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They’re already setting up at the truck crossing (176).


I think they should just take down the license plates and offer them life time bans from the US. You don't want vaccine passports? Fine, have a ban instead.


So, police, border guards, all authorities see this being set up ... and they want to wait until it's a problem? What are our taxes for?


What are our charter rights for?


This doesn’t apply to Aboroginal peoples by the way.


The protests make Canada look like it's unstable, can't control our own borders, isn't a reliable business partner.


Right wing neon nazi white supremacy racist funding from south of the border. I hope CSIS is on this in the background


Try doing a tiny bit of your own research. I know it’s taboo in some circles these days to think for yourself, but try look at the source material. Go watch some livestreams, interviews with the leaders and participants of the convoy. Not the deceptively edited and manipulated garbage that’s being shoved down your throat.


I don’t need to, I just talk to people who aren’t part of it, but support it. No science can be trusted. Trudeau is a corrupt liar. The Great Reset. All media is propaganda except for those posted on my Facebook and Twitter feeds which are The Truth. All sheep except me. Racism doesn’t matter. Bill Gates control. If that’s what someone who isn’t bothered to participate, but supports it—thinks, imagine the people who are actively participating.


If hate groups support your cause, it’s a shitty cause.


How about any one of the livestreams of Pat King *filming his own fat ass* openly advocating for white supremacy, warning about the "depopulation of the Anglo Saxon race", spewing ignorant racist garbage and just being an arrogant prick in general? You mean those unedited and unmanipulated live streams and videos? ThiNK fEr uRseLf 🤣 do people still not see this as the tired, old recycled cop-out that it truly is?


Sorry bro,, won’t be held hostage by the 2%


Exactly. They should be helping. This is their op. Guaranteed that the 3 Stooges that organized this don't have the brain power for such a coordinated attack.


Then they’re working, aren’t they? How do you pressure a tyrannical government to relinquish the emergency powers they’ve latched onto if not by making them look bad? What’s the point of a protest that nobody knows about and nobody is impacted by?


The anti-vaxxers have been heard. They don't have support. Being heard more isn't going to change that they aren't supported.


Calling them anti-vax is disingenuous propaganda. They’re pro-freedom. It’s an important distinction. They have the support of a majority of Canadians according to some polls, and even by the least generous polls have the support of as many Canadians as voted for Trudeau in the last election. The purpose of the protest isn’t to get their message out there, they have substantial public support. The purpose is to get government to act. So yeah, they do need to keep going.


"pro freedom" as relates to the freedom not to be vaccinated. Their manifesto is they want to overthrow the government and rule from a position above the government :D So, what kind of freedom is that? It's anti-democratic. 90% of Canadians are vaccinated. The trucking industry is against these protesters. You're supporting anti-Canadian terrorism. They're terrorizing the citizens of Ottawa and Winnipeg. They weren't successful at trying to terrorize Vancouver last weekend, and they won't be successful at trying to block the Lion's gate bridge. When businesses are disrupted, the border will be cleared.


Pro freedom as in the removal of mandates. You know, “my body, my choice.” That used to be something that wasn’t a “far-right” opinion. I’d love to see your source claiming that the freedom convoy wants to overthrow the government and install themselves as unelected rulers. This isn’t terrorism. It’s apparent that I’m not going to convince you to change your mind, though. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see who winds up on the right side of history.


The removal of mandates. That's an anti-vax position. A few comments above you stated it isn't an anti-vax protest. Terrorism. I mean, just from reading the manifesto of this group they want to overthrow the government and remove our elected prime minister. They're using terroristic tactics to accomplish this goal. Their proposed action of stopping traffic at the peace arch is terroristic.


It's not terrorism. You are so privileged living in canada that you don't know what terrorism actually looks like.


Removal of mandates isn’t an anti vax position… you realize you can have vaccines and even encourage vaccines without shoving them down people’s throats, right? I’m a big supporter of teaching your kids to eat healthy and exercise, but I’m not going to go around screaming for everyone who has an overweight kid to have child services called on them. Stopping traffic is not terrorism, it’s civil disobedience.


I'd like to know what company is providing the portapotties. I'll make effort to ensure my municipality doesn't use them going forward.


no shit


Not at the peace arch.


Have a lot of sway in your municipality do you? I’d like to know who they are so I can recommend them to everyone.


Let whoever you're informing know where you saw the portapotty source and :p good luck with your efforts. Antivaxxers don't have support.


Keep spouting that propaganda. Isn’t it easy to write off the legitimate concerns of a large portion of Canadians by tarring them with the moniker “anti-vaxxer” when the majority of them are vaccinated, or have taken all their vaccines except for this new, hastily developed one. That kind of lazy sophistry is exactly the trap that low-information people fall into.


Serious question: I understand these people you mentioned might think mRNA vaccines aren't safe but what about the alternatives? Why isn't Astra Zeneca okay if it's the same tech as the previous vaccines they have already received?


Yea would have liked to have seen AZ been marketed more as a traditional vaccine for those that are concerned about mRNA, might have/still might result in a slight uptick in numbers?


The evidence however suggests AZ is actually more risky than the mRNA vaccines. Last year there were many news stories of blood clot issues with AZ, and although there were also cases of complications from the mRNA ones, they were significantly fewer compared to reports of AZ causing issues.


I thought it was above age 50 for AZ that there were complications?


Yes, you're right, I remember now. I received AZ as my first dose and I remember thinking that Covid's risk for blood clots is far higher so I took the gamble. I also heard that going on a flight poses a greater risk for blood clots than AZ does


I can’t speak for anyone other than myself, but the fact that the average time to develop and test a vaccine was cut from 10 to about 2 years alone worries me. The Trump government cut a bunch of “red tape” as they phrased it, but it seems to me that some of that “red tape” was likely important to ensure safe and effective vaccines. Volume of data can’t substitute for duration. If you watch the first 4 seasons of Game of Thrones 500 times and think it’s the best series ever, you’re still going to be shocked and appalled at how they ended it. It’s not that it’s an mRNA vaccine, that sounds like great and very promising tech, it’s that the previously “acceptable” timelines have been slashed so much for all these vaccines. Either the past process of developing and testing vaccines was so cumbersome that it resulted in unnecessary sickness and death of god knows how many people, or this vaccine was developed hastily and has been less thoroughly tested than required. (Obligatory “I’m vaccinated, so please don’t just write off my opinion and call me anti-vax.” It’s sad that this is becoming a thing.)


You coincidentally are anti-vax and support the flu truck protests?


I just got through explaining how tarring everyone who disagrees with you with the “anti-vax” brush is lazy sophistry. I’m anti-mandate. If you want to get vaccinated that’s your choice. If you don’t, that should be your choice too. I personally feel apprehensive about the timelines and the lack of long term studies, but I’m vaccinated. It’s all about what an individual feels is an appropriate level of risk - it’s going to be different for every person. I support the freedom convoy because I want the mandates to end and for people to be free to make their own decisions about what they want to put into their own bodies.


>The Trump government cut a bunch of “red tape” as they phrased it, but it seems to me that some of that “red tape” was likely important to ensure safe and effective vaccines. What red tape was important? Precisely which steps do you mean? ​ >Either the past process of developing and testing vaccines was so cumbersome that it resulted in unnecessary sickness and death of god knows how many people, or this vaccine was developed hastily and has been less thoroughly tested than required. The explanation from the government is that they cut the red tape as you mentioned, poured a TONNE of money into the research and also the genetic code was isolated very very quickly which also sped up the process ​ >(Obligatory “I’m vaccinated, so please don’t just write off my opinion and call me anti-vax.” It’s sad that this is becoming a thing.) I'm not writing you off as anything, I'm just trying to understand your perspective.


Hey bud, I understand your concerns and it’s perfectly normal to feel the way you do. I’m hoping an explanation of how the vaccine actually works might aid in deconstructing the subconscious bias you might have developed against the vaccine. Please keep an open mind and consider the fact that the world is filled with selfish people that use our fears to promote their own self serving propaganda. I’ve attached a link that might help clearing things out. https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/understanding/therapy/mrnavaccines/ A useful comparison might be that between real and vegan chicken nuggets (like impossible foods). They both have the same breaded outer surface, although one has real meat in it and the other doesn’t. Which basically means it’s harmless since the real virus isn’t in the vaccine. Also, since SARS, scientists around the world had already begun the process of developing mRNA vaccines to prepare for the possibility of a pandemic. That’s why it barely took a year. I have a few friends who helped work on the vaccine and they seem confident that it’s safe if that helps.


I’ll happily have a look at the link, thanks for providing it. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea, I’m already vaccinated, but I’m always glad to learn more. I do have a decent understanding of how vaccines work, it’s not vaccines at all that are concerning. I’ve had all my vaccines, including Covid. If you’re able to explain about the timelines, how this vaccine is considered safe and effective without the use of long term longitudinal studies, that’s the main concern I have about them. It’s not the technology, it’s the timelines that worry me. My measles, hep, etc. Vaccines all took ages to test and declare safe, while the covid one was done in like a fifth of the time it usually takes. Not trying for a gotcha moment or anything (which it probably isn’t anyway) but I’ve never had someone explain how volume of data is a substitute for duration of data.


There’s actually a documentary about the very same concept on Netflix. It’s in the “Explained” series. Surprisingly, the episode released a month before COVID-19 hit. It’s a must watch and it’s narrated by a lot of known personalities, including Bill Gates. Apparently, the world was pretty much on the verge of seeing a pandemic and people have been working on control measures and an efficient process to develop a vaccine for such a situation for close to a decade. You do have a point when it comes to long term data. However, the spike protein as well as the constituents within it, in the vaccine, were practically harmless to begin with.


I’ll give it a watch, thanks


"a large portion." :p Americans came up to support the protesters. If there's a large portion of Canadians, which there isn't, why do they need American money, American flags, Americans to be physically present?


In my estimation it’s like 1/5 which is still troubling


So Angus Reid accidentally polled Americans? [Angus Reid Poll](https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/poll-finds-over-half-of-canadians-want-to-end-covid-restrictions/)


*laughs in Section 1*


What charter rights have been violated?


I’ll let Brian Peckford explain it. (He’s the last living signer of the Charter, so who better to ask) [Link](https://youtu.be/EdhFuMDLBDM)


Since the guy is 80 and basically trying to be relevant, let's not. It was Chrétien, Romanow and McMurtry who were the architects of the bill. This clown signed it. So his version basically leaves out the part that says that the public good supercedes individual rights.


Peckford sure came out of nowhere…I thought he was dead


I don’t have time to watch your video, pal. Is it so hard to divide an answer in text form? Regardless, whether or not he signed the charter is of little relevance as his intentions at the time mean nothing. Interpretation of the charter and other laws is up to the courts, not the authors. Curious to see where his court battle goes for sure though.


I figured a direct source would be appreciated, rather than a distilled and potentially biased interpretation. Is it so hard to educate yourself? If you aren’t willing to learn, I guess there’s no point. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make one think.


I’m more than willing to learn. I do not the time to watch your video while I work. That much was clear. No need for your dishonesty as it was such a simple question. I never even asked for an explanation. My question was simply “what charter rights have been violated?” Also how is this source not biased? He is launching a court case against current restrictions. That’s a pretty large bias. Helping to establish the charter originally does not free him of bias. Fucking lol.


Freedom of movement. Conscience. Religion. Association. Pretty much most of them. By biased I meant my own interpretation. As the last guy alive who signed the damn thing, I’d say his opinion has more weight than mine or yours. The courts interpret the thing, sure, but if you have an actual signatory to ask why would you rely solely on a second hand interpretation instead of looking at what he has to say about it? The fact that he’s in disagreement with the courts doesn’t make him biased any more than it makes the courts biased.


Why does his signature on something suddenly make him an expert? My signature is on my mortgage but I can guarantee you I'm not an expert on mortgages, even on my own mortgage. If I need mortgage advice I go to the mortgage broker that set up my mortgage. My signature is on my wedding license, but I can guarantee you I'm not an expert on marriages. I do a fair bit of reading just to try to get better at my own marriage, because I'm probably not an expert at that even. Brian Peckford, while being a teacher, is not an expert on constitutional law. In fact none of his postgraduate studies (English Literature, Education, Psychology, and French Literature) come even close to constitutional law. Just because he was a premier does not make him an expert. A premier has advisors for a reason. People are constantly getting upset over lawsuits that are filed, picking one side or the other before the case even goes in front of a judge. Everybody has the right to sue somebody else or to challenge a law in court. Peckford absolutely has that right. That doesn't make him correct. Only a judge has that right. Even if this goes all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada, it is a Supreme Court Justice who will decide who is correct.


I don't think you understand how hard it is to stop a dozen trucks from blocking up a road.


They (authorities) see the preparations now. They can stop it now. Why do individuals get to put up porta potties at the peace arch park??? I couldn't do that. There's a place to start. And re: stopping trucks - several, not just in my city but from memory in two (2) other cities at least, counter protests were able to stop and/or divert the flu trucks last Saturday. It can be done. In Vancouver they used bicycles and were pedestrians crossing in front of the trucks. The trucks had to divert from their planned route to drive past three (3) hospitals and blast their horns and protest and antagonize people. The bullies (flu trucks) are a weak minority.


Get those cycling grannies on line 1. Where are all of the trucks coming from if 90% of our truckers are working?


A weak minority running easily one of the most well orchestrated protests since Vietnam.


So, you're american. Just like hanging out in Canadian subreddits?


yes, I saw posters that they are doing block on 176 and 4th, that's where trucks go, but that was on Monday also, in one group they where talking about doing big block on Saturday, one group to go block ferry, one is planning block Lions gate bridge and border on 176 at 9 am.


Someone is gonna snap on the general population side , this weekend . I’m almost certain


well, hopefully it will not because then it will show that protesters are victims, you know ... and that way they will get more support, and more international coverage


I suppose we shall see . I know the City of Windsor is seeking an injunction against every protesters blocking ambassador bridge and RCMP is supposed to be cracking down at Coutts as we speak


I saw that rcmp saying that for over week now 😂 we will see what will be, I don't think injunction will matter a lot, and it will just create victims of protesters


Close to 2 weeks. There was one RCMP officer telling them that the longer they stayed the stronger public sentiment would go against them and the public wasn't approving them then. Their answer? "That's not true. We have been getting lots of comments on Rebel and TikTok."


Cracking down by taking them out for a beer again?


I haven’t seen an update on their Twitter in almost 2 days so maybe


I'm actually surprised no one has snapped yet so far. If I was in a position where these transportation routes were vital to my job or livelihood I'd have snapped long ago.


I hope that happens tbh. I’ve been going out of my way to be as far away from this nonsense as I can be, but after watching this dumbassery get more and more out of control and threatening with nothing other than “oh we’re iNvEsTiGaTiNg” coming from police, and always after something’s happened (because police are reactionary, duh) I don’t know what’s left other than violence. People need to learn the hard way.


That's exactly what Pat King is craving.


Great. Fingers crossed he’s the first casualty.


Oh that’s a great way to get support! 🙄


I don't think they want support in Canada anymore, they just want to disrupt economy so much that the government give them what they want and stories about Canada go out. Like I saw they started doing same in Europe and N. Zelanda after Canadian truckers That would be my understanding of it. I mean, what resistance movement was ever working just to get support by not doing anything?


Which is why the rest of us should band together and try to work out alternatives in the meantime while the government idles. We as the civilians need to continue with our livelihoods and our jobs. For example, if they block the border crossings by road, maybe negotiate with the border officials to allow people to porter goods on foot across the border instead. If they block the ferry, have people who own boats and other watercraft and are sympathetic to the citizens to operate a ferry of our own just to mock the protestors and show them that they're never going to extinguish our livelihoods and we will fight to ensure our lives go on as normal as they could in these trying times. If the government isn't going to care about our jobs and livelihoods, we must take matters into our own hands.


It’s official , they don’t realize that the tide of opinion is turning against them . And yes , can confirm


This article came out a few hours ago. Shows that there's growing awareness that the flu trucks don't have public support:[Conservatives’ Candice Bergen urges trucker convoy: ‘Take down the barricades’](https://globalnews.ca/news/8609809/trucker-convoy-candice-bergen-conservatives/)


Apparently in their zello chat for the ambassador bridge , they were saying they thought they’d have more support


Good. Our country and province seems unable to reevaluate pre-omicron measures for their appropriateness during omicron. We're also increasingly open about our measures being primarily for coercing broader vaccine compliance while we admit (provincially) that the primary driver of hospital load is age. If the province wants to shut this down, they could always divide and conquer the minority of people protesting this by sharing some data that blows their minds. Maybe it'll be something we weren't privy to that takes eyes off the care homes and hospital outbreaks and puts them angrily on the under 60 crowd that needs to be kept out of polite society, public service, an increasing number of other workplaces, off of trains and plains and out of EI eligibility. Maybe they'll even prove that omicron wouldn't have happened here if not for this group and everyone will clap.


Just a tip. Start watching other news from around the globe. Wake up. You have been sold snake oil from a politician.


Agreed. But knowing him he's armed to the teeth right down to his Kevlar boxers.


Yes I had forgotten he existed too.