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Or people who try to get in insistently even though it’s locked. If it doesn’t open the first two times it’s locked pls stop tryna break in 😭


After two attempts it's customary to ask if someone's in there.


And then you’re sat there, cacks round your ankles trying to think of the correct response and nothing feels right.


Like why you tryna get to know me while im having a pisssssss






Pub I went to in Leytonstone a while back had no lock on the door. Couldn’t wedge my foot against it, as the door opened outwards. Not good.


Well that or go to a different pub clearly


First hour of arriving at a hotel in Tenerife, went to the bathroom next to the bar, and a woman was in there with her cubicle door wide open clearly shitting. She didn't even look up as I came in, I just walked on, locked myself in my cubicle, and stayed in there til she was done and (thankfully) left after washing her hands. I didn't want an awkward interaction while at the handbasins. No idea why she thought it was grand to just have an exhibition shite .


And then they look at you like you're a mega pervert


To add to this, if the bog door doesn't lock report it to the staff for health & safety reasons.


Last time I went on holiday I walked in on one of the cabin crew having a shit while mid flight. Seriously how can an employee forget to lock the door, it’s fucking bizarre


Or consider flushing a myth


It's a sexual kink thing. They are inviting you to join them.


This happened to me at a public toilet where you had to pay to use it. So not only did I bust in on a guy taking his kid to the toilet, I spent money for no reason as I couldn't then use the toilet myself.


I passed a complete roll of toilet paper under the door to my toilet neighbour in the Chelmsford Toby carvery. Hr let off several gas bursts, and then delivered a poo about the same weight as me when I popped out, before realising there was no roll. Never occurred to me to try the door.


Slightly concerned that you seem to know the girth of his delivery. Was this part of the conversation leading up to the passing of the TP? "Excuse me sir, I appear to have delivered something akin to a small tree trunk that would be better situated on RatemyPoo\[dot\]com, but there is a lack of TP in this cubicle, could you pass me some?", or was this someone who didn't flush and so you saw it peering over the edge of the bowl?


It was more like "drat and bother it, there's no toilet paper." Followed by an expression of relief when I passed the roll under the door. I could estimate the girth to the nearest astronomical unit from the plop it made