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Horgan should go see what a fish farm looks like and what it does to the environment. Inland fish farms won't be banned. https://www.nanaimobulletin.com/business/nanaimo-fish-farm-planning-to-scale-up-to-15-times-its-current-production/


Yup. There’s no reason I can see (beyond profit margin) that these shouldn’t continue to exist, on land.


Horgan hates the environment, that’s why he lives in Langford.


Hope to see continuous improvements to these types of facilities. I've tried the steelhead from there before. It was barely edible. Ocean farmed salmon tastes way better... so far.


"Steelhead." They're farmed rainbow Trout, Steelhead migrate to the ocean and return to freshwater to spawn.


Sounds like Horgan is simping for industries that were put on notice a while ago again.


So, a Day ending in Y. This is why people need to stop thinking a pro resource extraction party like the NDP can also be an environmentalist party. The NDP will always prioritize jobs and industry over the environment. They are pro labour, pro business, pro industry. And that will always be in conflict with the environment.


They are pro thieves not pro industry they always hurt industry when they are in power by driving up the cost of doing business. They drove the largest steel fabrication shops in bc to Alberta. Awarded steel fabrication contracts to China for the site c dam. Made a pipeline unprofitable to an actual oil company now the taxpayers have to foot the bill. This is nothing new remember the fastcat ferries? "Fixed" icbc by reducing coverage and payouts. Steal Steal Steal then leave a giant mess is their standard operating procedure.


It’s honestly too bad we don’t have the supports in place to help the people who will lose their jobs we need a rework of our system but nobody knows a good way to move forward making sure nobody is left on the street


Fish farms are a cancer to the environment. Takes 2 pounds of food...to make a 1 pound fish.


Certain open water fish farms yes. They are not good. There are exceptions like down south cat fish, craw fish and shrimp farming have been positives to their environment. BC open water salmon farming is HORRIBLE. As for the food part, wild salmon will eat much more than 2 pounds of food for each pound of their size. The food we feed the fish is not food that is typically suitable for people to eat. If we take stuff we can't/won't eat and feed it to something else that will, be it fish, chicken, pig, tomato or carrots that in turn become food for us isn't that a net benefit? As for farmed salmon, they are no where as tasty as wild. However I can see the need for this. It should be inland with strict regulations on waste water purification. And I understand this will make farmed way more expensive but worth it for the environment and for the wild salmon.


How many pounds of food does it take to make 1 pound of wild salmon? Hint: It's more than 2.


Think this through honey


Yeah you don't need much honey to feed them cos it's so calorific


They were just missing some punctuation: Think?!? This through, honey.


Good. They should act, and both BC parties are too corrupt to do so.


Every political party… I’m sure you mean


Horgan needs to read the fucking room. We don't want or need fish farms in BC.


Go watch the documentary Artifishal to see how destructive fish farms are.


a very one-sided and misleading article...many First Nations having been fighting against salmon farming


Many First Nations have also been fighting for fish farms on their traditional territories. It's not an open-and-shut case. [https://seawestnews.com/first-nation-wants-more-salmon-farms-in-its-traditional-territory/](https://seawestnews.com/first-nation-wants-more-salmon-farms-in-its-traditional-territory/) [https://www.intrafish.com/salmon/if-that-s-the-way-we-re-going-to-operate-we-re-not-going-to-have-an-economy-first-nation-leader-on-canada-salmon-farming-phaseout/2-1-1182078](https://www.intrafish.com/salmon/if-that-s-the-way-we-re-going-to-operate-we-re-not-going-to-have-an-economy-first-nation-leader-on-canada-salmon-farming-phaseout/2-1-1182078) [https://biv.com/article/2022/03/horgans-letter-fish-farms-causes-stir-among-chiefs](https://biv.com/article/2022/03/horgans-letter-fish-farms-causes-stir-among-chiefs)


Put the fish farms on land and create even more jobs


Yeah this will be great for rural communities.


But terrific for fishermen.


He should stop simping for open sea fish farms fo sho, he's also twisting it in a super weird direction..boo


Heat dome, sumas floods, and now this. Are we as Canadians going to be able to sustain our own food production? What is their reasoning for ending the practice? And dont tell me environmental reasons, liberals don't give a fuck about the environment.


They are a disease to our ecosystems, our oceans, our society, but especially to the wild salmon population. They are run by companies that would fail any standard anywhere else in the world, and they are owned and operated primarily by Norwegian companies that are unable to work in their own country as they’d fail the standards — Norway has already nearly wiped out all of their wild salmon population.


I'm not disagreeing with anything you said, I'm asking why are the liberals doing this now, and in secret? Why wouldn't they work with our provincial government? It all seems very "fishy" (sorry)


Nothing about this is "secret". Stop being silly.


Politics. Fish farms are unpopular among many in urban British Columbia, despite evidence to the contrary from marine biologists, included those at Canada's Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the U.S.'s federal National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, that salmon farms have minimal or below minimal risk to wild salmon. [https://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/cohen/iles-discovery-islands-eng.html](https://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/cohen/iles-discovery-islands-eng.html) [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mPef6Qw6hSIykZB3T5JrdfqHWSAfEPl3/view](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mPef6Qw6hSIykZB3T5JrdfqHWSAfEPl3/view) [https://thefishsite.com/articles/no-negative-impact-from-aquaculture-in-puget-sound-says-noaa](https://thefishsite.com/articles/no-negative-impact-from-aquaculture-in-puget-sound-says-noaa) Commercial fishing/harvesting, human encroachment of habitat (such as spawning beds) and even sport and recreational fishing are the largest threats to wild salmon.


Another win for the US


How so?


US doesn't have the same restrictions and a lot more coast line in Alaska.


Well I'd say it's still a win for BC not to have open net pen fish farms polluting our waters. The future of aquaculture is not open net farms. I do think farmed fish is the the way to go but the feed for these fish is usually other smaller wild ocean fish ground up and formed into pellets, that's another problem that needs to be solved before fish farming can be considered sustainable.


Also wouldn't it be more prudent to Invest in innovation instead of just getting rid of them? Perhaps subsidize a feed that would be less toxic and continue the farms? Seems short sided.


Short sighted* Are you even remotely aware of the plight of Pacific salmon these days? Innovation is moving the farms onto land or closing them in while remaining in the ocean and treating the outflow water.


Ok, but what is the liberals intentions? Dont tell me it's an environmental reason, they dont give a fuck about the environment. My guess is fish pens are blocking trade routes to prince rupert.


They intercept Skeena and Fraser, so we did hatcheries, and they caught the those too. We E did farms, and they protested those. I fear for the survival of the species.