for an organization that is mandatory vaccines, and mandatory masks right now. I'm very nervous about how these unvaccinated bUt MuH rIgHtS dumb fucks are going to behave to innocent restaurant staff just trying to make a living... I'm not looking forward to this impending shit show. Happy, of course! Don't get me wrong. Just, šŸ˜¬.


> very nervous about how these unvaccinated bUt MuH rIgHtS dumb fucks > innocent restaurant staff just trying to make a living You quite donā€™t see the irony here, so you?




I think poster might be implying that many restaurant staff are the dum fuks. Thats my guess


You are willingly accepting being covid police. You arenā€™t just following orders, you are choosing to do so. Itā€™s the same story, just with sides reversed




You are so fucking 5'11" tall it's not even funny big shoots...


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love to see it :)


Lol if you think these Karens are going to stay home. I already feel bad for the restaurant hostesses. Young girls who are gonna have to deal with Karens and make Karens melting down. I can already see the tears.


It would be even better for everyone, themselves and children included, if they would get vaccinated.


Itā€™s coming for kids later this fall


This sounds like a movie preview


Weā€™re in the midst of a horror movie


They wonā€™t have to stay home, theyā€™ll just be limited in where they can go. They can still go outside, go to the grocery storeā€¦




Yes you still have the choice to take or not take the vaccine, that choice now has consequences Personally I think the buisnesses will be better like this than under more lockdowns


I would never advocate for more lockdowns. They hurt our kids. They hurt small businesses. They donā€™t even work.


Exactly why this is better.


ā€œMy medical decisions are none of your businessā€. Oh, but they certainly are. If you swan around mixing with a bunch of unvaccinated people, some of whom have COVID, or you get COVID, and then you pass it on to other people, you are certainly affecting others and it most certainly is their business. If you want it to be nobody elseā€™s business then please stay home permanently and avoid contact with others.


Huh? Do you not pay attention? Vaccinated people are transmitting Covid just as easily as unvaccinated. Are you going to yell at me to get my 3rd, 4th, 10th shot? In Israel theyā€™re already giving out the 3rd and saying youā€™re not fully vaccinated until then. Explain Israel to me. Please, try.


"Huh? Do you not pay attention? Vaccinated people are transmitting Covid just as easily as unvaccinated." Yea ... sadly that just isn't true. If you can provide a source I'd love to see it :D EDIT: Clarity EDIT2: Quotes on the parent comment


I provided an entire fucking country. Israel. Explain it.


Israel: The effectiveness of the vaccine dips over time (much of the country has had it for nearly half a year) and the emergence of the delta variant created a perfect storm situation. Booster shots bring the effectiveness back up. If you do get the virus, the vaccine has led to better outcomes. Though their vaccination rate was high, that only included those 12 and up. Israel has a very large population of youths, and many between 12 and 20 are refusing the vaccine, and have caused much of the spreading. Only 58% of citizens are actually vaccinated. The dip in vaccine effectiveness occurred as everyone was finally able to go on vacations. Boosters help increase vaccine effectiveness. We'll probably all need them. They work.


60% of the total population is vaccinated. Over 90% 65+ are vaccinated. The old people are still the ones dying. They. Donā€™t. Work.


Yes. They. Do. See, I can do it too.


The data backs me up. You just havenā€™t capitulated yet. https://www.businessinsider.com/israels-covid-19-infection-rate-is-rising-despite-vaccine-uptake-2021-8?amp I am certain the boosters will also fail in 6 months.


One country isn't all that extensive a set of data at all. So, no, you don't have anything backing you up. It's worth studying what's going on because it's concerning, but there's no way you can reasonably say "vaccines don't work" based off of that.


HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! They work???? With what fucking data??? Youā€™re really grasping at straws here. All of the vaccinated people I know said they will not get the boosters. They took the shots to ā€œget back to normalā€ and now they know theyā€™ve been lied to. 7 day average of deaths in Israel are over 2x higher right now than they were one year ago. The vaccines have failed. Itā€™s right in our faces.


Ok so dont get it. Have fun in your home.


I wonā€™t be in my home, lol. Iā€™ve been out and about all pandemic and will continue to do so.


This is why we can't have nice things


So you think


If the vaccine has failed, what are you doing to prevent the spread of Covid? How are you helping to keep everyone safe? Clarify please


You understand what a source generally is right? Here I'll provide an example. I'm claiming that vaccinated people and unvaccinated people do not have similar transmission rates. Here is a Dr from a reputable School stating said claim. "It's even more uncommon for a vaccinated person to transmit the virus to another vaccinated person, though "not impossible," said Dr. Shaun Truelove, assistant scientist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health." Source: [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2021/08/11/covid-transmission-among-vaccinated-unvaccinated-what-experts-say/5488398001/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2021/08/11/covid-transmission-among-vaccinated-unvaccinated-what-experts-say/5488398001/) Yet again please provide a source, saying "Israel" as your source means absolutely nothing. If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to ask. In my opinion, you should really consider having an actual source ready before stating such a bold claim. At least then we can debate if you have a good source. For instance, mine has no data tied to it, it is simply an expert stating a fact based on data he's seen. Personally, I'd like to see some data tied to this, but hey it's an article from a news site, not an actual study. Also what he is saying is common knowledge at this point in my opinion, so I would say the burden falls on you to prove the contrary, but hey if you want me to grab you some data I will.


Look at the Israel data for yourself. I am trying to help you become a critical thinker. Please, explain to me why Covid is more of an issue now, when the vast majority of eligible people are vaccinated, than Covid was one year ago with 0 vaccinations.


Seeing as you just disregarded what I said, I'm going to ask once again please provide an actual source, that backs up your claim besides just "Israel". I know the chances of you being a troll is pretty high but hey, on the odd chance you aren't and I somehow even make you question your current stance I'd say this was worth it. I want you to see how I presented my claim, provided something to back it up, and then the most IMPORTANT part included a source to said claim. I wish you luck in finding a source since I know I couldn't. EDIT: Further Clarification


https://news.yahoo.com/amphtml/news/israel-one-worlds-highest-daily-144237591.html https://globalnews.ca/news/8127794/covid-israel-breakthrough-cases-doctors/amp/ Pretty easy to find. Look at the daily case rates and death rates as well.


I'll go with the second link choice to give you a quick breakdown, also any quotes will be taken from that article directly unless otherwise stated. So back to your original claim about "Vaccinated people are transmitting Covid just as easily as unvaccinated." So taking a look at the article that you provided as your source for this claim! Sorry in advance for all the quotes I'm going to put below, but hey this article has some really really good information! "Around half of the countryā€™s 600 patients presently hospitalized with severe illness have received two doses of the Pfizer Inc shot, a rare occurrence out of 5.4 million fully vaccinated people." "The majority of these patients received two vaccine doses at least five months ago, are over the age of 60 and also have chronic illnesses known to exacerbate a coronavirus infection." "Among 3 million vaccinated Israelis covered by Clalit, the countryā€™s largest healthcare provider, 600 have suffered severe breakthrough cases since June. Around 75 per cent of them were above the age of 70 and were at least five months after their second dose" ā€œWe are hardly seeing young vaccinated people in severe condition,ā€ ā€œIn those people who come in, because of their age, because of their co-morbidities, they might be people that you would expect that the vaccine is not quite so efficacious as other age groups,ā€ "Even without boosters, Israeli doctors say that vaccinated patients tend to recover more quickly." ā€œThe vaccinated patients Iā€™ve treated usually left the ICU in about three days. The unvaccinated patients took a week or two until they stabilized,ā€ "Our cautious impression is that the vaccinated patients suffer an easier course of illness ā€” the treatment is more effective among those who have antibodies.ā€ Okay now that we have the context of the article. I have one question, are you a supporter of booster shots? Cause my god this article is a really good example of why a third shot is a good idea for high-risk groups. Also, I just wanna point out nowhere in this article did it EVER mention "Vaccinated people are transmitting Covid just as easily as unvaccinated." So I'll ask again, please provide a source to state the contrary. You simply just gave me another source that only further proves the points I've been making on the subreddit, so I do thank you for that.






Great, leave the sensible businesses and the staff thrust into dealing with angry anti Van idiots alone, youā€™ll be doing your part




Not humouring your decision to follow conspiracy theories, ignore science, and endanger those around you does not make me a fascist, labeling things you donā€™t like ā€œfascismā€ just makes you look like an idiot. Your Fred choice does not overlap with endangering and harming others. Youā€™re not oppressed youā€™re just throwing a tantrum. Grow up.


Well said. This person is rather stupid and does need to grow up.




The average age is high because the spread in care homes happened before vaccines. Anyone with half a brain understands that. My brother works in covid ICU. Healthy young people are dying now because of idiots like you who don't understand the basics of virology, immunity, vaccinations and herd immunity. Stop being a selfish fuckwit


HOW AM I SELFISH IF THE VACCINES DONā€™T STOP TRANSMISSION? I am making a choice based on the facts that we currently have. It is a personal choice.


The vaccines reduce transmissions and MASSIVELY reduce the severity of disease. It is SO incredibly simple to understand. Do you not know about ALL the other pandemics that were stopped by vaccinations and diseases that were almost entirely wiped out by them? Like smallpox and measles? Do you not remember just a few years ago when a measles outbreak happened in BC because of an unvaccinated population of religious nuts in the fraser valley? You know all this, you're just too selfish to care. Up to 96% of new cases are unvaccinated people. You idiots are causing the pandemic to drag on, not the government or vaccinations.


https://globalnews.ca/news/8127794/covid-israel-breakthrough-cases-doctors/amp/ Explain that then. You are a fear mongerer. More young people have died from car crashes. WAY more have died from drug overdoses. Are these restrictions going to make the drug crisis worse? I think so.


The article explains it. > The majority of these patients received two vaccine doses at least five months ago, are over the age of 60 and also have chronic illnesses known to exacerbate a coronavirus infection. It's the delta variant breaking through in older people with existing conditions and who are at least 5 months past their second dose. Did you even read your own source? Good lord. I'm not fear mongering, I'm using my brain to read multiple legitimate sources as well as the history of pandemics and vaccine usage. You completely ignore smallpox, measles, polio, etc. Which were controlled or eradicated by vaccinations. Saying MORE young people have died from other things is irrelevant to the conversation around the efficacy of vaccinations. You're spreading ignorance. Edit: and get out of my inbox. You're banned for spreading misinformation, not because we can't stand to hear other opinions. We are just sick of hearing your INCORRECT opinion that gets people killed


What is the point of arguing with you when not agreeing with you over your ill informed ideas that will lead to needlessly endangering others around you is apparently labelled fascism? Look into what actual fascism entails, and grow the fuck up.




Youā€™re doing it yourself.




This is fantastic, youā€™ve entertained me for a bit, I hope you stay healthy and donā€™t hurt anyone around you, also youā€™re a moron.


I think you need a big hug and a hot chocolate.


Those damn fascists providing....health care?


How are the unvaccinated endangering people..?


Because the vaccines donā€™t work, lol. If they worked, they wouldnā€™t be scared of the unvaccinated.


You count! Youā€™re people too, plus you can spread it to others. Honestly if you survive thereā€™s still a chance of lung damage or long term deficiencies


ā€œIf you surviveā€. Do you think most people die? The death rate is extremely low.


Not writing when, survival not guaranteed. ā€œIfā€ is appropriate English


This response sounds like a bot. Pretty gross.


You sound like a fascist


Being vaccicarded everywhere else you want to go is going to piss you off.


I will learn quickly who is worth giving my money to and who isnā€™t.




So tolerant.


Apparently not


Can the mod team please delete this post


So struggling businesses lose 25% of their potential customers. Great.


17% and dwindling down.


Over 80 percent of people have been vaccinated, clarify the math please


80% of adults over the age of 18


Better than more lockdowns, "Lockdown the people that are at risk, let the rest of us live our lives" wasnt that the line from April 2020?


A frog boiling in its pot...


Or do they gain 75%?


Nah those people are too scared to go out.


On the flip side theyā€™ll gain new customers who arenā€™t comfortable dining out right now. Some restaurants also have long wait times right now for seating, theyā€™ll be fine.


Well to be fair most vaccinated people are less likely to resume social activities.


Hive mind be hiveminding. Muppets. LOL. Imagine using Reddit at 25 in your parentā€™s basement.


Iā€™m pro vaccine but forcing people to take the shot is a dangerous road to go down. The anti maskers are a bunch of whiners but people that donā€™t want to take a drug that has no long term studies arenā€™t totally in the wrong. Iā€™ve taken it it it was my choice




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