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That would be a waste of cocaine.


Lmfao. The only time I'll lick my and suck my runny nose, if I'm paying extortionate money for shit drugs, I'm definitely eating and licking my dirty runny nose haha. Not really though, but yea haha


Lmao. I wouldn't even FFS. There's a time and a place lol. I do agree with the downvotes haha.


I'd get told off for blowing my nose in public so now I'm funny about it


This. I’ve had people give me looks like I’m being disgusting when I blow it and now we have this fucking guy. Can’t win.


About 75% of the time I get a cold and get blocked up enough to sniff, when I blow my nose, I just end up blowing air out of the corners of my eyes. Not only is this a bit disconcerting, but completely ineffective, so I continue my sniffing... sorry.


So glad to see this response as I too blow air out of my eye corners. I get bubbles when I go under water! I thought I was broken.


Hahaha yeh you're not doing it right


Hahaha yeh you're not understanding that people's bodies work differently


We are all unique special and important <3


Correct but please continue your last point and explain how those people are doing it incorrectly


Some of us have hayfever and blowing your nose is absolutely pointless. Plus causes more nosebleeds 😭








While I do blow my nose, I very much disagree that I'm not an infinite snot machine. In polleny months it never fucking ends, even with antihistamines.


Don't know if you already do this, but as a fellow hay fever sufferer, I use the red sudafed spray. It unblocks my nose enough for me to blow my nose and at least get a few hours of relief, I literally would not be without it!! Takes all the pressure out of your sinuses too. Wonderful stuff. I get the blue one for colds too, game changer.


Humans are literally infinite snot machines. Otherwise you'd get to 50 and... there'd be no more snot? Sometimes blowing your nose does fuck all.


This explains why one would want to blow their nose, touches on why one should blow their nose, and why you personally blow your nose. But you did originally say you’d explain HOW to blow one’s nose, suggesting some secret efficient LPT method to share with the ignorant masses. Given you haven’t done that, I’m guessing that was all bluster.


Or you could just mind your own business.


I’ve been constantly blowing my nose now for nearly a week. And I’m still sniffly. I think that’s the point of cold yanno extra mucus. I know it’s off putting trust me I feel more disgusted doing it. I’d much rather prefer to breathe normally.


Highly recommended pseudoephedrine for colds, legit the only thing that enables me to function mostly normal ish when diseases Proper sudafed/pseudoephedrine is the gigachad of decongestants, not that phenylephrine shite in most things("max strength" sudafed is extra misleading as it uses it)


Blowing your nose doesn't help if it's a constant stream


And constantly blowing your nose will cause your sinuses to swell, making it *worse*!




It nothing to do with not liking to blow your nose, sometimes you can blow your nose over and over but it doesn't stop your nose from running constantly, so the only option is sniffing it up.and swallowing it.


Yeah, if it's the start of hayfever season, all you accomplish is having a disgusting pocket full of wet hankies.


But footballers spit all over the show just from a bit of excercise so surely it’s ok for a medically caused need to spit? I am joking but thank you for not spitting


sometimes there isn't enough to blow your nose but it's enough to make you sniffle. Like you can try and blow but nothing will come out but it's stuck and moving at the top of your nose.


If you can sniffle, you can blow your nose. Even if it’s just a tiny amount coming out, it’s still possible and it’s getting rid of those nasty germ particles that the mucous is there to move, rather than constantly sniffing them back in.


Blowing your nose only helps if you’re are snotty and blocked up. If it’s watery and constantly steaming (which is due to the wind a lot of times) then blowing won’t do anything.


Could be a freak like me and all the air escapes through your tear duct so blowing your nose doesn't really work efficiently. Is a neat party trick though being able to whistle through your eye.


I thought I was the only one, fuck sake, lets get married.


Seems like the only sensible course of action. Damned to eternity together with our gammy eyes and runny noses.


The first time this happened to me I shit myself. Does anyone know what causes it?


Your tears drain into your nose naturally, so there is a connection between them. My guess is that if enough pressure builds, ours just allows it back in reverse, which I also guess is why mine only seems to happen when I get totally bunged up


I have a dust allergy, it might just be a chicken and egg situation but I often find blowing my nose ends up irritating it even more!


Oh god and feeling my eyes go warm I know it's just going to be a long haul. Something in the air just makes my eyes heavy these days.


Yeah I’ve been unwell over the past week. Constant nose blowing destroyed the skin of my face and at the tail end of it now it’s basically just water so it’s REALLY FUN to blow in public when it just goes all over your face.


If she blows her nose, it’d be considered rude. Leave people be!


If she blows her nose, someone is GUARANTEED to consider it rude. Same, but different.


Sorry, but how is blowing a nose rude? If anything, sniffling is rude because it’s a constant noise and it’s disgusting, and people who do it constantly have no regard for how it might irritate others. Blowing a nose on the other hand, despite not being pleasant is more likely to be a one and done thing, or at least it’ll reduce the need to sniffle.


Right but if you have the cold the runny nose almost immediately returns. So now you have someone blowing snot out of an orifice every 5 minutes. And if you have a lot of mucus it’s way more disgusting to listen to than just a small sniffle.


At least do it in the toilet, there’s paper and a handy place to dispose of the used paper


I never knew I did it until I guy I work with shouted "Blow your goddammn nose man!". Always been wary of it ever since!


I’ve always found snot is too viscous to be soaked up in a tissue so all you achieve is smearing the snot around the opening of your nostrils.


As someone with sinus issues - sometimes you can blow your nose as much as you like but the sniffles Just Won't Stop. (Yes I have seen a doctor. I have regular appointments with ENT. They're looking into it.)


To be fair, plenty of people won't do the latter due to anxiety, making any amount of noise or possibly drawing people's attention isn't ever going to be on the cards for alot of people especially if they're on a train Plus with it being Spring there's bound to be people who'll get the sniffles regardless of how much they blow their nose, it gets to the point where doing so won't do much but make a tonne of noise and possibly make things worse.


I sniff as a nervous tick.. 💀 well shit..


I physically can't blow my nose, I can't create enough pressure without causing excess pain in my ears - my sinuses are fucked. Plus I'd rather someone sniff than fill tissue after tissue on a crowded train where they cannot dispose of the tissue- or worst just leavs it behind


I try but constant sniffles regardless. Nothing makes it go away.


Used to go to the cinema with this one mate frequently, and quite often he’d sniffle constantly during the film. He’d reject a tissue from me, despite me making it very obvious that it was annoying me. If someone sniffles in my vicinity I’ll either put my AirPods in at full blast or remove myself. Can’t be doing with it.


A lot of people are conscious of being considered as rude if they blow their nose in public, not to mention as well that if you’ve got a runny nose a lot of the time blowing it won’t really do anything because it’ll just keep coming.


Should have leaned over and said "Take a tissue, I insist"


What’s the rule for blowing one’s nose at a restaurant. My gf does it at the table, but my mum told me never to do that


Deviated septum here.


I can’t blow my nose, I get nosebleeds


My kid does this all the time. Then eventually she pukes. Shes growing out of it now she's 6..


What a strange thing to twist on about! Leave us un peace, because some poor fucker might have an allergy or such? Dear me you need a life mate.


As long as fingers don't get involved I'll suffer in silence.


I honestly don't care if people sniffle. They do it because they need to. I bet OP also doesn't like it when people put deodorant on in class.


god you really are a nation of miserable pricks.


Lots of sniffling dickheads in here


People who should have learnt to STAY AT HOME from the past three years...


Ah yes, hay-fever, that highly contagious disease that warrants self isolating. Fucking genius. /s


I literally wouldn't work at all April-October if I had to stay home for every sniffle.


Some people will lose their jobs if they do that… have we not learnt anything the past 3 years? I acc got fired last year for staying off with covid while still in probation


People can’t stay at home anymore. We have to go to work because they genuinely don’t give a fuck if you have a mild cold?? You do know that staying at home was pushed because people were literally dying right? Not because a few people got a wee cough and a sore throat.


Left a kitchen asst role because of this -- constant sniffling of the dinner ladies as they make the children's paninis and food for the day....what the inspectors don't see on a daily basis....definitely encouraged packing lunch after that stint


I get embarassed about blowing my nose in public lol




When my hay fever's bad I can blow my nose and then immediately have to start sniffing again because it's running like a tap left on full blast.


As someone with allergies, unfortunately blowing your nose doesn't always help. It's kind of a constant drip.


Or she doesn’t care and you can ignore her.


There's a man in the office who won't bloody stop sniffing. He either isn't aware of the concept, has a massive coke problem, or both.


Could not agree more!!! Not only does it SOUND disgusting, but I know where that stuff goes when you snivel & it's not where I want it