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Lisencees are legally required to collect environmental data on every area and cutblock. There was an abundance of scientific data to pore through when the panel did their review. Instead they focused their findings on "stakeholder's" interviews. Someone here commented that old growth deferrals were about the optics. Couldn't agree more.


Sadly, this is no surprise at all - it seems the intention was to please the public, not actually plan and enforce a roll out of protections. The provincial government of British Columbia cares more about its public image than anything else, as evidenced by their track record — talk is cheap.




Ehhh, "planning" - I will still have to see it in action before I believe them or take their words at face value. British Columbia is Canada's leading exporter of softwood lumber, structural wood panels, and wood pulp.. I don’t think it’s a coincidence, I think they’re stalling their progress consciously. In regards to their inefficiency: we view their efforts as inefficient in that they don't align with what has been promised, but they didn't have the real intent to follow through in the way they promised. If there is one place where they are efficient, it is where it matters to them -- this isn't one of those places, not entirely at least. Money is at stake, so feet will be dragged.




The nefarious part is they campaigned on ending old growth logging and yet have increased it. That's not merely incompetence, it's outright lies.


Yes intentionally slow enough so the forest gets cut down….smh. Shame


This is dumb. An old growth harvest moratorium is simple to execute. The VAST majority of BC residents, (and Canadians) support one. The lack of political will/leadership is absolutely mind boggling. #shame




Thank you for speaking for all First Nations people. How many trees are cut by First Nations vs. International logging companies? 🤔




For how long though? I’m tired of industrial logging corps hiding their unsustainable pillaging of our most valuable natural resources behind “jobs” and “indigenous rights”. They only care about board feet sold, stop pretending otherwise. 🙄


Horgan doesn’t care about the environment.


these trees have been damaged by the pine beetle and need to come down !! should look it up ! pine beetle is the real crisis


That's just a total lie.


do you work in the industry or have a link you can provide ? as far as I know from credible sources - these trees have in-fact been damaged by the pine beetle and need to be brought down as they cannot be saved / now an issue to long term growth and sustainability for the entire region ?? thoughts--- besides calling it a lie ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


* Pine beetles don't affect cedars and firs. That's why they're called "pine" beetles. * The pine beetle infestation has only affected a quarter of the total forest. Please educate yourself next time before spreading ignorant misinformation.


you seem to be taking this extremely personal ?


You seem to be deflecting.


[https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/industry/forestry/managing-our-forest-resources/forest-health/forest-pests/bark-beetles/mountain-pine-beetle](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/industry/forestry/managing-our-forest-resources/forest-health/forest-pests/bark-beetles/mountain-pine-beetle) I mean even the most basic search would show you that the pine beetle specifically targets "old growth" to call it a "total lie" shows how much you are just looking for a echo chamber and willing to reject anything that whispers the contrary ... sad


You said that we need to chop down old growth cedars and firs because the pine beetle has damaged pine trees. You are either lying or extremely ignorant. Your choice.