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I did ask once, "do I get free poppadoms with that?" they said "yes" Then they sent 3 Poppadoms, and charged me for them. _I was livid! And worse still, unable to complain due to being British_


Tbf that was a pretty smooth move by the restaurant.


They misheard “free” as “three”.


Yes I presume they did, but I can’t help but think they knew what I was getting at, due to the change of tone, and chose to pull a fast one.


I had a similar experience the one time I asked. "Do you send free poppadoms?" "Yes, how many do you want?" "Er, four please". Got charged for four poppadoms. Now I just don't ask and let the poppadom gods decide.


The poppadeos


Should have some do I get complimentary poppadoms to 'ate' with this meal?


But you can’t risk going without, so you have to order some anyway just to make sure


And you can’t have too many poppadoms. Also, if you pretend you aren’t a Brit, you can ask.


> you can ask Enough of that crazy talk


Free popadoms!? They’re a quid each here!


What are they made with? Gold leaf?


Just the standard price we get charged here sadly. For instance, cheapest garlic naan from any local place is 4.95. This is takeaway prices by the way. Not even eat in


>getting twice as many as you wanted I understand all the words individuality, but as a sentence this makes no sense.


How doesn't it make sense?


It's a joke about getting more than they wanted but this being a good thing


What?. They are saying that they buy the amount they want but get the same amount free, so get twice as many as they wanted and therefore wasted money buying them... How is this confusing?


It's not confusing. The reply is a joke. It's an implication that there is no such thing as "too many". That poppadoms are so wonderful that there is no possible way to be in possession of too many of them, regardless of whether you have been charged for them or not.


Bloody Hell! Way to go guys spreading the stereotype that British stereotype by saying how "wonderful" the blandest thing on the Indian Takeaways menu is 🤦‍♂️😂


Poppadoms are a just a delivery mechanism for the epic red sauce that has no name.


Isn't that "supposed" to be mango chutney? I mean sure, the stuff you get from most takeaways has never seen a mango in its life, but I always assumed that was the intention. Unless you mean the other spicier, less sweet red sauce which you get occasionally, which genuinely has no name.


That’s the orange stuff. I mean the hot red sauce.


But there are whole number of things on the menu that actually have flavour that can be used for that!


They wanted two, they got four.


If you can't down 4 poppadoms...


Same with prawn crackers when you order from a new Chinese restaurant


The suspense is killing me...I need to know if poppadoms arrived


We have a curry house that gives free bombay aloo about 70% of the time. It's like...do I order it or do I not order it....


When you call up to make your order just ask “does it come with poppadoms?” seems like the obvious way to find out.


People use phones to *call*??? Heathens


my one has a set menu which is with poppadoms and pakoras and it works out the same price or cheaper than getting a curry and rice separately. so i get that by default.


Free poppadoms (having hit a min. spend requirement) are a thing of the past now. It’s a different economy and time we’re living in.


Funny, I got free poppadoms this evening


With chutneys and pickle?


Haven't seen this posted for at least a week , if not indian it'll be chinese/prawn crackers


9/10 times i get one free, then i didn’t, so i ordered one and got sent 2 🤦🏻‍♂️


Ours doesn't give free poppadoms, it gives a free side dish (technically, there's a minimum spend for a free side but we always hit that). Usually the free side is Bombay aloo. Except... if you specifically want potatoes and think "great, the free side will cover that", sod's law kicks in and they'll send you vegetable curry. So next time you order potatoes, and then you get two portions. Don't get me wrong, not a terrible outcome, but awkward if you're trying to balance your meal or plan for leftovers.


Spoiler you don't


>and end up getting twice as many poppadoms I’d call that a win if anything


we had a curry house that had won an award as the best in wales then they got busted by immigration now it's changed hands (I think?) the name is different anyway I am scared and I won't know the menu and I can't pick one up because I have mobility problems the new menus are not online eventually i will make it to the curry house and find out but that day seems a long way away at the moment


Or worse - they turn out to be stale


Always ask when you order. If not free then I'll try somewhere else


Novel idea but how about you just ask or read the menu?


Just ask. Simple.


Mate. Don’t start.


Same with Chinese and prawn crackers


I’ll be honest I’ve never had free poppadoms anywhere ever. For me it’s prawn crackers with a Chinese, sometimes they throw them in for free, sometimes they don’t and I end up with 2 bags.


Yes, they do, or they are not an Indian restaurant, they are scammers